The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1955

• July 1955 t111 le.\ t l1e~~ 1·rec111t a11cl l>eeo111e Ro- 1na11 ( 1 atl101 ie., a11tl cl1il lre111 of !)r o– te. ta11tR ar e c1isr g~ar led i11 111r J)1tr1- lie :tll<)ols ,,·l1ieh are 011 ratrcl lJ)' tl1e Il 111,l11 ( 1 atholir ( l1l1rel1. 'I'l1 is 111ag·,1 zi11r has sev– eral ti111e. 111a 1 111e11tio11 of tl1e "'\ ill poi11ti11g ot1t t 11 e acl , ·a11 t,1g:e of l)r·e-clete r111 i11ecl cl i Qt r i l) l l t i o 11 of r:tat r . 1 olt1111bic1 { 11i,Te1\' itJT r erc11tly ,·QllCilLCtecl a "llr, 1 e,· \\•hich llclH (1P- • ,·e lo peel a. tot111cli11g· f aet.". 'rl1e (:Ol- 1 r g e J)Olled 62 ()0 of the al 1111111 i, a 11 cl of the 4:-i 00 111e11 a 11d ,,ron1 11 ,,·110 a11:,,re1·ecl t 11 poll 11 ea1·ly 22,– ()00, or aln10 t 011e-half 1·e port<'tl that they l1ad 110 ,vill. Tl1e rea 011: g·i,ren ,,·ere varied lJtl t i11 mo. t ea the a11. ,, 1 r di ,_ e;lo. ·eel gro. igno1"a11ce on the t1b– .1 ect. :\la11)r . ai 1 i11 ub ·ta11 ·e, I clo1J 't 11eecl a ,,, ill a Ill}' family k110,,T \ '\" l1at l ,, 1 a11 t to clo. ' Ollle "'aicl that tl1e:y· ·l1011lcl l1ave a ·\rill ~ lJ11t l1arl 11e,rer bee11 able to ac- c_,11111t1la te eno11gh i11 cash to e11abl t]1en1 to ha,"e a \Vil} clra,.,v11, all a. - set \.; bei11g tie 1 llp i11 1·eal e:tate. ~ 'e,Ter al a . ·t1111 d that tl1e l)e11efic– iary 011 a11 in t1ra11c J)oli ·y ,,,,ould i)P a1111)l e,.. ide1 ce a to what ~ho11lcl l)e clo11e ,, 1 itl1 the l)c1la11re of tl1e e ·tatc. • 1 0 ,~idespreacl ,,·a: th laelr of i11£01"111atio11 011 the . t1bj e ,t of th '\\Till, e,r 11 a n1011g· tl1e. e colleg·e graclt1ate: tl1at the , ·hool i 110,v c·o11. ·idering· 111ea11: of .·11pplyi11g ua~it i11£01·111atio11 011 the , ltl)ject. 111 J; f; lr (j l {1\ II Ai\ f V\T e ha,re l'Ceei,red 8 c·op)" f ' The ( 1 h1·i - tia11 ' a r elig·io11. IJe riocli cal p tl bli:l1ecl i11 I.1011do11, E11gla11cl i11 ,,,}1ieh the eclito1· offer c·o111111~11t 011 t}1e at tjt 11c1P of paH– tcJ1·:-,, <Jf l{ritai11 relati11g· to t}1e l3ill)' (~ 1 ,111 a111 <"a111 JJaig·11s. 1 t' . ·ep1118 that Z')(> J11 c~ of t}1r JJa:tori.; arf t111fa,·oral)lt:) 1<J t}1e <"'Va11gc 1 list ~ l1<J,,,e, 1 e r 111e ecli– t e1·ial <Jll<Jt<>cl 011e J>l'CJ111i11 e 11t J)a~- 1<Jr. tl1c.l J{<1,·. \\r . D. -1 ael{so11 ,,,J10 !-;;1icl: •• p,rc, 11 as 111<111 ,vitJ1 \\'H1cti11g· c·a11. ,vl10 l1ct\'<1 1<>il 1 (1 ,,,.. 