The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1955

Marcl1. 19_55_____________ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ------~~~----~~- Page Nineteen BOOK REV IEW S <) I{ r <:I~ 1\ I 1 ~ I~R i\ I<>~ <)l TT1I ~ l~S 'l' hc\ lcl1 rst l)<)ol, f 1· c> 111 t11e1 J>P11 of' 1)1~. l~' I .\ ~ l(l JI~ TJ(){}8 I)() T is 11 <),,. a,· ail c1 l 1 l P a 11 cl ,,. i 11 l > P f <) 1111 c1 l1i~h i11 , ·<1lt1r h)· 1>1·p,1c·l1r1·s ,-1,11cl t <'H<' l1<.1 r s. I 11 () }' i .r J i JI { I I 1'-\ ( } . J J l () JI () I ' I I i 11 ( s . I) J' . l.1og <1011 clj. ·<·11:l-irs tl1<1 ,1rt of 8e r- 111<>11 l>11i lcli11g·, J)l'e8r11ti11g· tl1r , ·a lllE c>f a c·aref11 ll~,. 11rr11arr(l <>11tlj11~ a 11 cl c· o,· er.· ·e,· r 1· al 11 H g·es <> f t 1 <' l" ()<> 1< \r j t } l i l l 11 st r a t i O118 \ 'r l 1 r l' e i 11 ( 111 0 t cl J '<l '-;'-;a g e. · a 1· r o 11 t 1 i 11 ec1. TJ1e11, tl1e 111ajor 1>ortio11 of tl1P l)<>o1{ of al1011t J ;{O 11a~trB, is ltse(l to :et for1J1 :rr111011 011t li11<'8 ,vl1iel1 }JH\r(> l)e<:>11 11.'C( l l :\' thr cllltl1or rf- • f P<'ti,·eJ,... ~ i\Ia11~r 1·0aclPr.-; of tl1i ' 1llclfta%i11(' ,, ill irle11t if,,. tl1e a11tl1or ,,·it}1 l~Clt l1rl • I~a pt i st ( 1 l11lre 1, E ri r, J> e 1111s~v· l- ,·a 11 ia: ( 1 e11tral Bapti. t ( 'i l1l11·el1 . f.,011clo11, ()11ta rio: ~T <>oc1,.. l\I e111<)ria 1 • C'11t1r('l1, ( (]1ieag·o c111cl I111111a1111el l{a1)ti:t C 1 l11 1reh, Jiolla11cl ~Iicl1i– ga11. This 1,rer,.. -11111el1-,,,ortl1-,,rl1ilr l)oolc '" ha!-, l)ee11 1, rieecl at *1. 50 11e1· <· r>T)~ 7 b~" i<)11cler,·a11 ]),1blishi11g lI<>t1sr, (lra11cl l~aJ)icls, c111cl I~r- Jie,·pr 'is ]~ il)l c_} ,111cl I3 oc>1c <<>11111a11.,·. J~l}"1·ia, ()hio. 1~~ 1~ o~r ()J>ER1\ I .0!'11() TllE ) I I~ 1 8 I ( > N I~' IE IJ D Ir Pre ii..; a ~e,rr11t)"-five l)cl~e 1)()01{– lPt, a11 a11tol)iog ra1)l1 ~y· of pe1·so11c1 l PXJ>c>ri<111c·<1, ,vritte11 l>;\" RlIEA :\ I J\ RI I~ (: J~ RH II ()i\ ,t 1{11.1:ia l)<1r11 .. J p\\' PHs, late r a11 01>Pra :i11grr, c1 11 c l 11 <J,, · a ,r a l t 1 r < l 111 <1111 1; er c > f th e ~t tiff Ht 1'-tf (J,. 0 J' I I {) f)( iir ii JI ('S.c; 7'o ! .,1·c1cl , ~IaJ)lP,voocl, ~Iissot1ri . ~Ja11,· i11 ()l1ic> .,\ :-;sc>c·i,1tic>11 \Yi ]l • rci<·a11 ha,·i11µ: 111c>t :\frs. <:or~}1c>11 at \ H 1• i <, t 1 i-.. a 11 11 t 1 a 1 111 PP t i 11 g·". a 11 < 1 11 a,,- 111~ <1J>J>l'Pc·i,1t<1cl }1 e1· 111essage i11 t,;()Jlg'. 