The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1955

.July 1955 d i to rial om,1 e nt 11 1 1 l • • It ,rns c>ltl' lll'l \t - I•1; ~ \ 1 > 1•: l,"" ll"'~l' f <> nt il't1,l i l1,, g1.. 1tl\tcll i(lll t'\t'I'( 1,t', 111 l ul , ria l'l'<'t'tt•l,. ,,·J1c11 ,~<} 1 l lt - • ]ll(lll, \\l)l't' }ll'l'~t'llll'(l 1<) ll i~ ll ~ ellt t.ll ~l'Htltt:llt' ' 111 \. 1 t 111111 'ltt•, 1 111e11 t "l'l'<l l,t'l ,, a ,1 Jlt' lt11itll tlt <'tlttt attJl' f 1·,>111 cl 11 'i!!l1ll ,1·i11~ -.;ta1t'. ~\ l'tt'l' a",11ri 11g· 1 }1' 'l)llll!.!,' llll'll tl 11(1 ' ' l)l}l 'll t 1lc:1 ' t]1,. - \Yl'l't' cl l )tll't t)f cl ' ' \l t li<Jll' $..?. ' ll - :-11·,1ti )ll • •. Hlltl lilllLllllg' tl10 (l,l})cl bil– it ll' t f 1,rrst 11!-tlil) g· r il<l11,,te~~. tl1c ,') '«ll\.t'r <li , vtt,"l'll j11, t'llilt) (ll' li11- tf ll 11c. ~111tl vl1c1lll'll!!t)tl tl1e oft · 1·c– l ecl tt<l , t<ltL111e11t , tl1,1t jt1,·p11ile cl e– li11tllllll<) i, l)ll t 11' 1·i:·l'. I l e st,1 tecl tl at <l ,11r,·l), of ·<)tlrt l'l'<'l)l'(l. i11 • l1i~ ,1l'l'<l f()l' l fll);) a11(l 10i3-l. r - J ttti,·el) . l1,1cl 1·e,Te,1le l t l1c1t i11 ' l)ite f t l1 111clll)'" 111or t c111pta– t1, 11: a11cl 01)1101·t1111it ic."" fo1· 111i.. - t 1 111 a1101· tocl c1~.. . t l1e 1) r o1)01·t io11 ,,·<1 '"' 0·1· at "lr fift , .. , .. car s ago. • • ...\ 111011~· t l1e 011 -tl1011 'c111cl or 11101--e ......, 1 c1· 011s 1)1·e e11t . the r e ,,·a. 1)1·ob- :1 bi,· 11ot 011 "i11ulc i11(1i,·ic111al ll11t . ' ,.., 11 o 1· ali1.(lc1 t 11,1 t 11 ,,,1~ l)ci11g· i11- te11 t io11all,... 01· 1111inte11 t ic)11 c1 ll , .. , le- • • t f")ivecl. I t 111,1,.. l)e t 1·11e t l1a t co111·t .. 1·eco1·ll i11 100:~ c111c.11954 ,,-ot1l(l 11ot rp,·eal 11101·e o,·e1·t. a ct· , p l" Ccl})it a i11 19,1-! tl1a11 i11 190:3 ; ho,,·e, ·er, t h e la11t gi,·e11 tl1c1t 1)01·tio11 of tl1e acl– c.l1·e "' ,,·a ob, -io11~ l ,.. cle. i0·11e 1 to ' 1)l,1ce tl1 ) J)l'e. ent ~ren I'atio1 01 a l1irrhc1· 11101·cll le, · 1 th a11 that 0£ a '-' l1c1lf ent11rJ· ogo. The COlllJJari. 011 0£ i11(1i, ricl l1al o,·e1· ac·t~. 11e1· ca11ita, a~ bet,avee1 the t,vo 11e1·ioc1 . i. not i11c1ieati, 7 e. Tl1e p1·a11lt of £ift>- ~""ear.· a o·o l Pell' little or no 1·elatio1 :hi1) to t he clio1Jolical . b1·l1tal, i11h11111a1 act. of lie cleQene1·ate.. a1 d 11101) ·ter p1"e,e11tl,.. l)1·011ght l)efo1·e t l1e col11·t . ! I o,,· ea11 tl1e agg1·a, ·ati11g c1t:t bJ- }"'"01111g· te1· in p1"e,·io11: gen– e1·ation be co1111)a1·ecl with t he '1·a11to11 c1e t1·11etion of prope1·t~T ,~·]1ir·l1 i tocla,· c:la. ifiecl as ,Ta11- • clali m. ~ 1 ex l{illing· a11cl n111r cle1\ fo1· th1·ill ,,·e1·e ,·i1·t11all,.. 11nhea1"cl "' of 1111til aft r t l1e reco1·c1 of 190;3 l! a cl lJee11 1,lacecl in to1·ag e. Fo1· a c111a1·te1· of a ce11t11rJT 111ocl– e1·ni"t J)1·eacl1e1· '" a11cl ecl11cato1· 11 a,·e l)ee11 ,l tte1111>ti11u· to co11,·ince them Pl,·e . a11 l their· a11clie11cp · tl1a e,·e1·,·tl1i110' i~ all 1·iftht a11c1 ~ ~ ~ ' ha tl1e ,,·orlcl i uetti11g · · l)ette1" a1.