The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1955

October 1955 ,111cl t>f t l1e :-4J >i r it l1t' t'c11111ot t 1 11t l' l ' i11t o t l1e l<i11ii:(l t>111 <>f ( }ocl . ·' ;3. }] fJ I( ' (I b r; ll I I I 1 ( 4() o/o J t (J t co JI - s1< l cr erl in I l ic rrbrJt'C' sl atistic<t l r c– pr; r f? F ort~T ])er er 11 t of 011r J) l' t'H– e11t 11atio11al })O})ttl ,1tio11 rc111al.· o, 1 er !-1 i Xt) 1 -fo1tr 111il lio11 l )(>OJ) l P. II r r P is <Jtlite cl 111t1ltitt1cl r a11 c1, ,1ec·o1·cli 11 g· t o t l1 e.'P 1110:-;t 01>t i~· 111isti<' fig11res, e 11- t i1·0l,· 1111rc-',tt l1c 1 cl l JV e,·c 1 1 rel io·io11. • • b If )·cJ11 tal<e ti111Cl tc> <·0111 JJare t l1i~ ,,·it l1 fo reig·11 111i~ ,10 11 fie lclH, ,,,he r e t1st1a ll}'" a 11111 r h la r g·e r 1Jerre11 ta5l, r i. 1·r1 ig:io11~. \'Otl ,vil l 8er ,,,hat ,1 • t r e111r11clo11s 111 is8io11 fie lcl lieH all a r <>1111c1 11 · i11 so-c·a llecl · C 1 hrist ia 11 ,L\.111el'ic:a., ' 'I'h e Ro111a11 ~at11olicH i11 t l1ei1· r elig·iot1~ 8 l11·,;·e., .. i11 1952 cl i:c·o,·r r ecl tl1at 23% ()f t 1 111rc}1 111en1 lJe r .\ ( 1 at 1 olil' a 11c.l I) r c)t est a 11 t .. i11 ~\ 111erica 11 e,·Pr g·o to t l111rc·l1, th,lt 111ea11: t l1at t l1c.~ r e cl r <1 abot1t t ,·re1 t,.. 111i llio1 111or c 1 ,r l10 are • c·ol111 t ecl a: c: 11 tl l'<' 1 111e111 l)er s ,v ho 111 i g l1t a8 ,,,ell lle eo1111te 1 \\Tith the 11011-111e111 ber H, t l1is l)r i11~:s t l1e tota 1 of peop le i11 1\111rr iea l) l' ac:tical1~ .. 1111to11C' lie l 1),. re ligio11 to t l1e :tag- • g e r i 11g f i g 11r P of -1- 111 i 11 i <) 11 . ~1 f l lt llfJJ".l/ ~ll ultif1t<le ()f t11i .· r Ps11i-gP11<·e of rc-1lig·io11 i11 A111e1·ica 011e \V l.() t e rece1 tl}r, · · \\rha te,·e r lc.'lg·e11 els li11ger c:011 cr1·11- i11g· .c\111eriea s relig·iot1: fC'r\'C) I' i11 ( 1 olo11ial a11cl \ r ic:tor ia11 p0r iocls, tl1e )'ear lJ<>Ol{ . ·tc1ti:tics a1)lJa1·e11tl}" ~h<J\\' that 1l1i.- c-01111tr)~ is t<)cla)' e 11- ~c1gecl i11 thP grea t~st 1·r ]igi<)ll8 1·r– ,·i,·al i11 it . histo1·,·. IIo,, 1 - • <-1,·<11 · 11111(']1 tl1i. 111a,.. lJe o,,er- • clra,,·11 a11cl ,,~hatc,'Pl' C'l:P 11 a.,, lJr ,aicl 011 tl1e oth<'r ~ic.le allot1t il'- 1·c--ligic,11 a11cl c·r i111e i1 0111· c·o1111t r :\'· tc,cla\· t l1c> r P is <> llP <>t1tst,t11 cli11g: . ' 111e~ agt' tl1at ( 1 l1 r i.