The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1955

lit 1}1(:' l~il>l' it\11, ll~ tl1:1t ' 'i1 l" :l ~ > 1. l 111 i 11 U' \ t ~ i , ·r, t J 1:11 l l,, t ll tl1t: I J1.lrcl n11tl tt) ,111g· l)rn,~t)~ to tl1e ~ )<,st }J i~lt' ' , ])sH] lll ~~:1 ) : ,llll1 i11tlt\ecl it 1,' 11 1, ~-<)Cl tl fir~t ' f: :111 c, r c ltr ,1,irit tin l ,, t'l l-lJe i11!.! ..~,J1· 11 , to t:i,e t11<111l,, ntlll "i11g·. S ~1l,atltlll 1t,t~l f lleg·i11~ \\ttl1 il "l\ll"l\ ' ot ~ ..;r,1titt1tl(\ a11 l \\' t 1 1110,t et)rtai11l, • art' 11< t !!Oi11~· to ~ l'L)\\ i11 tilt' ( 1 l1ris- tii111 , 7 i1·t11t\" if \\ (\ }t,l\ t 1 110 Cll – l~11·gi11g- "l)irit of t l1,111l~f11l11< 1 ~s ,111<1 c.:a1111c)t ,111g. ,\"t' t·,1 11 l)c ,·er,· s111·e • tl1c1t tl1r 1111l1a1)J)) . Oltl ,,·110 j , so OCCl lJlif"'<l ,Yitl1 l1is t),,~11 tro11l)le tl1c1t 11' ·,111 110 lo11g·cr 11r,1i"e tOd i, llOt u·t)i11g· to 111,11.;:e c111,,. 1·cal • l 1·og·1'(\ .. , i11 tl1e 111<1tt er of J)iritl1al 111c.1tllrit~- ,111rl 11irit-fillecl li,·i11g. 'fl1e rt"}c1.. 011 fo1· tl1at i. al1110 t too ol),·ioll to 111e11tio11. :\f o. t l11·i. - tic111 1~110,,· c111ite ,,~ell tl1at tl1e I il)le t eael1e tl1at g:1·0,,-tl1 i.. l)y fait 11: cl11d 111·ai e i .. f aitl1 i11 actio11. it i~ fc1itl1 "-.itl1 it. l)rig·l1t . icle l10,vi11g·. ( l11·i tia11. . i11g· 11ot l1e– ·a 11"e all i 11ice a11cl ,,·eet. b11t be ·a11 e tl1e·'".. trt1 t the i-ocl ,,110 i.. • too ,,i e to 111al~e a11,... 111i. tal{e a11d .. too lo,·i11~.r t o be 1111l{i11cl. ...\11d a tl1e,... t1·11 t the,... g·ro,,. their cl1a1"ac- . ._ te1· ... a1"'e inc1""ea i112. l~... hapecl to . IIi · ! That i11 it elf . hot1ld lJe . 1ffi- ·ie11t rea. 011 for 11 to e11gaire i11 jo~·f11l tha11k gi,ri11Q.'. b11t the1"e i. ,111ot11e1· 1·ea 011 too. The 111e1·ry l1ea1·t i~ a ~01·t of i11 11latio11 agai11. t t l1e 011 la11ght. of ternptation. We a 1· alwa)~ · n101·e .111. ceptil)le to te111ptation " ·he11 ,,·e are 1111}1app~r a11cl cleJ)re eel a11cl e1npt>Tof all in– ,,-a1,c1 011g·: we mu ·t l)e ,Ter,T tl1a11lr- ._ fl1l a11cl haJ)P~'" or we can11ot be ,·e1'~· goocl . If ,,e clo 11ot ha,Te n1t1ch lJ1·igl1t11e . of face, we . l1all 11ot l1a,·e 11111ch l1oli11e. · of h eart either. "\"\Te 1n11 t lear11 to . i11g or ,·e1·,· --l101·tl·r· we hall fi11d 011r· ·el·\'·e. • • i11 tl1e 1nicl t of in. That " ·011lcl be t111ite apJ)aI'ent if ,,e t111·11Pd Olll' , ·er . e a1·01111cl a11cl l)llt it 11eg·– ati,·el}·. like tl1i : ' I t i. a 1Jac1 tl1ing 11nt to g·iy·e tl1a11k to the Lorc1 a11cl to i11g- p1·ai e to tl1e l\fo t ITig·h." llr pi1·it11al well-lJeing hi11ge. i11 J)a1·t 011 ot1r gi\":U1g thank· and i-10-i110' 011g of })1·ai e. I t I noocl Fo1· T""s I i_;-. g-oocl for ll pi1·it11all:y·· ancl i ;.._ f!Oocl for 11 ph~.. i(·all)· too. TJ) ~ I3i1Jle "a,·t. · · .....