The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1955

Ed itorial 'l l, \ ti11e ()r tl1is 1):11'– cl u· r :11 ) l 1 111 (l ) l 1 c 1 , l' n t \ , ,t l\\() lllt'Hlllllt!' - it P< 11ld llll Hll • ',tt\) .. i11 t ll< '-l'll'-l' tlt' llli11~ i11f'e1·1t)r n11tl llc <1t1ite 11·11. It 1, 11te11 letl. l1c ,, ,, t't'. t<) l1e ~ll<)l'1 "l l) l·:1 1'1 )1, fl ··-...11l,,11tlttl' .. 'l'llt' tHl)cl\,lt' Pll– it r ,,1tl1 ~tr, l 1 i11lt'\ 1, l,n~l"i11g • 111 tl1l'll,1l111,· , .' 1 l,ret'YC'~<)f l 1 'loriln ' l 11 r i 11 ,> t l 1 t "l"' , , i 11t 0 r cl n, , 11 l tl i cl - . t llt ,,·ritt'l' or tltt''I: li11r" tllt ll()lll)l' )f a"'l,i110· l1i111 to ('tlit tlt<' 111c1g·,11.i11r - f(,r i\li1rc:l1. 111 tl1i, l1c l1c1~ g-i,~t'll 0·1't'Ht lil,crt, c111ct l11·getl tl1at it - . ~ 1 e 111c1tle ,1 l10111e 111i ,io11 i,~ 11 . if ,·c11 111i,~ tl1t' ,1rti le of a r0~11la1· • ·011tril)11tor ,,·110111 ,~0,1 c1l,,-,1,·: en- • • jo~·. l1ec11· ,,·itl1 11~ 110,,· a11cl ,,·ait 1111- til 11t'~t 111011tl1 ''"·l1e11 it ,,·ill 1·e– Hl)l) ar. ~lo1·eo,·e1· if t11ere i. a 111a11ift:)~t c1·l1 lit)· <-litor,lll)~. J)lea. e 11,1 rt1011. Pe1·l1ap ~ tl1is i · tl1e lJe t l)lac-e to ,,rite a ,,orcl of . i11cere a1)- 1,re ·iatio11. i11 ,,·l1i ·11 I a111 . 11re 011r r eacle1· ,, .. ill joi11. of 0111· 1·eg·11la 1 .. e (lito1·. 1)1·. II. I{. Fi11le,.... > 1 0111 •. .. 1)e1·l1arl'i, do 11ot 1<110,,· t11at l1 c~ ,ra c,11e of the 1)io11ee1.. i11 tl1e . e11- a1·ati. t 1110,·e111e11t i11 ()hio, the . ec- 0 11(1 olcle.-- t i11clepe11clent Ba J)ti ·t a - "'o ·iatio11: that ,,·ith R. T. I{etel1a111. II. . ,.,.. a11 }ilcle1·. 'l1e te1 .. T11lga. a11cl a fe,v otl1e1· . tal,,·art: of tl1e fa it }1 lie "\"ra. i11 t1·t11ne11 tal i 11 tl1e <)r– Q'a11 izatio11 of 0111· tate f ello,,·:11i11- l~110,,-11 £01~ n1a11,~ vea1· a · the hio . .. I 11cl J)e11cle11 t Ba J)ti ·t ... \. . oeia tic)11. ~ 1 till o·oi11u . tro11g· a. a ,,i~ e leacle1· ki11cl f 1·ie11 c1. a 11cl 1110. t eff ieien t ecl– ito1·. 11. I(. l1a. tl1e lo,..e a11cl 1·e"1)eet of tl1e la1·0'e 1najorit~r of ()hio Reu11- la1· Bapti t . lJe icle l)ei11g: 1{110\,·11 a11cl 1·eacl th1·0112.h tl1e l)age~ of t11r 111ag·azi11e i11 ma11}· othe1~ . tate ·. f tl10 eclito1· l1i1) 011e often l1ea1· tl1e q11P-... t i()ll a keel. · · \\""l1c1 t ,,-011lcl be– (·0 111 e of tl1e 071 io I11rle1Je 11cl r 11t Brz/J- t i., + if Fi11le~· "l1011lcl c1roJ) out ?' • to elate it i~ a11 l111a11 ,,,.e1·ecl r111e ·tion. I I ere · to ~·ol1. Di·. J1 1 i11le:y·, a11cl ~'011r lo~ al a11cl frie11cll~.. t e a111111ate, lii->,,ir Jfi11le,· . " (} RB:.