'J,lt(' l)<)()]{IP1 tl',l('{.lS ]1PJ' 11',l\' Pl 1'1·,,111 J{11 ~s ia 1,, ~\ 1ue11·ic·,1, 1'1·c>111 l\lt. l-,; 11 l cl J 1( J ( i <:! } \TH l',\ r , H}l ( ] }l cl \ r 11 } g• }'(' P 11 <ll'illllclfic·,111.,r \\ 7 1'iLt C' tl, \ViJI J1c>l<l 1·,~c1,ler i111<1i-c 1 s1 1 '11·<>lt!.!h<>t11. I t':,.; H sc,nl -~ ti1·ri11 : .. f, l1caa1·t - \,c11·111i11g· Illl'S- " g P f <, J• ( 1 l I r i:..; 1 1,J 11 J > p <> I >) c•. <) 1• cl P 1• f1·,,111 111,· Hlttltt)I': l<J 1c•c1 l\ lal'i<' <l<'l'- sl1 () I) 77 :! !) I < a 11 J l e 11 s .. \ ,r (l I ) 11 ( I ' ~ I H- Jll t•\vcuJCI 11 , ~Ii ssc,111·i. $ 1.f>(I J>l'l' l'(JJ)~". 'fllJ1: \\YI ~ ))()\\ 8 ()Ii' 111~.. \\' 1 1,' 'J hj :,, ( 1 }11·i :-;1 ic1J1 .1 .. (J\ p) }t(J}<l fi J'<•t1<l – <1l' itt1(.l l'C' :-i l f1'(Jlll 111<1 fit'81 ,,c1gt t() l>,l gt.1 ~~-1. f 1 i~ cl S l(lt',\ f1·n11~Jit ,, i 1 JI i 11 t i 1n c1 I r-i f' a 111 i I.,, I > r, , I,I 111 ~ c1 11( 1 i\ill1 < 1 hri i..; tia11 1( s1i111,,11, . • A 11y boolc f avor·ably 1·eviewed 1:11, tlz,is depa1·t11ie1it rriay be Sf'– cu1~ecl fr·o11i tli e Believer·'s Bible a11,cl B oo/(, G"o., 120 J>ar·/1· , l ve– n11c , ft 1 lyr·ia Oliio. i\ S ii-.. l l l <l I l)' 1 j ll l C1 H i } l C' <• <l '-i C1 , t r H g - <'<l.\" 1<>l1el1clcl tllr 1i, 1 <1s <>f' tliosp ,,·11<> • J 1cl cl cl s P 11 s P <> f s Cl(' l l r it , •. 1' \ ~ l o t l 1 Pr • a11cl clc1t1 .g· ]1trr fcll'P<l ct 1 c,,,r ,v<>rlc1 ,,·it}1 ,vJ1ic·J1 tl1 e, .. hac.1 1it t1Cl i11 cio111 - • l l l C) ll . 'l' l1 e,,. fc)t111<l 1·eft1gp i11 c1 11 c1t J1- • e r 11 0111<\ a11cl tl1e1·Cl t l1(\ rc>111,-111c·p l>eg·i11:-; . ~ot <>11l)T is tl1er<' ro111c111ee1 , l)11t tl1PrP i8 salvc1tio11 i11 11oi 11t. l~IJ~; I}~ F l{1\ N ~JI~ t l1e1 Hlttll()]' () f 111a11~· fro11t li11r st or iPs, J1as l1C're J)l'C8011tecl cl ,rc>r111 -,vl1il r l)oo l<. \rcl l l Ka1111>e11 I->re1ss, \\TJ1r,tto11, l lli11oi~ *2.50 1' ITJ4~ J• 1 ~\ l1l .1 A~ f) RI RE <)}1' f Hf{. .L\ El 1 111 tl11s big· boo]{ \\r ll .1 l; f 1\l\1 T1 . II( TI1I.1, <l 1 a11acli a11, ,,.. he> l1c1: l iv·ecl i1J .. J c) r11 .