The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1955
TliE l 111 IN11EPENJ J.~N'l 1 l3AP1 1 IS'r Mny 195fi ...........~=-=~~==~~~~---------------~:.::;; -------------~--------~~~~--~~~~ B OO REVIEWS 'I 111~ l l 1 < I 1) 1'\ (~ () 1 4 ' l 111~' .. \( 11·~~ ~' 11111c 11 ll l1n, ll\'t'11 , , l'it1('ll <)ll })1'(\J)lt\'t 1,' ~,tl)J\'\ t, t lltlt. 1<) \ \"',(' tilt\ \ \ ()t'\l~ ()r l ) r 1 1 :. ~ellll\ ll'l' • P~11~l1,ll. ' '<ll\l' \\()111<1 llHl'<ll, t' '- • ])l'Pt tt, <it , et)\.<'I' :tt\ t'ltt irt'l ~ f r <' '-ill tr,'allllt'llt ()r tilt' ~,tl)J<'et. ,\l'( t l11 ..... 1, , at tl ,· ,, l1nt l) a,11 I{ ~\l <l 1·- • 111a11. l) r . l1n~ ~i, t 11 11". • • 'lllt"\ l,o<)k. <lt"\l.lls ,, it l1 }ll' lll) l1r<1~– i11trotltleltl . f11lfi llt'tl. 1o ll f ,,1 - fillPcl. ll<'i11g ft tlfillrtl, c111tl JlI'o1 l1 - t <-:,· <l l) l) T l1P 1) ) l, t•ct rr it". H ,,.t•,1ltl1 of I il)ll' PXl)t):itio1 a 11 cl t<lllltllt'tlt ft1r t l1t' st11tle11t of ~eri11- t tl l'l"\. z{)ll<.lt' r\·clll l)11blisl1i11tr ll <)ll .'f\ . t; rctllll R ,lJ)itl ~ l) . . ·:2.()0 ---------- ... \ l 1 llRTSTl .\ ..... A\ ]>t >R() .\ 1 II T PJIIL ~ ( 1 II\ ... }: ,·itle11tl, .. to co111l1c1t t l,e i11e1·ea.1e ._ of 111ateri ,1 l is111 a11d at l1ei ·t ir 1hilo– sop hi .. al ,·ie,,·.. . t hi. 11001{ ,,·a-.; ,,·ri t– te11. The a11t hor ,, ...a1·re11 . "'\r 011110', l)ta i11ecl l1i ,.. ... \ . B . at (;or clo11 •01- le~re . B.D. f1·0111 ......01·th er11 Ba 11ti t ~e111i11a1·,-. :\f....\. a11d 111 .D. at l~ c). - • to11 l ... 11i,·er . it,~. Ile l1a . p1·,Tecl a. • a11 i1 t1·11eto1· i1 p h ilo. oph:v· at 1~o ·- to11 l T11i,Te r . it , .. a11d i 110,,· a Pro- .. fe. ,~or of P hilo oph~,. of R ligio1 at ... ..,.01,the1·11 Bapti ·t Theologieal .. ,e111i11a1·, .. . Tl1e boolc ,,·ill compel 1 l1ri tia11 J) 011le to c1·eate a 11e\'{ i11t er e t i11 tl1e ,,·01·lcl of p l1ilo. opll)'", r atbPr t l1a11 to lea, ,.e :11 ·h 111old i11 -.r of the 111i11cl to :ec11la1· i11terp1·eter . 'l"l1 e l)ool{ ,,ill help t h e . tt1cle11t to better 11nde1-- ·ta11cl t he ,,-- 01· l l in ,,·hith ,,·e li,·e. The l)ook i. text11al a11cl ,vo11 l cl l)e clefi11itel\.. ._· t1ital1le fo r eolleg·e .. a11cl Bil)le I11:ti t11te. 011 th e ele111e11- ta1--~.. to j 11nio1· J'"ear le, .. el . Th , ... a11 Kan11) 11 P re:. , \,l1ea - to11. Illinoi . ·J .00 11ER Y F RE\rER BERTI! ... \.. B. ~IO RE ha J) 1·0- clt1cecl a11otl1er l>ook of 1 hri ·t ia11 F i ·tion. a tale ,, ..hich