The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1955
May 1955 HOME OFFICE: Baptist Mid-Missions 1120 Chester Ave ., Cleveland 14, Ohio Newland Pfaff ! . I J • At tl1e · lo. e of a . e1 .. ,,i i11 11e of 0111· ·ht11 .. che · i11 ,,,}1i ·11 1' f 1" . I>faff hacl J)r e. e11tecl tl1e ,vork i11 ,J apa11 the J) eople ,,,ere ·h,llcii1p: ha11cl: ,vith t l1e pa. tor at th door a. the~r left a11 l 0 11e lad)" . ·aid to hin1, .:\lJ" 110,r I ,,,.i. 1 I col1ld tall~ like "i\I1·. . T)faff ! 1I er h11. ·– l)a11d, rig·l1t behi11cl he1·. 11111ttere 1 to the pa. tor, Tha11l{, tl1e Lord . he ca11 t ! I thi11k I 11 11ot mal{ an}"' co1ume11t 011 thi. co11trib11tio11 fo1· :\1 rs. Pfaff i. a11 a,,.icl OfB 1 .. eader a11d i.· :t1re to 1 ateh 11p vvit1 111e. Iti11 e1·ory l~J· the time thi. goes to J)r e.. ,,·e ,,·ill ha ,,e con1plet d 011r \Vest (•oa ·t iti11erary a11cl ,,,ill l1e e11- ro11te to Xe\\' York ~ 1 ta te. "\'\re ex– f)eC't to :top i11 Ka11. ru 1 ity. :\Ji - sot1ri to atte11cl the (1AR13 a11- 11t1al <'011fere11te a11cl the11 011 to ,J <>h11sc)11 ( 1 ity to c·o1n I)let 011r sc: he<lttle t l1ere ,v11ile 1)re1)a1 .. i11g· to sail. \Ve are : 'hedt tlecl to sail fr<J111 J->ortla11cl 011 ,Jt1ly 22 ,vith a po. ~ilJiljtJ'" of a tha11g:e to saili11 g frol11 Hc.)attle 011 .J l1lv :30. • I' rr1 ye r I? erJue. ·Is l'a ~ag·p fu11c1s are lacl{i11g a. ,,·pJJ a~ f,111cls for tl1 e f ,,, pieee.· <>f P({tliJ)lllCllt l1PPC1Pc.l l)Pf<)r . ai]– i11g-. ~<J111P ~tlJ>JJort is ,1180 r e< jllirecl. \\'<· ,,·ill c1PPJ>l)" aJ)J)l'Ptia1P )'"Ollr (:() JJti11tl f>Cl J>l'H,\'( 1 )' i11te1rPHt f<)r thr.·p 1hi11 g·s. I 11 .J a JJtJ ;1 ( )11 r 111issio11ariPs al'P J ,ra i"ii11g· ( :cJ<l fc,r !I i:,, l)lc:1ssi 11gs j11 so11ls 1· ~– c·P11t l.v· Scl\rP<.l ,lllCl PX<·P}]c11t f)f0- g 1•c:1.'!:i fo1· alJ 1,J1asP. <>f 111<:1 ,,,orl<. ~\J c1t lo11g ct~<> a 111H11 ,,·i1}1 }1i~ ,ril'P a11<l t,vo . <>lis ,, 1 cit'<' sa\'l 1 <l. \Vc- 11 a ,," J) <• P11 11 1• c1 v· i 11 o s 1) t1 <• i t' i <• <t 11 ,, f<>r ,vl1<,l<- fa111ili;:1s ;;1,l 111is is tli'P fj1·st (•,, iclPJl('P ,,r 1l1c· Ilc,l,,r NJ)irit • • l!l(>'' Jllg 111 1}ll "i '\\' ,l\ . ' f'}1c 1·p cll'P • al)<>tit 2., 1u·<,JJl P 11<>\\' tal,i11g tJ1e ,, P)\t.,, < 1 hristia11 l"il'P c·lass })l'f' - THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST .. JAP LLING ' 'THANK THE LORD SHE CAN'T! ' ' J)a r a,t(> r., .. tc> llctt)tisrtl ,1 11 c1 tl1r c)r– g·,1 11izatic>11 c)f ,1 11 r,, 1 ('}1111·c· ] 1 itl J~'tl l{ ll s l1 i lllH . '1'110 g· r c,11 eo11 ·er11 of 011r 111is– Hio11arics i11 ,JclI)H,11 is tl1at tl1cv C'<lll- 11ot aere1>t aJl of t l1r 0111)orttinities l>efor tl1e111 <l11cl l)Peat18 of tl1Plael( of Jr1is. ·io11 ,1.r ie.· a1 cl 11a tio11a 1 ·\'vorl<– er. 111t1. t t11r11 a ,vav fro111 1na t1,, ope11 i11g·s. A 11 ,,, e;nt1·a ·t ,vas 1·~– t(111t ly :ig11ecl £01" a11 oth e1· 1rea1· 011 the ,1 ir ,, 1 it}1 tl1e local rac1io 11et – \\rorl~. rrhi.' l)l'Ocl cl east is far 1·eacl1 - i1_1g a1 l effec~i..v l)llt i.1, ot ·oti1·se, t 1111 e CO l1,'llllllllg. It 18 110,,rever r 8l1lti11g i11 i11c11iirirs fJ·o111 , ra1 .. io11s 11] ace8 i 11 t hr J)rc f ect11r c a11(l tl1e 11eecl to .-e11cl wo1"'l{ers 111 to tec1c·l1 I~il)le ela . .r\ 11 i11e1~ea i110' 11t11nlJer ar tal{i11c,– the 11il)le ·or1· . J)011cl 11ce our 0 c>£– ferec1 o,,er t11· 1·atlio 1)1~og:1·a111. () tlr l)roacl c a ,t 'rh v\r av of Eter1la 1 T.1iff, has a l1oice ~·pot jll. t hr.– for the 11101·11i11p: 11 ,v 011 at11 r - THE BRIEF CASE R :l, ,. ;harl . 1>a11.' ley of l3alcer . ' l\ Io1 ta11a, ha. ac ·e11ted call to th0 ~ 011 t h l3a pti t 1 l111reh, }1 li11t. ::\T ichiga11 th pt1lpit havi11g· lJee11 1·rce11 tly , .,.aeat.ecl b),. Re,r. l 1 ~,vi11g· W, alte1"'s ,,·}1 0 i · 1·vi11g a.: l~ ielcl l)1r (:tor fo1· The F c llo,, 1 .·l1i1) of l1a J)t1Ht · J 1 .,or 1 I 01ne ~Ii.,. io11 ,. J{ ,r. J)o11a] cl PJ , :\ [cl a:y• of I)hilcl – <lclJ)hia ha acceptecl call to tl1e Bt1rto11 A,· 1111 BaJ)tist ('1l1t1rel1, \Vat e1"loo Iowa. \\_,.P l1a,,e a rr:.tt1g· c1 ,,·itl1 t lie Ii<'\'. (. ;· ( 1 • :\lclJ?le Root I oacl, J4:lyria, fc)J' a .·er10.· of Her111011 01ttl i11 r'-i ,,· l1i<' l1 ,rill a1>1)ear r,1el1 111011tl1 i11 tl1is 111ag·a zi11r . fr . ~Ict])l l1as (lf'– ~· t1 1 o J>rcl s~>111e1 c>ll tst a11 c 1 i 11g- c' x 1 )C)~- 1 t c) l'}' ()t1t]111P8 fc)r Olll' llSC, clll(l i" i11 1)()8 i1i()ll tc) l)l'0\ 1 lcle <l 1>ael<et <>I' ,lt1J'H<'ti,re <>ll tlillP8 ])l'i 11 trc l OJI ~ 111,1}} c·a i·cls J'(>l' c·];.1ssr<>o111 c111cl l'<lflio ~<'r\ i<·P , J)l'lCP<l cl1 .:~~ ])C J' l)clel<: \1. \\Tp rPjoic·c' tcJ 11c)iP 1}1at tl, e li~ ,·a11 s,· il] e l!,t1>ti~1 ( 1 hl11·c·l1 , ~ile:,;, c111cl 1 lt P ( 'n 1, ell')' l{a1>t i~t ( ' l1 t1rr l1 l1t1llc•l'<>111c1i11 P, Hl'P 11<>\\ Plig·il>l e for I, I, t <• 1 <> 11 111 <' I I < > ~ < > Il I{ <) l J I , u r ( 1 a1111) t>at111c>s HJl<l ,, 111 lJ<' s<> li s1<'<1 i t 1 1 I 1 <' l l <' x 1 i :-;:,.; l l <'. Page Nineteen FIELD ADDRESS: Japan Baptist Mid-Missions P. 0. Box 49 Fukushima Shi Fukushima Ke~, Japan • V e1·da Pfaff ( l C'l)r. '1'here is . till a i·eal 11eccl fo r. fi.11a11 c· i 11g· this l>1·oaclca t ,,,J11e 11 u I) to nov\' ]1 a.· l)0e11 811 p– J)ortecl OLlt of the !)Cr ·0 11al f1111cl . (>f tl1 . 111i.·sic>11a1·je. ·. The cost i. '\J.) JJrox11nate]y $100.00 J) Cl' 1no11ih. S111ce ,1ln10. ·t 0, 1 ry ,J a 1)a11cse ho1 1 1e l~cl. · a_ 1 .. ac1io ,ve J1ave a t1·e111e11do11. l 1ste11111!r a 11 1 ie11 ·c. 111· l>roa lc,1. ·t ,va · th fir ·t 0110 of a 1~e1iO'iOll.' 11 at11r·c 011 tl1e .air 011 t11i: 11 et,~ork, e,·e 11 l)l'ee ecl111g· tl1e B11clcl}1i.·ts . a11cl ':" belie,·e it is , ,.al11ab] to ot11~ f11t11re effecti,T 11e.. s. . \ T e1· la a11<1 T are ear11e. ·tl)r ] oo k- 111 g· f or,,·arcl tc> j oi11i11g· heart a11 cl Jia~icls. ,,ritl1 Ollf other llli io11- rl r1:s 111 fJ a pa11 i11 a11 ti · i patio11 of . ·ep111g· the Lo1·cl co11 ti11 l1e to cl o a .g'1·eat ,,To1·l( i11 that a11cie11t ]a11cl of e11l ture 1 }1eail1e11i 111, a 11 c1 011 c i ll clt \\' ill ' 011ti1111011 ·l,r repro- tl 11 • eo11, 1 erts \l'itl1 1 h1:i tlil{e11t'.1s t l11·011g·l1 tl1c ,,,it11e ,., a11cl 111i11i t1·,,. of 0111· fJ a1>clJ1e.·e l1rlicver ... · Please mention THE OHIO INDE– PEND~NT BAPTI~T when writing our Advertisers. It will be appreciated. A HOME MISSION OUR CHARACTERISTICS Extensive Evangeli m Intensive Visitation Bible Preachi11g Effective Teaching Organizing Bapti t Cl1urcl1es OUR SUPPORT Dependent upon th power of th Iloly pi1·if Needing your pra. er and financial contrib11- tions OUR PUBLI ATIO Write for tl1e Broa<lt•a ter, our q ttarterly 111agazi11e HI W TIIA LA D I DEPE DE T BAI>TJ T 1"11 IO R . Gu ' E. Ki11g, l)irector 1109 Lucli11gton t. ~ scru1aba, Micl1.
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