·tia 11s sl1c>11 ld t1< 1 c.acl f1·c)111 it al l, ,111 cl 1t1at i 1..i THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION, Inc. lcvcland, Ohio PltE ENTING ( Y ·shua11- aviour) :F'or Fifty years to the Jews of Cleveland and Vicinity An evangelistic a11d Ch1:i~t-c~n– tercd 1ni11istry l)y p 1 so11al v1s1tat1on, radio, Scripture dist1 ilJut1on, and Bi l)le class v.ro1 lc. ' 'l ' I~ UMPI~'fEl< I 1 0 1~ ISRAEL" S .. 11t upo11 r qu s t GEJiALl) V . Sl\lJEJ"'SER, Su1)t. P. 0. Box 3556. Cle\,ela11d 18, Ol1io THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST t l1is~ t llclt lil<e t l1tj 111 t1l t it11tll' t l1at faC't1cl ,Je1H1 t s ,t11 cl Il i!-i tli s< ·i1)lc 1 8 i11 <> lll' f p:,.; t ])Ol' t i<>ll, 'l' l ll H IN r\ l fl T~– ( i R y l\ I{ I J 'I' I 'r l r I) ~~ . '1' 111~ ( 1 () :\ IJ >A NH I< )~ < 1~ 1 ,J ILN l 1 8 111 ~lar l< fj::~ -1- ,,·p rc)cl<l , ' ... \ 11 c.l ,Je1811s , , · l1e 11 11<' (•c1 111e <>l ll , sa,,, 11111c·l1 J) ClOJ)l( 1 clll <l \\' cl :-; l} l()VP(l ,v itl1 ('O}U – J)a s~i{)]) tO\\'cll' tl t 11P ll l l JP('Hll SP tl1e:v \\' t) r c) ,i s sl1t~P I> 11 ot l1 ,1,, i11 g · cl ." ll< }l– l1 r r <l .' 'l 1 l1e l-1c>r <l \V,tH oftP11 sti rre( l ,,·itl1 eo1111)assio11 f o r t J1r 111t11 t i111cl e1, }1() \V O]) f)OS itc' l l Sll a }l) 1 , i s <)llr l' P– actio11 t o s i11 f1tl 111e11- ,vc <tr P stirre l ,,,ith c: 1·it1c·is111 a11 cl 8C·or11. 11<1 ,,,.,1s stirrc-'cl ,,·it }1 c·o11111c1ssit> 11 ~ ,,,r cl1·c1.\ \ ' Olll' g·c1 1·111c11ts asiclt\ l l c 1 reac·l1Pcl Il is J1 c1 11 C) ltt 111 111 j11isi r ) 1 • · ' J~11t t l1011, () l1<J r <l , ,1rt H ( :c><l f11 l] <>f ('0111lJUSSl() )l , a 11 tl g: r ac.: iOl lS l() llg·- 8l lf f pri11 g· a 11 cl J) l e 11teo1ts i11 111<11'('):' ar1 cl t r t1t l1. ' ' ( l_)s,tl111 fj: 13) 'l 1 I I I~ I A I) I .B ~., ~~ l l~ ~ 'f' I) I H i I I > I 1 "BJ N ' 'Ne11cl t l1c111 cl\va,· , ' ' t l1,tt ,,·as ' t l1tl sol1ttio11 t l1at t he tl isei1J lrs l1"1tl, a11cl fa r too oft P11 it is 011r Hol11t ic>1 tocla\,. . 'I' he,T l1acl litt I r l1rar t for • L 111eet i11g· tl1 e 11PPcl <Jltt of thr ir ovv11 r e8o tl l ' (•e8, ' ' Sl1c1ll l~'C .<J rJ rt Jt rl bu .lf t ,,·o hrt11c11~e l 1)e1111}' \rort 11 c)f })1·eacl, r1ncl git•e t l1e111 t<J rat ·? , :\ l 1i8t ,vP tal<e of 011 r 1·eso1trc:e. · to f t1e1c1 t l1is ]111110· 1· , r ·ro,,·cl ·! ' I'l10 c1i~(' iple.