The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1955
Ed itorial omn·ient •• I 11 17, C l> t {] i 1l II i Jl !7 '" 111( \\"orrl. ·· /0/111 1 : 1 l~,· 111:1 1 \\ titll'"- tl\t' 1,()J'(l .)(.,~\\", • • }1r1,t i .. itle11t1fit'tl i11 il1e ~er111 t111e,. a11ti <':t,·11 ,11t•l1 title i, ,\ J)()rt - 11t>lt' till'( 11t!l1 ,, l1i t· l1 \\'' t' 111c1, ,t'l' ,\ • f11ll-le11g-t l1 1><>rtrnit ()f tl1t) l ,<)l'tl 111 "-lllllt:' a,J)l:'l't or 11 1, lllclll~· "icletl l1<1rnett'1·. r< 11, llcllllt'"- lll lH l\ littl <' . l ) llt i 11 S e1·i 1 t111·' 11,llllL'" ,111tl titl t'\s 111 <.'c:l ll 111t1c· l1 . rl"l1t' \\~ Rl ,,·l1iel1 i: 11r l.1t)l' i i11 1101·~011. <·a 1111 t lle e1)a- 1·,1 t) i fro111 t l1e ,,... (Jr<l ,,Tl11 ·l1 i ~ tl1e ~eri!1t111· . cl~ ec1cl1 1)oi11t~ to t l1e tl1 '\ 1·. To 1 i111 th,·. 1>a11l c1icl: ~ · 1)1·eacl1 • tl1e \\T 1·<.1 •• . • • Tl1e 1 l1l11·ch ,,,a · 111111a11d tl to .. , 10 ,·e i11to all the • ,,·01'ltl a11d 1)1·eacl1 . .. ' Teacl1i11g a11d 111 ..ea l1i110- i. to be , ,.ocal . ar– tic,1la t e. a poke11 n1e. age or te ti- 111011~-. a11 01·al ex1)0 itio11 of tl1e "\\""or d . a " ,,-e belie, ·e. alva tio11 i b~"' th pol{e11 ,,-01~d. TOd ll i11g the ea1· gate to 1 ..each tl1e ,i11ne1·. on1e ma,- be a,e l lrv· ~ ~ r eadi11u·, l)llt it i well t o 1·e111em- be1· tl1at e, .. e11 thol1gh the Ethiopia11 e1111l1ch l1a tl1e ript11re:. ,- od se11t Phili1) to an. wer .. hi <1,1e. tion e,·e11 a'; l1e ·eut P et e1' to tl1e hot1. e of or11elit1 . Faith co111eth 1)y • 11ea1·ing. and hearing b3... tl1e \Vord of ~ocl. · · (Read Ro111an. 10 :14- 17. ) I n a l)r oad cla ifi ation -.v-e 111io-ht conclucle that •ocl ~ pealr. tl1rot1g·h the ear. and • ata11 :1)eak. t l1ru tl1e e,-e. .. atan 11 eel tl1e eve- ~ ~ g-ate i11 the arden: the11 in ,.. e- lation to .._ chan and the 2.olden ,-red.ere : al o in co11nection ,,·ith Da,-icl a11d Bath. helJa , and " "ith Lot · he lifted up hi... ~ ... e, a11d looked toward ~ odom. 111 thi ,·ear of 1955... 1 atan ·een1. "' to l1a, ..e captt1recl e,,.er}Tthi11C1 tl1at 111icrht appeal thro11!a-l1 the e!-e-gate: the n10, .. ie , t ele, ...i io11. con1ic bool<. , 1nagazi11e . 11e,, paper . a11cl th . t ,-le for women · , ,,ear. .. 1 atan i ' the aocl of th· " ~orld aucl the l111·e a1~r fa"hio11ed b,Thi111. Some \\"Olllcl. ._ l1a,..e us l)elie,,.e that. ~ there' . omP Q"oocl in e,"'er~"'thinf!.' which 1nay l)e tr11e. ancl '"'Onie ,,011lcl ha ,Te 11. n1plo~T ~, atan· t ool. to et f 01 ,-+o pel t1'11tl1. II0,ve, ..e1·. ,,·itl1ol1t 1 ..e– latio11 to the an101111t of O'Ood or lJa] i11 he en1plo~·ecl tool. it ~tancl 011 the ata11ic .---icl of the fe11ce. The l111rc· l1 i con1111a11clecl to 1~RE... H the ,,·01·cl. llr I.Jo1-- tl ,aicl. · · )Y" are m,- ,,·it11e P . '· "'\\ e ' belie,·e that preacl1ing, t achi11 O' a l \ ( l \\ t t l l f' ~~ i l l !.!.' 1'(' ft' 1 • 1 l 1' j 11 l n I' i 1.