The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1955

July 1955 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Fifteen ~~~~~~~~~----~------~~----------~ ----------~-----~--~--~ BOOK F.'-..... J)J_; ( RJ-iJ rl 11 ~~ }{(){)I( "\\Te l1c1,·e <'aref11ll)r e1xa111i11ecl tl1e • bool{. j11:t relrasrcl lJ)~ tl1 e J)ltl1lisl1 - Pr · i11 E11g·la11cl a11 1 tl1 e 1~ t'<tcli11g· of se,,.era l h 1111 l r r ls c1f J)agrs 11 as 111·0 - , ·iderl a s11irit11al f east. 11J .rplorc 'l 1 l1 e B()() h ' ro11Hists ()f six \'Olll11108 ,rritte11 lr,.. l)r. ,.J. Ri<llc>,r Baxtrr . • F ot1r , ·0111111 s a1·e1 1.) ,,otc<l to t l1 c )11 T e~ ta111e11t a11cl t,\'C> , 1 c)l1 1111 s to tl1e e,,. 'I'e. ta111 11 t. Thi. i. 11ot a ·0111111e11tar~r, 11or a , ,e1~ e bJ_,. ,Te1'. ·e , cl1a1)t er l))r t ha11- t er expo. itio11. Ratl1er , it i. a 1 011- clen e l illu111i11ati11g' tr·eati: of each of the 66 l)ool{i-, ,,,itl1 ,t fo1·e– ,,,,. of each, a11cl trea t111P11 t of 111ai11 cli,,i. io11.· 01· ot1sta11cli11g fac– tor.. The ,vorlc i : \\Tell Ol1tli11ecl a11cl i. et ll J) for · la ,. ·roo111 ,vor l< vvith a li. t of pe1·ti11cnt c111 . tio11.· f O llo,, 1 i11g· a eh le. , '011 . It i . '\"'el'},. p,·icle11t a11c.l es1)ee iall)'" i11 tl1 t,,·o , ..<> l 11111e. clea li11g ,, 1 i th the ~e,,r Te8ta111e11t, tl1at I)r . Bax– te1-- 1nake. · 110 atte111 J)t to fo llo,v i11 tl1e ,,,al<e of ot l1e1· ex1 osito1·. J111t exp1·e ·e. i11divicl11al OJ)i11io11 r c– garcll e . of ('0111111011 t hot1gl1 t. Tho~·e ,,·h o hear Dr. J3axter ,,rhe11 he ,,i:it.· ()hio 1-\ ::0C'iatio11 lt11·i11~: At)J'il l\Ia)r a11cl ~J1111 e of 19:6, ,,,ill t}1e 1nore a11prrriate tl1c.).·r f111e , Tol- 111nes. J3 elie,rr r ': J~ il>le & Bool< 1 0111- l)a11~r l~() I.)a1~]{ A , ,e1111 r El>rria, Ohio, $-!.()() p rr , ,0]111110 , tl1 e .·rt :f;22.3(). TII E D ~ \ \\.,. ~ C t \ ~IE I J Arr I~"' 'I'his bool< ,,·ill a1 1 eal to r l111rch f o Ik, 11ot 0 111)" lJeea t1:r it'. · a C 1 11 ri. - tia11 110,·r l - a11cl a g·oocl 011 e, b11t IJrc-ati. ·e it }1a~ to dcJ ,,·ith <' ht1rch. ~J oh11 I)<>1·11 aC'crptrcl tl1r H111all r>a:– toratc a11cl 1>~" c.loj11g ~<> J)la c·Pcl }1i111sccl lf i11 li11e1 for lo,,<1 'i-; c·<J 11<1 l1estB. Yes., il1 e gi rl s likPcl ,J c) l111 a 11cl ,tftPr 1t1a11 s" 111 <J 11tt1s l 1ci c·a11 1<1 t l1ro11g:l1 ,vi1}1 fl)yj11g <'<> l <> l's, 1Jt l1 ct1 ti 111es l11 s 111i11i s1I')r S<alP ?l lP.(l 1<> hrt11g· 111 1}1c l,alar1<'PS. A11 c-xe<>ll,i11 t st<> l' \' I>\' J)r<>i'PS8<)1· • • ( 1 (> r11P)i11s J) pJ{ 11 i8c-l1e1r, 111<Jl'<' 1}1au ~()(J J> ,1~cj8, %c>11cl<1r,·a11 J>11l>li s l1i11g· Il c,11~ri, (lr·r111cl l{aJ> i< lH. ~\Ii<·J1jg·a11 - *~ ;, (), \\111~11 \ •JJJ{l 8'1' 1~\ ~ HI .'