The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1955
May 1955 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~..;;.._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ --~~~~~~~~~~ Page Fifteerl - THE SUNDAY SCHOOL IS GOD'S BUSINESS • • • • • • • }~ ,Te t.)' 1 as– to1-- a11cl ~ t111- d a y ~ cl1ool l ra c.1 e1· i. j 11- t ere.·tecl i 11 big·ge1· a 11 cl l1ette1-- t111- clay 1 cl1ool . 11y local hurrh ca11 have a la1"<re l111 la3r ._ chool if it ,,..a11t 011e a11 l i.. ,, 1 ill i11g to pay tl1e !)rice of buildi11g 011e. F OJ'– tt1nate1,, the1·e a1·e 110 'ec1--et of ., ~ iu11day chool e11large111e11t. 'I hey are co1111no11 1Jro1 ert:y... :\I a11y foll{ thi11l{ that tep. to R1111day .. cl1ool enla1"o'en1e11t a1--e J)rof01111<l a11d numerot1. . Thi i 11ot t1·ue. "\\rhe11 ,ve realize a11 l 1111der ta11 d that a unday chool ea11 g1"0,v ancl be h ealthy by follo,,ri11g iru11lc , criptu1 r11le a11d 1--eg·t1latio1 .., the11 there hot1ld be 110 1·ea 011 "\'\ 1 hy all 11nday chool i11 the Ba pti t h t1rcl1e of l1io houlcl 11ot lJe clevelopi11g £01-- the g·lory of 1-ocl. The a1no1111t of prayer that is clone tl1e a1nol1nt of ad– vertizi11g that i carr"iecl, a11d ma11) 1 other tl1ing. that Vi"'e do 11ot no,v tal{e time to 111e11tio11, ca11 all be thol1ght of a fi11o·er to 0111· ha11d ,vhich ha a g·ood g1"ip on ou1-– ._ •unday ~ 1 cbool. B11t ,vait a 1110- ment (1ic1 YOll e,,.er t1'y to g1·ip a11)r– thi11g~ ,,,itl1out tl1 ll, e of yot1r th 11111l)? 111 huildi11 o· l)ig·ger a11d l)et– trr • 1 11111ay 8 ·hool. ,,,hat i tl1e thu1nl) that \VOllld gi"\ 1 (.l llS a good g·1·i1) on the u11da:v ~ 1 chool? I beliel'e tl1e tl1it,>1zb is 1 1 isifatZ:01i . ()f co11r. ,,isitatio11 js ,vorl{. 1\ncl it is a ,,,ork that , rery few l~" IJ J\ : ITI~• 1 1~ J{ 0 l\ I ( 1 l I l J R C • IT E f-i ( ( 1 C)11 till llP(l f :t'Olll pag P 1;1 ) tor - l~Pv. J ] c.111 11 (Jrre11,,·cJocl, sce111s 1<) l)e doi11g g·oocl ,\rc>rl{ a11cl is J)OI)- 11lar tl1ro11g·J1c111t tl1c~ c·l1 t1r ·11. 'J't1c·J(cl<l <lol\'11 i11 tl1c c· 1 11ter of a S()ll1(~\Vl1at J .111 g tl1.) 1Pt1 1 1' fl'()l11 t]1 [t.l\T. c:( 1 ()).~f(~ () ' J\c f 1 , J)a~10l'' or ] 1·r)c,l{sicl I l{ctJ>tist 'l1tLl'<'l1, 1 1 \ "'C– J ct 11 <I , is ti 1 is l > a r ;.1 g J a J > J 1 , v l 1 i <·Ii \V < 1 '111<>1C \ 1 ( 1 J"IJ,1ti111: \\ P a r P r <> j o i · i 11 g· g· t ea 1 J sr i 1 1 1 lie~ IJ<)r(l ]1<-11"<1 at J{1·c)C>l{s irlt1, ,ts tl1e J'P, 1111 <Jf 1l1e f,ts1 1\\'() HtlllClaJ 1 8. J1;a ·ter \\' < Ji,tcl <>11e J)ttlJlt<' J>l'<>- fc ssj<,11 <>f f,1it]1 a11tl i11 tl1t 1 P\'P- 11i11g· ,,, f),tf>tJ/t-Cl six. l'l c- 1 r1i e 1·11 sl1 1,, 11s • c,111" 1t1c,1·< l,c11>tis 111t1] <' 1·- tifie,1tP. . 'l 'l1e11 , 1a .