The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1954

TiiE 0111 lNDEPENDENT BAPTIST D<'c mber 1954 ~--~~~~~~~~~~ - - Editorial Comnient 1111111-'1{ ' rl1t' 1>t'llt't11" ()r li , – <, I{ () l I ) it lo· f <) 1• l '11 r i "t 1, 1 i ~· l 1 t ~ l,t <'< llll Ht'('(l \\ itll tl1a t c,f ])it l,111g· fr11it. l)ll<' lllH.\ ~1n 11cl <.l'l t l1t) lt)\\" lt' ' el c111<l })t('lt n ~11lcl 11 l'Hl't t)f tllf' ll'<'('•" f1·11it. \)tl1 011<' t 1 n11 l1a1·, l'"1 lll()l'l' rr11it l), . el i111l)- • i11 g a \)ii l1i~l1cr t)ll 111<' la<lllPr. ( ) f ('()\ll' '-t'. tt) ~·t,t nll tl1,1t 111<' t l' PP l1clS 1<, t)ti'er. <)tl<' 11111st J)iel, cl lS<) ,11 t l1r 101) of tl1" tret'. ·\ I Jor<l . lift 111e 111) tllltl let 111l' stn11cl . 1~· f,1it l1 011 llf'c1 , ·p11 's t cl 1)l lc111 cl . -'\ 1 ig·h e1~ 1)]<"! 11 tl1c111 I l1a,·r fol111d ~ 1101· l, 1)1Hllt 111). f t 011 }1igl1 1-- gr ()l111C1. ]1 ..\ ~~~ <111(1 P.\ I .~T COlll'SC. 1~,1i11tecl face .. , 1)e11- eilccl e,... el)l'O\\·r, , a 11 d ~ b1·io·I1 l l'Cd l i 11~ a1·e 1--igh t 11p - to - t l1e - 111i11l1te, of "' ...o pe1· on <1l1e. t i 0 11. t l1at ! IT0,,Te·r·e1· . i11 . earc-hi11g the • c1"iJ)– t 111·e ,,..e fi11cl i11 II Ki11g-., chapter ~l . ·y·er."e :30. tl1at l'J ezel)el ' pai11ted lier face. · ' 111 fae;t, the lac1ie. of B ible la11cl l1a,·e ,11,,a,.... l1acl t h i. n1ocl e of 111ale- • i11g them. el,Te. be(11tfif ztl. Tl1e3r 1)ai11t 01-- 11lacl{e11 t l1eir eyelicl a1 d elo112:ate tl1e 01)e1·atio1 i11 a le– (j1·ea i11g· p e11cil line, le11gthe11i11g· the e)·e to a 1)oi11t wh e1 ..e it often ap– l >ear to be al111011 l haIJe . Tl1e <:11. ton1 of painti11g face · finge r- 11 ai 1. a11c1 toe 11ail. i. ,,,. a11cie1 t • a 1--e1)ort. i11clicate t l1a t tl1 i.· . t)r 1 of l)eat1tificatio11 i.· £01111d 011 1nt1111- 111je i11 tl1e olcle.·t of the E g·ypt ian to111lJ . The Eg·)Tl)tia11. ap plied ,·tlrio11. · c:0101,. to tl1e cheek. ome. ti111e.: . e·\"·eral colo1· · 011 the ·ame c·J1eelc. Little ,,ooc1en : il, 1 er a11c1 i,·01--~· J)robe: are al ,,·ay: p1--e. e1 t tl1e i11:t1·l1111e11t.. · ,,·itl1 ,·vl1icl1 the lac1ie ap11liec1 the pai11t. ""\ ft r all e;o~1netic. are 11ot n10 lel'n lJ11t ar e a. olc1 a. the cle. ire of the h11111cl11 l1ea1·t to be lJea11tift1l . J>ai11ting· ,,Tl1ile . 01ne,,rl1at l)OJ)U- 1 a 1· a111ong tl1e .J e""i 1 ,, ..on1e1 . , ,,a 11f1t g1·ec1tl~· e111phasizec1. a11ll ,,.. a. 11ct l111i,Ter all,\... 1)1--aetice(l. Th e 1·e la tio11 to fa rial clecoratio11, a repo1·tecl i11 • 1 c1·iptl1re, . ee111. · t o lltL,·e l)ee11 ·01111ectecl ,,~itl1 ,,To111e11 11ot r)f tl1e l1igl1 e. t cha1·c:1 ·ter. .J e1--e - 111jal1 a~~"., of a harlot ·ity, · · 'l'ho11g·h tl1ol1 1·e11te ·t th3"' face ,,·itl1 l)ai11ti11!l. ·· ( .J er. 4 ::30 ) ~ a11cl E%.el{iel a~ai11 111al<e. it tl1e r l1a1--– ctcte1·i. ti · of ,1 harlot- Ezekiel 23 :4(J. Tl1e11. of co111-. e the ,vo111en of •\ f 1·i<· a l1a , ·e t 11 ei1· o,,·11 111ocler11 ic1( 1 Hs c) f' l1rc111 t ifi c·nt ic> tl, a11 cl c1ft c r J)11t1 i11g g·1·rnsc i11 t ltc' ir h,1ir, c> fi <1 11 11n111l . triJ )<\ cl o, r 11 i c) 111 P , ,·c1i81 li11r. ,,rr clo 1101 c1ti r 1111)t to 1,Prl) i 11 f < > 1· 111 r cl o 11 t l 1 c l ct 1 r. t i 11 f' cl l' i H l art, l )11t ,18 ,,·e1 lool< <>\'Pr t }1 r 1,tt r 111ocl r~ lR of ,1,1to111ol)il e8, it oe <'ltrs 1o 11. t t1 at . 0111e ,,,110 cl.'1, ire to l)e l)t1 ,t 11 t i f ttl 111ig·h t g·ct so111c 111)-t o– t l1e-111i11 l1te i lea. 01 t,,,o-t o11 , a11cl 11 e,v .._ ltcl cl e · f 01-- ·tt1dy. a11c1 .._·w DDLED ' r\. 