l1a. it. ·etting an1ong the . imple fol l{ of the hill i11 ... ~ 01·th 1 a1·oli11a. The tor~· i11trod11ce. a :harp– to11g11ecl ,,·0111a11 . and he1· ~·on ,,"ho becon1e~ i11,·ol,·ecl i11 the traged}"' tl1i. 1111bap11~· circ111 1:ta1 re later leadin!! to hi.. al,·atio11. Tl1e a11tho1' ha, ,,·ritte11 abo11t tl1ree cloze11 f11ri~tian 110, ..el <111d ,,·e ·rJ11sicle1· .l l e1·c!J Fo1·e1· ,,r tc, l >e 11 • of the be t. ,, ....111. B. E ercl111a11 . J>l1l>lishi11~ < ·01111)a11~-. irancl RaJ)icl :3. niicl1i– g-au-~ ·2.oo ....... ,JI ~I 1,1•: :\ ' l' 'S I) ,\ \< : I·~ tl<>l "N \IIN~I<)~ ' l' ll 1" ll<l<l l\ i~ <l 11 l, l'<>r l1c> \ ~ ,, It <> • • li l"t' t l11·il l"'. ,,itll a ( 1 h1·i "i1ia11 llnc·l, n· r l l l 11 l t 1 ~ ,J 1111 l'<l ttlt <l it l\C' <' <'. ~n r, tc) 111ctl{<' • ct ]cl tl g' tr i11 ctl <) tl <' , ,ritl1 l1i s clo:.!'s. i 11 t h(\ r)' () z <1 l l (l r{ · 1 i(' . I{ p f () r p t l 1(' t r i 1) ,, ct" fi1li ~l1 P<t t 11 , ~ .1~ .1. ,ra .· i11 - , c)l,·t'c l c1 11 cl .'l)lllP tl,-111gPr ot18 l>ar1- clit s ,,·c r <l i11 Jl ri~o11. 1 t 's a g·ooc l bool,. Tl10 Hr ri11t111· r J>1·P.. \ ..i.:3+ ~011tl1 ,,Tnb,1sl1 .\ , .. 11tlr (.,.hi eago ~' Illi - 11ois * 1. ()0 rr, II E I~ 113I 1 I 1 ~ \ T J I I 1 f J { ~ ~ 1 T l{ - T R 'l'l1c\ Dil>lical 11l t18t1·ator , 57 , 1 ol - 1111P"'. is 11 0,v bei11 g· r e11roclt1ePcl a11cl 111,11 ," , ..oltt111~s a1·e alreacl ·v· ,1,·ail- • • ,1 l)le. Tl1is i.· thr C''\celle11t ,,·orl< c)f .J<)~J~: r>TI ~i . FJXEf--'T.J , c·on1piler c111cl Pcli to r. 111 tl1e , 1 olt1111e e, ,. ry l)a.-. ag·e of e,re1·,r 1)001{ i11 tl1e l~il,}e i. 1 r of11. Pl}Ttreat ecl " ·ith eomp] ete . er111011. to11de11 eel ern101 . , 011t– l i11e. a11 d expo ·itor )"' 11ote.. al 'O })rac·t ical le.1:011. , hi t ori cal i11for - 11at i011, illu .. t rati011. , a11d a11ec– dot e: . \ r olt1me are di. tril)11ted : i11 g·l}"' a t $4. ~0 ea h h } '" Baker Book II011.. Cl {ra11cl Rapid 6 1ichiga11. 'fTIE II LY .. 1 PIRIT ~rr. Tl .. TRY Il er e ,,ye ha,Te a bool{. 01111d i11 cloc tri11e, cl eali11 ~r with the 1)e rso11 a11d ,,~01·lc of the lloly ,. pirit. ThP 1)a ~.res c_- ai-·r,- fo r cef11l 111e. j age. l , .. ' . ~ . Billy C}raha1n a11 cl 1na11y 01'hr 1· pr o111i11e11t preaeh er ·. Th :er11101 ,,re1--e co111piled l)~.. . "\Vact e Free- 111a 11 ,. t111eri11te11cl e11 t of the cle– p ar t111e1 t of e, ,.a11g·eli. n1, Bapti t ( }p11e1--al 1 011ve1 tio1 of Texas. Zo11cler,,.a11 J=>11 l)li: l1ing· II 0 11._ e (}ra11cl Rapid. 