-. ,·01 t ~ ., . \ \ 1 i 1 I 110 t (-> ( 1 i ( l 110 t .. a \r' ' I \ v (l l 1 a\ r (l 11() • 111c>11ey, 'lJ11 t I.)J1i liJ), st1l l l' <Jt111ti 11g t ]1' ])El1 ll ies l'PJ)Ol't .S '• 'r \\ 1 () l l l lll - (ll'ecl t)e1111~·, rc) r t ]1 is 11<.>t ~Ltffi– <· ie11t.. . , ' rl,}1 e clisti1 les \\~Pl'C 1 PX– JlPl't clt )Ot) l{i11~· after trlei l' ()\\' 11 i11tPrest as :..;ee11 i11 ~Jc> l111 4 ,vl1erc• 111<'\'" \Yr11t i11t c> " 1 \"c·l1c1r cl 1l<l lJ011g·l1t . ' Page Seven brrctll }Jttt ,lt) }),11 ·e11 t ly t>o1·p 11<> \\' it- 11<~8s i <> a c· it }t 1·i 1)P ft> r rr,LJ >i11g. l1et l lH h <>v\'e \'01' , tl<>t I >P 1.<>o l1,:1rs l1 OJl ' t 11 r 111 ,,,r T>l'<'8P ll t-c.lay f 1111 cl,1rr1<> 11 - t al, 1-3 ibl c-l><1 liPvi11g· C 1 hr iHt ia11s ,tre <'V<111 ,,,01·se t h,1 11 t hey. \\Tr live <>11 t J1p r r. ·11rrrc·1 j<> 11 siclc of t l1 ) (' ) '()SS \\rp ]{ Jl() \ V lll clll ) " t rt1 t }l8 v\T(l}l t }1,11 \ \ rP l' l' st ill }1iclcle 11 {) l' cl t l> St 1>,ll'i i,tl ly lc11<>\V11 tc> t ~1p111 1\ N l ) ~'l' l l1J1 \\TJ1J ( 1 {)l '~'l' ' I ll E J>EA– ~ I I~B. 1I c>,vt1vr1·, t li t' L.ior c1 is st ill S<l,\' i 11g tc) his clisc·iplc8 ' ' (l ive> y<1 1 hP11 t <> ea t a11cl th r <111 est ic)1 of <)llr titl r is still 1><' 11cli1 1g, ''""{ l i all I / 1(' .I} b(' 1·('( l ? ' - ;\ E\\r \\r() l{K ()R(JA.\ :N l ;';EI) J/ 1·<>111 l\ l rs. ( •arl \\reti't :> r <Jf t l1 <1 l11 1111,t11t1 c>l I1a 1 t ist (< l111r<' t1 , ( 1 0- lt 11 l1 bt1s, ()l1ic), \\'(' hct\' <1 r <> 1>o r t <Jf cl 11e,,· ,,·<, rl< 01>e11e1cl i11 thr }1 1 1·a11l{ l~<>acl I~a1>t ist C 1 hHJ)r l, :ot1t l1 <> f the c·it,... • 'rhe l{ P\ 1 • ( : (l() l'ge ~I YP1"8 a lllem - 1 >e r of tl1 e I1111r1a11 t1 e l 13apt i.·t ( 1 h 11 r el1, ,vl1c> }1;-1s • ·pr , recl fo r .-ev– eral V<'ct r s i11 .B 1 r}t11er ~l8 cl 111is. ·io11- ,1 r y ~is t l1e l e1acle r i11 0 1><1 11it1g t hr ,ro rlt, ,vhi c·h- at<:or cl i11g to 0111· 1111- clPr sta11cli1 g- ,,1ill l)e s1>011sor cl by t l1P F ello,,\·}1iJ) ()f l~<lpt i. t8 Fo1· II 01r1<1 ~I issio11s. 'l 1 h P )To1111g so11 t>f I~ c,... ,t11 1 l\I rs. l\l , 1 ers ·011tr aetecl • l)<J lio soo11 c1ft c)1· tl1r f<l 111il)" r e- t11r11Pcl 110111<-1 for f11rlo 1tg·l1 a11cl it \\ 1 clS l l P<'C:'HSa r,· t O l'Pl lla i l l i11 (!o- ~ l t1111l11 ts fc r treat111e11t. RP,·. a11t1 Jf 1·.