The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1955

'J'J 111, l 11 IN I El ciLN I J1N'l' E J\ 1 'l'IS'I HI _WATHA LAND l•, P,, 1, ( ~ t> 1)1 \' r l' H I i 1:,' t 11,, i 11111 l t' 11- , 1 · ,· ,.lf t11l\ :tl'<\ ' l l'"1lt''' 11 a~ 11 in,,·ntlln • I 1l l l \ i. 'I' t \ (' ' . t l l' l:' \ 11 l :l \ y :l ..(' t l 1(l 1 t l 11.:.' • t •l)l)t'l' 1}1..'llll\S\llH (. r ~I it-l1iu·a11 a l l\l (' 1, 1..' t111:1l to t,,·,)-tl1i1·tl, c.)f tllt' arP,l , f f l 11..\ 1.J() \\. 1..' r l}\ l l i 11, 11 1 cl . 1 t i ~ H l )– l' 1 t \ \. l l l l H l t' 1.' tlll'Pt' }11\l\Cll't'Cl fift\ 11111,,.... i11 l1..\11~tl1. _\ ,ltl to tl1i, tilt' , <1,t nrPn-... cf ~<)rtl1Pr11 \\"1"'e()ll– .... 111 clllCl \ t)ll Hl'l' llltltl,\ tc.) l' C'<lli 't' • tl1c.) tre111p11,lc.)lts tc·rritt)l'\ ,Yl1 irl1 tltt' • llit1,,· i1tllcl I .. c111 cl l 11,lt'J>l'lt<lP11t l ell) t1"t \I i~"i,111"' ,ll't' f'lt<lt',l\ ori11~ tl) rt.. 1 n,·l1 ,,itl1 tl1e (;<l,l1t'l ()f ()llr I t)rcl .. r,,~11 .... (.'}1ri .... t I, al 01'. ~Ii,·l1i !Hll , tl1P ~t<1tio11 fnrtllt'"'t tc1 tl1P PH~1 i · ,.('l' f()lll' l1t111 lrl'Cl fift,· 111ilr" fr c)111 • l illl~·~111itl1 . \\Ti. L·o11si11. i11 t11e \\'P"'it . ....\.'-) 111,111~· }1POl)le ,ire llllcl\\'are of tl1 lrtrge area to lJe reuel1ecl ,Yitl1 t lie -ros11P l, ~o 111c111).. ,1 r 11ot ae– < 1l1ai11tecl ,,·itl1 t11 11 eel for 111i - ~io11a1·~- liO.. })el 1>rr,1 ·11i11g· i11 tl1e L) reo·io11~ of tl1(~ Xortl1la11cl ,,·l1i ·11 arr "'o 11ea1· at 110111('. ·' \\Tl1ere tJ1r re i 110 ,·i~io11. tl1e 1)eo1)1P J)01·i. l1. '· It i. ,,Titl1 jo)·. ho,,·e,· 1·. that ,,,.e tell ,·oll tl1at 111a11,.. clo ha,·e tl1e , Ti io11 Chippewa Indian grave near Water meet, Michigan • • of tl10 11eecl. Tl1P,.. 11a·re le,t1·11ecl ot .. tl1e 111a11,... ·c)1111111111itie. . 1·11ral a11<1 • eit~... ,,·itl1ol1 t f1111cl,1111e11 t al ( j o J"el ,,·01"'lt . a11cl tl1e,· ,11·r (1oi110· clll i11 • C' t11ei1· })O\\·e1· to get tl1e ({o. l l P 1 fort 11. Dl1e to their p1·a~·erf11l i11trre ·t a11cl . 111)1)01·t . tl1 <)11t1·eael1 of tl1e II ia,,·a tha La 11cl I 11clepe11 cleu t Bc11)– ti t :\I. io11 • ha bee11 g1~eatl,.. ex- .. te11decl o that to la ·y· tl1e1·e ,11·e • twent}·- "" ix a PJ)1·0,,.ecl 111i. . io11a 1·JT fa111ilie · al1·eac1)~ 011 tl1e fielcl gi,T- i 11 ~ fort 11 t l1r "\,.,. 