The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1955
di to ria l \\~t)J{l I) l tll\\ t ' I, r I' h( )S(' \ \ 1 l () li~t l'' tl i<> (111iz ]>l'<)µ l'H lll~ 0 ll 1·n<iit) li:t\"f' tltltl'Cl tl1at til e ,l"l ll l'Hlt1 ell ,\;,, tlr tl\(l"t al\\":l', lnil~ t() • ~ l\"e t Ill' (it)l'l'l't 1 t n ,1 .... ,\ er ,, l1t\ 11 t 11' c I\ 1 t ~ t i ) 11 1, r P 1 a 1 t' cl 1 t, 1 l 1 r~ I ~ i 1) l e . ' I J1 l~ 11,-tt'll l' l 1" a~tt,1111tl etl ,lt t l1t' "l l)} (.) t>C l e :1r11111u Hll\()ll{l' 1 lll)"l' \\ ll<) ..... 0 t· lll}) l' tl' l)tl tllt'"l' l,r<,ntle,l"ts. b111 tl1Pir iu11 <, 1·,1tll'l' < f ~eri1,t11rr is eq11nll., ,l,tt,1111cli11tt. 111 ,l r et(' lll llcl– t i < 11- ,, i < l , ~ .. 1 l l 111) l ) <> l l . 1 l <) l) 1) 1 e ,,· E r r ,1,l,<"\tl to 11,1111<' tll(' fir~t fo11r l)ool, f tllt' ~ <'\\" 'l t ~tcllll 'llt. •111,· 011 • 11t of tl1rc' c )llltl 11a111e ,111 fotll'. ,111tl \"t r l1c1lf of tl1 peo1)lr " ~e1,Cl 1111c1lll '.\ to 11,1111e c111,· of tl1e111. The • ~·01111Q.· 1 eo11lt' ell' f,1111ili,11· ,Yitl1 c:111 of tl1e Il oll~~,,·oocl ,,1,11-., tl1c pop- 11lc1r "1101·t"'111 11. tl1 fa,·orite ollege t • c1 ')lie"". a11cl tl1 l,1test i11 . 011g- l1it , l1l1 t lt110,,.. 11ot11i11g ,1 b(111 t ....\ bra l1c11n, 1 ,1,·icl. r~a ial1. l">a111 01· Ti111otl1jr. Tl1 , ... 1~110,,· 11111cl1 abot1t l1i ·to1·\.. : ' . 11otl1i11g ,1 l1011t p1·01)he ~ ... . tl1e 11a111e a11cl political ,·ie,,· of 1110. t ,,·oJ·lcl 1·11le1·s. l1t1t 11ot11i11g al)o11t the ,,·c1·ltl · ~1·eator. 1·eclee111er. a11d ·0111i11g Ki110·. 'oufi11i11o· ot11· 1)ro11l1e ·~· to the l ""11itecl ~tate of .... l111eric:a. ,,·e 1 r e– t:litt tl1at the 1)1·e e11t clecle11 ion i11 J)o,,·e1· a11 l i11flue11ce ,,·ill con– ti1111e to a 1)oi11t ,,here the 1)all– l1ea1·er ,,·ho car1·ied otl1er 11atio11. to the lJ111·,..i110· 0·1·ot111d 111a\· car·r·,r ' ..... ~ . ' ot1t a11other 11atio11al co1·p e ,,·ra111)ed in tl1e '1tar. a11 l ._ triJ)e ·. \\ye <111ot £1·0111 I . aiah 60 .1:2- . · Tl1 11atio11 a11cl l~ingdo111 that ,,·ill 11ot e1·,..e n1e ·hall 11e1·i:h; }'"Pa tl1rJ'->e 11atio11 ~ hall l1e 11tterlv "' ,,·a, t ecl. · _\ <1() )I) ~ ...\.l\I}: It i. . aicl that ~0111e t,,·e11t) ..-fi,..e ~ ..ear , ago a ear1)e11te1· i11 Bo1111. {e1·– n1a11, ... , f ea1·i11g tl1at c1e- .. pre - io11 a11cl J)O · -- ible l1a1·cl tin1e · al1 acl 111igl1t £01·ee hi111 £1·0111 11i: jol). l)tlilt i11to all cl1i1n11e~T 0£ l101t P ,,·hiel1 lie l1elpecl to co11- "t1·11ct. a J)a11el of " ·oocl ,,Thi ch ,va le~i!.r11ecl to lJ111·11 th1~011g:h i11 cll1e ti1nP. expo i11~ a11 explo i,·e ,,·hirh ,,·ol1lcl cle tro,· tl1e ho11 e. ' . ·e,·e1·al ,·ear late1~. a l1ot1. e ' lJ111·11 d pe1·ioclieall~ ... £ro111 tl1e t1·iclr le,Ti ·e. tl1e <·a1·1Je11te1· ,,·a a1·re ted, late1· ·0111111itti11g 11j ·icle. 1Io,,·_ ev 1._ he 1 1·P.111e111ber ecl lJeca11 e of