The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1955

B OOK REVIEW 11 l' \ s 1, <) 1\ .. \ " l ( < J i~ ~~ l , l l J lll ' l' 11 l)l, )l,1\ \ \I \\ , , fl,, tllt\a~ c1111f' f'r<)t11 1'''· •l t 11 11 t ~ :1,1 t 11 l 1· , r 11, is n 11 , l)o(,l, t l1n t s ( liil t 1'('11 t. '1 lll ]',l~l' ' f t 11 i, llt1t l" Hl 'f' b i,t li 1g ,,·1 t 11 itlt'cl"- t)r1g·i 11n l n11cl tl'J "ti-,,·i t l ,\ll1l'l -..;;" ltlt'H" l ll\ lOll~ l"·· 11ot all tli tl1( itlrn" ill't' l\ - • }1P,liC'tl1 l' )l' (' \ ' t'l': C'lllll' 1 11. lJtlt ,t ll J>,,, t)r, ,,~ill fi11tl tllt' 11001" 11rofit– :1l,l t:'. Zo11 ll 1·, 1 n 11 11011 .... 0 . (: r<111 l I <111itl, I 11l)li,l1i11g· "":.. l10 -------- '1"1IF;J 1) 1,1 r4 ~r: ( 1~ 1 'r JI F.1 ...\ 1" l .. " f 1 r'\ l l~X 'I Tl11~ ,·0111111 of a l>ol1t ~,'5(1 J)ag·e i ~ ,l 1·~-11ri11t t)f ,1 1 ln .... ~ie ,,·orl( 11).. '1"]10lllc"l 1 l'c1\\rfor(l . ])l'Olf'~"-<>r of l 1i,·i11it, i11 tl1t~ 1"11i,·c·,- of l~d111- • • 1)111'~·11, ~ccltl,111tl. 'l"l1e ,r<)rl~ i~ cll"- 1"3!1g·e<l for c1(l, ,111 •t'tl tl1colog·ic,1l ,t11de11t". n11cl tl1e l)oi11t of ,·ie,,· is i11 '):\.a ·t li11 ,,·itl1 tl1at l1elcl 1),~ • I· 1111dc:1111 11tal "l1111·c:l1e~. T 71 l) r1 ct r i, 1 0 f T 71 ... l t (J " c , H c11 t • 1 l)llt 011 ,·ol11111e i11 tl1 e ( 1 0-()1) e r,1- tive R J)1·i11t I.Jil)l'cll')". ,,·l1i<·l1 ,,·ill co11"'i~t of twel,·e ,,.oll1111e~ ra11gi11g i11 1)1·i ·e f1--on1 ·i·2. ~(} to . ·-!. :.. (), ~ i11g-1, , cl li,"er cl, 01· . · 4:3. l)O tl1r et. Tl1e 1Jool{ 1·e,·ie,,-ecl i~ llei11g: li, t1·il1l1tecl at . ·4.00 lr,.. I~al~er Bool{ ' Ilotl e. ;1·a11cl Ra1)icl · 6, :\l iC'l1ig·a11. 1TIELDEI) Ti()DI ES ,, ... 11 lt110,,·11 for l1i'I elO(Jl1e11 ·e . Dr. Rob 1 t (;. J.,c e. :\ I 1111)l1i . 'fe11- 11f~ ee. i~ e(111all:- elo<111e11t i11 l1i ,,-1·iti11ir. '-' 111 thi ne,,· l)ool{ tl1e al1tl1(>l' cleal~ ,,·itl1 tl1 e ht1111a11 l)oCl)T: tl1e e~~e . ear . 111ol1th. to11g11e l1a11c1 , feet hea1~t. ancl tl1e 1·e 111~rection bodv. ~ The ai111 a11c1 l)lll'J)O ·e of tl1e l)ool< i;- to Pt fo1·tl1 it ,,·011de1· a tl1e 111a. te1·-,,·01·l~ of Joel aucl to 111·ge fo1· 1·ecoQ11ition of it ac1·eclne a the cl,velli110' place of Goel-the te11111le of ocl. D1·. L ee 1)1·e e11t. ~1--eat t1·l1tl1 con ce1·11i110· the bo(l,T .._ 0 " ct 11 cl ]11 pa1~a2.1·a J)l1 " 1·ela ti11g t}1e 111embe1·~ of tl1e boc13... to l 'f c;1·ipture a1·t J)l'OfOlllld. Zo11cle1·,~a11 P t1 bli l1i11g: Ho 11. e, G1·anc1 Rapi(l 6. i\ficl1iO'an--.... ·2. 