11 d M a r y br·ol1ght fo1·th lier fir t bo1·11 on, and ,vr·apped him i11 s,,·ac1dling cloth e , a11d laid him i ti a 111a11ger. ( Ll1ke 2 :7 ) I11 E zel{iel 16 :4 it i ,vritte11: ' ' Thot1 ,va t 1 ot alted at all no1· ., ,\'ac1c1led at all . ' nly an outca t a11d n egl ect ed bab}r ' ''Ollld be o trea ted. 1no11g the p eople of I ·rael the 11evv babie wer e thorot1ghly r11bbed " ' ith coar e alt to 111ake them trong . ' ' The1 t h eir arm ancl leg ,ver e bot1nd tigh t ly t o- n1al{e t11em t raigh t . ' 111 the Bible la11d today many Motl1er f ollo,v thi ._ a1 cien t practice. APIT L Th e ca ual 11 , rE T~IENT ,,Tay i11 which many p eople co11~ icl er our economic y tern in– dicate t hat t h e y t ern ' i tal{e11 f o1-- gra11ted , and ,vithot1t r eg·arc1 for t he capital i11ve tn1ent ,vhich 111ake t.h e y t em po ible. In 1.J1·ief 1na1l)'" ,vorl{me1 f eel t hat the '~ } 7 ten1' hould provicl e a gu ar- a 11 t eecl ,, ·ag·e and fring·e be11efit , l t1)li1n itecl. The acttlal fact i t h at l>P11i11cl P\ ' <'r,~ ,vo1·l<Pr i11 tl1P <'<·<>11 - • () Il l .'' 11t P J'P Hta11cls Hll H\'Cr,t g <' c·HJ >ita] i11,·t1s11t1P111 <>f *1 5,0TIO.()(). ' l l,is fi g lll' (> \\' HS <1 Pt Pr111i11 c,l f'('('flllt - 1 ) .. l > ,v t h P N ,t 1 i <> 11 a I ( 1 it },. I{ a 11 l{ <> r ~c. ,,~ Yc>rl{ ,rhic·l1 111aclP ,l s 111~\'C> ) ' a111011g· fiftP r 11 bra<' l{c>ts of n1a1111 - fa <' t11ri11g. 'l,o IDcl11.)" J> COJ)l r 8alvatio11 is tb P f r ees g ift of (;ocl, a11<l lJClyo11c1 tl1at : tate111e11t of fact ther e i.· littl e or 110 1 011 ·ide1·atio11. Ilo\vever , it 111t1st be 11ote(l that l>ehi11d every 1·t 1 clee111ecl ,'Oul t}1 r e ~ ·ta11ds th'e capital i11ve ·t111e11t of tl1e 1.Jord ~J JS ll ( 1 hri •t, "'' 110 clied that ,ve 111 ight live. In the eco11omic fi el cl t h e vvo1·k- 111a11 01)erate · u11cl er tl1e directio11, ct11cl to the aclva11ta 0 ·e of, the ma11 or 01·g·a11izatio11 " rhich made tl1e in·ve, nt a11c1 among hri ·tia11 1) - ople all ervice h ol1lcl be done to the end '· '1 1 Jiat ?°1 i all thing /1 e niig l i t lia ve t Ji e 1J'ree 11iiiie1ice . ' ' YE OLD TI:\IE~ - ·----"-------- II e1~e are oni e sto1·e rules i11 vogzl e i11, 1 5±: The t or e will be ope11 p1·omptly at 6 :00 .A.i\f. and ,vill r e1nain open until 9 :00 P.:\I., the y ear aro11nd. · The tore mu t 11ot be open ed bv e1nployee on the abbath Day t111le, ab olutely 11ece ary and then f 01' 011ly a f e,~{ minute . ' A113r employee ,vho · i i11 the h c-tbit of ·1nokino· pani h cigar , g· t ti11g havecl at a barber hop goino· t o cla11ce or other place of am11 ement, will mo t urely gi, 1 e hi e1nployer 1--ea on to u - JJC ·t hi i11tegrit y , a11d all a1'ou11d l1011e ty . ' Each employee of t l1i ·to1·e 111lt t atte11d 'abl)atl1 chool eve1'y "'·eelr. !en e1111)loy ee ,vill be gi,'.'e11 011e e, ..eni11g· a ,:reek f 01· ·0111'ti110· purpo ·e.· an cl two if h e g<le t o p1'a)"e1· 111 eti11g· i11 n1id- ,,,eelr. .... t ti111e. ,,The11 11ot i11 t l1e t o1'e ur f ollo,,ring~ the p t1rpo ·e~ 11oted a l)o, r the e111pl0Jre i ., expect ed to b r'e,1di11g· goocl lit ratlll' . },e" r e111plO)Tee 01-- emplO)Te1-- \\'()llld ,vi h t o adopt these a11cie11t 1--11l e , bl1t the r adi11g of then1 i11- clicate ho",. £a1' n1ocler'11 bt1 i11e . ~ ta11d f1--01n the ·pirit11al l e,Tel of 0n e ·e11tlll'J'" ago.