The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1955
J\ lJ'j IS1 111\I L B FI~D '? I ), 1 \) }/ , ~ . . J• I l,' \ I ( ' 1 ' 1 l, \..._, I t • l I' I- - , I \ \ ,•~ «,, , l , )():-,: ,),) • 11:tlit,>r':-- \,)t,·: ~l 1·. l ~t 't'~,· is <:,· 11, ·1·nl 1 <),, ,.l 1 i I, () f l ~ a 1 > t i :--. t ..., 1 • () r I I c 1111 , \ 1 1 ...., H> 11 ..., lli1·,·,· tc>l ' t>I' ' l'ltl' 1 1 ',~ l– H \lkl'\. \\<>1'tli\' \V<>l'k . . ' ( llt' (}f t llt 1\1(),t lll1l'l ,,,t lilt! "1()– ri, s fr,111 tl1P lit,, <lf ()\ll' l,.a,rtl n11<l C lll' t}1at 1, l'l'V<>rtlt'tl \)\" PHC'}l ()f' • l1t' l\ ,11· ;l' 'l)<'l ,,·ritPr". tl1nt <lt' tll<' fl\l)tiitl!.! oi tllt' fi\'l' tlltl\l"Hllll \\ 1tl1 t11t littlt' l,ltl·, lt111l'l1. ' rl lt: llf'\\" <)f 1 l1e l1t'lll'Htli11g t)t' .J ,1111 tl1nt 11,1,l j,1,t l)t't'tl lll't.l\t!.!l1t tel Jl·,11. 11,) tlt111llt }ll'C),<)l,t'(l 111i11glc 1 fl f l't:'l111g , ,,·itl1i11 11 i111 fc'cir ()r 1)<>"– ,11,1' eo11, l'l{ll t'llt'l' " ll~ Iii~ Plll)111it 1 "' llei11g l llt·t1t1r,1gt'tl to u·rt',ltPr l1c)l(l- , 11l>"" 11,· tl1i"' rt1,·c1l ,lvt l)f l)Hl'l)ari.111. • • grief ,l t t l1t' l)Pr,·rr"t' ll t'~~ of t li e l1Pclrt~ ( f lll t' Il, ,111tl ,l) l'l' l)\\ o , ·pr tlll\ tlt1c1tl1 ()f l1i~ fa111011s l1cr ,1 l tl. ,111 ()1111re""etl IIi111. I r~i<.lt> tl1i". ,l])– l)l'e ·iati11~ tl1P ,,·ea1·i11P~. of l1is tli.·– c-i11le, ,,-110 l1acl j11. t r et11r11r>cl fro111 ,1 J)1·t>a ·11i11g t()\11·. 11) ,,·as i111J)Pllecl tt) "'1~-. · · '0111e ~-e ~-0111-. rl ,·ps a1),1rt \111 t o a cle~r1·t })laer . a11(l rPst a– \Yhile. · · Ile C:'XJ)rc --setl i11 tl1is ,111 111·g-r tl1at all ,,·110 ,,orl-:: ,,·itl1 J)eo11l r 11111~t ~0111 eti111 e~ ferl- tl1e cl e"'i1·0 to b ot1t of tl1e l' ro,,·cl for a 11e1·iocl. ]311t ho,,· , rp r g·rrc:lt tl1at 11rg:e fo1· ~olit11cle ,,·a, the Lorcl a 11 tl IIi~ di~ciJ)le~ l'011lcl 11c)t P ta ])P tl1e 110rcl~· 11111ltitt1cle. _·01· ·a11 ,,·p t ocla~- rsl'al)l' t11) 11ee l,· 111111tit t1cle a1·01111 1 11. ! ._ ~c)111eti111e ,,·r J) 1·e e11 t- la)· ( 1 hri.·- tia11 ,vo11ltl lil~e to ,,·itl1clra,,· fron1 th ·1·0,,·cl ; ,,·r ,,·011lcl 11ot l111ilcl l1er111i tag·e.;; 1101' take 11 l) <)111~ a l1ocle i11 a 111ot111tai11 ea,·e. l)11 t ,,·e ,,·011lcl Iike ofte11 to i~ola te 011r el ,·e. . to li,· in 011r o,, 11 little circ·l fl a11cl let the re" t of the ,vor1(1 o·o l),· "' . ' ll11 t ,,·e ca1111ot . ll('ee~ f 11 ll~· clo tl1,l t : ,,·e l1a,· tl1e 11111ltit11(le al,,·a,· ,,itl1 • 11 . a11cl it i a 11eecl,· 11111ltit11cle. • TIIE \\T RLI) :.