·ale111 Hi11ce 19:35- a 111i11 - isteT· a11 l eclit c>1 ·- traee: tJ1e hi~· tory of t l1e1 .. J P,ri"h 11<'c>11lr fr<)111 tl1r 1 i111e1 of ( 1 l1rist t<> tl1e 11rrse1 t, a11cl fc>l- 1<>,r. tl1rt1 i11to t l1P fielcl c)f J)ro11h- 'l 1 l1e ll11rcle11 ()f tl1 r lJO<>lt <leals ,,·itl1 1.- raPl of tl1c) 1>rese11t, tl1P J)rol) le111s the i11ter11atio11al i11 - trig11e a11(1 the 1·c. 1 ,letio11 of t l1e 1)c:1c>– plc,, . l T11l ess 011e ha ., actt1a lly livecl ,,·itl1 tl1<1 l)eOJ)lP, relaii11g· t}1e I~il)li– <·a l clc1ta io l1t1111a11 eXJ)e1· ie11ee, <>llP <·011 l cl 11c)t ,,,rite Hll<'h a l>ool,. I 1 '<> l' thc)8r ,,·110 cll'P i11t Pr r~tec l i11 ,J r,,Ti. ·]1 111issio11:-; clltc.l 111<1 l1istc)r,· • ,l ll Cl 1>1·01>het,\" eo11ec: 1 1·11i11 g· t}1js clll - t'iP11t J)c>O])le, \\' e clClfi11itPl~.. r P<'t)111- 111 <' I l ( l t } l P () l 1})] 1 (' ,l 1 10 l l h<)11tl<11'\'H 11 J>11 l> l ishi11g lf<>ll~t', (1r<111c] l~ at>i<ls- *:3.00 'r JI}1J ~'l'()R ) '" ()11~ ~J ENl ·~ 'l'}ti!--i j~ Hll illlf)()1'1P<.l, J>il'1lll'P- S t () )') T b() () l{ () f l 11 l l I ~ l l cl l \\' () 1' t l 1. 11 • i S I l < > 1 H l) 0 <) k C) f' ( l ii-.. C' {) 1l 11 Pl' i P < 1 ] ~ i lJ 1-.. ~ t <) 1• i <,:,.., l) 111 ,1 <• c > 11" r c• t Lt i ,, e1 11 , t 1•1• c1 - 1i,·p i11 \\hic·l1 tlle1 111ni11 P\'P 111 s i11 1 1i , p ,l rt It 1 ,r 1 i t\ \ < > r (, 11 1· is 1 c1 r ) 1· t I • c, c > 1 ·cl Pc l i 11 11· t IP l 1 i ~ 1 <> r i "a l <> r cl <' 1 ·• • \ " POOL your POWER P ra)' tocl;\J' f o 1· 'IE \ .' LEAG I~ OF ltEG I., R BAI>'J'IS'J' ' II R ' I.II~ . •u<l tl(>ti c •s of ) ' Ot11· 111 '•ti 11gs Bl{E "l{S 11.,l aJJ.:, 01110 1l1t1 relcltjo11 s hi1> <JJ! thP <1\'e111 clt1- \ ' r l o 11 to,v<lrcl i1 s clr<1111,ttie c· lc>sr, thr c·J1ilclre11 \\ 1 ill l>e itl('l'<'clsi 11g·ly 1 Pc I t <> 1 h i 111{ t 11 > o 11 111 c 111P:-111 j 11 g·. 'J' he l><>01<, size 71 12 'x 1() - ec1r– l'ies Hl>Olt1 f<)l't,\r lal'!(P (•O] Ol'(l(} J)ic· – tllJ'C'~ cl l l(l SP\' ('t'<l] PHS'\r-tO-ll ll(lPl'- sta 11cl Il lH J).'. , 'I' l1r 110<>1< ,vas 111·j11t rc1 a11cl the l>Hi11ti11g8 \\rprr clSSPl11})]rcl, i11 (1r0at I~ritc1i11, a11cl clistril>11t io11 is hri11u· 111,l(]p l),\r \ .,.a11 1 Hll1}1fll J.>ress \\' J1<1clto11 , fll i11ois at *2.!)~ JJ er eop)·. I{ I~ 'J' '1 1 1~ It r Ir E ~ N]~ v EN ~ ( .. T i I J r. ( 1 rr r ! il I c I , t I ire , r c 1 it or of 'I hr C 1 J1ristia1 Beaeo11, a11cl al1tl1or 0£ lllHll)" fi 11e l>oolts ]1 Pre ~·i,re.