The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1955

E 'rllt I l (',)l"(ll\ .\ ",",(\(•in1 i(ll\ t'll.l(l~·('( l u s1,irit11:1I 111,Iift tlttr11,~ tht ' t,,<) (lit~· llll t'llll~ llt'l<l 11\ tllP } 4 tr"t 1 Hl)– ti~t 'l111r~:l1. 1,n (~rHt\ ~('. ()lli<>. ~l <>tl<la: · cll\(l ' l"ttl' "llH~· . ~t'}l1 (' tllllt'r 1~) :l l\\ l :2(). 1~):,.-. )' p , ~. l)<ll\Hlll 11 . l t'l~ll1(ll, ll\(ltl – l'l'Ht<ll.. t•<\l lt't l tll<' fir~t "l'"Si<ll\ t() , rtlt'r 1)1•t)1111)tl~· nt 1() :1~. Jl1·rsP11t– i11~ l\t' \ I llll\lt'r l~rc:1,·t>11 ,, ll(l <'tlll– tllt ·tt'tl 11111~it· <..l11ri11fr tl1e <lc:l~·. l1~t)l– l(>,,·i11g tllt.' Hll lr('~~ tlf \Yt' ll'OlllP ll~· l\ ,,, . f ~ (l,,· cl r <.. l l l t' l 11, i e 1, . a 11 (l a l,rief r t', })t)ll"e \)~· tllt' 111c>cl t:i rator. 1, t, , . \ "'pr11f• l". l ll11l1c1111 <..·<.111<l11et tl cl llt'\'t)tio11al "p1·,· it•t'. 11:-;i11g ·· 1l1·a~·- 'r · · ,1, l1i tl1e111e. 'I lit> 111Lltlf' rator tllt'll t'alletl 1111011 l)r R <lbt,rt T . l( r ttl1a111, ,,·l1cl \\'as "(>a t t)<l i11 tl1P a11clie11er. a11tl thP tl<) lt'2°cl t t>" cl J) }lI'e <·ia tell l1i: \YCl r tls of greeti11g. 1.,11e Il rl1 r <) 11 ... \ ssotiatio11 l1 t> lcl it" fir~t ct111111,1 l 111peti11g i11 I,a 1ra11ge a11tl 1)1, . Jr et ·l1a111 de– li,·er e(l the :er·111011 at tl1P fir:t , e~. io11 . 'fl1P prc->stige of this fai tl1- f1ll , t-1r ,·a11 t hcls 11e, ·er ,,·a 11e(l i11 ll el)1~011 •.,soeiatio11 lll1·i11g tl1i.· 111ore tl1c111 a <111a1·ter te11t11r~· £ er,·i ·e. The Re,·. Elliott Hort n. 11 e ,,·1~- eallecl 11a., to1, at Fir:t 13ap– ti"t '11111'tl1. Par111a. ,,·a: al:o p r e– "p11 tP(l a 11 d rec·ei , ·ed a ,,·ar111 ,,·pl– eo111e to tl1 r fel lo,,·.-..}1i1). The Re, ·. \\ ...p 1\11gc->1'. e, ·a11grli:·t. ,,·a · !'.>< 1 o~r- 11izecl a11<l i11trocl11 ·ec.l l): · Re,·. ·. Do11g la~ 13t1rt. 1"71 .11 cssagc .· Tl1P to11f er e.11tP the111c-> te11 terecl i11 tl1e ··Letter:· To Tl1r .,h111'c·}1p. · ' ' ' a: set fo1'tl1 i11 the . e ·011d a11d tl1ir l ('ha1 t er · of tl1e Re,·elatio11. S11eal{– r1· i 1 t l t1clecl : Ke1111et h S111e lSflr. ~lax T t1<·l,er. Ke1111eth ~ el:011. IIc),,·a r cl \ao- 01111!!. llarolcl ... lle111 Ro- • 111~-11e ~ 't1·icl(la11cl and Ralpl1 Stea1·11 .... \ t the T11e.