'J' clrJ" (,·rc,1111,l rejoic•(.l i11 a t l11t11c1 Pl'. to1·111 \\ 1 i111 tl1c, tl11111cl Pr u11cl ljg·l1t11i 11g I) CJ:-; (. () l ll (* cl l} a I) Ill 1( 1 <l I 1 (i (l () r l cl i 11. \V ' <·c,11c·l11clP fr<>111 tl1is PX<·e1 r1>t tl1at J~jl),\r (;raJl,1111 }lclS l> 1 Pll llSflC} t(> ~c,f1Ptl tll> tl1c~ fiPlcl i11 ,vl1i<·l1 tltPj 1 \\'t l'P ,\'<)t'ltilJg. \~ ~ 1·e1j<,iee if' t IJP IJ(>l'<l has llSP< l 1J1i. · .\' i«'l lcl<.l< l sc 1 r,,a11t to 1111·11 tit(' il~fPJlti,,11 ,,f tlJ("l ]~1·i1<JIIS tc, x,11,,a– ti<,11 lJ\I' u1•ct('P 11ll'<Jll"}) faif}l 1·at]1er • 0 ' ' tlt,IJJ 111P i-;1,ti<l fc,r111,tli:-;111 \\ 1 lii(•h lt,lS i11 • ttc:Ji l,ti-g.. 111eits1Ll'P c·l1t1 ra,·ter– jied tl1Ejr ,1 ·ti,,iti ·s. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST \ T I 8 I 'I 1 \ 'l, I () ~ It \ \'els th<' eclitor 8 [)rivi lcgr to s1>P,11<: re1ec'11tl)" i11 t }1p I aptiHt 'l 1 al>– cJr1 1,1c· le, Htr11t l1r rs; ' r ri11it)" I3c1l)iist (, l111re l1, l .J t> 1·,1i t1; J~"'irst 11,t ])l ist ( ' l1t1r el1, Ija (1rct11g·p a11cl ( 1 l i11to11 - , , jl]e I1,11>i ist C 1 l111 rel1 ( 1 o l 1ln1l)l l R, () J1 icJ. 1 1\ ~IJ> l) .t\ rr I ( 1\ 11otl1 er "\\ 01·1{ "\V eel{) ,vorl{ ,,,eel{ \\ 1 ,ts se11e l t1lecl for 1'1 a}r 2:3-2 a11cl lllll '11 ,vor l< \VclB c1011e ; 110,,,e,?er, vol 1111 te 1-. · cl O'a i11 , ,i. i te 1 t l1e I a111 J) c1 t1ri 11g t 11 e t,t,,,o s11 1 e0ccli11g· \\'e le · t\VO lay. eacl1 , a11 l ro111p lrt 1 111 a11y 1111 f i 11 is}1ecl ta. k. . R:r,,. 1)011alcl l I . 13eigh tol, ·11- 1>e1~111t 11cl e11t of g·rot1nd · a11cl b11ilcl- i11g. a lvise. t l1,1t tl1er ,vill b a11otl1er ,vo1·lc ,,rcelt Septe1nbe1· ] 2 to 16, i11 l tl i, 1 • 1 on1e 1nai11te11aneP ,,ror ]c i pla1111ecl a11cl tl1e 'clo. i11g exe1·ci e -. ,v·h ic h i11cl t1cl . con– cl it io11i11g· t l1e bl1il li11g· a11d e 111i1) - 111en t f 01" tl1e \\ 1 i11 te1• 1)11 t 011e l\ r .t\ – J R p1·oject i · i11 the J)ro ' l)Ctt. The roof 011 th tal) r11a ile i.. i11 ba l ·011ditio11; he11ce after .:0111e . 111)po1·ti1 g ti111be1"'.. ha,,e bee11 i11- tallecl a 11 e,v to11gt1e a11cl groo,, 1·00£ ,, 1 ill be laicl a11d coverecl ,vit}1 roofi110· 111ate 1 .. ial. Thi. will be a 111ajor t111cle1"taki11g a11d Mr. Bcigl1- tol a. le that ve1·y available "vo1·lc- 111a11, 1·ega1"'clle . of ·kill. a1--1 .. a11ge to be at the cau1p £01· all, or a por– tio11 of th 1 heclltled p 1--iocl. Th r e ,,rill l)e " 1 01·lc for