· 11 . a11 ex })OHi t i o11 C) f t hP Bool{ of R 11 tl1. 'I'l1r l)ook: C',lrriPs sc r111c>11 .· ,vl1icl1 ,vrrr cl cliverrcl 011 ~ 1 1111cl,l}T 111or11- i11r:s fro111 tl1e 1>11l1)jt of ti1e1 Bible l >rrsb)'"teric111 C 1 httrch, ( 1 olli11g·. - ,,·,>ocl, i 11 l~) :-52 ,111cl ,\Tl1irl1 re,tchecl ,1 la r g:e r c1cl io ,1t1cliP11ee e1ael1 ,~~eel<. 'l' J1e rc,1 clrr, if 11e b0 a 11a. tor <>1· trael1r r , ,,·ill fi11cl 011 tJ1r J)ag·e: 111clll)'" tt·l1tl1s 11 e ,v a11cl olcl, ,,ritl1 ,v}1icl1 to blrs. l1i s ,111clie11ce. 01·<lrr f1 ·0111 ('l11·i ~t i .. ! 1 1 l~P,lPOTI J>1·ess ( 1 c)l l i11gs,,·c>ocl, Xe,v ~Jrrsry– *l .,1() })Pl' <'01))'" . 8 1~1()~ f->E'r ~-1 1{ 'l' l1i~ 11001< 1>}" Dr. :\ l . R. ])ellaa11. tilt-' ,,,.ell-l{11c>\,·11 raclio 1>reael1e1-, 111 ig·l1 t lJr eo11sic1erecl a. ,l l1iog·ra 1)11)' of Peter t l1e ... \110:--;tle · l10,,Tr, 1 er, tl1P , ·c> l11111e cleals ,,·itl1 clo<·tri11r, a11cl it~ })l'clttiectl HJ) J)lil'cltio11 to ( 1 }1ri ·ticlll ]if P. '1 1 l1is is cl clo,,·11-to-e,1rtl1 stt1cl\" • of' Re1·i 11t111·e1, \\' itl1 })ractieal illtt'i- t1·,1tio11, ('O\'Pri11g· tl1r t,,·o 11c-1t1tre. • the g·1·cl<'P c)f' (1c><l, ,t11cl tl1 e l)Hl',l(lox <>l' t\\' () C) Jli11i<lll8, P,l<·]1 st<1111111i11u· l'rc>111 tl1c>sP t,,·c> uat111·p~ ,, it }1 \\ 11 i<·l1 e \ P l').. 111 ,t 11 i~ 1 )<)s"'e~~ecl. I l e11 ·e is c1 l1ig·l1l~· i11tl'J't\"'1111g· ,111<1 j)l',l<·ti<·ct l st 11<1)". %c)11<ler,·c111 l >ttl>l i~l1 i11g· I I <)ll"'<.', <:ran<l f{H} )icl" *~.. '"i() ( 1 Ill{I N'l' I~ .\I JI J '1111<~ s( 1 I{ I 1 ), l' l T I{ I ~~~ 'l'lti" l>t>t>l~ \\cl ~ \\l'i(t t' ll a11tl 1, l1<'i11u: clistl'il>t1t 'tl l>, 1)1'. ~I. I J . I J< >,, <'. <) f' t l 1 <, l > 1• n l' t i l' n l 1 ~ i l, l t\ ' l'rni11i1t g· N(·ltc>t>l . l{il>l l' ~vlllJf)l f>nl' l\ ( J{ i l l u: l 1 cl 11 l t () l l ) ' \ (I\\ \ () l' I\, 'l' l 1( st lt<ltP"' ,, t ' l'P l'il's( tls<'ll 1)\ l)r. I O\\ t' • i11 t lil 1 vlc1s~1·<><>111. latt•r i11 J •il>lP ( 1 <> tl f'c't'<'lll'l' ,, <>t'lr. 'J'ltp ll'l'llll'C':-i HI'( ( 1 IJ 1·isl Pt'llf(•J't.:'<I, l>:,.;: f)(>S itt>l'\ tllltl f•>l't 1 cift1l. ( ) l' l l( I l' I I '() 111 1 Ii p H l I f h () 1• cl { t l 11 a l>t>\' l' Htltll't':S:S $~.r:()