·da,· 111or11- ~ i11!! ~e,,io11 . . J aek Pa,·11e. clirr<·tor f ' : ·Ol l}lO' I)POJ)lP ... " ro1·l( a11cl 111i11i~· ter of 11111 ·ic. Fir. t I1aJ)ti~t ( 1 hl1rrh. El:-ria. <·011cl ll ·tecl a tle,·otio11a1 ~r 1,,·ic e. ancl Re,· . tla111 . \. < 4al t ,, a, i11 <· harg-e of a h ig·}1l)- Jlrof it– a blt.> :\Ie11 \~ Fc)1·11111. Th e-> ~tllJ j ee t c)f · · Tl1e Sl111cla,· Sc:hool. · · ,,·a~ ,,-e ll ~ l1a11<llecl ll~- thi expe1·ie11 ·eel leacl er . T /1 ~11 1t. · 1 c Tl1e leacle1' of 111t1,i<· for tl1e 'rt1 ... ", · e io11~ ,,·a~ tl1e Re,·. • I~,·1111 Ro!tPr, ,,·J1cJ ,,·a" a, oeiat cl ' i11 ll1et ,,·ith ~Ir . f.,r a11k clor. also ,,·itl1 RolJert Roge1-. ·. the· tl11·e 111l1si ·ia11 · al <J pre e11ti11g- trio 11 tl 111l)t: 1·,. Re,·. a11 l :\Ir.·. 1I o,,·a rel (i. ,. t111<r ,,·prf> clJ)J)I.f><·iat tl i11 lt1 a< t,- P""'i<J11".... \t tl1 .) • THE INDEPENDENT BAPTIST <>r~rl ll Hll<l 1)i.111<) <l11ri11..! th( ' t,V<l ,la.'" ,,,,r<·· :\11·" · ll <)t11c) r <:rn,Ptl. ?\Ir,. llur<) lcl .\ll P1 11 , ~la<·) · l>H\ll P • a 11<1 l~u l tll1 Nt <'H rt1"' . t>1 ·pc·P( li11 g c•,tc· }1 <)f tl1<' P\' <111 i1 1~ ~<'"Si(l ll~ <! ll cl lifi <'<{ 111\l~l C' iHt\~ J)l'P– "'Pl\t Pcl H l1alf l1 c>11r c>f , ·<>t·al c-111<1 111~trtllll('11tctl 1111111l>Pl'~ ,,·1 ieh \\'Pr<' H{ })l'P<•iatP(l . 7' /i e \l "rJ >>l< 11 ~ l 1~s. 11 0111 r r ( ~ ra , ·e 11 \V,t: i11 <' l1a r<Yp ~ of the \\T d11 s la,.. f ter110011 se.·- ~ ..;io11 £ tl1r \\To111 e11 's :\Ii.,. ·io11ar,· l T 11 io11, atte11<lrcl b,.. a11011 t 11 ~ le I~- • g,1t s a11<l ,·isitor:. ~I r s. llo,,·ar l •. 1r 1111g ,,·a~· i11 el1arµ:r of 111\1:ie. ,,·itl1 :\Ir:. II ,,·ar<l ~ ortha111 at th<> pia110 c111 l :\Ir.· . llcirolcl ~\ll e111 at tl1e orga11 . :\[1's. l Je la11cl Ho,,·arcl led i11 t l1e <le,,.otio11al per i (1 a11d .JJiss Rt1t}1 X ephe,,·, a Bai tist ~I icl-~ r i:sio11 .· ,,~01·lter l10111P 0 11 f11r1 0 11g ·h fron1 F r e11th I~c111atorial .r\f1·ita, ,, 1 ci s th 11ri11ei i1al speaker. Th f ollo,,~i11 ()' <lff i · 1-. · ,,·er e e– lrete(l to . r,r for 011e , ,.ea1~: Pr :- .. ident. :\Ir: . Ed,,·arcl H l111ic·l{; '\Ti· l)re:ide11 t, ~l r .·. Ila1·olc.l Alle111 : ~ 1 e ·– <)11cl '\r iee P1'esi l e 11t, )11-., . L,.. 1111 Ro~re1-. ·. a11cl ~ecretar·~- -'I r ea..c l{1,e1-. ~Irs. 