The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1955

October 1955 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST BANQUET AT CANTON Partict l 't.:iew of ta,blPs a,1rl g1test: The 1 a l, 1 ar),. I3apti. ·t 1 l1t11~ h, '1a11to11 hio of ,,,hi ·h tl1e Rev . 1 harle ,,T. ~l cKi11ne}r i~ pastor, a1·– ra11g:ecl f 01~ a ba11 111et a11cl socic1l hol1r at the l\ Ian11er s Tea Roon1 Tt1e day~ ~epten1lJer 6 ,,,hi ·h wa e11joyed by 111a11)" 111embe1>. a11d frie11d ,. Re,.r. I I . K. Fi11le, ,. eclito1· of ' The Ohio I 11deJ)e11cle11t Bapti ·t was the o·t1e. t speal{er hi · •t1l)j ct l)e– ing: 'Goel , J.>o,ver Li11e. , J-1 ollO\\ri11g the 8lllllptll0ll ' c·}1iel<– e11 di1111er· the g11est , e11joyecl cl 1n11- . ical prog:ra1n a11cl a ehatfe ·t. The ' alvarj" I3aJ)tiRt ( 1 l111r eh ha8 111acle clefi11itP })rogresH si11ee th co111i11g of J>astor :\IeKi1111ry i11 l !)5:1 . 'I' l1p higl1 ,vay 11 a8 11 <>t a l ,vay~ l>eP11 ~111ootl1 11or ,\·pr r 1l1e i11t p1·sr<.·- t io11s <: 1 Parl v 111a r ){rel · J1c) \VP ve r thr • (;orcl has cli1·PC'tc>c l to a J)<>i 11t ~ 1 h erp the ffJJ'\\ 1 al'cl 111atc·l1 \\'ill 1111clol1lJt 0cl- 1., r b P r cl J) i cl . 'l h e-> hc>tl sP cJf \\'<)rslii Jl is lleat1- tift1l a11cl <·<1rri< 1 s sPat i11g :,., J>cl<'e fo r alJ<Jtl1 :1()() l>r lie,·e1·s a 11cl <)11 t}1 p r)l'C) fJC' l'1~.. i s <l tl e\\' J>Hl'S<) lla ge, ll lO(l – P J'll i11 clc-1s ig·11 a11tl c·<>111fc) rt ,1l> lP fc>r FOR ALIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION, having a fundamental Bapt ist fou dati on •. • • Featuring A B. Degrees in Bible, Engl ish and Socia l Science. Beau tiful 15 acre campus w ,th 9 bu,ld,ngs. Interco llegia te Athletics Write for free copies of " Testimony' '. No Obl,gat,on CEDARVILLE COLLEGE A BAPTIST COLLEG_E ef LIBERAL ARTS CEDARVILLE, OHIO J. T. Jerorntoh, ,-,.,._ Pa ·tor· l\ l C'Ki1111e.) 1 a11 cl l1is <lt<·o111- pli ·l1 ecl \\ 1 ife. 'l',vo }1ealthy yot111g- t r8 a lso 11j o} 1 the l1illtop l101n . r1 1 l1e 1 a l ,rar}' Bapti:t 1 l1111·ch i: located i11 the lVe ter11 · C'tio11 of a ity with popt1latio11 of 116,00(). rr h e l111re 1 i ' . lll'l'OllllClecl b}r a fa. t-fi:1·0,,ri11g· r e.·i le11tial cli. ·trict ,111cl it see111s to l)r thP 0111,r 11011. e .. of ~ 1 or shi1J i1 tl1e , 1 ic:i11ity . 'l1}1e <:hl1reh i.· a valtte l 111e111be1r of ()l1io 1\ ·so ·iatio11 }111d i s also c1ffi]i,1tecl \ \ 1 ith J3etl1a t1y .l\ :'. 0 ·ia.tic, 11 ,, 1 hieh i11- c·l11 le: rrall1r1a l ge Akro11, 8tr11tl1- rrs A ii e: E1;ra11 .,,il lc 1\1(.' Dollcllcl, Nor t l1 rJ c1 ·1< ·011, "'orto11 C 1 r 11te r , (}ar·rett. , ,i]le a11cl ~l1aro11 I)en11- S)' lva11ia . Tl1e l)PC)ple of tJ1e 1 a 11 - t 0 11 <' h ltreh ctre l3a 1t is t s a. 11cl e11- jO)' fel lo,,,sl1i1 ,vitl1 J~c111ti 'it 11 - } iP\T(-'1 }'8. ------ 13l ]~J_J E ( 1 ()KJ-1 ERJ 1: 1 T( 1 }~ I ;\ ~~ J 1Y I{ 1 r\ 'I'h P I-<' irst 13aJ)ti~t ( 1 l1ttre l1 , El}· r – i,t r Pc:P11t1)· c11 jo,\Trcl a \\' t1Plc-c11cl 13ib]p ( 1 <)11fPl'Pl1C'P \\' il)1 l~P\ ' . ,J c>}lll (1. I~ ct l:)' C> 8J>ea.k:i11g· <)11 }1' ri cl,t)' t1\'C1 - 11i11 g a11cl l) r . I) Ht tl I~ .. ,J ,1<' l<Ho11 c>f ,Jol111 80 11 ( 1 it.,·, ~e1,,· Yorl< il1 c> g 11c\st s 1>e ,1l<<' l' 011 Nat11rcln.,· Ht111clc1)· n11cl ~ JOJlfltt \ ' . • ' I' l l<' e lit1r<· l1 N1111cla.)