l1i e,·il wo1·k a11cl a: 11011. e ·011- i11L1e to lJ111·11 110,,· a11cl the 11. l1j 11a 1ne i ="' 1·e ·01111tecl a11 cl tl1e to1 .., .. .. of l1i ·1·i111e. I 11 Re,,. latio11 14 :1;3 t l1ere i ,., ·0111- 111e11 ·011 · rni11g tho r ,,·ho ,,~er., {<l <li<' itl till' l ()l'<l. ]1t'll< 1 <'f'<l J'tl1 ' 't it<'\ 111n, 1·es1 1'1·<>111 tl1<'il' JnlH>ttrs • • cllltl tl1Pi1' \\()l'l\" cl<) l'c)l lt>\\ tht'111 . ' ' l\ <'g'Hl'<lll'"~ <ll' thP l'irs( lllC'cltlit1g <)I' t l1i" Nvt'tJ)t ttrr.. it i." 1 t'\IP t ha1 n 111n11·~ ,,rc>rl"s n11cl tl1<' i111'l11P11e<' <)I' ll1e lit'<'. t'c>l lc>\\ nlc>11g a111c>11g tll<' J)<'<>11l<' c>f l1is g<'llPrnt ic)11 l'or 111,111,· ln, s. ll o,,· ~<)0<1 it is ,,Tl1 r11 • • c111P is rr111r111l1rrf'<l f'or l1i .· µ:ool ,,~c)rl,s. }lllcl tl1c 1 111r111c)r,.. of l1i.· • 11,1111 <' l>ri11ff8 jO)" to l1is l,i11foll<. lt is ,,rittr11 i11 J>ro,Trr l)s 2 .... :1, • · "\ g oocl 11,1111e1 is 1·a t brr to 11<' • rl1o~e11 tha11 g1·cat 1~ichc.. ' '\TI I I rr IIER I ( l T.l ro ?. • l ~apti~t ·, lJoth of the ~011,..r11tio11 a11d the i11 ler)e11cle11t di. - ti1 cti, 1 e 1 l1a, 1 e bee11 i11tere. te<l i11 tl1e cli J)11te over p1·op– ert,- i11 .... T 01·t11 a1·oli11a. the 111e111- • ber l1i l) , .. oti11g· to ,,·ithcl1·a,s· £ro111 tl1e ~ortther11 Ba 1Jt i. t 011, 1 e11tion l))T , .. ote of O % to 20 %. Tl1e pro1)ert}'" ha lJee11 11. e l by botl1 g1·ol1p i11 eparate n1eet i11g . ince the a:e " "a appealed to the ·ot1rt , where a cleci io11 ,va ha11 le 1 do,\·11 gi, ..i11g the prOJJerty to tl1e 111i11ol'it}r. Tl1e 111ajo1·ity ha.. agreed to 111o·v·e 011t \\ 1 itl1ot1t £t11~ther litig·atio11 a11cl to pa~... the 111i.11orit)r g·1·011p . ·4 700.00 1·ental £or 11 e 0£ the b11ildi11g· dl1ri11g· the l)eriocl of cli p11te . 'fhe cleci ·io11 0£ the "011ther11 ·0\11 ..t i. bei11g: capitalized b3· the No11the1 ..11 Bapti:t 1 011,..ention a11<l aceo1·cli11g· to 011r llll l er ta11cli11g·. a co11, ..e11tio11-,-ricle e£f01,t i bei11rr '- 111acle to ha,,.e tl1e affiliated ch11rch- e. alte1.. tl1ei1· con tit11tio11 and t i– tle l)ape1~: to g'i, 1 e £t1ll title to the ~ 011the1~11 Bapti:t 1 011,..eutiou i11 li11e ,\-ith that of 111a11y otl1er clenominatio11 . It ,,..ol1lcl ee111 t l1at Ba1 ti. t l)eople a1·e , ·i ,, ..i11g· the be– gi1111i11~: of a tran itio11 pe1 ..iod j11 Ba l)ti. t hi. tor,\", ,,~ l1erein tl1i great l'o11,..e11tio11. locatec1 "011th of the :\Ia. on-Dixo11 Li11e, i. cha11gi11g £1·0111 a co11gregatio11al 01·ga11ization to a tio·htl,..-co11t1 ..olled hiera1· ·h,T b '- • ' tl1e exact fo1·n1 of ,-vl1ich i 11ot \"et ,,.i i l)le. ._ X.. \Tl ()X .... \.L I:\IPC TE~~ 1 Y I t ha 11 t 111ac1e t l1e heaclli11e . bt1t 11101·e a11cl 111ore tl1e 11e,,~ ~ 1·elea. e. incli ·ate t l1at the l... X i. c1e. ·ig11e l to be a ,\ ..01·l l g·o,- r11 i11g· bocl}.., ,vitl1 all 111ilitar~,. e'111i1)111e11t t111cler ......... ·ontrol, ancl i11cli, 1 ic1t1al 11atio11 , 1111able to ,vage ,,·ar of offe11 ·e or c1e£e11 ·e. 