\llTLT1rr1· r)E Tl1e ,,·orl(l · 1 op11latio11 i. e. ti- 111atecl at t,vo a11cl 011e-l1alf l)illio11 l) opl of ,,. ho111 011 l)" a lJ<>l l t "'e,·e11 a11d a l1alf 111illio11 a re J)rofp. i11g l11·i"'tia11 . i it too 1)e",~i111i...,til' to e tin1ate tl1at 11ot 111ore tha11 1()% of tl1P e a1· 1101·11 agai11 l>,. the • . 'pirit of TOCl ! Thi ,vo11lcl 111ea11 that tl1 re a1· 2.425.(J()fl . >00 1111 a,·ecl J)eople i11 the \'rorlcl. \\That a 1u11lti– t11 l . a11cl. ol1 . ho,,· 11eecl,- . I 11 17 ' • I 1·of P" i11g l1ri. tian, of all t:"Pe ·0111r <J "-t><l t,,·o a11tl tl1ree-te11ths per– ce11t of t l1r. l\·01·lcl ·~ JJC)J>11latio11. to– da,·. 167 , .. a1\" later. tl1e,· total .. .. ~ tl1re per ·e11t. a 2.ai11 of 011]~~ e,,.e11- t e11t}1 J)ercP11t i11 o,.,e1· a ee11t tll'>" a11 a half. If the J)O,t-mil] 1111ial- '"1. ,,It() "H.\"i tl1Ht tlt, 1 l\111g<l<>ll l lll\l"t lll' , Pt l\Jl 1)<' 1\ll'll ( 1 iil'l"it \\j}) l'l'llll'll, \\ P l'(' l'tp:)1{ \\ll('ll \\(>ltl<l t)t p \\{)J'lcl 11( 1 l)l'f' }),ll't><l 1c) l'<'<·Pi\P ll i1ll ! 'I 111iJ ~ 11 • 1 J 'l' 1 'r t · 1)1~: r ~ < > 1,. 1~ ( '. ~ ... \ . 1'11e l 'rJll.lJ <tJtJl(t I Tic11· l~l' t t < l' t}1a11 'Ii:\ <>llt <>f P \ 'Pl'\. • 1 () 1\ 111Pri<·ct11~ cll'P t)ll C'l1t1rc·l1 l'c)ll: - l\x,1c·tl>· o{).:~5~ ()f 011r 11<)}>t1latio11 ( tl1e fip:11res gi,·r11 l1Pre ar<1 tctl<r1 fro111 t11t1 r ree1 tl,.. r el ,l ."et1 :tati:ti- • l'cll rPJ)<)rt <)f t }1p ~ cltio11,1l ( io1111eil c>f tl1e 1 l111rc·l1es of ('l1rist i11 tl1r l T. ~. ~\ ., ,Yl10 a1·e :111)1>0. Pel to 1<110,, e,·p r~·t 11 i11g al)ot1 t · relig io11 · · ) . Tl1 i~ is cl g·ai11 of o,·er 4--!% i11 10() }"ea1· · . ~ l111tla)· • ehools a1'e o,·rrflo,,·i11g·; l 1hl1rtl1 ~e 11001 t eat l1 ers a11cl offierr. 110,,· 1111111 l)er c1l1110:t three 111 illio11, a11 i11<:r<1ase of a 1111<).' t a c111a1~te1· 111il – ]io11 i11 t lie la::.;t ,·ra l'. Thi. la:t • )"ea1· c: l1allcecl 111) a 11ear l)· 2 o/o ri. e i11 11 e ,r el111rrl1 co11g·1~e!:!.atio11-. a t<>tal i11(·rea50 of 5,J97. ,,·l1ile the c·l111rehc). tool, 011 ~ ,3-!0 11101·e aeti,.. e 24th YEAR 400 Students Check Your Stewardship of that Which Belongs to God y Are you giving the Lord H is share of your income? v' Are your gifts di rected to B ibli– cal , Christ-honoring objectives? V H ave you drawn a will that as– sures the wisest use of your assets when you are gone? v' Are you p roviding for t he t rain– ing of future B aptist p reachers and missionaries? PAUL R . JACK SON, D .D ., Presiden t J OHN R . DUNKIN, Th.D ., Dean Write ua for Information Free Coonc:el on TAX Exemptions Accredi ted by ew York B oard of Regent.a BAPTI ST BIBLE SEMINARY.JOHNSON CITY, N.Y. ·lo ll ·,. 1 U5., 111 i 11 i "t r r" c: l 11 r i 11 g· 111 <' ., ·pct r . 