~d l)e t cr. · · Thr e 1· ~1)re e11ta– tj,·c::; of tl1 .. ·l1111·el1 an(l .. cl1of,l-1·00111 1131crl1 be alJle to 111ake 11 acl,,·a,· ' ,,,i 11 tl1eir le<:e1)ti,· JJropa~a11cla if it ,,-e1·e 11ot for tl1e dail~.. p11lJli– ca io11 of 11e,\· r>a 1)e1" . ancl 1·aclio ne , ca.. t . 1 , I•, \ l l I ~ < : \\' 1,1 '1 l <: ~ I ) l •, I 1 I J I '\ < : r1, I • . 1 l lS lllcl g' ,l%lll l' lH S 11 l H 11 ~ ( i ) l l p:-; l )() i ll 1(' ( I <> l l t t h H t 111 P 1 > o \ '-i • :l11<1 g irl~ ll( l \\' l1P– ll lg ~ 1·n c~11Hi ti 11n<l P t l)r'<'.'<' 111 clc1.v lt'cll' l1i11 g· lllP (lt ,>ll ~ Hl' C' llliSP l'Hl>lc\ r r n<l Pr"' , l) l1<1 r ,,Tril (' r8 clll<l :rr111 11t – t er 1.,.. 1111 cl l l l r t <) s l) <' 11 o r c 1 i 11 ,1 r y '\'l)l' ( l ~ (>f lll ()r ' tllclll f\Y(> .'>"]lclbl rs. l)11r 01) i11io11 ,r,l~ ll,1srcl c) 11 e1x– J)Prir 11e(~ \Yit 11 1>r ('H(l11t- lc1~· offi ~c l1cli1 Iler. 011c1l e cl11taet ,,·itl1 ) 7 0t111g fo lk: i11 ~ cl1ool, ,111c1 tl1e ('()11. ta11t , t r11ggle ,,·ith 111a1111 r ri1) sr11t to tl1i 111 ,1g·azi11 r for })ri11t. :B, r ,1111(1. ' , ,,·e 1·e,,·1·itc 111 or tl1a11 011e-l1alf of the 111,111t1 c ri1)t r·cc1·hi11g· tl1i. offiee lJe f o1·e ttb1nitti11g· it to th p1·i11t– c1· . R11clolph Fle. ch ha. ,,~ritte11 a bcJolc IJltbli lied lJy Ilarp 1· a11cl Brothel" 1111 le1"' tl1e title : "\Vhy 1 oh1111,,.. 1 a11 't Read. The bool{ ' . et f o1·t h tl1e r ea. 011 for th ·011- <l1tio11 0 ,,ricl ely r ecog11ized. The autl1or . ay. that p1·e e11t 111etl1ocl · of t eaehi11g i11 the 1 it d ~ t a te flie i11 the fa of all logi · a11d ommo11 e11 e. H e . tate tl1at c1.l >ol1t 30 )..ear ag·o tl1 e l11cator alJa11do11ecl tl1e l1ighl3T ·u cce £111 111etbocl of alphabetic-I ho11etic. , , her e th e child ou11cl. ot1t the . )~llalJle 011 the ba. i of ,,yhat ach l tt 1· ta11c1 fo1·, a11d llb titut ed a . y-.; t em whe1·ei11 tl1e ·hild i r e– c1l1irecl to 111en1orize ,,To1--cl a yin- bol ide1 tical ,,ith the 1·eading 1r1ethod of the 1 hine e aclo1)t ed ,ent111·ie ag-o. f cour e thi ce11- t t1rie -old method not clire ,tly ·011- 11ected ,vith the alphabetical ound deprive the yot1ng ter of his ability to p ell. The bool{ ,vritte11 l)y Ruclolpl1 F l e. cl1 la}T a f ol1ndatio1 1111de1, " ·hat ha bec11 commo11 kno,, ..ledo·e a1non fr pa1"ent. a11d the older £011{ 11au1ely , that J oliii ri y Ca,i t R ead. ... 1 :.\IlvI Ao J f 1TRTE 1 Y \\Te . tancl i11 fa, 1 - 01"' of a ha11d hal{e a plea a11t n1ile a1 d ocial excl1a11o·e i11clicati11g good,vill. H O\\Te, rer ther e are ·ir– Cllm t a11cc 11ncle1· ,,·hicl1 a more 1)1·actical, r eali tic expr·e io11 i i11 orde1·. Tl1e co11 i. t e11t Bap t i t ,vho }1a · in ,Te tec1 t h e fan1ilv fortt1ne in ~ a bt1 i11e · m11.~t be li con ert ecl ,,·hen the br etl1re11 leave ,,~i t l1 hi111 a . n1ile a11cl a h eart,- l1a11cl . hake a. "' t l1e~yr pa alo11g· t o t he c1oor of hi (·01111)et itor . The11, it i d ot1l)tle cli. co11ce1·ti11g ,,.h e11 01 e of the b1·ethr en annot1nc:e hi111. elf a.