The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1955

June 1955 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'r Page Fifteen ERIE PASTOR RECEIVES HONORARY DEGREE j l Re,T. Robe1·t 1\1. I r l\I il l a 11 l)ru to1-- of Brt he l ]~a pti. t ( 1 l1111·c 11 E 1--i e P e11111 vl- • ., , ·a111a. ,,,a a- ,,, a l' cl e d t h c I I o 11 o r a 1' y D (_) - I gree Docto1-- of ·-"'J Di, 1 i11 i t)T cl 111'i1 g g·1,acluatjo11 fe ti,ritie.. at 'I'ri11- olleo·e 1 1 ar,;vate1· Flo1·ida, ~Icl\' 1:5, 1 ~);5~. rf'}1 p J1r,,. ~Ie~ I illa11 • cl flivr r ecl t l1e1 1{,1eec1lclltrr ,1t<1 NPr- 111011 clt th e S(•l1oc>l . rf'hP SC'}Jool j:-,; ()!)erc1tecl 1t11 lrr 1hP c_lirce tio11 <)f tl1P Re,,. '\\. '1 1 . \\ at~o11, of N1. l>r t<'rs– l> 1L1·g a,11 l it \Vcl8 fr <) 111 tl1i s ~r l1<)<)l - tl1e11 loecll etl i11 Rt. I>0tcr8l)11r~.r t l1,1t lii ll)T < :ral1ct111 ,, 1 cL8 gracll1atrcl. I l e j: elclSHifie1cl els tJ1e 8el1ool 's ll <'H1 1~110,, 1 11 al11111 11l1s. '1 1 1 c I r ,r. T~. l\ f . l\ I c lV.I i 11 <l 11 a l- r ead 1 T e,trrie8 the1 llcg'r ec 1 'lb. I~. a11cl • is r cgi .·tc.>rfcl els F .R.G.H., ( 1~ 1 r llow <>f t l1r I{oy,tl Jr1og1·,1pl1i(' • 1 oc.; irty, hPttr1· 1{110,v11 i11 I~11g·l,t11cl a11cl Neot – la11t1 l)llt }1a,ri11g· l)rcll ll' ll c.>8 i11 tl1is ('0111 i r~r. ) rr 11 e a J 111 l l a l 11l (l rt i 11 µ: 0 f () 11 i O 1\ .'- 80 e i at j 0 11 wjll l)e l1elc1 i11 tl1 r l ~rthc.>l I 3a l)tist ( ih 111·e }1 Er i C' i 11 etobcr , ,,,11 r11 <le1rg'ates c>f t.h e f 11 o,v. ·hip ll1c1.V }1c:1,rC' the O(>portlll1ity to prr– SC) lla]l y ro11g·rat11l ctt t11 c J1011or C1d }) c:tstor. THE ANNUAL MEETING The T,,,e11tjr-Eightl1 ~ 1111t1al l\feetino· of hio . ociatio11 of Reg·ular Bapti ·t l1u1· ahei will b held in the Bethel Bapti. t ~ht11'ch Erie, P e11n y lva11ia Mo11day throug·h Thu1· da3r October 17-20, 1955. The ou11cil of Te11 i11 r ece11t e io11 arra11ged a JJrog·ra111 ,vhi 1 \\rill be of Ullll llal i11ter e. t, in ,vhich the fo llo,,r1i11g ,,rill l1a, 1 e a part: Rev. Ro l)ert l\f. l\I ·1\1illa11 pa tor of the chur ·11; Re·v·. { org~e 0 'Keefe 1 levela11d · Rev. Alla11 E . Lewis leveland ; R v. "\\ al t e1· Young· o. hocto11; Rev. lla11 1\f. 1 herry haro11, P e1111 yl, 1 a11ia; Re,r. B. F. ate Tall111adge · Rev. Ver11e L. D t111ha1n; Rev. Robert J. R,e}r11ho11t El.'{ria · l, c," . T <)l)e1·t 1~~ . l\ Ie~cil l 1 hc1rlrsi o11 , "\'\ e~t \Tir– gi11i,1 ~ R Q\ ' . .J 0 1111 (~. l3al3ro ( 1 1 (l\Te- l a11 1· l\I1· . Ral 1111 I . 