50. I ....... ·T~~ F THE l\11 .. I01 1 ARY TR_UL I11 this book El1gene l\IJ·e1· l-Iar- 1·i 011 prP,ellt"' the bio 0 ·raphie of eicrht 1ni io11a1·,... aia11t : 1ne11 ' ,,1 110 e na111e tand out boldl)r a111011g- tl10 e ,,.,110 ha,re clefied clea 11 -- t (l l cl l'l') l]l' 11()." J)<\ l t O }1 H t 11 ' 11 la11tls. ' l' l lt)...,l' \ \ 110 ltct \ ' l' })l H<'P lll tl1i s g· r c;11 \ C) l t1 111' nr ' ll 11r)' .I.Tot t ' l c1 l1i ti: \\' 1lli n111 1 c1 r e, . l)i ~eovc r - " l' l' ; ( T (l () l'~· ( t l'(\ l l r(' 11, 0 11 g O ' \ 1011 irn111 ,.J 11cl~o11 I111r111a; H,111111 l i\ lcl l'~lll 11, 1 Te ,, Ze,1lt"t11cl ~ J)avicl l1i,·i11~r~to11, ....\ f1·i a,1: J a1110. 1 l1al- 111e1·s, Xe,,~ 1t1i11 ,1, a11cl J o11 atl1a11 ll ofortl1, l1i11a. Tl1e 1·0a li11g of t lie... r l)iogra1)l1ie ,,·ill l1e Io1111d 11igl1l~y· i11te1~e ti11g a11<l 1)i1·ii t1all)' 11'ofital1le l)y n1i - . . 1011,1r~T gr oup . 'r l10 ._ i c1·ipt11re "\\T cl l)a 11 ~ \ , 1 e1 l1e, r e. . 43-1: 011 h l1icag·o ,.. Il- li11oi l1a pricecl t he vol11me a t LE{'iTTTR F.J ~ > ~ l I I~) I-3R 1~:,,TH 'I l1r 11a111r of tl1e cl llthor- .JO– ~ ·E1 II ...\. . ~ 1 F~I" 1 ~i-,,· ill l' reall t c) t 110 111111cl . of 111a11,~ 1·ea cl r r .· ~ The '- ~\}10 ·alJ"P· e, ' ' , ,·l1iC' l1 1 a~ 11a<l ,,·icle ti l'Ct1la t io11 c1 111011g B i l)l e l1e l ie, "i11g JJPOI) ]C. Leet 1l l'C. ' () Jl 11 ( b rn li '.' · 0 11. ·ist s t,f t l1irt~"-. ix c· l1a1)te1-. , clo ·el)" 1 r i11tec1, to,·e ri11g: 111 01~e t l1a11 £0111· lt t1 11 lrecl })ag·e. - a 11 ex1)0.- ito1--~· ,,·or l{ 01 t l1e Bool{ of Ile l)r e,\":. . 111 hi otl1e1· J)r i11tecl l ctt1r e.: , t l1 e c.111tho1· is a tl101·011g·l1 ,,,01·l,111a11, c:o,·eri11g· t l1e e11ti1·e Bil)l e i11 l1i: .~c.;ope. T he l1oolz i. la1·g:e, l) i11µ: 9' ' x ;; 1 2," a11cl i.. 1)ei11g· l i:t1·ilJ11t ec1 ctt . ·3 . 40 1 er c:01 J" b3,. Balzer I3ook H oll e, (}r a11cl Rap i 1~ 6, )Iic.; l1iga11. _ , _______ 1 1 I 1 ~~ L.\ XD • ,. TD rl, I I ~: B l ) l K Thi · l>ool-: b1· \\' illia1n .:\1 . Tl101n- .. I) 011 ,,·ill p1·ovicle a wi11te1· 1·ea cl- ing· 01.. l1a11 '"·e a) 1 a t rip throug·}1 the H ol;y.. La11cl , , i11te1 .. long, £01· 0111}'" . '4.9 - . Il e1·e i a 700-page t1·a,,.e loo· coveri11!r all J)Oi11t of i11- t re.~t, a11cl 111a11, ,. u11hear cl of .. !)lace ·. The at1tl101· cl e ·cr il)e · the . t:e11e1·~... , 1 eoJ)le, 111a1111e1-.. aucl ct 1. ·– to111.:. T11e ~,.cri1)tl11·e · a1·e in ev~i– cle11c:e th1·011~hot1t. \\' e cl efi11itel,· .. reco111111eucl the boo1{ for a11,p .. cl1 t11'ch 01· fami l 1" librar, ... . ' .. Bake1~ Book II011 e (+ra11cl Ra11- icl. , :\I ichig·a11- , -±. 95 A11,y book favo rably 'reviewed i' 11 tli is depar .. f 111 e,it nia y be e– cur·ed f 1· on i t lie B el i ever B ible a11cl B ooli (Yo. , 120 Pa1· li· ... 1 i•e- 111, e . A"lyria , Oliio. / ;\ 1,; 1I 1 4 ~\I I \ 11 ' I LJJ1; I~:\ I~( ' l . 