6, :\f i ·higa11- , ·2.00 T() :\ f( RRO"\\r J LL J3E 11 PP't 7 H er e i, a bool{ ,, hich i.: : 1)irit – t1all~· i1 ,·ig·or ati11g a11cl ,,.hich d eal. ,, .. itl1 t he l1t1111a11 . icle of ]ife. 1 t ,,·a ,,ritte11 by Dor otbv c·. Ila. lr j11 a1ltho1· of abo11t 1700 "'torie. a11cl . e,·er al f ull-le11o·th 1 hri tia11 110,T– e l :. ) Ii.. Ila:l{i11 i at pre e11 t l)ir e ·to1· of Pl1blicatio11 of t11e I 11 ter nat io11al ' hild Eva11geli: 111 F ello,,· hip . The ·to1·~~ deal · ,, ..ith a y o1111 g 111a11 of : t e1·li11g c111ality ' '"h o ,,·a. tor11 l)et,,·ee1 hi.· lo, ~e f or a ])la i11 ~ i r 1. .Jes. ie L ee ) t1n1me1-- . a11d a l)ea11tif11l ~ ..01111~· lacl}r, Del)bi e < }r aig·. as diffe1·e11t i11 t3-Tr1e a11<l el1ar aetPr a co,1ld l)e i111agi11 ecl . I t, a ooocl : t or,~ a 11 l 111a11,.. ,vill - . . lJe t l1rilletl ,, .. ith .J e . ie. who ,,,011 <lttl cl !-; s h 11 le;111 P< l t lj l<> 11 th P 1,c >r, I. I ) I ' i (. t •( I ii I * :.!.()() I))' /J () I \ ' I tJI I ' \'} l I l I > 11 I> I i ~II i 11 g J I , >\ 1St\ ( : r H11 , I J~" I) it h,;. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE SERIES SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE ( I11t. l I11i fo r·111 ~ . R. T..1 (). s c)11s) J \.\rOlll(l ]ike FREE i11forn1atio11 11 r l<ecl bel o,,r : --Beg i11n e1-. D ept. --P1--i 111 a1--y Dept. --.T1111io1, ept. --I11termediate Dept. --~e11io1-- Dept. --l,.. ol1ng P eople . Dept. --Adt1lt Dept. upt. and Pa to1~ --Flannelgraph --Go p el He1,ald \\ ... eekly UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059, Cleveland 1, Ohio THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION, Inc• Cleveland, Ohio PRESENTING (Yeshuah-Saviou1~) For Fifty years to the Jews of Cleveland and Vicinity An evangelistic and Christ-cen– tered ministry by personal visitation, radio, Scripture distribution, and Bible class worl{. "TRUMPETER FOR ISRAEL" Sent upon request GERALD V. SMELSER, Supt. P. 0. Box 3556, Cleveland 18, Ohio FOR ALIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION, having a fundamental Baptist fou dation ••• • Featuring A. B. Degrees in Bible, English and Social Science. Beautiful 15 acre campus with 9 bu ild ings. Intercolleg iate Athlet ics Write for free copies of "Tes timony". No Obligation CE DARYi LLE COLLEGE A BAPTIST COLLEGE of LIBERAL ARTS CEDARVILLE, OHIO J. T. Jeremiah, Pres. '
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