8 ,,ra11so11 1 a11- to11, a11cl I~e, '. ( 1 • ( 1 • 1 la,,1. ·0 11 ~o- lt11n b11 ·. The Re, ,. I~ar l \ T. \'\ illett. ,,·ill p1· . icle at all lJ1t:i11 e8s .'C,. jo11. ·, R ,,. IIal ] Dat1tcl \\till l1ave c·l1ar ge ' of 111is io11a1"3r se:siOll8 a11 l Rr, 1 • Do11 I.100111 i : ,,Till co11cl11et t l1e 11111- • , lC . Tl1e a111111al 111ec ti11g· of tl1r fel– Jo,,, ·l1i1) ,va: l1elcl i11 tJ1e Bethel Ba1)ti ·t ( 1 l111r ·h i11 ) ·tobcr 19-15, d111·i11g· tl1e J)a:to1·at of the Re,,. I I all Da11tel a11cl the 111eeti11g· ,,,a: n1arlcecl l):)' ex · lle11t eoope1"atio11. The B tl1el 13ctpti.·t ( 1 l111rrl1 ha. fro111 th b eg·i1111i11g l)r o11gl1t i11to t 11 a . I O •iatio11 J)a", tors w}10 ha,re tak 11 a leac1i11g' part i11 a". ·o ·iatio11 affair. , i11 ·ll1cli11 g· Rev. E a rl 1 • < Irif£ith, Rev . ~. F1·a11l{li11 l..1og. ·- 1011 Rev. Jiall l)a11tel , a11cl 110,v the. R.ev. Robe1't i1. l\I ·Milla11. l\fagazi11e affair. have bee11 han– c_ll eel lJ)'" I1--. . A. D. Ke f e, ::\Ioth– er of the pre. e11 t l)a. tor of Brool{- si(le Ba l)ti. t '1 h 11re h 1 1 ve la11cl \\'110 i8 a 111e1nbe1· of the Erie el11tr · h the a, ,e1'age ·i1' ·ulatio11 of the mao·azi11 a111011g the people lJe– i11g· abot1t fifty eo1Jie. p r 111011tl1. X o p r ·011 011 the taff of the cir– e11latio11 depart111 11 t ]1a..• exce llccl 1\11-- . . D. 'K efe in I)Oi11 t of lo11g·- t er1n f aitl1ft1l11e•. . GENE ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAP'l'IST C CHES The Twe1 ty-Fou1·th A11nual Meeti11g of the 1 1\RB ,,,as held in tl1 e ~I unicipal A t1ditori11111, I{a11- sas 1 ity, :i\li, ·so11ri, l\Tay 9 to 12, 1935, ,vith g·oocl atte11da11ce fro111 e\ 1 eJ·y sretio11 of thr 11ori l1e1 ..11 ~tat s. The 111es8ages ,ve11·l1 011 tJ1p 1t8l1al }1igh 1 ,lPl a11<l 1>ro,'iclecl a 8l)irit1ial f ast for thP hug·r a11clic11trs. l)r. li . 'r. K Ptc:ha111 jll }1is r c- 1)01' to t}1c ·h11r ·J1<1s J>c)i 11 1c)cl ot1t tl1at t}1 c a.<;;soci<1tio11 <:a1·riPs ,1 rostPr <) f 7 :!. 3 c · 1 ) t l r c • t1 <1 s, ,111 c 1 1} 1 ,1 t t h e f i \ ' e <IJ)f>ro,· cl 111is8io11ar.,,. ag·ci11eics l1cL\ 1 e !J72 111issio11ari s, (j 9 c,f ,,t1 J1 01 11 arc 011 f()t e i g 11 soil . 111 1· lati,>11 to fi11a11<· P 111< 1 "a- tic,11al ]{< 1 J)l'PS l11tat i\r ) 1'P J)() l'1 < <I t }i,tt t}1 ~ J)f'l' c·a 1,jt,i fti,, i11 g· i11 tl1 e l 1\ f{11 is $22. 73 })(~1· :,rc)al' ; i11 f]J Or1}1Pl'}l J{ a J)f •cJlL Vf Jl!i<> ll , $4.05, ,t11cJ i11 1}1 t> ~ 1 c,t111t <'J'J1 Ila1 ,– iis1 1 tJ11,' c)11tic,11 fif> e.c111 s. J\11otl1er i11t er Rti11 g c·<,1111>a1·is{>Jt i, reln t r 1 tc, 111iss icJ11ar j<'s: '1' 1, P 1 Jlli J1a. ) l 1 J 111i s,·i() t)arjr f<>l" Hig--h Spots in Annual Meeting· e , rel')" 172 111 e 111be 1·s, tl1e 1 OI'tl1- ern l3apt i.