· . i\ I,·c-11·s ,,·il l be ,,·0lto111e acl– tlitio11s ·t<> t l1e g1·0,,,i11g· fa 111il~· of tl1<:> Frllo,,·:l1i11 of I3aJ)t i8t.· For llo111c.:) :\I issio11~. Prompt renewal of your subscr iption will be appreciated by our Circulation Department. GIFTS TO OHIO ASSOCIATION REV. VERNE L . DUNHAr~, Treasurer, Lorain, 0 . Ii, i 1 · ~ t I1 rl }) t i st ( 1 l 1111· c · I 1, l ~ < >, v 1 i 11 g < ~ 1 ·Pr 11 --. ---- --- . -..... ---. ---. . ---- --... ---- .. . J>p 1111 ...:\,·r1111e I~a1>ti~1 ( 1 l111rC'l1, ~'1,tl'<)ll. J>e 1111a ............ .... ........... . Ii< 1 1· r ,l J ~ ,l}) t is t ( 1 l 1 t 11· t• l 1, I ~ P J' <' < 1 •- . - -•• - . - . -.. - - .•.. - . -•. -..••. -.. - - - - - . - - -- -•... - - . - - - -- . - - ~ <> 1·t 11 I{<>\' a It t> 11 I ~a JJ1 i "'t ( 1 11 ll l'l' l 1 ---·---------------· ·····-------· .•••••••••••••••••••• - I~'i 1·s1 J )H J;t l!--i t ( 1 It tl r <· Ii . (:HI I iJ)<>l t" --------·-···· --·----·-··--------- -- ----·-------·-- -· ( (cl l \ H t'.\' J 1 H J ) 1 i s t ( I It l1 l' (. It . ( I I (l \ {' l cl t .1( l . .---------... -.-...-..-.--..-.-.. -... -.. -.---.-- - r ·~ a :,., 1 s i c 1 e1 1 ~ c1 1 > 1 i "'1 <' 1, t 1 r <• lt . 1 Jc >, • a 1 11 ••• -•• - •• -••••••••••••••••• -•• - - • • • •- - - •• - - - •• - - •• - ( ',1 I, ,l l'.\' I {a J)1 i~ 1 ( 1 It l l l'(· 11, \: <> 1·,, a I 1, ----- ···--·---- ---·- -··--- ----------·-···------------– I {C't lt l c· Ii <1t11 J{c1 1>t i~1 ( 1 li11 1·<·h, ( 1 ]c,, Pla11<l ---------------------------·--·- . -·-----·---·– i\11·s. 1\ l i c· Ii a e1 I ( 't1 t t <' 1·. \ 1 <· ro I iP ;i ('It, 1 1 '1 <> i·i < l H •..• -------- ------------··----······--·· * :3.()0 1 ().()() 1() .()() ~. ( )() 1(). ()() :> ()() I () ()() ;>_(){) :i.()() :2. ()() BAPTIST Bl BLE COLLEGE .11 l1ril1i,111 l i (/11f11/i()11 for Life 1111,l er1 1 ic-e e co,ne co this gro,ving in d~u.cion beaucifully situated in the Oukland- San flrnncisco Bay .1rea, u sp1r1tu11l~ crossroad.. . . " e Deparunenc in Bibi~, Mis)ion~, a r~d f us1c, Chr1!Suan Edu_c tion und Pastoral ,,·ork. J\ B . \,:. H.'1'11 , eg1 ees-also 3-yi . Diploma cour:st:S, CATALOG FREE - Write loday, oddrt•• H. o. Van Gilde r D. D., Pre~., 528 33rd St. De pt. OB, Oakland, Calif.