ev ry vol1111tee1\ BIBLE FERE E iIIEDl LED TJ1e Fir t Bapti. t l1111·cl1 El)ri--– ia \\ 1 il l e1 joy a Bible '1011fe1·e11ce o, 1 er the Labor Da}'" "\'\ eel< 11cl. Th Re,.. . ,J oh11 . Bal:) 1 0 ,vill be the sp al{Pr }-i 1~iclay e, ,.e11i11g 8ep– te111lJ r 2 t l1 e I I b1·011 A ' "oci,1 tio11 Y 011t]1 Rall}" ,,,ill b helcl 011 8;.1- t1 t rcl a), r, 1 e11j11g· Se1)te111ber 3, ,,Tl1 11 t J1r 111tti11 1)eak:e1· of 1lie eo11 f rr– e11 · 1 Dl~. P .1\ l f_; J ( ~1{SO r l)rcs- itl e11 t or l~a1)tist 11ibl ~ 1ni11ar)r, is CX J)Pt1 e(l to c1clclr ~," 111e yol111g· ])00l) lc. l)r. ,Jatl<so11 ,,,ill ,11 ·o l>P 111 1 SJ>eal<er ,1t t }1p Hlt11clcl)" Ht'l'\' ie0~ ~eJJtP111l)<\r -l;t]1. 'l"'l1P clis 1i11g·t1isl1ecl , ·is itor is ,l l)Pl'so11al fri e 11tl {) r 1 h P 1{t'V. I <>l)ert fJ . }{p,r11- ' lt<Jll1 , l ),t 81()l' or t}1p t•l1tll'<'ll. ()11 :\l<>ll<lcl.)' , ~Pl>1Pllll>Pl' ~' t}1 ~ e 11 1 i r , (' l 1 11 r <• l 1 111 P 111 I >Pr~ l l L J > is i 11 - ,·i 1 P ( l 1<> ( 1 ,lllll) ls~-HP(' l( cs, tlll' \ '~I .(' . \ . c•a1111>, fc)r Jllcl)' 111 the 1t1c>1·11i110 , 1>1c·11it· tli111lPt' at 1 :()t) t..; J)or·t s in t 11<' af1Pr11C><>11, ,t11cl a l~i l>ll' ( .()J) i'(•t'l'lll'P llll':.;sHg(• i11 tl1( 1 ('\1 Plti11g l)r. ,Jctrl~so11 SJ> t1Hk:e1·. Page Three THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Publish ed Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 110-118 E . Oak St. , Butler , Ind. P er Per H. K. FINLEY, Editor 120 Park Avenue Elyria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. CARL W. MARTIN 316 Tenth Street Elyria, 0 hio Subscription Rate: single copy ______________ -$ .15 year ______________________ $1.50 Advertising Rate: Per column inch __ ____________ $ 1.50 Per half page__ _____ __________ $21.00 Per full page _______________ $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office a t Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. THE COUNCIL Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. E. V. WITJ,ETTS 11 Adams Street Berea, Ohio Secretary REV. REGINALD L . MATTHEWS 937 Grand Avenue Toledo 6, Ohio Treasu1·er REV. VERNE L. DUNHAM 227 Kansas Avenue Lorain, Ohio Missionary REV. HALL DAUTEL Gallia & Waller Sts. Portsmouth, Ohio Young People REV. W. H. GREEN Baptist Parsonage Gallipolis, Ohio Membel*s REV. JAMES T. JEREMIAH REV. ELTON C HUKILL REV. T. FRED HUSSEY REV. ALLAN E. LEWIS REV. JOHN G BALYO