The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1955
May 1955 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Seven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=--~~- CELEBRATION AT TALLMADGE Ea ·t er ~ ll11da)r 1\ 111·il 10, 10:- i1 ,,·a.· cl da)Te1·0\, 1 c1ec1 ,,,ith c1<:recl 111 111orie · for tl1 e jJe<)– I)le of the F1111dc1111 11t al I1ap – ti ' t 1 ht11·ch Talln1acl ge, ()]1i<), lotatecl i11 t l1 r\l<r o11 cl i ·t1·i ·t. I11 adclitio11 to relell1·ati11g· tl1e re ,111 .. r ectio11 of ot1r Lo1·cl tl1e cl1t1rch al o celebr atecl tl1e • 1 E \ E ~ TEEXTII N I– ' TER 1o.. ARY of the ehl11.. r l1 ,\hich ,,~a fo1·111al lv 01·0· ,111- " l:" izeel 011 })l'il 10, 19:3 ' \\rit h :...1 belie, 1 er ... 11i 11g· srr,,ic·0 \\'it l1 ~Jr. (lrne f{jcl cl l<' i11 c·hargr ,t11cl l\Irs . l1rclg·p 1·,v<><>c l ])l'C's icli11 µ: }tl tl1r gr c1 11cl tJia11<). ' l'l1r c-l1o ir of ,l})Ollt 23 V() l tl1S l)l'P8(> llt rc1 a 11 attrc1 c- ti vP 1111111br l' ,t11cl a c111ctrte1t t·o11sisti11!!.· of ~Tr. ,l 11 cl :\ l r s. (l r 11P l?i clcl lr, \\Ti)frrcl p l'Rl r)r ,1 11 (1 ,J PllC'ft })01'8 1P)' cleli Q: l1tecl 1h r ,ttt cli r 11 c·r ,,,itl1 ,l srlP<'tPcl 11ltllll)e1·. Tl1e Rev. B. F. ate ,,ra: the fi1-. t pa tor· and eo11- ti1111e to . er V\ 1 i th tl1e J)eo– p l e ancl the e, rer -expa11clirrg Here we have a glimp e of the church, par ona~e and pasto1· rJ' llP l i 1 11 1l fl a111r11tc1l BEtptist ( 1 l1111·c· l1 ()t ' l'r1ll11lcl(l g·e i. i11 fu ll fe llo,, 1 sl1i1 > v,·it11 Ol1io A. ~ 8<) ·iatio11 tt11 cl t l1e 111ag}1zi 11 r a 11 l itH reacler8 ,visl1 for tl1c J)cl .1 to1· a11cl r>eo1> le ·onti11 lt eel sl1cre.. · i11 11 is l)l e. ·. eel . e1 .. vi ·e. i11flue11 ce of the ch 111"'c h i , c111e i.11 no mall m eas111·e to hi , cl e,Totio11 a11d careful ad1nini tratio11. The church no,,r carrie. a ro. t I' of 23 n believer · ,vith averao·e atte11dance at u11day chool of abo11t 22:-, ,vith a r ece1 t l1igh at.te11da11ce of 369. Tlie Property In 1939 the co11gregatio11 1"'ectec1 a lJeat1tift1l and paciot1 11011."e of ,,1 or. hj l) a11cl ext en lecl tl1e b11ilcli11st to a . eati11g capacity of 400 i1 1950. Later a f i11e J)a1"' 011- age ,, 1 a er ected on th J)rop er – t,r wl1ich i. the home of t he Re,r. ... and l\ Ir . 1 ate. The final mor·t- gage \·~;ra. burnecl at the 1nor11i11g .·er vic·e .April 10, and the {)eople 1·e– joicecl. 'rhr t hl1r ·h is 1 ow free fr c>m clelJt. Tl1r c·l111rch 11 c>,,T I)l a11 ~ to i11c-rea.·e the n1i:. io11<1ry c-011 t ri- btltio11 · c111cl s11p11ort for c-1a111J1 Pa.t1110. a11cl oth r \\ 1 ortl1jr l)r ojrrt. . Tl1 e >'i er l' ice~ At t l1 11101·11i11g· . e1·, 1 i ·e 011 tl1c l a)r of t h lcbratio11 tl1 cl1 oir of 1 e la1 .. , rj}}e. ( !olleg '\\ 7 R.' J)l'P8e11t a11 l, l111dr r th r li1·ec·tio11 of J) rofr . - • 0 1 .. .t\1111)1·0:e pr . 0 11t0 l a11 ap1>r<>– l) ri ate p1·og·1·a111 of Ea ·t r 11111si<·. 'rJ1 ~:t1e. ·t , ·1)ec1.l{e1· for tl1e c,·0- 11i 11 g· ser vicrs ,, 1 a8 l )1· . I I . J{. J-i,i 1 l P)' ,,rho 8})0l{r to thr )TOl lllg }Jeo1)le at t}1e six-tl1ir t:\ 7 se1·, 1 iC'r, al)Oll t ;() • 1>1·e.