\. l < > 111<' ~ ll t)\,t ll \\ t)l'< l. ' I11l <' l't Ht'<' t It <>~<' \' l 1() l){) cl "'t . . . ~ I \ 1 1 i r( \ i s I l l ' t (' ~ t I • • 111<l11, ,, .\ el <'H 11 lil'e 1~ a 11 P<'f'~~,1r,· • • l>a<·l,~ r c,1111< 1. a11<l t' \ < r, ( ' l1r1"'t u111 • "l 1() l l l cl l(' ,t cl cl (• 1 p ,l l l 1 i r f'. 1 )11 t t l 1 ,l t i"' 11 < > t 11 i 11 g 111 t> r < 111 n 11 n I) r () l >< r s <' t 1 i 11 .!' fc)r tllt' llll' "~H!!.'P . ' I '1<' e l PH tl lifp i" th P lll'() J) P l' l>n,kPt 111 \\ l1i c· l1 to l'H l'l'~· tll (' lll l'S~c\g'P \ )\ lt 1110 ('{)\lllllHll(l is t() 1 R ~~ ..\ 1 1 l . \\.,. l1 r tl1 t1 r i11 tl1() 11r e1~– t'11ee c>f 011p J)Cr ·0 11 c>r ,l 11111ltit11<lr, 11 (>t l1i11g ,,·ill teller 1110 1 lae of t l1 r ,·o >a l, ,1rtie11latr, , J)Ol(r 11 ,,.,.orcl of r O(l . 'rh l1ri. ticlll fi}111, the traet. t h r 111t1gazi11r a 1·t ie1 a 11 1 (1 ec.1: of l(i11cl11es. , all l1a,·l:' a 11la · i11 thl J11·i tia11 progra111. l1l1t 11othi11g sp1·,·e. a. a 1111. ti t11t e for t l1c p1·eachi11g· . J>reacli ill e Tr'" 01·d ! F 1·0111 t he b tri11- 11.i11g· ({ocl', l)eople 11 a v e e1 col111t er ecl problem. a11cl the . hape of tl1 e J>rol)le111 l1a,Te eha11o·e l fron1 ce11- t111·v to e11t111--,.. · ho,,· ,"e1· f1·01n the ~ . . TIIE PR BLE:\I l1eo·i1111i11g tl1e o,·e1-.. ·hado,,i110· p1--ob- le111 ha. 1Jeen a l)a.·ie h111na11 cl1a1~- a ct eri tic-JE... L . Tl10 e who a.11al3...ze a11cl c1 al ,,·ith c-l1111 ..cl1 p1 .. ol)le111 1"'ecog11ize tl1at l) hi11d the ,Ta t 111ajo1·it},. of cl i - t11rlJa11ce ,,ithi11 th ,, 7 all of tl1e local ch11rch c1·011 ·he. tl1e green– e,-ecl 111on t er JE... L l ... Y. • I n ,..alatia11 - :21 the ... c1--ipt11rP Ii t e ,i 1: y i 11 g · an10110· the \\ 1 01--lr of the fl e ·h a11d ,,,.her e the wo1 .. lr of t hP fle. h are in e,Tide11ce , the1·e ,,il1 11e,Ter 1Je fo1111cl the f1 .. 11it of tl1e ~ l)irit. The mo t ll11happ3... of all hri tia1is i tl1e pe1\ on " ·110 ran- 11ot 1·ej oic i11 the . l1cce of other . a11cl who keep l1i · e)-e :fixed t1p on .. elf, co11. ide1--ing l1in1 elf a 111a1'tyr ,,·he11 he i.· 11ot prefe1 ..1·ed al)o,·e other-.. •ata11 ha.: :tlcce-. fl1ll,· 11. e 1 thi. • h111na11 ·haracteri tic i11 e,Te1 ..}- I)er- riocl of hi ·to1·~.. , lJegi1111i11g wi tl1 L11- cifer. ~ 1·eco1·dec1 i11 I ·aiah 1-1- :12- 13. J ealo11 , .. acco1111te 1 fo1"' the • 1nt1rcler of Abel 1),... C 1 ai11 ~ t11e a ·tio1 • of ~~ a11l agai11._ t Da, yic1· the ba11i l1- 1t1e11t of J o eph b~· hi · lJ1--et l11--e11 : tl1 e llnhal)I)i11e. . of the lJr ot lier of tl1 e I:>rocli!ral a11cl t1 e c1e ·e1Jtion of .1.-\.11aniru a11cl ~ 1 aI)IJhira. JE ... IJ tT ~ 1 Y i l)li11clin2.·, 111al(i11~· it i111po il)le to . ee the ~roocl i11 otl1er . : it i hlighti11g, i11 that it 1·011.: the ai11t of jO}". It 111a11:" ti1ne. cle ·t1--o)· · f1,ie11cl. l1iJJ, ,Yl1e11 011e 11eceec1 1Je,-011cl the 111a1·l( of ~ a11otl1e1--. a11cl it 111an,,. time cl - ~ / s 1l'C>\·-., t}l P<'f'fpc· ti\r('llPSS <>fH <" httr<•l1 • • ..J 1~~ .