'I,. T. Elliott. T /1 c B u ·in ess • 1 i11c·e th or ga11izati 11 of Il el) ro11 ~\::oriatio11, 1111til t,,,.o )"ea rs ag:o. tl1e a1 1111al n1eet i11g \,·a: helcl <>11 T11 e.: (la, . a11d \'\T e(l11esda,- : ho,,·e,·er. . .. i11 orcler to a, ·oi l a11)- ge 11 eral 111eeti11g 011 ,,.,. ecl11e. ·cla)T e, ·e11i11g– ,,·hi ·h i: the pra,, 111eeti11u· .,er, ~- • l""' itP i11 111ost of tl1e c·hl1rc· l1e.,-tl1P 111eeti1 g: ,rer e :ehrcl11le 1 fo1· 11011- da ,- a11 l T11e:da, -. Tl1r lo,re1--ecl ' . atte11cla11 ·e 11otrcl i11 :11l1:et111e11t ,-ear .· rr:11lt ed i11 a Ht11d ,·. ] t ,,·a: . .. r e, ·ealecl that :\Iouda, ... i, 11ot a .. 11op11lar la)· a111011g t lie .:\Iothers ,rith ~c·hool thilclr·e11. F 1t1'thern101·e , it is 11 ot 11opt1lar a111011ir tl10. e ,,·110 ha ,·e h f>a , ..~- 1'e:J)o11:i l)ili t ie., 011 H1111- la).. . 'fhe i11,·e ·tigati 11 also 1·e– ,·ealecl that the :\lo11cla,- :<·hPcl11l • is higl1l)- 11111) p11] ar a111011g t 11 o.·e ,,·110 ,,·e1--e prepari11g to :e1·, ·e 111e,1l: t o tl1e clelega t s. :\Ia11)- of tl1e:r ,,·on1e11 I' ported that bal{i11g· a11cl ot l1 rr J) r epa1·at 1·)" ,,·orlt held to be clo11e 011 , ~at11r(la,· ,,... itl1 the 111a11,· • • clt1tie.· 1, :ti11g· tlp 11 th el1l1r ·11 e 11- tertai11i11g· the a111111al 111eeti11g·~ a Jio11cla)~ :e hed 11le 111'0,~i d cl 110 ti111e for the care of cletail. 111·i11g: 11e of the l) ll. i11e: :e · ·io11s at the r - t·P11t 111 eeti11g tl1e 11ee(lecl a ·tio11 ,,·a~ take11 a11cl tl1 for111er ~ ·l1e l11le ,,·a re t or<>(l. II 11c·e. tl1 r a11 1111al 1 1ret- i11 !..!· i11 1!) :--,,; ,,· ill lH· ll Pl<I (>t1 'rt·Ji;s_ I) .\\ Hllcl \\' 1~; J)~)~SJ) ,\ , ,. <l11ritl'' 1hP thircl \\('Pk i11 ~P(>tP111l>Pr . ~: l<'<· ti C> ll <>f' <>ffi<·Pr~ l'P~ tllt P(l a. l'<>llc>,r~: :\lc>c lc-r<1t <> I\ \ 'P rtl<' I,. J)1111 - l1H111 · \ ' i('<' ~l<><l<>rcttc,r, J\clc1111 1\ . (}Hit: ( ' IPrl,. :\la x 'l tJ(•kc>r; 'rrPa– ~\ 11,C' r, IJ~· 111, J{c>gP r~ ; l)ir<><· tc>r (>f 'trc>1 111g J>P<> Jll c> '!-, \\ <>rl<, l{ c> ,·. Hc>l>P rt -J. I P)' tlh <> tLt , a11(1 1>c1 stor ,1 l .i\cl,·i~c)r tc> tl1e Jl c 11 's ] JP«gt1<> , l;Plc111cl llcJ,,._ a r<l . T 11 c II<>. ·t (' /1111·c/1 \\ 1 e clo 11ot 1{11 0 ,r ,,·hat r11 <> r e a11,· ., t·h11reh ·011lcl ha,·e clo11P trJ pro,·icl c> c·c)111fo1·t a11cl e11jo: ~111 ent tha11 ,,·a~ c.lo11c-> l)~- the ]1,ir:t l3a1)ti.