The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1955

I , <) ,, <1 r<l 1' ra l' i. t)11e l1t111(lrl\<i ,111<1 tl'll 111p111bp1·s <llltl fr·i<)lltls <>f tlit\ 11,irst l~,ll)ti~t l1t1r<:l1. Jlel t)ll,tlti. { l1i <> . :111·- ro1111(lf'tl tl1t\ l),lllt}tlet tctl)l<)., s1>recltl i11 t lt(' II ig·l1 ~ t· 11001 ll ) · 111-tli11i11~r 1· 0 111 ~ c1t111·tla,· e,.. 11i11g. ~ e 1)t0111- l,er 17. 1!15~. t<; celel)1·atr tl1e tlca1·– i110· of all i11debtecl11es ·. ~ l)I· . II . I(. Fi11le,·, eclito1· of The )l1io l11dep 11d 11t ·Ba1)ti t. ,,·a..· the g11e t . peaker. hi , acltl1· e... being· preeeded b)· a ,,-e 11 arra11gecl 11111 - ical p1,.oaram, incl11cli11g: \ -r ocal o– lo. ~Ir . E111111a )Ia1"' hall: ·\''Oeal cl11- et . a, .. id a11cl J an1e :\f · 1 lai11: ,·ocal 1111n1ber ::.\Ir . F1·ecl :\[olin a11d a , en1bl, · n111 ic a11cl chort1. e led b, ,. tl1e ~Re,·. Leo11arcl Ti·a,.. i pa to; of the ch11r ·h. :\Ir . Ralph \'"'"all ,,~as at the pia110. ] )at nlos 1 tyl c Th ba11<1l1 et ,,·a 1111ic.111e, i11 that it ,,·a. prepa1·e<l b~· the 'a111p Patino Kit cl1e11 1 1·e,,T. (·011~·i:ti11g· of: l\Ir. . ()li,·e T1·a,,. i.· . )Ii. ., Alice Re , ...e... . .)f i.· J oa1111a \ T aria11. F r·ecl llo11ck. )Ia1·()'aret Bah11 a11cl .Joa11 Tra,·i.. Th . ·er,"ie e ,,·a; '· ea111p t;y·le·' a11c1 g11e:t .· pa. secl alo11g· the e1·,ri11g ,,·i11cl o,,·-. 01ne of th ~·ol111ger ·et a11cl the :r11all fr}~– going ba<·k for the •· :eco11cl help– i11g-' · i11 Jin ,, .. it 11 the c·11 ton1 at th ca1np. T/1 1\ yo t B 1t rl1i11y It ,,·a~ al o tl1e pri,,.ileg-e of t l1i. editor to J) ak at tl1 e 111or11i11g a11cl e,·e11i110- er,rice 011 I 1 llllCla~v·. ~ 1 e11- ten1ber 1 . 11 the 1)latfo1·r11 at tl1r r11or11i11D" er,~ice ,,·er e F:.icl,,·a1·cl Din <Yer . Tate .. '11 ,·cle1·. .J 01111 1Jairc1 ' PHOTO ENGRAVING- SERVICE DIC~- N4I) w.t UCHI~ - MT WOlJC WRJTE FOl PRICE UST t\ AN D CATAlOG OF , c\r ~ s1ocec a...~I "' ._ OfGlA~ ,_..r • sc' ~ °uc'4 Ill 4IO. ~ & fOI QtUICHU Nflj 01WTW4 l'UlUCATIONS ID ( ~11 ,J _ _ 4 I I a1·1~·v· Seitz Do11 I I a1·ri.·, Rober t ~ . l\filler a11d E. L. l\lit ·hell i11 a<l– ditio11 to I)a . tor Tra,Ti~ a11d tl1e gllC\ t peal<er. It ,,Ta tin1e for t l1e bt11·11i11g of the 11ote. Th 11ote ,,·a~ r ead ancl bt1r11ed b)" ~Ir. Ding- r , l\Ir. 11yde r a11d :\Ir. Laird aft– er ,vl1i ·h l\Ir. Harri offered praJ"– er a11d all p1·e e1 t a11g tl1e Dox– olog~r. Tli e !Jideb t ecl11 e~ · Tl1e Fir t Bapt i ·t ihl1rch of l\I Do11alcl, l1io er ected the ho11 ' of wo1\·l1ip i11 192 after ,,,hic.:h the cl ebt \\ 1 a._ li(J1li latecl a11cl llll(l er the 1n ini tr:) 1 of the Rev. . (i. la,,r 0 11 a J)ar , ·011aire ,,,a p11r- cha ed i11 1944. The 11ote l)11 r11ecl at tl1 1·ece11 t ., r, 1 i ·e ,,Ta. that ·o,"– e1·ing the pa1-..