The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1954

----------~THE OI ·IIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST December 1954 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~- THE KING'S MEN GOSPEL QUARTET 'l l1i~ lllc.lll~ (lllHl't( l ()l tl1 l~ i1·~t 1 <ll)tist l1111·cl1. 1~~ 1~·1·i,1. is 11re1)<ll'C<l to ftt1· 11isl1 , ·oea1 clll(l i11~t1·t1111 11tnl 11t1111bc1-. H1 c111~· llo~1)rl 111 ti11g ,,·itl1i11 cl1·i,· i11g· l'cl11p:c of J-i.1l~'" ria . 1110. \\Tc cc111 al o arra11gc f11l l p1·og·1·c1111 c 011 i ti11g· of , .a 1·iecl 111t1sieal 11l1111be1~ ... c111cl brief n1e - sc1Q·0s f 1·0111 tl1e "'\\T or·cl. Contact– RICHARD J. ELLIOTT Route No. 1, Robson Rd. Grafton, Ohio 1904 50th -1954 ANNIVERSARY CLEVELAND HEBREW l\llSSION Testimonies to J ews Ohio, West Virginia, P ennsylvania and Brazil Quarterly Magazine "THE TRUMPETER FOR ISRAEL" "News and Views" of local and 1vvorld-wide inter est concerning the people and the land GERALD V. SMEI,SER, Supt. P. 0. Box 3556 Cleveland 18, Ohio A HOME MISSION OUR CHARACTERISTICS Extensive Evangelism Intensive Visitation Bible Preaching Effective Teaching Organizing Baptist Chu1·ches OUR SUPPORT Dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit Needing your prayer and financial contribu– tions OUR PUBLICATION Write for the Broadcaster, ow· qua11.erly magazine HIAWATHA LAND INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MISSIONS Rev. Guy E. King, Director 1109 Ludington St. Escanaba Mich. • RACISM • NATIONALISM • MAU MAU • SELF-GOVERNMENT • APARTHEID • POVERTY • HUNGER • DISEASE Tlie crusliing problems of a continent awak– P.ned out of centuries of darkness are creating tensions wliicli may explode at any moment. To these problems may soon b e added Conimunism - the monstrous conspiracy that feeds on confusion and 11nrest - exploiting and enslaving people. Only a miracle of God can save Africa a11d make it safe for both the black man and the ,vhite man. If the crisis in Africa i s not resolved quickly the doors of unlimited mis· . sionary opportunity may soon be closed. The onl y ans,ver for Afri ca i s Christ. But ,ve must hurry. , A mighty campaign to evangelize · Africa i s of paramount importance. Missi o11ary l eaders have urged The Pocket Testa· 1ne11t League to u11dertake such a campaign no,v. PTL launches greates t ca1npaign in its history - PTL has the experience and the technique to 'do this job. Depending upon God's help ,ve ,41ill b egin in January 1955 a massive program of evangelism and Scripture distribution in Afri ca. This tremendous under· taking will require the prayer support and financial backing of Christians and churches of all denomina- OUR EXPERIENCE IN ASIA 1 Million Gospels in China 11 Million Gospels in Japan 2 Million Gospels in Korea 1 Million Gospels in Formosa Yi Million Complete New Testaments Write for a free copy of our Africa survey. • lions. Help save Mrica while there is yet time! ALFRED A. KUNZ, Executive Direcror .