The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1955
l 1) l , t. 111 lll( 1 l'l'Hsf' itt Ht{t'lltlHtlCl' t11rt)\tt.l1 tl1e ~rl',ll's l1c1, l't'<(ttll'P(l l tl 1 l l,1111 l l'Hl\,llltl ()f t.1t·1]1t l<''°' nt t 11 t 1 l) l' 11 f 1 t, 1 t l .. T 1111 t t i <) 11 l ~ n l) t i "t l111rc}1. 1 l 1 Hft'tl 111itl,,a, l)t\t,,<'c..\11 • 1"1,~ri:t n11tl l tll'Hi11. cllltl tl<l\\ <l • lll' ' ' llO\l~t' lf ,Y()l',1111) '°'f tllltl~ !lS n 111t)11t1111e11t tt tltt' ~11 irittllll Z'ctl n 11 l , ilerif ict', of t l1t f)t'OJ) lP. 1 ltt' t·r1·~111<)11 , of cl c..'clit 1 ,1tio11 ,,·c1. • a 11<1 rt of t 11(? ~t'1·,·ie <1011 l 11et etl c>11 s lllt(l,1~ cl ft e1·110011 :\ I c1~· 13, 193) . ...\t tl11·e o 'eloelt tl1e Re,r. . Do11~l·– l<1 l111rt. 11a~ to1· of tl1e cl1111·rh , OJ)e11etl t lie se1~, ·ie b~.. ,1111101111c i11g a 11)·11111 c:111d i11trod11 'i11g :\I 1·. ,,l1a1·le.. ,,.,.ood a -- clir ector. follo,,~e l l)~.. 111·a~·e1" 1 d l)~· the Re,... Elto11 . II11l~ill of T1·i11it~,. a11ti ,t '11111· ·11. T..10I·ai11. l\[1·. Tl10111a "\""\T oodi11!! , a 1nen1- .... l1e1" of the l1111·ch. n o,,~ 1·en10,yed b11t r etlll"lling· fo1· t l1e da,r of dedi- .._ ·atio11. p1·e e11tee,l a pecial 11t1n1ber l\f r. ,, illia111 "\\.,.all, a n1e1nber of the congTegation er,Ted a hi torian lle cr"ibincr the path of progTe ince tl1e beginning and tl1e fi– nancial ecr etar;r, ~Ir. E zr·a traw, 1·ead a financ ial r eport. The Ki11g ~ l\Ien a male q11ar– t et, of the Fir' t Bapti t hurch El}·1·ia. delicrhted the large a11di– e11ce with e,Teral vocal 11l1mber accompanied at the piano by :\Ii BettJT Fodo1". )Ir. B11rt i11troc111ced the Re,... Robert J. Reynho11t of ElJ~'ia. \'rho r ead appropriate 1 cripture after ,vhich Rev. Ve1--11e L. Dt1nham of the Ea t ide Bap– ti. t ,h11rch. Lorain broug·ht Q:reet– in_. a a repre entati·v·e of the 11earb~ ... Reg11lar Bapti t h11rche and Dr. Ho,,~ar·d . Y 01111g· :pol{e tinder the title · Y 011th Rallv E ch– oe . The R ev. Do11ald II. ·Bei~h– tol. Pa. tor of the al,Tary Bapti t hlrrch .... T orwalk. who i · :\Ioc1e1·– ator of the I-I elJron A, ociation, of which the Pe11field J llnction Bap– ti t 1 hl1rch i. a memlJer, . pol{e briefl~· exte11cli11g gr eeti11~r on be– half of the f ello,, l1ip a11c1 expre - i11g O'Oocl ,,·i. he for co11tinl1ed p1·0- grp . nI1·. ... T or1na11 "\Vall l ed tl1e choir of alJ011t ,,·e11t} ...