\'I' l ~.. R r: ...\. 'E I .. .. I~... ""-4\ ,~f.:D 11e l11111cl1~ecl a11cl . ixt~r }~ear a o·o t 11 e h 11ma11 1·ace ,,·a"' e. ti- 111c1 ted at 731. 000.( 00 ,,·ith cl– lJot1 t 1-4.0 0. J() of tl1 P e J)rofe - i J}O' 1 l1ri,1ia11. ]ea,·i11°· 557.000,0()() 11111·ea cl1 ll 1),- a11,· f 01·111 of 1 b ris- • • tia11it,~. ...\.. ce11 11r, later ,,·itl1 a . ~ ,\- 1·1 I J 1)ulatio11 at 1.-1-62.000.(l()() tit<' llllllll}<'I' <ll' tltt' ll(lll - j)J'Ul'<'~sitt!.! \\cl~ 1.()1~.(}()().()lll). J1 1 )~);,;, tl1nt <?S- t 111 l,l t t' < l t <) 1, t 1 <) I' t l l l 1' e c1 < • I 1P < 1 h n ~ !!. ,• c),, 11 t < > t 11 (\ , t " g·~· e r i 11 g· r i !..! 11 r (' ,, r 1.7~(),(}(H).()()(). It i" n11111c>ritH11, 1 <'l\ 1 • "t,1tecl t l1at :{(11 i111c~ 111<>l'P l>cll)i<'" H l'<' 11 <.' 1 11 !.!. 1 > () l' 11 i 11 } 1(' cl t } 1 <' 11 l Hl l < l !-; t } 1H l l ' 111<'111l1f'r~ ctc lcl <" 1 <l ,1 1111 11nll, t<> nll • l )l'Hllel1e" <>r ( 1}1ristc11cl<)lll. Xo,, l1c 1 l'<' i. ,t11 i11tpr0"ii11p: rP- lcttecl ~tt1cl,·: I Io,,,. 111a11,.. of t}1c' • • c·11rrP11t l).. ,.-(1,0()(),000 111·c)fes~iug (' l1ristic111s are r<.1all)" 1)<>1·11 ngai11 l , l 1 r is t i a 11 . ? 4 \ ceor c1 i 11 g to <) 11 c r r - 11ort or tl1c r0er11t te~t i11g of ( 'l1ri"'– tic111 i11 tl1e l{e11)"R J)1·0,Ti11ee.. \fri– e,1, 0111,.. 8()0 of tl10 · '2:2.l)()Q a c1- • e11t. · of tl1e 11111·<'11 ,,·err l,110,,·11 to l1a,..c ref11srcl to talte t11 r ~f,111 Jla11 oatl1 · tl1i.· ,,To11lcl 111ea11 le,.. tl1a11 -l- 7o tl1,1t . toocl t1·t1e. IIo,,,._ c>,.. e1\ 1111clol1btedl, .. 111a11,,. of t l10-.;r • • ,,,.ho th1·011irl1 f ea1~ ).. ie lc1ec1 to t l1P 111·e:. t11--e of tl1e e11em)· ,,·ere r·ea1 il1 ilclre11 of (}ocl. Let 11.: triJ)le tlll' I(e11~"'a cl\"er,1ge a11cl . aJ" 1270 of ,111 t~·1)e. of (,. 111--i. tia 11s a1·e 101·11 aga i11 tl1at ,,ot1lcl 2.i,e lll ,1l>o11t 0().000.0()f) l)or11 ag:ai11 prople i11 the ,Yorl (1. No111e ,,ill sa~· 12 % i. too lo,Y, othe1". tl1at it i. too l1igl1. 110 011e l<:110,,. , bl1t at tl1at the1·e a1'e ct t lea:t 2.