·011age. Ile11ce 110 1na11 holcl ~ a n1or·tga·2e 011 any pa1·t of the ch111·ch propei-·ty i11 ?\IeDon– alcl a11cl the people 1·ejoiee. 1'/ie I'a:trJrr1tr The Re\'. Leo11arcl T1·a,ri8 ent r eel tl1e pa. to1·ate at :\I·Do11alcl in ,Ja11- l1ar,... of 1951 a1 d 1111 cler hi: ef– feetive n1i11i.·tr,· the ,,To1·k l1a: 1Jee11 . t r e11gil1e11ecl i1 l11ne1·j call)r, . 'I)iri t- 11all, .. a11tl fina11c.:ia 11:v·. The proJ)– Prt,: ha: b ee11 i111p1--.. o,ye c1 a11cl the i11t~1·ior of the al1clitorit1111 ha .· l)ee11 clr~a ·tirall~... tha11ge 1. ~11· . Tra,·i.· :e1·, recl at the 1 1 i l':t T Bapti. t ( ihl1rch, ., her111a11, e,,· York £01· eig·ht }·ea1~~ p1·ior t<J .hi: pa torate i11 ( hio. 13efore e11ter:ng– the !)a. to1·ate at "" 1 l1 e1~111a11, ... e,,,. 1T 01·k . he ,,·a at TI11111e, ..... e,,, Y 01·1( f 01· fi ,·e )"ear:. a11cl at Be lf a:t, Xe,,. Y 01--l{ for . e,..e11 , .. ear . Beca11 ·e of .. r P<'OQ"11 izecl a lJili t}.. i11 cl 11 c·en1 e11 t~ l1a,·e l)ee11 cJffpre 1 to e11ti(·P }1i111 fr<)111 l\It l )(,11alcl: l10,,·e,·e1· , .:\Ir. T1·a ,·i..., i. ,, Jr..,· ha1)11)· ,,·ith l1i.· • l)eople a11d ,ve prrclit't that hi.· to11- ti1111ecl ;er,Tice i11 j J ·Donalc1 ,,·ill be cro~ 1 11ed by ot1r Lord s riche. ·t ble-. ·ing:. Re,". a11d l\11·:. Travi · have 1Jee11 of g·r eat \ ral11e i11 the \\'Ork at a1n1) Patmos. Their '""icl e a11cl ,,ariecl experie11ce i11 otl1er camJ), brought be11efit to ( hio As oci– ation. Tl1e Fir t Bapti t h11reh at ~IcD011ald ha been , rery gra- ·iol1. i11 appro, 1 i11g the ab ·en ·e of the pa ·tor for . o n1a11~- ,,,eek of ea · h 3 1 ea1·. Both the pa tor ancl the r h111·(.' 11 l1a,re 1nacl e . acrifice ,vhitl1 i. appreciatecl b)· the fel– lo,,,, hip. ~I ay th Lor·d ·011tinl1e to ble..., the r h11reh i11 its 011, 1 tarcl 1narc 11. JEWS ,vho come to Chris t must count the cost. Yet there Jotob · or. ho" ~ are no more tr1um· Gorten phant f o llo,vers of ou r Saviour than these ,vho ]1ave chosen "His reproach" - and felv ,vho suffer more for His name's sake. We covet your prayers and s te,Yard· ship int erest in our n1ini s try of evangel– ism and material r elief to Jews of our o,vn and other lands . Dr. Gartenhaus, Pres ident and active direc tor , has been a recognized leader in J e,vish evangel– ism for 35 years. For neivs of our work among Jews, send /or your I ree copy of THE E, ER· LAS11 ·c NATION. Write Dept. 0 Dr. Jacob Ga rtenhaus , Presi dent