01·t1 of Life i11 at le,1 ·t t 11 i rt,.. -fi ,·e c1j ff ere11 t eo1111111111- • itie/. Tl1ere are 110,,· fi,·e f,1111 - i lie. lo(· ,l t 0cl i11 "'\\Ti. ·co11:i11 aucl t ,,· e11t)"-011e are i11 :\I iehiga11. T-n"o otl1e1· eo111)lr · ,1re c1l1·ec1cl) aJ)l)l'O\"ec1 cl 11 cl are ,,·ai ti11g· f <)l' a ·111·a11ee of s11111101·t l1efc>re eo111i11g' to tl1 e fie ltl. It is oftr11 cliffil'11lt for 1)eo1)le l)lr.. :ecl ,,~i tJ1 :01111cl ( i o:J)e 1 l)reac11- i11g to rec1lize that tl1e1"'e are 1na11~~ J)lctce: l1r1·e i11 t11e l T11itec1 ~tate~ ,,..he1~e t l1ere a1·e 110 01111c1, 111ncla- 111e11tal (}o~J)e l tr~ti111011ie. . The1.. e a1·e 111a11)' . 11el1 J)lac:e: i11 ;\01·the1 .. 11 "\\T isco11 111 a 11cl :\Ii · l1ig·a11 "\'\ .. l1e1·e Congregation of the Lad:)Tmith Bapti t Church This work \Vas established by Llo)'"d and Veda Welton, Mi under Hiavvatha Land Independent Baptist Mi ion. • • 1onar1es / l)O~\''. ' a11cl gi1~1. , 111r11 a11cl ,,,.0111e11 , ·011ltl 11ot go to ,1 Bible-\)e1ir,,.i11g, 13 i \}1 r-trae l1i11g e l1111·<: 11 or ~1111cla~.. ~ ic11ool if t.l1e,.. clesirecl to clo ~o. ' ()11r 1>ri111a1·).. 1·ea. 011 for ~ear ·l1i11~· 011t :11eJ1 l)l,1C'e, a11cl l1a,·i11g· a 1111 :– bio11a1·5r ·0111)lr :tatio11ecl tl1ere j, tl1c1t ,ve 111ight tl111. · be al)le t<) l'Pcle}1 t l1e 111a11}r . Olll.· t}1ere f ()l' • ,,. ]10111 C 1 l1ri t cliecl, a11 cl t l1at ,,·e 111 ig 11 t \\"ill tl1e111 t O ( 1 l11·i t. () h' tl1a t (il>cl 111ig}1t o·i,"e 11. a elearer ,·i. io11 of tl1c ,,.,1l11e of the so11l. of 111e11 a11cl of tl1eir lo. t a11cl l1opele: co11- tli tio11 <11,art £1~0111 t11e g1·ace of l l ocl i11 C"'hri. t ~J e:l1. . "\'\Te re,1cl i11 Ro- 111a11s 10 :13-1~, 'F 01· ,,·ho. oe,·er c...l1all eall 111)011 tl1e .... a111e of tl1e l.JC )l'{l ~11all br ·,l,·ell. Ilo,,· the11 s l1c1ll tl1r,.. c·all 011 IIi111 i11 ,,-l1on1 • tl1P,- l1a,"e 11ot l1elie, 1 ecl ! a11tl 110,,· • ~11,tll tl1e,· lJPlie,·e i11 IIi111 of ,,·110111 • tl1p,· l1a,·e 11ot hea1·cl ? c111cl l10,,· l1c1ll • tl1<"' ). l1ea1· ,,·itl1ol1t ,1 11rcaeher 1 ,111<1 110,\· sl1all t l1e~· 1)reacl1 r ~~<·<"!•t tl1e)· l1e se11t ! · Tl1i~ i~ a tr11e 11irt111 e l1err i11 tl1e ~01·thlct11cl cl"> it j i!1 e,,.e r)· J1H1·t of the ,,·orlcl. 11.0111a11 • cl t 110 lie \C>11 l"' a re tot111tecl J)reC'iOll. r.11011gl1 i11 c1tl1e1· la11 cl') to ~e11(l 111i-.;~io11a1·ie to tl1e111 tc> r11clea,·ol1r to 1·rat 11 tl1c:•111 ,,·it 11 tl1e tr11tl1 l>f (}t,tl ·~ \\"orcl. "'\\T t 1 ferl \Ye l1011lcl 111al{e ,111 e L[llc1ll~· ()'1·eat ~f f 01·t to rral' 11 t l1P l 1 at holit. l1e1·e i11 Ilia,,·,ttl1,1 I . ,111c1. Tl1e Ro111a11 ( ' l111rel1 11,l 1 ec:)11 11reclo111i11a11t fl>r ()\"Pl' t}ll' llllllClrPcl \ T clr' clll(l 0111' .. 1) ()I) 11 l ,1 t i <.) 11 is ..., t i 11 1 cl r g el,.. Ro 111 cl l l • (tat l1olit·. ,,.,.e 11,1,· ,l la1·2e l)OJ)l1l,1tio11 of I11clia11"' of tl1 1 l1i1)1)e,,·c1. jf e110111i-