· t , •1111<lilJ' <>11 ·a111c i11 J>UIJ}j • J)rc,ress jcJ11 ,111cl ,11 . <) GET A GRIP ON YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL l)et)f>lc l il< to clo ve1·y f\)v,, ])P<>– J)lr lc110,,r 110,,r to clo cl ' ''01'1{ t11at VCl'Y le\V }) ()O J) } ,, 1 ill clo. l3t1t <lS Ncl1 111iah f· aic.1 to l1i s peo1 Ic i11 Nel1c111ic1l1 2 :1 , l-1Pt 11s 1·i.·r tlp <:lll l b11i l l ' ,:vitl1 t l10 1·e. •ttlt il1;:i,t the)' ~·tr011gtl1011e 1 t l1rir l1a11cl,· for thi g·oo 1 ,,,01'lc. ~ o ,, 1 0 11111. ·t c 1 o 1110 ·n 111c. 1'i ·itc1lio1i 1·s ll1 f. lli1in1lJ t l1at ,,rill g·ive 118 a g·oocl g1·i11 011 t l10 8l11 lay .. c:hool . Ri11ec t l1c ~tl11 lay Hcl1ool i.· 011e ' pa1·t of the ,;vhole l1l1rcl1 1)rog·1--a1n, ,,ve fi11cl tl1at the 1)asto1· ,vj ll ll<lVP t o )Je t1 leacl e1·, the co1nmanclrr– i11- ·l1ief i11 tl1i8 ,,,orl{ of vi. it, t io11. \ Te1·y fe,,, l3aJ tist cl111rcl1e l1ave 1)1'0 01."cllll of ·a]li110· tl1,1t a1·0 ,, 1 orl{- b l""'I i11g ll ce. £11lly. "\\ e lo 11ot lictvr a1 a11. " 'er for ~y'ot11-- lo al .1it11atio11 })e1 ..ha1). . Ilovve,re1-- ,ve c1o 111al<c tl1e e ~ tlg'g·e. tio11 · to cl1"a \V 11 p cl call i11g· prog·ra111. They have ,vorl{0c1 i11 otl1e1.. J)lace a11 l ertai11J3r ·c111 ,vo1·lc i11 vo111· ·h11r h . • To 111alce tl1i. calli11g 1 1·og1·a111 01Jerate there 111t1 t be ome or·g·a11- izatio11. 111 the fir t place appoint a . ecretary ,vho ,vill be i11 cl1arge of gat.he1·ing a11 l fili 11g~ tl1e 11ame. of all tho ·e ,,,ho , 11ot1lcl 1·eceive call. . Thi , ecr eta1--y 11111. t 11ot 011ly l1a ,;re a pal)ilitie £01-- . u h a " 'Ork l)11t 11111 ·t al. o have tl1e ,,,orl{ at heart i11 or i er that vo11 c a11 de- , pe11d t1po11 l1avi110' thi11g · li11ecl 111) clt the appoi11te l ti111e. I t 111ay b tl1at 3,011 ,,,011lcl cle– . i1·c to have a pecial e,,e11i11g· et a– ~ide ea 1 h ,veelr for cal1i11g ,,,orl<. 011 tl1r other· l1a11cl , )..011 111ay follo,, 1 tl1e a. fi 11 fa111i])r of tl1ree lOl' cl111rrl1 111e1n l)cr.111 i 1). 111 th c, 1 e11 i11g 11 ere C',t111e clll01 ]10r Rllll t ]1c11 ,,ritl1011t clll i 11,, j t,l tio11 for COll. CC' l'cl tio11 six 8tCJ))) 0( l Olli. B1·ot 11 er Fi11le)r ii 111ctl<c.1 11. · • o ]1HJ)J)) ". J1 1f'o1·111cliio11 1~ra.C' l1i11g· 11s frc)111 the J~ C)<.: }10~ 1Pl' li,l}Jti81 1 l lll l' C'}l i11- Ll1en1es c·o 11 si(l l 1 1·c1l>lr 1)rog1·c-1s8 ~ 1)ir– it11,1Jl.\· a11cl 1111111r1·ieclll)" si11 c·e tl1r ('(Jlll] ll g ()t' 111P I{e,r. "\\rH)" ll P \\'Hl'(l 1<J thP 1>11lJ>it ,1l)o1tt. t,,,.<> )en1·s ag·o. 'J'hP 81111<1,i, Sl' ltool ait<111<lH11e e • J1as 111<~l'P,tsPcl f1·t)111 a,e1·age of: ;JG 1() 7:'>, t l1P J ))',l)T( 1 1' RPt'\ i '(l 1'1·0111 ;~ ((> a}H>ll1 :l~, \\ 1t]1 C'Ol'l'<'Sl)C)lltl111 g· j I1l' I' C1 cl~<' S 11 l J'() l l g } 1 < > l l { t h \ c· l t l 11' C } l sc·J1c·cl11lP c>f' 111( 1 < 1 f 111gs. 11 (\ va11 - gPl ist ic· ·,1111J)uio·11 \VHS l1t:'\ lcl t' t1< 1 P11t – lj1 ,vitl1 I~ e , 1 • \\' nlt 1 1· 1JPJ)l>, flt <' 1>rog' r a111 of H<) 111 c C'l1t1rel1e':i whicih ,vo ttl cl est