The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1955

J llllP }9!',, Fl gellation vs. Substitution R1cl1ard i t ,, • .... l 1C) t . 1 l \ 1 t t l 1 a t 111 n ll t \ 11 t) t l i ff r r ('\ l l l e. I l 1 l' J l rt) t l'"" t t) 1 1 eo 11- t i 11 t l t t l Ott 1t, \\<l>· tllt \\Ill})" ln~l1- i11!,!· 11t ,llltl i11fl1vt111~· tl1 lll't't'~.',11')" t( rtlll'e. 'fllt' (' lll('ll ,,rcre tl1e · · l 1 ""lflgella11tf\" • • ' I'l1c.."\ ,,·c1·p 1100 l cl • t tl1c1t tl1ci1· icl 11tit,· ,,011l<l 11ot • be 1~110,,·11. '1'11<?,~ ,,·t")1•(\ .. trit)l)ec1 • • tlo,,·11 to tl10 ,,·c1i~t so tl1c1t tl1e11· l)n('k~ ,,·01111 1) ~ ex 110,eLl to t lie la. h- e, t)f tl1 i1· er11tle. l1 0111e-111at1 ,, 11111 . Tl1e) l1i1cl tl1e11 1·ecei,Ted tl1t i11itic1l Ill:\ lli110· 011 tl1eir l1acl, ~ c111d 11,1 l l1eg1111 tl1 proces ·io11 ,,·l1ie11 e,:-e11tl1all,· lec1 tl1e111 to a • · · ·l1a1)e 1·, ,,·l1ere t hei1· f a111ilie ,,~e1~e 1• e ·it i 11g· t 11 ' · pa 1) a a . ' ' t T 11 i i cl 1110111·11£111. ,,·aili11o·- ort-of- ·0112: ,,·l1i(· l1 et f 01"tl1 tl1e pa . io11 of '1l1ri t. ) tl1e3; 1)1·oceecl the) ... ,,·I1i1 tl1e111 el,..e . Their clothin~r 11 0111e blood- tained. P erio,1i– call~~ the~~ will to1). fall 011 the g1·olU1ll a11d 1·ecei,..e a11 addi tio11a l · \ l)eatino· · · b,~ a11 a i ta11t ,,·ho i .. follo,,~iug· tl1e flagellant a11d ~:l1id- i11g· hi1n. I u 01~cle1" to keep tl1e bloocl f1·om coag11lati11g tl1e ·e ·' a - i ta11t.;; · · pit ,vater 011 tl1e lJaclc of tl1e flagellaute ", th11 keeping tl1e l1loocl flo,,..i11g· a11cl 111aki11g thi J)ecta ·le a g orry a l)O . ible. 11e of tl1e flag·ellante ca1"rie a ·1·0 ~ e11111la ting· 1 h1·i. t. Thi.· one late1· · .. l1a11g· · 011 the cro . for ,r,-e1·al hol11· cl111--iuo· the i11te11. e J1eat of the ea1·1,~ afternoo11. ( Ile .. Who doesn't love them? Especially "baby churches"! . : . • Our GAR.BC fel – lowship should have many~" new churches ---~ ~ born during 1955. FELLOWSH IP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS P.O. Box 455 Elyria, Ohio Is in the church "horning" busi– ness Your prayers, your gifts, your interest solicited. i, ll(l1 ~ll~J)Pllcl(l(l frc>lll 1 )1e1 <'J'<J'°'~ l)tt1 1·n1J1pr st,111tls (lll ,l ll}1I><>rt so t}1,1t 1)1()1' j8 110 ~ll8})011C1P(l \\·r i!.!.llt t o 1 l 1 is · ' er 11 eifix i o 11 . ,, ) 'I 11 c i 1· 11 ,1 t 11 c), ·e1tt11c1ll,.. lr,1cl'" tl1e111 lJaC'k to tl1 • c-l1a pcl ,v hr1·e t lie · I)t·oee.. i<>11 . tc11·t ec.l ,111cl tl1e tort11011: orcle,11 i: o,re1•• .t\ 11d • 0 e11ds ' (}oocl }'i ricla 'T )' .. "\\Tl1c1t i:· all this ? It i~ a £01·111 of 1)e11a11ce. ·\\Tl1a t i: it. J)111·1)0 e ? To ,,.. a ·h the. e ' pe11ite1 te , of tl1e . i11 tl1e,.. l1a,"e c:0111111itte(l. ,,.,.ho • 1)1·e. cribe thi JJP11a11ce? ~\ c- c·o1·cli11g· to the lle\\r~ pape1· aceOllll t tl1r flagella11te. a1·e a 1·eliQ.iol1.: ... . rct . The prie t. a1·e co11. l)ict1ot1 1J~'" their ab ence. Bt1t thi p1~0- ce . io11 lJegi11 and e11c1. in a Ro- 111a11 1 atholic cl1t1rch. Tl1e p1·ie t do 11otl1i11g to . top the proce. io11, ,,l1ich tl1e1r COlllcl lll'elv do if thev .._ . .. ,,·ere o i11cli11ed. co1--ding· to the ...111ierican Peo JJ 1 le E11 cycl opeclia \ Tol. . p. 63 Q . the Ro1na11 ath– olic r ht11·cl1, althot1gh appro,· 1nocle1·ate pe11itential flage llatio11 a a 11ffe1"i110· £01 .. mo1--al evil ·on- o clen1necl the i11orclinate appli ation of the flagella11 and tl1eir ex- ce e. were 11ppre eel b3... the I)Ope. To a)r the lea t the flag- ella11te a1·e a ect of Roma11 a– tholici:111. Ro r ancl I "·it11e ed tl1e f lag·el– la11te thi ,rear i11 a t1bt11"b of • ~I a11ila. Thol1 a11cl · of J)eople l i11ecl the t1·eet to ,vatch the p1·oceed– ing. . It ,, ..a. a I)itia ble den1011 t1·a– tio11 of bli11d11e . of 111e11 . hea1"t a11d of the ,, 1 a~r ata11 ha , th1--ough t11e )"ear. ot1gl1t to t1b titt1te for tl1e \ 7 icario11 ·l1l) tit11tio11ar,... death • of C l11"i t 011 the CI'O . , a11,.. for1n of .._ 1·elig·iol1 · practice that "'ot1ld . ide- ·tep the c1--o . , a11c1 hri t clea1 }1 tl1er·e for' t1 . \\Tl1at can ,,,.e clo abo11t it ? \\Te ga, ..e 011t l1tlllcl1"ec1 of tract. at thi. proce. io11. \T e1"J 7 1"a1·e i11deecl i the pe1· 011 ot1t l1e1·e ,,ho ,,..ill 1·eft e a go pel tract. \"\Te ca11 faitl1ft1llJ., p1·oclai1n I IRIST a11cl IIin1 e1~t1cifiecl. \\Te ·au hold clail,.. ,·acation Bible ·chool like the 011e ,,·e j11. t concl11clecl at Fir t Bapti. t 1 ht11~c11 in ) f a11ila. \"\Te p1'ai e the Lo1"cl for the 14:2 boy and gir 1. ,,~ho ,,·ere e11rollec1 (a,~e1--age at– te11cla11ce 12:- ) a11d f 01-- the ele,..e11 jt111io1' ,,..110 J)1·ofe. eel to 1--ecei,re • Rose ( •l 1 r i ~ t cl 1.., • • a ,. i <J 11 r . .. <" il 1 · l\• a 11 c, J' • 1 J1 e 1 ~2 \\'P l'P f'r{>lll J><)JllHtl ( \:1 h- (> l i c · }1 c) 111 r ~. \ \.,. <' , 1 sec 1 t ,\ , > < • c1 1· s f o J>ic·I< tl1c111 llJ) ... <lllcl 11 0,, 1 thca> c·c111 <·ro,,<l i11. ()11t J1e>rc there is ,1l,,1'ays r<>o111 for 011c 111orc: 1 • [ c·c>lt11t cl 2~ ,,·110 JJiletl Ollt of 111~· , tatio11 \Vag·o11 OllP. cla_\r ( JlC)t C<Jll11t– i11~· 111_\r:elf ). 'rhr~~ ,,,011lcl ('01}1(> ... ~0111e cl a11, :0111e clirt,... ~0111c ,vi t l1 • sore. all O\"er their le2. . . . . 1>11t t l1r,.. ,,·ot1l l c:0111e. ..\ 11cl ho,,~ tl1 r,· eo1{lcl . i11g· . . . Rt11111i11g o,re;· . 1~1l11ni11g· o,rer, 111~" (.'ll p i f lll 1 a11 rl 1·111111i11 g· o,..e1-- ~ :·i11er tl1e I.10 rfl S ...\. \ YE~ 111e I n1 a · J1a r>p,.. as ea11 be; mJT ct1p i ft1ll a11cl 1"111111i11g o·,{er.'' They 1011 t p11t the ' :a,·e · i11 t11e l)a t trn. e bt1t 1'athe1· i11 the p1·e e11t te11. ·e (ancl j 11 t it t1·11e : the Lo1~c1 ·a,recl ll 011ce a11 cl for all, a11cl clail_v" l{ee1) 11 · . a, ..ecl 1. \ VP 1·e 1)1·ayi11g· that tho. e ,,,110 pro– f e. ed l11"i. t 1 1ig·ht ta11cl t1·t1e, a11 cl lJe a ,,..it11e . i11 thei1· home . Ancl t l1e11 " "e ca11 p1·a~r the Lorcl of tl1e har,..e t tl1at He ,,~ill . e11cl forth 111ore laborer i11to l ii b Rr,.. e:t. "'\\Te 11eecl . o ma11,.. 11101·e .. ~ ..ot111g 1ne11 ,vl10 ,·rill J)1·eacJ1 tl1e . 11bstit11tio11a1--,.. ato11eme11t o f ., C 1 ll1"i. t . The l11·fac:e i. 1 .. arel,.. • . c1·at heel. Tho11 ·and are 1111- 1 ..eachecl. \\Tl1at ca11 .lJOlt clo? \\Tl1at zvill ,-ot1 clo ? • THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio PRESENTING (Yeshuah-Saviour ) For F ifty years to the J ews of Cleveland and Vicinity An evangelistic and Christ- cen– tered ministr y by personal visitation, radio, Sc?ipture distribu tion , and Bible class work. ' TRUMPETER FOR ISRAET," S en t upon r equest GERALD V. SMELSER, Supt. P . 0 . Box 3556, Cleveland 18, Ohio