The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1955
June 1955 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Nine THE SUNDAY SCHOOL IS GOD'S BUSINESS Jr RI 1 ; \ r . l~()J!El rr ~J . l{EYNlI ()l J'I', !Cl,1;1·ia, (Jl1 io e SUNDAY SCHOOL CONTESTS HAVE THEIR P LACE e () 11 t e • t I l1a,Te t 11 e i r I) lace i11 ~ 1111- cl a 1r ~ chool '- , ,,01· l{. E ·,/ery- \'7 h er ,,,e g·o ,,1 find those ,,Tho fro,\'n l1po11 tl1i 1nethoc1 of bt1ilcli11g a 1111day chool. I t 111ay be becall e of tl1e extra ,,,01--lt it i11volve . It 1nay be too, 1)er a11 . e . ome people jt1 t do 11ot ,, 1 a11t to ad111it that 01neo11e el. e 1nea11 of de· 1 lelo1)in0' gro"\\ 1 tl1 i11 R1111clay cl1ool i better tha11 their· o,v11. i\ eedle to ay ho,ve, 1 e1-- 81111c1a v ' . chool co11te. t ha,re provecl of g·reat be11efit a11d profit to " t111clay • chool e, re1--y,vher e. Al1"eacly ,, 1 e ha, 1 e e11tered into the ., t11nmer p eriod of ot11-- St111clay chool work. l\Iay yo11r f-it111day chool i . realizi11g the . 11111111e1· l111np ha con1e. Tl1e i11e, 1 ital)le ha talce11 place. Follc a1--e 11ot a- rot111d wbe11 )ro11 expe t t.hen1 to 1Je a11d e,ren the r eg11lar peo1)le l1a,re tal{e11 1, 1 i11g a11cl flo,;t{11 a\vay. Diel it e,Ter occttr to you that it mav ~ ' be of profit to have a co11te. t i11 tl1e . l11nmer time in ot1r Bibl ••chool. ? It i., not too late to ~;et . 01nethi11Q.· 1·01111ded 11p for late . 11m1ne1· l)y \'{aJ" of a co11test i11 or– tle1· to ti111t1lat i11te1·ei t i11 cleli11- <1ue11t 111e111 l)er . a11d 1{ e1 .·0111e of the r·eg·11la1· people at }1 on1e, l)eople ,,rbo 111ight tal<e a1,ra11tctge of the .'11111 clays fo1· a11 ot1ti11g or a pi c- 11 ic. A ~111n111er ·011 te;t eol11cl ,Tery • l il{el.\' do ,,,011clrrs i11 ]{ee1>i11g· p eo- J)lP clt ho111e a11cl lJ1·i11gi11g· i11 11e\V foll{. I t j ,· a s}1c11 11 P that r>a~tors teach– ers a11cl el1111·('h ]pacl0rs e.tfJect the ~,11l1111cr sllt111 r>. '1 1 l1ereforc, the choi1· is cli~111i~~e1<l, <· 1as8P':i are r<)lt1hi11ed, a11cl all tl1c c·l111rC'l1 J)tog1·,t111 is 1·1111 C)lt a cliffprp11t l c"l\ 1 e], 111,1~·be 0,·011 ,,·itl1 a cliffc.. i-<1111 ti111p s<.:l1<)clt1 le. \V }1,1, 1 e a]l ~PP11 c·1111r ·l1e1s 111,ti }1,tv c1l111os1 c·lc)~;c~cl i lie c]c><Jl'8 fc,r a pe1·– i<J<l , s1cLti11g; tlia1 tl1r 1>c1 "1<>r \V<l~ iJ \ \ T <f )r () )} \ r a (' a t i () )}. ( 1 0111 PS1 s 11,l\T(l l>l'Oltgllt \V()ll<l ' l'– f 11 l r < 1 s 11 1 ts i 11 , • t 111 cla ,, H ·l 1 o < > 1. o f a 11 • f· iic.