al1li. h (•,1l li11g· table\ • at t}1r ir \,V ec111cscl,ty cv011ing· C)l' 1ni(l– ,,,ce k: p1'aye1" 8e rv ic-c ,v 1 (~11 t 11 e a 1 - l)C)i11 t1ne11 ts e,t11 be> 111,tcl to tJ1osc ,,·ho al'e to lo the <:c1lli11g·. Tl1r11 100 I l{novv of c}11tr ·h e1, 1 ,,,}1iel1 011 ~ •t111cla.y n1or11j 11 g· after tl1e ,, 1 ors}1ip serviers g·a t l1er al] t11osc toiretl1er ,vl10 have a l1eari fo1-- th c1 lli11 g· ' ,, 1 01·1<". Aft 1· prayrr tl1cy 111al{e tl10 assig1111r11tR ,vitl1 the> pla11 to clo tl1 c;:1 ]li11g· son1 ti1nc l)rfor e t l1c 11 xt J_;o1·cl s Da:r·. 1 o 111attcr ,vhich metho 1 i: follo,vcd, the im– l)Orta11 t tl1i11g 1·ight 110,v i. t l1 i. : clo 11ot lJe cliseol11·ag·ecl if th0 pro– g·ra111 of ·alli11g' doe. 11 ot l1ave tl1c rr ·po11. that yo11 l1a cl l101Je<l. '1 1 ]1ot1o·h t ]1e1·0 1nay 011ly lJ a fe,v to clo t l1e c·c1lli11g·, it . till i a J)1·0£italJle ,vor1{ a11cl ,, 1 ill brinO' 1·e– s11lt. . "\¥itholtt call i11 ct \rOll '\Til l 11e\'Cl' r- • be al>le to di.. 1 0"\ 1 er 3ro11 r 1)0,. il)ili- tie:. 11011.·e to l1ot1.1e 111·,rey i11 )·0111· c:01111111111it)'" ,,Till l)ri11rr ~To11 i1tto 011tc1ct ,vit]1 J>ro ·pect ,,,hir,11 , ·ot1 11r, 1 e1" 1~calizecl existec1. Tt1is • <.:Prtai11ly i: a11othe1,. 11l1a. e of ot1r r·al li11g· ,,ro1·l{. b11t . ho11l l lJOt l1p 011 t ide t l1e J)l"o2:1~a111 of J,.Oll r c.-11111· ·11 e££01·t~, i11 1·eacl1i11g· the lo. t fo1,. r ~111·i t J est1 . (.'alli11g- i.· i1111)01--ta11t. R0111c111l1 1·, it i.· tlie fll1t;11b of tl1e lia11rl ,, 1 hif·l1 ,vo11lcl gi \r }"Oll a g'OO(l gri1> 011 ,·0111 .. Rl111da ,T ~ c 11001. It ,,·ill lea cl 1 L to a 1) tte1· a11cl l)ig·g·er })rog1·,1111 (1f 1 l1ri. tia11 ed11c,1tio11 a11cl trai11i11~· i11 the 1·iptl1re: tl1c111 ~ 1 011 co11lcl ot l1 r,,·i. e l1c1,re. J)rca 11 1·, ,t11tl (,.l1,1rles I ( 1 1·g·cr 011, 1)ia11i. t, 1·es11lti11g i11 11 l)ltl)lie J)l't)– fes. io11s of fc1itl1 a11(l c1l)t)11t ~5 1)e1·– so11s rec.le lir,1t i11g· tl1rir li, t)s tt) th_\ 1 J0l'(1. (l11r.· t s1)eH l(p1·s c1t tl1e l\le111c)rial l{,ll)li. t ( 1 l1t11·c·l1, ( ,.olt1111l)11" <)f r e– vP11t cl.,1tr, i11rlt1tlell ~Ir. (~ e o1·g e N<' l111ri(lr1·, ( 1 J1ristin11 l\l i,'-ltt)ll8, i\[,1 1·tj11i c11 1'; :\ Ir. ctll<l :\I rs. 13ttcltl)" I)<' \ rriP8. ~\ ~~<>t·iutio11 c)f' l~HJ)ti"'ts J 1 '<>L' \\.,.c)rl<l l~\ra11~ P }1,111, J)}11li11- J>itl<'S; a11cl ~I r Hlltl Jl 1·~ l{t) r?,'0 1' l~n– vc>11 ( ~let)' lK ) . ( 1 l1r1~t1a11 ~l1"'~it>11,, [i'l'P ll ill \\rpst .r\ fri( 'H, 'I' l 1P ~ I f' ll l <) l' i H I 1 ~ , l I) t i ~ t ( 1 l l t l l' e l L H l) I) l' p (. i ( l t p ( 1 t l 1 e )) l' ,_ l' 11 cl 1 ( ) r t J leir !l l t P" 1 '-, () 11 \ l > r i l 1~) , , ,r 11 t 11 111 o 1•L\ t l 1 a 11 ~15() lll CS~t'll g 'l' l's Hll<I <l< 1 l ('gH( Ps lt 1.: 1 ltl ( ( '1 () 111 i l l 1 l (' l l l) 11 J) ,1 t ) • 1'"' )
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