-five ,Toice. , in an antl1em ,,rhieh \'\"'8 well recei, red. D1'. H. K. Finle,r. eclito1~ of Tlie Ollio I 1zclepe11de11--t Baptist de– li,,.erecl the dedicator,... me age ,,·hich "-a. follo,vecl bJ.. a dedica- or~· ce1·en1011)". ancl the benedictio11 1),. Re,T. Ho111er 1 1·ave11 of ... , 1 on .. ' hio. Tiil~ JAPTTST .Jun· l05!l BAPTI T CHURCH DEDICATED Many Visitors Attend FORMER PASTOR PRESENT The ..,. ew Hott e 0£ '"\\r or hip, " "i th I attial ,,.ie,,,. of parsonage Tli e Backgroitrid Almo t thirty y ear ago . ome for,vard-loolziuo-- memb r of the Fir t Bapti t hl11--ch Ely1--ia joinecl with Bible believer living at P enfield J ll11ctio11 and f orme l a Bible la ,, 1 hich met in , ra1~io11 home later in an abando11ed chool Ilou e. In 1931 a l111dav chool wa 01·ganized and later with the a i ta11ce of the Fi1-- t Bapti t ihurch El)ri~ia a . mall hol1 e of ,vor hip ,va. erectecl. To meet the need of the 011 ta11tly gro, 1 ti11g· work thi hol1 e of wor- hip ,va enlarg·ed. A R e2.ula1" Bapti t hl1r ch ,, 1 a con tit11tecl ancl thi org·a11izatio11 ,va. official- 1}~ r ecog11ized in 193 ,, 1 ith 70 con- tit11ent membe1· . The R ev. . Dot1gla · Bu1·t ar- cept ec1 call to the ,,Tork in 110'tl t of 1947 and 111 de1 .. hi aggre. i,Te mini t1·y the cl evelop1nent ha bee n rapid. 111 December of 1947 the hl1i1c1- ing f1111c1 co11tai11ecl . 1 60 .00 and i11ce that date tl1e people l1a,Te co11tribt1ted approximately l ·45,- 000.00. T li e B 1 t i lcl i 1 z g ... pa1't fron1 cont1 ..actecl lalJor of abot1t . 10 000.00 the ne"~, 1nocl– e1'n hol1 e of ,,,,or hip ,,·as b11ilt by the ha11d. of the pa. to1 .. and peo– pl . It i. e. timatecl that tl1e ac– tt1al ,~al1:1e of the ne,, ..l}r ei·ectec.1 lJ11ilcli110· i approxi1natel}'" . 12;- ,- 000.00-exclu i,re of land· ho,vev– er the aet11al co t to the ch11rch " Ta abot1t . ·6 00 .00. The bt1ild– i11g i very precio11 to the people, e p eciall}T to tho e ,vho i11,,e ted time a11cl labor in additio11 to mon– ey. The eat i11 the 1nain auditorium ,,.rill accommoclate 332, the balcony 126, the choi1~ 36 a11d the ba e- 111e11t a11ditorit1m 250 in addition to the 11l1me1·011 cla room , nl1r- rv and d epartmental al1ditor- . lllill . B ehind tl1e bapti, tr)r i a beal1- tif11l pict 11re the worl{ of ~Ir . Geo1 ..g--e Zier, a1·ti:t ,, 1 ho i a mem– lJer of the cong·re2:ation. .:111 Hoiiorecl Gzt e ·t The f e ti,{itie. · of tl1e cla:v· dic1 ~ 11ot te1·mi11ate ,,Tith the dedication . e1·, 1 ic . The Re,T. Ke11neth H. TOOd a c1i ting11i h eel former pa - tor of the ·11l11·ch wa the peaker at the e, 7 e11inp: e1·, 1 i ·e, ,Yhe11 a11- othe1· la1 .. ~:e auclie11ce aln10 t filled the a11dito1·i11m. Pru to1· 1 ood de– lig·l1ted hi. al1die11ce ,vith a fine 111e. ·. age a11cl ,,~a · .ha PPJ'" to agai11 vi. it ,, 1 ith l1i. 111any fr~iend of ._ that cong1·eg·atio11. He i p1--e e11tly pa. to1-- of :\Iacli 011 1-\. , Te11l1e Bapti t Chu1, Pater 011 X e,v J e1 .. ey. Rev . C. Do1lglc1s B ltrt It ,,"011lcl be c1ifficl1lt for· tl1i eclito1.. to de c1·i be Pa. ·tor· Bu1--t to the 1--eacler. . Ile i all thi11g · to
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