'I c > HC'('<>111111cJclat P tl1P 11<·,,r lhrc>11g~ <>I' H1- tP11clcl111'-; 11 p,v l>11ilcli11u~ arr ~.!'c>i11g ll}) Ht cl 1' ('( '()1'(1 J>cll'P, t}lC' 1!)~ ('C)ll– !-,tl'lt<•ti<>ll figttl'P lJc i11g C)\' PI' ~:;c1r clll<>,·r tl1at c,f 1!L"5:1 . l )1tri110· tl1c r"' ~,1111p 11P rio<l f'}l. 11 c·<>11t ril l11ticJ11. t<> t l1,1rel1 e.· ,verc' thrrP ti111e · g·rrc1tcr tl1a11 1l1c 111r111ber~J1i J) i11c·rr,1"<1 f<>r a ~.?J·l i 11 <> f ,1 l Jo 11 t 1 2 %. ,, ... e 111ip:l1t bcJa. t t l1at l{a11ti~t tr>J) tl1P li.-t of g·ro,,·i11g a 11cl agg·rp",~i,"P clr110111i11atio11i-,, tl1P :Z(j I1a1)ti t groltp~ a<·c·o1111ti11g· for 1 1 ,±-+ .(i:21 <)f the ,>7,()()().()()0 I i t ecl a. f>rotPs– ta11t . 1' /1( fr err/i.·f ic l ~iCU' rrJ1prp are . 0111e (flle. tio11, that 111a,.. ,,·ell l)e asl( fl<l al)o11t thi. 1·0~,· ' . 11 ietlll'P: .. 1. 11 'lto <ire co1111tecl i11 tl1c 07. - 4 ):_,fill cl11£rcl1 111cn1ber . ! "\\"'" el]. tl1ere are ,17 111illio11 J>1·ote. t,111t of all l,i11cl. . i11c- l t1cli11g· l 1/4 111illio11 :\Ior111011.-, 260.7-:l:2 ...\ l,·e11ti:t: of ,·a r~·i11g t)·J) e. . l)e ·icl e. · ~ e, 1 e1·a 1 ot l1er g1·01t11s 11. ·11all:.. ·011.~ i l e1·ecl l1rterc>– clox: tl1r 1·e ,,·rre :32,-:1:0:3,3:32 Ro111c111 ( 1 ,1tl1olies, ,,·110111 i11 otl1e1· la11cl. ,,·e se11d 111i. ·io11arie: to l'011,·ert. a11cl tl1e1'e ,,·as i11clt1tlecl . al o, 3.,S00.000 .J e,,\'. It ,,ol1lcl lJe i11te1"'e.· ti11g· to 1<110,,· 110,,,. 111a11,.. if a11,· of the:r .. " .._ , ,,·er e recl(o11e 1 i11 the :1:-:l: 1o les. eh11rrl1 111 e111l1er .· of a ee11t111·:.. c1go. ,,.he11 ehl1rch lr acle1·s to1111 ted all 11011-e, .. a112:e li · a 1 g1·0111) . a: 11011- ( 111 ri tia11. ,,.,.e 111igl1t al. o a. 1( . if t l1e"e g·1 .. 01111. a1·r to lJe eo1111 t ecl i11 tl1e l T." ...... tl1e. 11 ,,·11,· 11c)t .. c·ot111t all 1·elig·io11i. t . i11 forei~11 eot111trie~ a •11ri. tia11: ? ".,0111e of thP111 are 110 fa1·tl1er fro111 the tr11tl1 of tl1e Bible tl1a11 tl1e.'fl. :2. 1l ... 11at is tl,e B ilJlical n1 eus- ltre of tl, c.·c 97 >>lillio·n cl,urcl, 111 e111ber .·? IIacl ,,e J),1ce ,,·r ,,·011lcl lil{e to c111ote, 11r1·l1a1). ~·011 ,,~011lcl lil{e to tal,P ti111r a11cl rea(l. 1 t 1 or– i11thi,111s 1,> :1--! · {alatia11~ 1 :L ; 2 .J 01111 7-~) · .J 11clP -! : :2 1 ori11tl1ia11"' 11 :1;3-1 ,3 a11cl Ro111a11 ~1 :(1- ' . S 11f– fiee it to a,·. tl1at bei11~ cl 111e111lJe r • of cl 1·eligio11. g,1·0111) cloe"'> 11ot 111al{r 011e a ;111·i... ti,111 i11 tl1e I~il1le 1uea11- i11~{ of that ter111. · · .J e..,t1 a11 ,,·erPcl . \T eril,· ,?e ril,· I ·a,· 1111to t l1ee . Ex- . ' ' " .. {'eJ)t a 111,111 l1e l)or 11 c)f tl1r ,,·atrr
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