~ ]1c,r11 ag,1i11 J)<'<>J>le1 HJ'P 11cJt r c•– l:t1c•(l tc, si 11 i11 1l1P <> 1·cl i11a1·,r <·<,11 1·:-;p • r,f l111111a11 rc·a sc> 11i11g· 1,1,t < •Ji 1·i.s- 1 iH11.· clo. i11. It is ,v ·II tc, f,1<·ca hP f'ac•1 , Hll(l ('<) ll Si <lt•r 111« 1 si tt S (Jr t fi c> SHi 11t s a11cl ,vli,1t e<1 11 1, r <l<>J1t ,1 l,c,11l j t . J r . , J c, l 1 t 1 I{ . r{ i · P i · t It<' ,111 t l 1( > r REVIEWS An.11 book favorably reviewed i1i t liis department may be se– cured from the B eliever's Bible a1id B oole Co. , 120 Park Ave- 111, c , /£'lyria, Ohio. <Jf 111is l1Pl1>ft11 l>O<) l{ ,t11cl tl1 c Hix c· l1 <1J)trr8 Hl' e ,vc>rtli.)r <>f 111aeP i11 tl1r l1 0111e or r hl1rel1 lil )l'cll'\r. 'r l1 P ~ 1 \\ 1 0 1'(1 • of the I1or l I lll)liHl1 r r H, 214 West \ . 1 ) r ~'i t1· rri, \'\T}1 r a1011 , lllillOl,'- *1.75. YO l R ~ 1 .B' () l{, 1~ <) l R Y E .t\ I~ . i l)a11l II11t<'l1e11s l1as J)r o 111<'<?(1 a11 - other ft1l] -le11g·t}1 ( 1 }1r1Rii<lJl )lOVrl of 111or P tl1a11 :3()0 11<1g·es, \vhiC'll ea1·ri s a ll of t l1 r Pl >111r11t.· \vhi ·h i11sJ)ire a 11 (l holtl rra(1rr i11t e 1·rs t. It iH a clra 111ati<·, 1·rali.·tie :tor)'" i11,rol,ri11µ: l1rc)l{e11 l1 0 111es, \\ 7 l'Ollg:s 111ac1e 1·igl1t, a11cl <'ar1·i<).1 a 111ost sati8f)ri11g· P11 (1i11g·. rl 1 }10:e \r}l() 11 - jo~r \\Tllole. •0111e r o111a11C' e i11 a11 llll– p1•0111i8i11 g 8Pt ti11µ: ,rill H ])J1r reia tc the l)ool{ . a11 Ka1111) r 11 I >1~ SB ;\T l1e1a t 011 II li11ois--*:3. :'50 ,JI:\I KE1T1. 1 \ D 'I'II:BJ .i:\lR 11 ~ I)TT~ 'I'l1is sto1·~r lJJT ,\r. II. Bail e)r ear - 1~ir.· th yo1111µ: r eacler s t o t l1e far 11ortl1 tl10re to e11eo t111ter liarc.1~ l1i1) a11 l i11 t1·ig·11e. Th er·e tl1e3r '"·er e able to ., r 1 ·,re , v it 11 t 11 l) goo 1 1 o g· l\101111tiE t<> 1 he 11 l tl1at ~· 0111r e,la11 - THE CHRISTIAN LIFE SERIES SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE . . . Le. so11s) I ,vo1tld like FREE i11forn1atio11 cl1 el{e l b elo,,r : -- B eg·i1111er. D ept . --P1~i1r1 ar y D pt. --Jl111io1~ D l)t. --l 111 r 1·1nediate D ept. .. 1 e11ior l eJ)t. , ,..ot111g· P eo1)l e's D e1)t . cl tt 1 t I) 1) t . ~ 1 tlJJt. ,1 11 cl l'>a 1 or --I~'I,11111 lg· ri1})11 --( 1 <>SJ > l I J l',t l 1 \\T Jcly UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059, Cleveland 1, Ohio µ_·<1r<>t1s rlllcl 1t1111ri11ei1>l Pc l l>rt11cli1 s \\' P t'P 1<1 l<Pll i11t c> ('IU·dC)<l,·. • It 's cl g·c><><l 11<)<>1< ,vit11 tl1rills a 11l e1 11i)' a11cl ( 1 l1rist ift11 t0ac·~1i11g· al l the ,v,l.)' c-ll <> 11 g·. 