· Nc·llc)(> l sPt a f{<>,t l <)f (j()l f'c>r c1ttc 1 11clclll<·<l <,11 ' · J~ o t 111 ( l l ' J > 1 , H t 111 < l ,l) , S <-' 1 l t P 111 lie 1• 11. a11cl , , '1 <'11 tl1<' c·lnss 1· t. 1 <·<> l'tls \\t'l' l' < • c) u 1 1 > i 1(' c 1 11 ,, c1 s r c1 1111 c 1 t 11 c1 1 , i :3 ~) \\<'l'C' 11 1 H11c·11cla11vc'. 171 <>l' tll ll~t' }H•l tl g i11 t}1p f>H stl>l' '~ f1Pl'C'H ll }{ il)Jp ( 1 Jass. 'J' ll <' <'<>ll '-; 1H tl1 \ ' ts1tat ic)11 <>t' I )H "i1 ()l' ll <>l ('l ' l ,J. ll t 1 \ t lh<>ttt ,lllll • l 11 s J> v<> l>1c\ 11lt1 s clPclic·att•c l ~<'t'\ l <' <' tlt1·c ,11.uh <>ll1 tltc• ('< ) Jlt1' 1'< 10 ati<>11 i. ,_, l"'\ b l, 1·i 11 gi11 ~ rc•:-;11lt s IH 1 .\' <>11cl PXJ><'<'lH - • 11<>11 . Page Nine • BOOK REVIEWS An11 book favorably reviewed 1:n tliis department 1nay l> e se– curecl fro11i t l1e Believer's R ible rir1.d Boolt Co.1 120 Park rt ve– n1t e, ft"'lyria, Ohio . T 11 E l ~ I Q l T }1J J > I~l{S <) N () !1 CJIIR 18T r J r . , J. i\ . I I 11 ff n1a 11 J > rrs i cl c-> 11 t o £ "\\ i11011c1 J1al<r 8ehool of 1 1 hrology a11cl the at1tl1or <>I twr11ty-8ix fast – f-;r lli 1 g· l>o<>I<.· c>f l~il)lr cxpoRition , 11c>,v prr 11 t s 'l /1 e l .. ,i ic1 ll e JJ er·so ri (Jj' (1hrisf hi,' la test a11c l Oll C of hi · brst. With hi8 c·t1sto111ary thoro11gh- 11ess 1) r. II 11£f1na11 clrct l~ · \., 1 it h I Ii. t111 ic1 l1 e birt 11 si11lrssne:s t mpta– hil ity lordship , h 11ma11it)~, an(l 111a11y othrr of Il is 1111ic111e hara - t eri. ties. Tl1 book is 11ot ,vritten i11 1 oft}, la11g·l1a o·e t111st1i tccl to tl1e <>rcl i11a1·y stt1 l 11t of t}1 e \\T orcl bl1t rather 0 11 a level ,vl1 r e it \\ 1 ill g i \'e the 1110:t to the g1~eate t 11un1- l) r . W r ron1n1r11(l it ! 'rhe ~ 1 ta11 la1·cl J)ress, \\ 7 i11011a l1al<e 111cl i a11a- *2. (JC) I l ()NF-' ~ 1 'r .1 \ l~ E l l er e ,ve ha,·e i 11. J)iri11p: storie..· of 1\ braha111 Li11eol11. ·0 111 J)il ecl b)'T I l arry .r\ lbll~ at1tl101· of Tl1c l)ra- 1111t Ma11 T l1e l3oy F r o 111 To1·tl1- fielcl T l1e :\ f11 ·ie i\Ial{er, a11d ot l1er llllll ' l tal 1JOOl{8 . This bool{- l/ rJ1l rst 11be- ~·ets fort l1 a 1·e1)01·t of i11 ·i(lp11ts r elat r<.l t c> tl1e I if e <>f t 11 e g· r eat e111a11c: i J)a t 0 1· . Y 01111g foll< \rill l)e t l1rill cl ,vitl1 111P stori ." . \ \ 111. 13. E e r(l 111 a 118 1>11 b li: hi rig < '01111Ja11Jr, ({ra11cl l{ ,11)icls ;1, l\Iiel1 - i v. a 11 , $1. () 0. '[1 I I IH I)...\ s ~ I ~ lx N I l: I I r l l-1,r ,r {)C' l'8011s 11 ,t,' P S<)t tl s so clc'H rt 1hc1t t l1is l><><>l( ,,.<)t1lcl 11ot OP HJ l– l >l'<'<· iHt etl . l\Ic1ri< 1 ( 1 hit,,·c><><l i"' tl1P ,ll ttJ1 c> 1·. '1' 11 e1 •(' (' <. l 1 > 1 () t 1 · p ~ t "' i 11 t 1 1(' r, t < • 1 1l1nt ,J,tt·l( , ttl <. l l) c> 111 1a \\Pl'L' l1a1>1>il~ lllHl'l'il 1 (l, l>tlt tltl' fll'tlft b<>Hl'<l i?Jl\' l' 11 < > l 1 <, <' ( l t <> t I 1 < l t , a 11 < l , J a <' l~ ,, a ~ ~,, isl1Pcl H\\H\ tc> ,,nr, tlll'l'l' t<> l)l' • 1, i 11 Pt l i 11 a(' t i <.> 11 . [t 111,t, l) e tl1at S(>111<' l'Pa<lt•r c>f • t hi"' ttl cl~H7. i11 t l1a s l1, t•<l tl11· >tt g l1 ~ llc' ll l'\: })Pl'il'll(i l ' Hilt! t<> "lll' }l Hll t>lll' , 1 his hP,trt -s1irrittt)' stc)1·,, ,, ill Itel\ P I'"" • , , Ll<lttl>lP 111t 1 u11i11 g·. l>t>llll , l ,lt lust l't>ltlttl l1ct1>J)i11 t'~S Hllll til t' fltll s 1c)l') ( 1 011ti11tl('< l OJ1 ll l' '\f {>,lg )