·. "'\'\Tit l1 (loclly leacl) t'.' ,l 11<l ,,1 it l1 t11e e1111)l0} 1 111e 11 t of <1oc11.v 111etl10 1: eo11trst. ca11 ,~rorlc i11 .lJ01<,. ~ l111clay H ·11 001. tJ ll:t to c111110,111ec tJ1a t there is g:oi11 g· to l)e a eo11t c:-;t a11cl hOl)C' that e'?C'ryt}1i11g· v\ 1 ill ,,,orl< 011t v\ 1 ill pell fail11r j1111110cli~lt<:>lJ 1 • .t\ ,, 1 ell-pla1111 rc1 eo11tr8t 1111clp1· th r cli1·ectio11 of r11t l111 . iaRt ic leac1er8 ,,,ill ha,re 1·es11l t . . ( 1 011test: a1·r 1Jo1111c1 t o J)11t 1na11y of >ro111· }) ()0!) le to ,vor]{ ,,,110 11or- 111all)1 clo 11ot e11 g,1g·e i 11 a11y J) h a.:r of the " 1 LlllClay ~ C }1001 aet1\ 1 i ty. • • 1 011 te t.1 a1·e bo1111cl to st ir ~ 11) e11th11. ia . 1n ,, 1 h c1"e 11eople a,r r 11or- 111ally l ea c1 a 11c1 j 11. ·t cl1·i fti11fr alo11g· ,vith t l1e ero,,rcl. ] t1 i-t l1crn1 01·r co1 te. t l eac1 to 111a11y J 1·0. J)eet . i11 ) TQllr 011111lllllit)T. 111, al, 0, ('Qll– te. t. are l)o1111cl to .·tir ll l) j 11 te1·e:t i11 th e 111i11ds ,111c1 l1ea1·ts of 111a.11y ,,1 110 a1·e carele.. a11cl i11cliff 1·e11t t t l1e ~1111clay }. ,hool J)rogrc 111. rr]1e3.,. ,\ri}} l'P8lllt i11 J)e1'1llR11011t g·1·0,\·tl1. 13e s11r·e of that. Ro,1ls ·yvi]l 1)r ~,a,recl . Bc1cl{.,li l le11 ( 1 hri .1- tia,11s ,, 1 i 11 lJeco111e i11 te1·estecl. .r\ 11c1 eve11 tho11Q.}1 tl1e l'(\'11lts are 11ot all tl1at )ro11 l1ac1 ho11ecl f01· g·1·0,, 1 th of a11,1 lci11cl is aeee1)tal)le a11cl .·hot1lcl · • b1·i11g· 111·aise a11cl t]1 a11l{sg·i, 1 i11g to the l1ea1·t of e, 1 e1·3r 81111clc1y ~ 1 el1oc>l l eacl e1·. \Ve ,, 1 ill 11ot trJr to .·11g·gc>. ·t c111 ~,. 011e t~rpe c)f co11test. TJ1e1·r ra 11 l)r c·o11test.. l1et,,,ee11 81tl)(la,r ~ i(']1ool • t las.·e. 01· cle1)a1·t1nc11ts. Tl1ere cc111 l)e co11test.· ,, 1 ith i11 . J1P<'ifie e]a,. ses of t l1 S1111cla)1 "" cl1ool . Tt is al– \\1,1y. ,1 ,,,011cle1·£l1l t l1i11~r ,,·l1r11 :< ,l'_ er ,tl 8\lllClaJ.. Nel1ool8 i11 ct g·i,rr11 arpci li11 r l1[) a co11t )st ,1111011g the111- .-e l \ 1 08. ]~\ 1 011 011 E'-llcl \ r C'O ll tP. t-.; a l'l1 • of J)1·ofit. \Vl1e11 cl C' er tai11 goal i8 ( 1 8tablisl1r cl, a 11 l ll1CHS\ll'C8 ell'(' llSPCl to rraC'll t11a.t g·octl, ,,·1 \tl1c1· tl1c rc)11- t rst i :,.; for 0 11 r cl a,,. or .'<''tr1·a 1 ,,~re l(s, • \'<>ll ,vill tl1n11l( il1r l JC)l' l f<)r tl1c • 1·ps11Jt:-; if yo11 1>11t \ffo l'i i11to tl1 l' eo11 tc,s1. I lJ r li P\'P il1,1t ·011t( 1 Hts ,,,ill trai11 ,\'()lll' H1111cl<1)r Nt·l1oc> l \\ 1 ()1·l~Pl'f,; 10 cl 1) - 1>1 ~,. i ll t' lll ~Pl\' <18. l f ,,·p < 1 0t1 l<l il't f <>lll' 1Pctcle1·" a11cl H1t11cl,1,,. ~c·llc)ol • ,,c>rl<r r:-; ,111<1 all tl1 r R1111cl,t\ ~<·l1c)c)l • BAPTIST BI BLE COLLEGE A CIJ·ristitt11 Ed11,,111011 for Life 1111,I eri,ice Come to ~his growing 1nst1tut1on beautifully situated in rhe Oakland– San Franc1sco Bay area, a spiritual crossroad. e Departments tn Bible;:, Msss,ons , Sacred Music., Chri~tian Education und Pastoral work. Approved courses 3 or 4 years depending on department. CATALOG FREE Write today, address H. O. Van Gilder D. D., Pres., 528 33rd St. Dept. 08, Oakland, Calif. 