'I'l1e 111ea:11re 110,,· l111cle1· ·011- ~i«l<'l'H1i(>)l \VC>tll<l <> J) ('ll thP t " N 1<) nll t1ali r,11s. <·i\ 1 il1ZP( l r111<l l)arl >n ria11 r111<l n1'1<'r i11 cl11 £'tjo11, co111'i11t1 cl 111<1111IH'r~hit> is <'<>111J>11ls<)r.v. 'J'l1is. <>f' ('()\ ll'SC\ \\()tll<l l1ri11 g· i11f<> t}1, 1 l " ~' I{ c,cl ( 1 }1i11,1 a11cl Hll c·c>1111111111i s clc>111i 11nt Pcl c 1 c>t111tri s. ( "11 clPr thc– r>r<>posrcl clll1PllfllllCll1 tc> t]1c C'}1a1·– tcl', ,111 111 r111l1 r 11ati c> 11~ 11111 st <'<>n1- J)lrtrl).. clisar1n. ~ 1 l1011lcl tl1P proy><>SP<l ·l1a11µ:P tlC lJrot1t?:ht alJ011t, tl1r l 11itccl ••tatrs ,,·ot1lcl 1Je "'"l1ollv go,·rr11ecl f rotn ~ . ,,·itl1011t a11cl ,,,11olly i1n1)otc11t . N' ot 011ly (lor. · t 11 i. 111agazi 11 P favor ,,,.itl1(lra,val from tl1e ( ~' l)tlt '''(> al:o fa,·or th(> Bricl<er .1\- 111e11cl1nCl11t to lin1it the treatv-mal<- " i11g po,~{er: of the p1~e ide11t. Yalta is an xa111ple of ,,.,hat a p1·e. ident ca11 clo to :ell hi. IJeople do,,~11 th l\·I ~\ RKED :\IE. A 11a11 i. · ela ' ifiecl a11 cl hi. te tin1011 y i e,,.al11ated~ 11ot 011ly b:)" l1i ,,~01·cl a11cl deecl. b11t al. o by the people a11cl thi11g ,,·itl1 ,,Thi ·h l1e i iclenti£ied. For i11. ta11ce, tl1i editor l1a. ne, .._ e1.. 111et D1·. ~ or ma11 \ 7 i11ce11t P eale 11e,rerthele . in 011r thi11ki11g· he has lJee11 cla ified b,· hi. a. o i- • atio11. For i11 ta11ce a: ,,,.e go i11to the ho111e. of the 1·eligio u lJut u11- l)iritt1al I)eople, '"'e £ind the book - Po. iti,·e Thinki11g. A "~e read the e ·ula1· p1--e. and the big cle110111i11atio11al publicatio11 we 11ot 0 that lie i ' lat1ded . the hierarchie 0'0 forth in ear ch of a £1·011t £01· radio, the~.,. pick Dr. ... -01~1nan °'\'i11ce11t Peale. Tl1e te:ti111011,,. of a 1na11 doe • 11ot 1·i ·e 01' fall '\\ 1 holl,.. 011 the ba i. • of t.he thi 11g· ~ he al.. · and doe . l)11t. lll)011 hi · a, ·ociatio11 al o. D( l 'TOR SIDLO"\\T l~ ...\ ... ,..TER The pril i 11e of tl1i · 111agaziue a11- 11ol111 ed that D1--. . J. • icllo,v Baxter o f ~ cotla11cl, ,,ol1lcl , 1 i it hio . o ·iatiou £01, eig·ht ,,eel~ in 19:-6 . 1."11e rec111e t a11cl clemancl fo1· . peaki11g e11gageme11t d11ri11~ the periocl of , ,.i itation l1ave bee11 ·o exceeclino·lJ 1 l1ea,·~,.. that i11 a er– ie.· of excha11ge: ,,·e J)1·e,·ailed 1111- 011 Dr. 13axte1· to gi,..e 11 111ore ti111e. The cli.· ti11g11i lied teaeher 11,l , 110,,y ag1·eecl to gi,"e 11. the e11tire 111011th of .... lpr·il 1IaJ ... and .J t111e. 01-- thi1·tee11 weelt , ancl fron1 the i11,,,itatio11: a11~eacl,T 1·ecei, ..ed ,,·e .. l1a ,-e cli t1·ib11tecl tl1e time. Tl1e a1)1 oi11t1ne11t · ,,·ill be i11 ·eutrally
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