· t 1 h11rc·h. l1a (}ra11gP. rr11e Re,·. Ecl,,·ar cl l l Pl– ]ll i<·k: a11 cl l1is \\"ife. · · J3Pt t.,:, · · ,,·er e> l> t l S~" f 1·on1 the hot Ir of ,trri ,. al 011 Jlo11da~~ 111or11i11a 1111til the la:t cle l eg·at e had drpart Pc.l 011 T11e.·cla,- • • e,·e11111g . C 1 ertai111~~ the, r did their r1art, bt1t 110 le.,. · dicl tl1r lo,·a l • ,,·0111e11 a11cl 111 c-> 11 of the eo11 <> r e<>a- 1""' l""' ti 011 . F 011r tin1e. · the de leg a t eH a11 tl , ,i:i tor: .'l1rrot111detl thr ,ve 11 f ille<l tab]e. i11 tl1e ·h111' ·h di11i110 r 0 111 ~ a11cl therr :c->e111ed to he 110 encl to the (•0111plirne11tar~· r e111ark.· r e– latecl to the l)o11nteo11: pro, ·i:io11~ i11c·l11di11g Tl TRKEY for all 011 th t' <· lo.- i11g· da:·. The ~0111mittPP " ·hie.ill l1a11,llrcl HO ,re)l thi.· h11ge ta.·k ('()11 .· i , tecl of ~Ir:. ~ e,·a l.Ja11g. tha ir111a11: :\I1~s. .. t ella Hpieer, )1rs. .1-\ cla ~Iille1~. )lrs. (}lacl, ..: Da11iel: ~ a11cl Jfr.· . ::\laria11 arpe11ter. This r dit c) r ha: l)Pe11 a tte11cl i11g– th r a111111al 111ee ti11gs of ll rbron ...\ ~s <·iatio11 f1,0111 it: fir. ·t . ·e. ·:io11. a 11cl periodi ·all}-. i11 tl1r11. tl1e 111 et– i11g·s ha ,·p hee11 h eld i11 I_ja (.} ra11 g·p . \\T}1C't her tl1 r ch11rth ,,-as operati11g ,vith the " "i 11cl. or agai11:t t lie ,,·i11cl . the :torJ· ha'-; al,,"a~·. lJe n the --an1e: a ,,·clr111 ,Yelc:0111e. a ,,·p)l fillPtl tal le. a hflpf111 t· <> 11,·p11ti 11. Xe\·er ha. thi , ehl1reh l)rP11 f ot111d :l1ort of tilt' l est. a: 1·platrd t o the fello,,-.·l1iJl. ~i11rc-> the eo111i11~r of Pa. tor Ilel- , 1ui('h: th c·l11treb ha: eo11sta11tl,.. • 1110,·rcl t }1igl1er Q. r o1111cl a11d tl1r' atte11da 11 eP i11 th e , -. llll la,,. ~l'hool • i.- a11 a,,.rrag·p of :2:2;, a11 a11dito rit1111 t·1· ,,~(l ed t o c-a1)a ·it~· at ·er,- i<·es of ,,·or ~l1 i J). a11d n101·e t ha11 fift,~ at t l1e 111icl-,,·e k 111 et i110'. Pla11.--- are 110"· l)e i11 g 111a l e t o b11ild au acl– <.litio11 to tl1 1 11. e f ,,. I·:hi1 i11 01·cler to ac · 111111 date tl1e e, ·er-i11- ·1·ea"i11g a 11die11 e:. To the pa. to1 .. a11 l peo1 le of t l1P .B i1-. t Bapti. t 'h11r ·h. La 'ra11ge. th t,,,.e11t,·- 11e ·h11r ·l1e of ll r- .. l1ro11 ..\.~ o ·ia ti 11 ·a,. : T II ... \~1- • Y<)l. !