· a <·n1 1cliclnf P f <> I' J>ttl>li (• <> f'l'i c·,·. I<> lttf pr· i' i 11, 1 t J 1 n t t I 1" I; , 1 1 > t is t x Ii a v" \' t > t", I f' < > r I 1 is < > J > I > <l 11 c t 11 • 11 is cl l'u c·t ,rP ll l\ 11<> \V ll1c1t ( 1 r11h - <> li c·s , H1l cl ll lC Jtll >P l'S C>f' SC>lll<' f l' ,I • (' l'l llll cJrclPrs al,v11 ,\r~ J>H1rc,11i %1• 1lt <' ir o,v11 JlP.O Jll <'. n11c! \'<>t r ac·c·o rcl– i11gly . \\~]1<111 l'rc>tPstr111t J> <'<>J>I ,, • l:!,!'101~ C'C)lllll lO ll c•( )ltl'1 CS,\,", it lll cll1 }" 1i111rs r11,tlJlP. t l 1e1 • <> ]icl f'r,, 11f c,I' () t }1 r r r C l jg i O t l 8 fl 11 < l fr H t P J' 1 l cl ] g·ro11p. to clo111 i tl cl t <'. 111 • trr11gth of fr,tt r r11al <>r - e! <' r. i · i 11 fr ,1 t r r 11 a J r c I a 1 i <> 11 ~ I 1 i I > ancl therr i: 110 apparc11t r Pa~<>11 ,,·l1y I->rot e: ta11t br lir , rer.· a11cl r _ l)er ially J~a1)tists . l1c>t1l(l 11ot x<'e l i11 l)er onal coo1J r1·atio11 . 1).t\RK l)rolJablv 110 c·o1111tr,· ~ . • P IN i11 the \, 1 orl cl i.· ~J)irit11al - l~r la1~l{er tl1a11 ~ 1 1)a i 11, n11d 110 co1111tr3-~ i.· 111orr clo111i11at ecl l).'. the Ro111a11 atl1olie 1 h11r,·h t l1an pai11. X o,,,here cloe: t l1 go, rn1n 11 t '"·or l{ 11101·e elo:r l\" \\· i tl1 t11 ch111~c 11, 11ot e,..e11 i11 I tai:y· th ,·Pat of tl1e Pope. Tl1er e arfl 29 1nillion p eople i11 ~ •1)ai11 ,,rho a r e 111en1 be1·.1 of the Ro1n an Catholi · h11r ·h a11cl al)o11t 3- thou a11d P1·ote tant · ,\·ho a1·p toleratecl b11t l1a, 1 e a 111ini111l1m <Jf 1·eli 0 ·iot1 lil1e1·ty. I Io"· cliffer e11 t i,, the reatn1e11t of Roma11 a t h– C·lic i11 P1·ote ta11t .1\.111 rica ! L et u 11ot thi11l< that tl1e n1il– lio11 of dollar le11t t o ~ pai11 b}~t he l '"11ited taie. i ea. i11g the p1·e ·– .. u1~e a o·ai11 t e, ,. a11o·eli 1 al . \\-rhile tl1e nited "tate ha11cl o,rel"' 111il– lio1 · to 1 pain the R o111a11 1 at h– c)lic h11rch tighten the 1·op e a– g·ai11 t P1--ote. taut . It r eallJ.. co t ._ omething to be a ~hri tia11 i11 .. l)ain, a. fi11e · a1· in11)0 eel. p1·i 011 enten e are o,i,Te11 a11 l citize11 a1~e ua11i h ed f1· 011 the co1111t1·,.. altl10 ._ no offence ha been com111ittecl. The tighte11i110· of the r o1)e be– gan ,vith the . io11i110· of the ·011- ·ordat bet\,·e 11 the o·o, rer11me11t a11 l tl1e Ron1a11 1111· 1 in A llgl1 t of 19-3. high-ra11kina con,,.e1·tc<l J c:i. llit r ece11tly .-aicl i11 hi t e. ti- .. 1nony, I triecl to d1·a,v 011t 0£ tl1e l.!ible the t e11et of R o111a11 at}1. olici m and co11l l 11ot. Tl1e11, I t1·iec1 to fit tl1e e t en et i11to tl1e Bible and ·011lcl 11ot. · Ile i.. 110,, 1 1>1·ea hing· th o'o p el , ll11cle1· 1~e- tri ·tio11 in ... 1 1)ai11. 111 pai11 a11 e, ~a11gelical ca1111 t l1olc1 a eat i11 a 1111i,~e1· it,~, 11or .. can h e l1e acln1ittecl t o the 111eclic·al & oc: iatio11. "\\T iclo,,~ ea1111ot 1·e– cei,,.e help from the go,"e1·11ment