-:1:ll) 1nillio11 t111: a ,·eel tocla , '.r • ,1 fter 111ore tha11 191 ·) ee11t111·ie · of iiJ 'hri:tia11 ,,,.it11e .. l... ~ f. PC l :> 1 TL TI()~ 220 :\IILLIC X BY 1!)7:' YO ll 11 (>' ....., ...\ 111 e 1·i ca i .:; t i 11 11 a,.- . 111 o· 0 '1"0"\,· - O e, i11g 1)ai11: ! rrhe £a111ol1 · Ki1)l 111ge1· 1·e1)01·t for 103-! ·11111111ecl it. 1111 lil{e t 11 i. · : · · Tl1e c:01111 tr)· js ~2:rowi11g i11 111a11~· ,,·::1J". . 111 1)eo11lr. T 11 1·e– . 011rce . I11 i11ge1111it,r. 1 11 ta11ll- • • arc1 of 1 i , ·i11g . 111 e11er·g·~· ,,~ l1ie ]1 1ual{e~ fc>1· 11rog1·e s. I t i.- a113·tl1i11!.!· l)11t . tati ·. l)eo1)le ,,·itl1 ,·i io11 ~C'e fr1·eat ex1)a11 io11 al1ea 1. tl1e )·ea1· · a11 ea< 1. Tc> ex11e<·t it a11 cl to 11la11 011 it..... tl1at i · 1·ea]i.-tie. ·' It i e ·ti111atecl that tl1e J)Ol)11lati<)11 \Yill rracl1 :220 111illio11 11,.. 107 :- . • Tl1e l".~. l)i1·tl1 rate ,,·a. 11igl1 r i1! 103-! t l1a11 e\"e1· l)ef ore. -1:.1 111illioJ1 lJa l1ie · : 011 a11 a,... e1·ag-e 25 011t of e,..e1-.,... 1()0() ... \111erie,1 ,,·0111e11 l" ea111e • 1not her. la t )... ea1--. ...\J l 111·ecl ietio11s are that thi\ l1ig·l1 1·ate ,Yill ro11ti11- 11e. ~or a1·e tl1e bal1ie c·o111i11g 0111,~ • t(J tl1e ho111e~ of tl1e 11001-.. all i11- ·0111e 1 ,Te 1. are a bo11t tl1e . a111r. Tl1e eo1111tr,.,. ,,,0111 11 l1a,te l1acl t11e ' 111<J. t ba lJiP"; eit,... 111otl1er-., t l1P f ("l\\T- .. P t. l>tlt tl1i i ·l1a11~i11g a11cl tl1" ~a 1) i 11arro,,·i11g. · l1ilc1 lJe,1 ri11g i / lr11cl1 1955 nt .. risitlt!, f,lHl<'I' r11ll<>ll:,! t'i1,)r \\'(lllll'll tllrlll rllll(>ll~ \\' (lJllPll ill l'ltl'il) :tl'Pil . 'l'l1is l1,1l >, l><><llll is llC)\\ i11 its l GtJ, • , , ( \" l' . • .\f c>l'P hal>iPS sl1<>t1lcl 111c·,111 111,,1·) Hll<l 111!.!!.!<'l" (•1',t(lle1 )'C>lls· lllC)l'P c·hil- ' < l re 11 s I ~ i I > I <' !.! r <J, 11 l ; 111 c > r P 8 1111 t l a~· S<·l1c>c> ls: 111r>r<' c·l111rc· l1 Ps. .1\s <>f 11()\\l ()Ill\· ,l11<>llf (>llf' <>ttt <)f 1\VP111\" • • r Ol l J. c. I l i I ( l r 1 11 () 11 H 11 H \ {' 1' ,l ~· c r (' . . (, (' l \ \ rl l l , . ' • 1' (> 1 i !,!' i () t 1 s , . t }' cl i 11 i 11 (,. • ' . M • ht)\\ 1r,1!.!il'all~ fp,r 11< 1 <11' tl1P <lcJs- ])C'l . 