'I I V1•, ~f Htl] <' ,) T~"< (\\' itl \ 11 cl ' l'S(> ll , 'J }1.J{ ., 1, {) ., 'J It . I) . 11c-l" g i\r( 1 Jl US Hll - 1><)~ iti c>11 c) f' t}1<1 13<><)1< C)f '.'\r 11 1ni ,1h . ,, i 11 P 1111) l1c1 ~ i s llJJ<J 11 t l1 \Vorl< of t l1 c 1 ,1 cl er. \\ itho11t c1t1r".) ti cJ 11 ~ r l1 111iah js a 11111cl1 11 rµ: l ct cl lJoo l< a11cl the p1·oble111. f ,te0cl 1)) 1 ~ e he1niah arc c1efi11itr ly ~ in1ila,r to t he probl rms f a,C'rc1 l)}' Uocl ~ people today. The I~ ool{ of .1. T 0he111ia h i ~ a p1--act iral g· t1itle t o t l1e ·ol vi11g of many pa. - tor ~ l p1·ol>le111. in the ove1 .. eei11g of t he cht1rcl1. Tl1e bool< i writ– t e1 i11 £or111 £01· cla . 11 e ,vith qt1e ti 011. at t l1e e11d of each chapt er. \\Te co11 ider th i. ver)~ g·oocl eXl)O, ·it o1·~r , ,~OI'l{. . \l1ot1t 16:- l)a ge., attracti,,el)- l101111cl , "\r a11 Ka n1 pe11 Pre.. ·. "\\ 7 1 cr1t o11, I lli110 i.·-. ·2.SO . TIIE D:11:I; l(+Il T~ 1 OF LI~, E II er r i · a11ot l1e1· fi11 e book from the p e11 of Dr . 1T. Ila ,i1,,io1icl Ed– ?1za11 J>re:icl e11t of "\"\Theato11 ol– l r ge. Thi. 1night ,vell be co11- ., icl r1·ecl a. a <·on11)a11io11 ,Tol11me t o 'rhr Di. ·eipli11e.· <)£ I)ife r ece11tl:v· ]1lll )li. hell 1) ) " D1~. E c1man, a11cl , ri c1e }Jr he1·alcl ecl . ~ Tl1 e 1·eacli11g1. · t·c>, "e1· abo11t 11ine l)ag:es eacl1 tl1e boo}~ of 26 pa~:e. 11 re:r11 ti11 o· 2 e1 trie . r\ . in the ea:e of the f or111e1· bool<, each chap– trr l1eacli11 o· lJeg·i11. ,, .. it h the let – tr1· D - a : Deart h. Decr ea. e. De lieatio11. Deli, 1 er·a11ce. Depth, Do11atio11, Di. ce1·111ne11t , et c. Eacl1 c·h a1 ter i: l111ilt a r o 1111 1 a .. c1·ip– tl1re t ext. rrhe lJoO]{ i cl eepl)T d e– \~otional a11d piritl1al. Ya11 Ka111pe11 P1·e heaton. lllinoi - . ·2. 00. OB~JE T TJE~ ~ ox~ rf }1 e .. (' l' i }) t l l l ' e p I" e. . }) l' e . e ll t ,l l><><)k1et of abol1t eig·ht:r· p age. ca1 .. - 1·,.. i 110 tl1 e ' 1<110\,~ 1 0,,· ' ' 0 11 t ,,·e11t,T ~ t'°"" • <>bjeet les. 011. . Tl1e 1nat e1·ial £01· t1~e is ea.-- ilJ· 111·ocl11·ecl . a11cl tl1e le - ~011. ,,·ill be fol111 l poi11tec1 a11cl 1 i g· h 1.'' i 11 t e1 ..e 'ti11g·. T11e t ea cl1e1 .. 01· ~t111cl a~... .. 'el1001 t1p e1·int e1 de11t \,·i] l l1e ab] r t o tea h , .. ital Bible I I 'll t 1 ~ i11 a n 1a1111e1~ \,· l1ich ,,~ill ca 11- t i ,-at e tl1e attenti o11 of bov a11cl ., ~ i 1· l :. ' T11e llooklet i. attracti,... ely l)o1111c1 ,,·it 11 a cl 111·a l)le c·o, ·e1· a11cl i. lJe i11g cl1st ril l11tecl at e, 1 e1 t,·-fi ,·e cent . • J1<'1' C-O l ) ) T 1~· 'fl 1P .. 1 t ri11t111·e Pres . -1-:1 -1- ) 1 0\lt}) ,,Taha 1 .. \,"e1111e , ( 1 l1i- ( •at,!'() ~- Illi11oi .