·t 1 011v 11tio11 ]1a · 0 T}J 1ni. sio11ar)' for· every :3,750 111en1- l) r .·, a11d tl1 (l 8011tJ1er11 13a1)t i t '1011 ve11 tio11 l1as O~E 111is ·io11,1 l')" fo1· e, 1 r r,.. ] 0 00( 111 r 111bc l'H. • 'f 11 hi : tor3r of tl1e Ci e11crctl ..c\ s- 80C- ia,tio11 of l~ eg·l1lar J1a1ltist ( 1 ht1rel1 r.s i 8 tl10 1·0cor cl of ,l eo11- ti1111011s 011,vc1r cl 111c1rr l1 fro1n tl10 l)eg· i1111i11 g· a 11 c1 tl1 r ,, 1 i sc10 111 of tl1 <1 le1ucler8J1i1 > iH bPi11g· ,tl)1111cl,111il),. 111 cl 11 i f' P8 t (1 c. l . 1\ 1 e 11 1 l.lJ l' l cc l l'll JJl( ,,, bt 1·s <J}' tl1 c ( 'r1u11cil rJj' Jt1011l'lrr,1 i11(·)11cll': l{r , . ,1<>1111 l{c1l)' <>, ( 1 le\Pl,111cl ; I~ e, ·. ( 1 arl J~l g·p 11 ,t, J) ps ~lc>i11 Ps, l c>\V,l ~ l)r . l)a,·– icl ()ti s J~'1 1}] p 1· , (:r,lllcl J{ ,lJ>ills; l{ P\' 11 o,, a r < 1 I\ e1 i 111 I(\\·, < 11 ·, 111 c l l > n 1) i cl:-,; , I<c,v ,J a 111Ps 'J'. ,J <.) l 'P lll ia Ii, ( 1 Pcl,11·– \' i 11 <', < > I 1 i <) , I{ l v I { P 11 11 <1111 I\ i 1111 e .' , ,J <> l)1t . <>11 1 it., J 'p ,, ' 'orl\, , t11<l l{ t 1 \ ' \\ ill>tll' ( 1 l{ <H)I((' <>f' (lc11·.,, l 11 tli,t11H. {JJ'/'1c(>,rs lltcl ecZ J .. ro111 tl1< ( 1 rJltJ1cil. i11(·l t1c lP: I )r J >a ti I J{ . #J ,t(•l(S<)ll ( 1 J1,til' ll lHll; ()1 ·. IJ (•}>('l' () , \ i lll (}iJ – <l<'r, N1·., \ ic•(• < 1 l1 air111a11; l{ P'' · \~' il - l)ll r . Roolce, Recr ta1'y a11d Re, ,. l-{a,... IIan1ilto11 Trea 11rer . • fl .. ~1 N TO 1\iE.L I 1 ( ,011ti1111ed fro111 J)c:1g·e ] 1 ) i11.g· • ·olcl 011r 011 th c fie lcl, so t l1e l1or cl lecl ll~· to tl1is l1011 "e ,,~I1i,}1 iH f11r11iHl1ccl a11cl ,11 ,l prie c> ,vl1ie 11 is ,vitl1i11 0111· lJ tl lg·et. I->lc,1 .. J)rct)'" fo1· 11s. \\T <: s l1,1ll }le 111c), yi1 g· so1110t i111e t l1 r 111i cl<llP c)f .\ 1tg·11s1 tl1 c' Lorc1,,·illi11g·. \\ 7 '\ 11111Rt l>P tl1rrc' i11 t i1t lt' t c> g·l't 11lt' el1ilclrtl11 rp~·i8tf l' C' 1 for tl1 t1 se l1 c)c.>l , t.1,1r • .t \ 8 ,,Te ,trf' rP11ti11}..?. ,l ft1r11u.;}1c l }l{)ll SP \\'P ,'}let ) } l\()t })(' llf'C(li11g· (11 l't {tl il) lll 0ll( \\f' 111io·}1t ll(Pc l if \\ 7 C ,, e1 r o g·oi11µ: l>c1 cl\ 1c> \ e11p,11e l,1, ll t)l' ti<> ,, e ll t'P(l ,ls 11111t 1 l1 t't)l" }l,l~~Hg'l', l>t11 111Pl'l' ,, ill bt\ ll l't't l s Sl) \\ t' ,u,d... .,(>ll 1o 1>ra., t'~J)rviull, f{>l" H ,,nsl1- i11g· 111c1t·!1111 ~ ,t 1>1tl>l1l· a<ltlrt'. s ~.,rs– f t• 111 \\ }1it·!1 \Vtll l1l\ Sl> llCl\ lf11] i11 I hPS(l Slllctll ,rillngt'S, ,1lso H ()i clll{) H('( 'C>rc li t>11 for Clt'rt 1·1t t lf' . L \tr ol l 'St llct 11gl11Pl' ~o tl1a{ s 11l' ·a11 l1l l1 > 11~ ill f )1 l lll l' '1 l}}l 1 S,