'l,l1e • 1 t ri11tt1r r l>l'PSH, 4:1..J:. Sc)lllh \\T cll >as}1 1\ , re 1111 r (tJ1itclgo 3, llli11ois. I > Err ~ j 1\ ~ I) I> .BJ N N' 'tr 1 > I J ..\ Y <t 11 cl I> I~ Y lIPr <' is a clr,·c)t i<>ll cl l 11001{ for l><>J\' Hll(l µ:irl s clg:r fj,rp to te11. Ex– (•c>l lr11t for ll Hr i11 rrl c1 ti o11 to fa111 - il}" alta1· sr r,,ic·rs, <> r i11cli,,.itl11cll • rPacli t1~·. Eael1 el1a11t<1r i11 tl1P ro11ti111to11: st ory 1)reRe11ts a f~il)le trt1tl1, also tile cl<'tllcl l ~ e1~i1)tl1rr , , rHC\ . Tl1e l)<>ok carr ie. 1 7 !)age:-; a11cl i · 11ig·I1l}" i11t er est i11g to ~y.. ot111g foll{. 'I'l1e. c·r·i3Jtl1rr J">1·e.··, 434 8011tJ1 "\\Tc1ba 1 Ave11u ( 1 , ( 1 }1if'ag·o G. llli - • 11 () 1S. ~ 1 1,()R IE~ 1 FRC):\l orr TIER [JAND . 1 1Irr 1 iH a l)ook of a1>011t 40 : t o1·i H fo r 10.)~.· a11c1 girl s eo111pil ed l)Jr ..\1 13r)' a11t . Tl1 r book is cliffcr e11t f r o111 otl1er8 i11 that tl1r . torie: ar·e of other ]a11 cl i-;- a .·ort of ' ' trip a– r <> l111 cl tl1e ,rc)rl cl fc>r t 11 e yot111g– :..;t er:. It i8 11 ot a 111 i:8io11c1 r y l>ool< lJ 11 t ea ·11 :tor3-- is a ,,·bolt>. ·0 111 , '1l1ri. - tia11 stoi~y ,;\.rhieh :\Tothe1--s a11cl t r ael1 er: ,vill r 11j o.)r 1·eacli11g to tl1e littl fo ll<. .::'1011cl e 1·,ra11 J> 11l li.· l1i11 µ: 11011:C', ( i l'cl 11 cl Ra l)ic1s- *2.:50 EX l->O lTOltY ( l 1 1 LI~E,_ r1IIE "\\ II )lJF.J J~II~I Ji: Thi . i. a r e-p1·i11t ()f ,rol11n1 ~ I – :\latthe,,,_b)r (_ 1 ha1·les Ri111eo11 cl 11igl1l)r i11t r lle ·t11al .·ai11t of t}1e l)cl~t l'P11 t tlr~,., \Vi t 11 i 11 t r oc111 eto1·~.. J)<lra – g·ra 11hs l>)" I l Prbert Le)<' l<)·e1· . \'\ritl1011t clo11l1t thr s<1 r111 011 8, (le– \"<) ti(>11al tal]{s, a11cl st11cli<1:-; c1f tl1i · ,·c>l11111r ,,?ill srr,·r ,,rel l i11 as ~isti11~: 1>rea<' l1r rs a11c1 t t~aehPr s t<> I)l'esc11t tl1p \'\.,.o rc.1 fc.1 reC'I't111,·. ~lc>rP tl1c11 1 • (i()() ])clg'PS . .%o11 cl<\ r,· cl 11 I) 11 l 1 lisl 1 i 11 , ,. r--- 1l () l 18 ) , ( } l' <l l l ( l l\ ( l }) i (ls $ :3 .~)~ J~<)'iy~ .. \ ~ I) (lll~l.18 ()l~' %l ~~y 'I'<) \ \ r:\' l I <\ l' (' is ,l ll <>t ht'l' fi 11c\ l)t)<>1" l>~· ~lHri,111 ~I . S<·l1<>t>l,111tl , ,,rittP11 l't)r th<' littl (\ f<> lh: - 1>rc>ll,tl>I., ~ f<) !) \y<' H l'S. • 'I lt <' ])ag·e1s <ll'cl l ,, it l1 Z: l ' ' l , ,l :-;t 1·a11g:r , ·ill,tuP 111 :\'p,, ~ l l''\l<'<>. ,111cl ('Hl' l'~ 1l1P ~1ra11g·l· acl,t'1ttt1rc'\~ t)t' J) Pt ll'<> Hlltl l J<>)itH. ' }'}1p ,\ ()lll\~ f<)lk ,, i 1l l' 11 j <>) i t " 11 < l t' i 11 cl s J) 11· i t 11 a1 l> <' 11 - Pl' i1 s, {<><> . \\' 111 . Ji. }•~t' l'lllllHll S t>11l>li ~hi 11 g· t 1 () 1llJ)Hll>r , ( :r,llltl l{ a1>itl~ :3, .. I it•l1i– ~H ll $ 1.())