\ I J ( ) l s ,, is 11 ( , t l i Ill i t (l ( I t () cl Il .. • flH rt i<·11l ,t 1· c · <lf J>P<>J>IP. It i11- \' ,l< l< 'S l)<>f h t IJp Jl tl l lli f H Jl<l ll P () P\V Hll(l l' PH<·ltci s ('\'P J'\r S()c• iHI a11,1 fi - • 11c111<·ial lr\·P l. It H< ·c·c> t111t • f<>t' 11111,•}1 <>f tl1 P i11trigt1P c-1111011!! 11<1tio11~ 1c>– <lay, a11cl f c>1· 11111c·l1 <>f tl1<1 t><>liti,·al <: l 1i<',111P r~· 111 p, ·pr~· c·,tJ)ital . ~1,rrl~·. ,/ < r1/ rJ 11s.11 i"" N,tt,t11 ·s 111a: 1e11· ,,·P,t J1<>tt . \ \ T ( ) R I J l l.1 y \ \Tl ~· 1)():\I i , . •• frJr 11, e r.l1il – cl rr 11 of f J, i. 1~·orl rl <ire i11 tl, r ir .<J<n<r– afio11 ,.cise r tl,a11 tl1 e cJ1ilrlrr11 of ligl, t. [,1 1th·c fi: l> It i: 11ot Ollr thot1ght t o i11tr r1)rct tl1e t ext, bl1t to poi11t ot1t th ,,-i - clo111 of 111e11 i11 t lie 1na1 ..t . of tra<le, i11 011tra. t t o the lack of ,,·iscl<J111 i11 1·eligio11.· cir le, . \\""e r ef er to 1 ·h:y·:ical f ea t11re. ,,~ J1ich .. e1~ ..e to iu,rite atte11tio11. The ,ri. e b11 i11e : n1a11 i11 ·tall. a11 air co11clitio11i11g 1111it and to the air co11ditio11e l . t o1 ..e 01 .. . l1op the 1)eople flo l<, ,,~hile the eomprtitor 11101).· hi. 1)1·0,,·. It i. a ,,Tell k110\\T11 f act that a ch111·ch a11clitori11111 i 11ot tl1e coole:t I)lace i11 a it~T, a11cl 011 the t1l ti--,,. ~ 11mme1' da, ,,. ome ... it . ~ i11 tl1P hade of the old apple tree ,,·ho other,-Yi. e \' 1 {011ld attencl th . er,Tice . IIo,,· r ef1,e hi11g ; ho,v a )_ celerating· i t11e 1,ef1.. i 0 ·e1·ated air of a prop 1·1~,. ec111ipped b11ildi11Q d11ri11g the 1no11th. of . l1111me1'. "\\Titho11t c1u . tion the J)eop]e ,,·ot1lcl 1·11. 11 to the air co11clitionecl a11dito1"– i t1111 and i11 all pl'Obal)ilit~... n1a11~· ac1c1 itio11al " "ome11 ,,·011ld .·1)e11cl 111i<l-,,·ee lr l1ol11.. ·e,,i11g f 01· the • • • 1111 · .. 1011ar1e ·. If the · · cl1ildreu of light · ,,01tlcl ' cl i I)laJ·· the ,,·i clom of tl1e ,,-or·ld th e1·e wo11lcl 1)e 110 ·,1n11ne1· l 11n1 p a11d the i11 r ea ed atte11da11ce ,,,.011lcl Jlli ·kl~· ro,·er tl1e i11itial co t of au a i r co 11 rl it i o 11 i 11 g 1, n it . E ELL ·\\T .. '1 IIII) ,,.,. e l1a,Te co111- J)letecl the r eacl– i11g of a , ·e1·J· le11gtb)" editorial £1·0111 the pe11 of a11 011t tandi11~r 13 il)le belie,"i11g li to1--, ealli11g 11po11 0r g-a11izecl g1·011p of f1111cla111 11tal 1Jeople to eml)1·ac all 1)01·11 agai11 })eo1Jle. 1 .. ega1--clle". of tl1 differ– e11 ·e. i11 cloct1·ine ,,·hicl1 111ig·l1t e,– i:t. )1 an\" ha,·e co11cle11111ed l1io .._ ...\ . ociation a11cl otl1e1-- ~i111ila1-- 01·– ga11izatio11 £01.. the :e1)a1 ..ati t ta11 l: 110,,·e,·e1· , tl11·011g-l1ol1t hio ..\ . ociatio11 the1~e i · peae i11 1 .. - lat io11 t o doctri11e, ,,hil tl1e : •all
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