111r111l)e1·s io ,,yorl( a8 ,ve il ,,,it!10llt ct eo11tC'st cts ,,ritl1 011e, l)(lrll(ll)S there \\!Oll 1 cl l)c no 11rPc 1 of t hr <'011 test. l311t :i11ec it clocs11 't ,, 1 c>rlt tl1"1t vVct}r ~ ,,1 e h ig·l1 l)" 1·reor11111r11cl t l1c1t c-1,,r1·y Hl111clay ~ 1 'hoc) ] 111al<e i111111 cc1iate c1 1·r,t11gr111c11i s fo1· cl c·o1 tcst t}1at l1as b e 11 \\ 1 011 pla1111 rcl a11 l orga11- ii0(l l)1·i11g·i11 g tog:rt 11 Pr a 11 leaclcr~ 1 ,111 l fo1·ees j11 ) 1 0t1r o,v11 eh11rel1 to gc>t th jol) l o11c ,ve11 for tl1r glory of (Joel. 'Ill l~ l3RTEB AHF.J 'rl1r prop l r of }1 io 1\ .,. ·ot ict tio11 a re c1l,~la}r. 1 j 11 t r e. ·t ecl i11 t lie ])as– i or 1 ,,,}10 1no, 1 e to otl1er· locatio11 . \\Tr have £1·0111 t l1e I< ir. t Ba1)ti:t C'l1111·th lla1111)11rg·, ~ Tev\' Yorl< a eopy of the a111111al 1·eJ)Ort vvhiC'h i11cliec1te.1 J)1·og1·rss 1111clcr tl1 11:1111- i. t ry of tJ1e Rev. \l,Ti11 (+. Ro:s, fo1·111e rly of J3l cssccl IT OJ)e l3aJ)tist ( 1 l1111·cl1 ~ 1 r)1·i11g£irlc.1, Ol1io. Tl1 J)age.· i11 lic ate total i11 eo111e, $3-!,- 0()0. 00 of ,, 1 l1i('h *1 000 .00 ,va set aJ)art for· 111i•• ·io11s; aclclitio11. to 111e C'hu1·el1 r ol l of 55 · ave1·ao·r i11 ' ::-, H 1111cl a Jr ). .. c11 001 of ;320, ,, 1 l1ie ]1 i. 1 1 o,, 1· tl1r 1)1·c,rio11: }"Cal". 11 i11 all it S cl , ,.er:yr £i11c 1·c1)01·t. r1 1 J1e Rc,r. 1 l1arlcs R. l~o11if,1cr J{o11te .l To . 3, JI11(lso11, ~Iiel1ig·a11, l1a.: 1·e.·ig11c l tl1c J),tstorate at lJC)– r11. ·t ( ~01·11 r 1·s l~ctJ)ti:t 'l111rl'l1, c111cl is 111 ])OsitiOll to a11:·,, 1 r1· C'clll: for })lllt)it HllPI)l~r ,,·orl{, Ol' to i11tc1·– \Tie,,T clll)r tlllll'(•l1 ,,·itl1 cl }) c:1 't()l'clt0 i11 \"ir,, 1 • l)111·i11g· the 11ext t,,T<) <11" tl1ree 111c)11tl1s l1is nclclrrss ,,,ill be ,ls it1cli<•c1tr<l a l>O'?e. [11fc>r111<ttic)1l r<',1tl1i11g 11s fro111 tl1c> ( 1 nl,·nr)r 1~HI)1ist ("lllll' ']l, 1><1i11P. ,Tille', ()l1io . i11(li<'Ht C's tl1,1t tl1 ~ l1<)r<l H rielt l>l rs~i 11 g 11 ,l'i l'P81<:>c1111)– <)11 tl1 ,,,orl{ ~i11 er il1t c·t)111i11g of. • 1l1P l~ c\\\ ,Jol111 ~I . Str<)11µ:, l 1 ' Pl)l'l ta1·~ 27, 1~1.l,l. '1 1 <) clail\ !) ])C't'!--.<>11s l1a\ <' l>Pe11 l)HI)tii('Cl, t'l\P l1a, \ llllit f' (l ,,itl1 111( 1 ·lllll"l'll 1>,.. It,tt 'l', Hll(l • ~l'\ P11 tl<)\\ a,, nit llH}>t 1"111 , ,vl1icl1 \Yi ll 111,11\P cl 11 <'1 itll'l't'clSl' C)t' llll)r tll,\ ll t\\l'lli\ i11 ·lllll'lll ll\t\111b<'l'- "iltiJ>. 'l hP <·11t1r,·l1 is i11 t l1 ' 111i<ls1 (>f H bttiltlitl ~ J)l'()g' t'cllll Hlt (l ll\ PPt i11 gs cl l' ( ' l l ()'\ b(:' i l l ti I 1 '1 l l i 11 t l t t \ (' () 11 l - n I > I Pt t, < l l >,1st, 1\1,, 11 t t) r t l 1 t \ t 111 f i 11 i :s 11 t cl l>l llltli11 ~'. 'l'llE' \\ ()flC i~ ll 'i 11g })l' "~~ '(l 1<> fl {'()lll' lt lsiClll ,
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