\. 1ne1·r,r hea1·t ~ . doeth goocl lilte a 111edici11e,:' a11cl a 0 oocl clo ·to1· ocla,· ,,·ill tell 11 t11at • also. I{ap})~.. e111otio11s. lil{e a piri11 . ca11 1·ai e ot11· th1·p holcl of J)ai11. Tlllt, PPEN WHEN YOU SING! J oli1i G. Bal yo A J)i1·i11 ha .. 11othing t o clo ,vith c11r– i11g· a headacl1e of col1r e= but it cloe rai. e the le, ,.el at ,,·hich we f eel pai11 ancl l1a pp3r emotio11 ca11 do tl1at £01-- 11 too. That t oda3T I 11p– JJO. e is 1'athe1' ro111n1011 ln10,,,1ec1ge l)11t it n eecl to be tated again. Pe1--hap it i common lrnowl eclge al. o tl1at emotio11al poi 011 can dan1- a g·e ot1r l)oc1ie Cf llite a~ dangerOll ly a othe1 .. l)Oi.·011 can. Two wo1nen 011ce c111ar1"el ecl l)itter"'ly over a11 i11- herita11ce. Te1 vea1·-. late1-- both .. of the111 ,, 1 e1·e till bitter"" a11d l)oth of the1n ,,e1·e ph~.. ically ill. When ,,Te i11d11lge ou1"' elve in bitter11e . a11cl 111alice a11d give a p e1 .. on a J iece of ot1r 1ni11cl . ,,Te are gi 1 ti11g him a piece of 011r li, 1 e too. H er e a~rai11 t he .. c1 ..iptl1r e applie that ' we 1·eap ,,,.l1at we . ow.' W e o,,e it to 011r. el,Te. and to 011r Lor cl t he11 to be l1a ppy in I{ im. A11d if ,ve are, IIe l1a pro1ni. ed 11 tl1at ' the j o~T of the IJOI"'d i. ~'"Ollr . t 1 ' l T nhappi11e. ,,..hethe1 .. ,,~e l{11ow it 01 .. 11ot. i th e 1110 t fatig11i11g thi11g in the ,,ro1'lcl. I t gi,..e 11 that all wa h ed 011t 1 Ai\IP P T:\I • ( Tl1e ~ ch ecl11le) ,J l111io1~: ,J lll,T 4 .., to _.J 111,· .. 9 .J 1111ior : J11lv 11 t o J 111,,. 16 .. .. 1 • .. e11101· : _.J ll} '\r 1 ... to _. J t1l, .. .. :..3 1 • . e111or : J11lJT 25 to .J 111,.. :-30 • i • . e11101 .. : ... 11g11.·t 1 to A11g11. t 6 .J 1111io1· : 1\ llg'll. t to _..,\ll!!ll, t 13 .J 1111ior : ..i:\ l1g11 t 13 to A11g·11 t 20 ~PlliOl': ...\ 11g11. t 22 to ~~11g·11 t 27 r (> ( I 1 i 11 g· ; l ), i 11 ( I () r I j 1 l1 J >- r• }l (1' f)" l' a 1.v– " i" tl1n1 ,, c so ,,·c,JJ t111clPr8 fat1(l. \\"'<' 111c1, l>P tirecl all 1}1<' tirn l JP- • <·a11sP ,,e1 ,v<>rl< tc>o l1Hrcl ( thitt is ll<>,s il J}p I l > 1 ip,·c· ) , l>1 1t it 111H.