·c11t ,,,11 11 })ictl1res 0£ C 1 a1111> J> at1110.1 ,, 1 1·e t1 eel . T11t e re:t i11 the a1n 1 i · l ,r lopi11g· a111011g· tl1e f ar11ilic. of the · h 11rcJ1 a11c1 a gooc1 r egi.·tra t io11 is pxpe ·tccl. t the 7 :BO s:1r,,iee :\Ir. l 11 i11l0y ~J>Ol{r 1111clPr the ,· ttl>jPet '\ l>o,,.rer l~e lo11 g·<lt l1 l 11t<> (l ocl . ' ~l ttsil' \\ 1 cl I cl, fe,lilll'll or tl1e e\ rc - In the ~ criptural tradition of ' 'forthtelling' ' Goel' me sage ,ve are t1·aining· His prophet. f 01" tomorrow i11: Seminary Pre-Seminary Bible Institute Au t }1 orized HIGH ACADEMIC STANDARDS l>y t l1e tate oC l\1i l1i g·a11 to g1·ant tl,e 13.D . c1egr DEEP SPIRITUAL EMPHASIS 11 Ii .. \, j11g tl1at a I)tll'f! 111 e. ·sagc de1na11cls a })ltl' 111 '8.·011grr 1 A'J'A J" )(1 .. F' l'J' ~ :Jl TI)O r RI~(~ UI~S'l' Subscription To ' 'THE THEOLOG' ' Available Without Cost ~ e11d 1• 1 0 1· \ " ot1r Ji're \ ( 1 0 J)} E • 11ot ,111 I3A1~'1'1~i'r J lil Jl 1 r11~J.i LI ,,,ij 13 1>'1' 1~ 1 '1' 11 1 1._''1' 1·;1{~?' Address Dept. C GRAND RAPIDS BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY & BIBLE INSTITUTC 811 LTHY ST., S.E. GRAND RAPIDS 6, MICHIGA~.'j PL F_;1\ " E III~lJ1 ! "'\Vitho11t c1l1estio11 the pe1\·on ac– ('Pl)ti11 g 1)1 are cl , R,rg· i.,t1·ar of ,tmp l:> c1t111<>. i. h racl ccl fo e m,1ch grief, b,1t ·011siclcr,lti o11 011 t 1 e pa1·t of 1>,1st o1·s a11 l c- l11t1·e}1 off irr1·s WOl11c.1 l1e 1 J). '\\ e 11 a , ,r 1·eeeivccl 11 o co111- 1)lH i 11 t £r o111 t l1e 1)1·r.·e11t R )g'i/t1·a1· ; }10,, 1 <? \ rC l' ' \\ 1 C ha\ 7 0 loolrc 1 o, 1 e1.. tl1e 1·rC'o1·cl of l1i. i11 iti<tl 1·egi t1·at.io11s ,111cl f i11 c.l the . a1ne J)t·actice pre– ,·,1ili11g· as i ,1 f o1·11 er yea1'.: ..ll o11e.lJ ent i,i lvit l io1tt r·cgi:trct– t io 11 ca ,·cl. . l?egi:trr1t io1i carcls . e11 t i11 1vitlz- oztf 11ioneJJ. ~ll o11e.z1 . C'H f i,z to ro1 1 er tli e C'ou1i– sellor b1tl 110 iuclicatio1i as to l{'li etli er th( C(Jll11scllor is for lJ (J .11. or g i r ls. Tt i._ exccrc1i11t?.l,r cliffitt1lt f<>1· • a11)., 1·egi tr,1r to "et 111) 11is el1,1rt') '\\ 1 it}1 11C}l i11f Ol'll1atiOll. l >} r,1. e S(llltl ea1·cl a11d mo11e,, i11 tl1e ... a111e e11, 7 e- ~ lo1)e and 111alre ce1·tai11 tl1at eac11 rarcl i11dicate. ,,Tl1ctl1e1· boy 01· g·irl. \\Th e1·e ' 11 iclt 11,1111e ' ' are 11.. ed. s11el1 a ' I")et, ' ' l)le,1. e 111al~e ce1·– ta i11 to i11dirat P ,,Tl1etl1e1· it is ,1 l)et u:i rl 01· a l)et l)O)' , ,ls dt)1·111ito1·~· el1 c1r ts c1re 111,t<lr 1t11 ns r cg·i~t rc1tior1s ,1 r e 1·peei,"et1. ...\ clcl1·rRs: l{ r ,· 1Inr– ,.P\" ( •111·i~tic111 -!2-1-() ~ T<)1·tl1 1 Ia,·r 11 . , "\ \ . pl l l l (\, 'l' 0 l l"\ ( 1 () 1 :.! ' () l 1 i () . "\ ,J <) ,T 1{ Ii' r I J ' l,}l( l{ L\\ (il'l',l)(l l\fi{ •}tlll t)f <: r ctc.·<1 l 1n1>11st ("111111·vl1, 'l't'<)\, Ol1it), "'t\t tlll' })pl}" 1<) ri11g·i11g· \).\ tllt' rc.)1 - 1()\\ i11g· 1>,11·ng·r.11ll1 i11 n t't't't'11t 1 't– t<\l': • ... \ t a lltls i11t'Ss lllf'l\t i11g· ()f tl1,"\ l' l1111·l'l1 , 1\1)1·il (i, tl1e })l\C)l)lP ,<>tc.•cl to ~ttll~c·1·ilH' tt> 'J'lt ()/1 io I 11<lt JJ url, nl J:<t J>li,\t t'Cll' tl1P e 11t irt\ 111f'tul>Prsl1ii>, fl l\t\ s11b~L· t·i1>tit>11 l't)t• t a (· 1, r u111 i 1 \ T• •
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