1ur,·. <tl,,·a,·~ "o c11>11r,tli110 t,, • . e b<>)·~ cl11cl ~irl: ? . };pt 111c> 1·e11rc1t tl1<> c·lr>'"i11g ,,·orcl~ <>f tl1r :-11 Jo,·p l(i1)li11!!Pl' ~11111111c1tio11: · · I >eo 11 le ,Yi t }1 ,. i~io11 ~re grra t ex– J)c111 ·io11 al1Pcl<l- to P'\ J)ec·t it <111cl to })lc-111 011 it- tl1at i~ reali~ti<' '~1 rP– ]>" if a11~.. co1111),111~.. of l)eople l1011lcl be · · JJr1011lr ,,·itl1 ,·i io11' ' l1 r~11l"1r I~a 11ti"'t~ for111 t11at groll}). \\,. e l1oc1"t tl1at ,,·r arr the 11ec>11l<l ,,·ho 111()',t 11earlJT c1l)})l'OXi111atfl ~e'\"\· rre. - ta111e11t ((l11·i."tia11 '. of ,,-ho111 it i ,,~ritte11. ··The,.. tl1at ,,·ere rat- • t r 1·ecl a 1 roa cl ,,·e11t e,·er,,,.,,. }1pre • 11rcael1i112, tl1e ,,,orcl' ·- · ' a11cl "c> ,,-01·r tl1e c l111rrl1e"\ r"tal1li~l1ell i11 tl1e faitl1 , a11ll i11crcc1. ·ecl i11 11u,,1brr <1c1i l~"'. · · f;et 11 g·o a11cl c1o lil(e,,i P i11 tl1i'i ti111r of 1·apicll,,. i11 ·rea. i11 ~2. J1011111 <l tic)ll. l\ l ()RE F ~\.~I 11..JI E. ~ I()R I~ I I ( ;\IE~ i ~I()RE ( 1 lll"fR( 'II~:~· 'Tl1c--> 11a– tio11 . 1Joon1- i11g h O ll. - i 11 g i11cl11."– t r~.. ,,·ill J)rocl11<:e a l)111·oxi111a tel~· 1.:3(H).t)00 11e,,.. l10111e~ i11 1055- e11011g 11 cl,,·e lli11g. to c1·ea te a -:l-9tl1 ~tcltP the ·ize of :\Ia . ael111. ett.. ··- · \\T illia111 I{er,,·i11. IXS co1·re 1)on– <lP11 t. I.Ja .~t >·ear ,,·,1 . a g1·eat l10111e– l111ilcli11g· ~·ear l)ttt tl1i ,,·ill 11rJ)a ._ it. Tl1c t~·r>ie,11 l!):-5 l10111e ,,·ill l1P lei rg er. (·011 t c1i11 t l1e 1110... t 111ocle1·11 11011se l1olll ec{ lli 1)111e11 t. a11cl ,,.. i 11 reJ)– rP ·r11t tl1e lcl",t ,,.. 01·c1 i11 l1l1ilcli11g· teel111ic111e a11c.l 111etl1ocl. It i.;; the 11o~t 011ti111i tie £01·eea t e,·e1· 111acle lY\"' tl1e eo111u1erce a11cl • lal 01· cle11art111l 1 11t ·. ""01neti111e 11ext 11111111er tl1e tP11 111illio11tl1 11e,,· l10111e ~i11ee ,, ... orlcl ,, ... , r I I ,,·ill l)e e1·ertecl. It i ~ . ,1i cl t l1a t thi~ cle- 111~111 cl for cl,,·elli11g. 1·e. t lc11·gel\· • 111)011 11e,,· 111::1rria ~P . ,,-l1i 11 111ea11'> tl1at 111a11,· of tl1e l1ol1. es ,,·ill be • Otl'll J) iecl 1 >~.. 11e,y· fa111il ie . S11h11rlJ ,11·e u·1·0,,·i11~· tl1ree ti111e els fa" t a" t 11 c clo,,-11 to,, 1 11 area a11cl lllrlll). 1)eo1lle fro111 f,lr111 ' c111rl iso- 1,t tPcl , , i]}ao·p cll'P ll10\ 1 i110· i11tC> ;:-- t:' t l1 p"p 11e,, ('Plltrr, <)f 1><)1>11lc1ti<>ll. Tl1e "l1l>11rl),111itf are ,,1icl tt) l1e