\l" b l>P ·c111~r ,vc 1 ,lre 1111l1aJ)J).\" a11cl 111is r – i11>1f'. \\rp ~}1all 11 ot l>c stro11g pl1,\·s– i<·all).. or sr)irit 11,111.,:r 1111l Pss ,,T 1<11 c> \\" .1<) 111 <1 tl1i11g of' t l1c jo~ ... 1hat l)ri11 gs . tr 11g·th c> l1 CfU.\'" clri\'P ! ' 'rhe joy of tl1c I.1or(l is ~ .. 0111· ~tr 11gil1. ' ' I fs I11fl1te1ices B11t thrrC1 i · .·till n1or C1 to lJ0 saicl al)Ollt \\ 1 hat hap1)e11 .. \, 1 he11 ) rOll , i11g. rt C1f f erti, ..e 1 v i11fl11e11ce. the 1111- ., believer.· ,,·ho a1"'e 011 the 011t. icle i11 the <:hill 1' 1 ilcle1·11e.. of in. 1 l1eerft1l 1 l1ri. tian a1·e 11ot onlv .. attractive b11t are powerfl1l pleacl- (l r for the O'e11t1inene. and 1·eality o; of the 1 hri tia11 fait 11. Dill-pickle l1ri t ia11it) 1 i 11ot going to i11fl11- e11ce 0111· chilclre11 or a11, ..011e el e .. a11d b1·i11g them to hri t beca11. e chee1·le 0111 lig·ht no fi1'e. in the h eart of a111'"011e. ,v e are 11ot like .. the 1Jircl .. al\, 1 a)t 011 the wing chas- i11g· the l111... l1i11e. W e carr)T ot1r ow11 climate ,vitl1 11 beca11 e the (}od of hap1Ji11e i ,vith ll ancl the ,, ..orld 11eed to ee that again a11d agai11. That i ,vhat i n eedecl a11d h ere i. 110,,r it i accompli bed! tart the cla,... ,,Yi th thanltft1l11e a11d prai e. ., ' It i goocl,' ~ ay the Bil)le to ho""" fo1--th ,.od lo, 1 i11g– l(i11cl11e... I i T THE 1\I R ... TI ... TG. ' ' If ,,e clo not feel like i11ging a11d prai i11g we h o1ud do it any \\·a~~. \"Ve clo it fi1-. t a11d feel it after– ward . ta1"'t the cla,r with thank - ._ givi11g· a11cl ong. The11 e11.d the cla,,. the ame ,,a,r. It i good' ~ v . a, ... the Bil)le 'to ho,,~fortl1 1-Ii faitl1f11li1e E ERY i\TJGHT. ' ' The r ea 011 for t.hat i imple : the clay emotio11ally 1--eallJ'" begi11 the 11ight before: h ow v,e get 11p in the 1 1orni11 g· c1epend in large mea– . 11re 011 how ,ve we11t to becl the 11ig-l1t befo1"'e. That i the plain •icriptl11·al rea 011 wh3r we m11 t 11ot fai l to rememl)er t11e Lorcl both 1uorning~ a11cl 11ig·}1 t. Thi , the Bible o irracio11 ly in– form 11 i the path,,a3r to emo– tio11al p eace and joyful li,·i11g : a11cl tl1e 0111} ... en en1~T that ca11 keep ll from it i . i11. f co11r e the j ealo11 ca1111ot i11g, or the i111- lJt1re, 01' the , elfi h or the cli - l1one t ; tl1 oil of g·ladi1e. . i £01· tl1e pl1re i11 l1ea1~. 11cl ,,e who k.110,,.. 1 hri t l1a,..e the H oly pi1'it to gi, 7 e 11 that !