The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1955

July 1955 1111111ller of 111,1rri,1g·t 1 8 11c1tlLr,tll)' i11- t· 1·ea.'t-'. ' a11(l ~o t1oes tl1r 11 t1111 l) )r ot <.li,,or ·e:, bl tt ,,·1 ,· is tl1e 1111111b 1· • t>f li,·01·t 1 (ls J) er 1()()() 111,1r1·iagr. i11 - er ea. ·i11g· 80 1·a1)i 113 1 tc) l et)'"? ' ' hy ar tl1e1·e :o 1na11)' l)1·ol<e11 l10111es? \Vhc1t is tl1e ca 11.-·e of t lie lJreal<: i11g·– tlc)\\' 11 of the lJa,· ie 1111it of <)11r . o– eiet,r ? • ( 4 ) \ ~ o t • cl ti o11 ct l ff it i t\ 11 t ·) r. I t ,vot1lcl be fooli. 11 for 11s t o f ctil to recog:11ize tl1t> "\'Otc1tio11c1l trai11i11g aehie, re111e11t. of tl1ese sel1ools ,,rl1il ( 1 hri:tia11 ha,· ofte11 l)ee 11 aslee1) to t l1e 110.-.·il1iliti s of ( 1 l1rist- e11- t r r e l , ,o ·ati<)11al ed11c:atio11 . 111 s1)it of thi · ,,·e a·]< if tl101·011g·l1 ,Toeatio11- al eclt1tatio11 i · et1011g·I1 to ass11re \"O– eat io11,1l eff i ·i 11cv ! • ( 5) ( 1 i,rit J)arti c·i1)c1t io11 . I 11 a 11t1111l,e r of Slll'\'eys 111acl 0 ct g r eat la ·l{ of lt110,vle lg·e of ' r111·1·en t eve11t 011 t lie J)a 1· t of ·ollege a11 cl hig·h .·chool .. tt1de11t .. wa: 11ot ecl. At ,,·hat . ·chool. ha,,e a11ti- le1nocrati yot1th or ga11izatio11. flo111·i:hecl ? "\\Tl1, r a1•e 1 0 111a11v men1be1•s of ('0111- • ' 111 t111 i:tic-fro11 t or g·a11izati 011: fro111 t h r ·o-callecl i11tellectt1al <: la. 1 ( 6 ) \\ orth ) 1 ttse of l ei.-11re ti111e. 'f oda~r ,,·e all l{llO~ T t hat, per 1 e11- t agr-,, 1 i. e j ll\'e11ile le] i11c111e11 ·y is 1·a pi<lll),. i11ci-·ea i11g. IT o~' 111a11y \'Ollth.·' live: hav 1) e 11 sa,recl fron1 ~·ri1ne lJv . 11c:h activities cl,· (1a11ci11g· " cl ri11l<i11 g~ a11 1 gan1 lJli11g ? \Vhat c:011 tri b11 t io11. do . 01·01·itie.· ct11cl fr a– t er11 ities 111al{P t o a cle111c>c·ratie ,,"a}r <>f li f r ! ( 7 ) l~tl1ic·a l c· J1,-t1·,tetPr. ' f' oo c)f- te11 \\'P loc)k ,tt a sC' ll Oc>l ,L ' bei11µ: b11j l clj 11 gs a 11 cl ec tt1ip111e11t \Vhe11 i11 rralit}~ it i~ 1>eo1>le- if })P<) f>l P the11 tt.1c1c- l1ers a 11cl ~tt tcle11 t8- if tec1(·h r s a11cl st11c le11t s tl1e11 l < .1ctc.le rs <l11cl £ol– Jc,\\'(.l l's- if lc-1atlc,lrs ct11cl fc>llc>\\'P L' :-; \\'}lat C)I' \\' }1<)111 Rl'P tllP\' fo}l<}v\ 1 i11g·? • ( Hc·ie 11 ec> t1ct8 J)l'<>\'P<l tt1,1t 111011l<eys a1·c-1 11c)t thP <)111,· a11i111als thclt lParr1 • I ll.\~ i111ita1 i<J11. ) l/ 011. 1 ( 1 ,111 \\ ' ( ( }lf 'f' /7 (}'( ! ~ C)\\' ] Pt 1ts c·<> 11 siclPr tli<> fu 11tlc1- 111e11tal ( 'l1ristia11 se lt<><>I~ i11 111<1 Jig·}1t c,f tl1is c·ritc)rict of t1c lt1c·,11ic>11c11 a •}1i .1\' .1111P11l. "\\ J1y <lo \\rP feel t }1at • tt1 ~ ec111c·atiot1,tl 11<·P<.ls <Jf ~~ol111g 1>eo- JJl .1 tc,cla}r at'(> 111('1 1<) a f',tr ~J'e,-1tt 1 l' clPgrrP i11 <>tt r ( 1 h ris1 i,ttl sc·l1<><> ls t l 1 ,t 11 i 11 t l 1 ci s c ,I c > 1 l 1 P r <• c, 11 <' g ri s ! I 11 t11c· first 1,l,t<·P 1 l1c 1 ( ' }1 ri~t i,111 . <·11<,c> l , 1 1111,11,t,1/<'"i 1l1rc,1p JlP<·<·ssi1i< 1 s <,I' J>l1,\'S i(•HI fit11PSS. 'f'IJ11st• arP: 1:c·g·- t1la r·it,\r (Jf hc,tl I'S JJl'O})PI' J)h) 1 SI '<ll PXPl'<·is<' , ,t11<I c1l>sti11c•11vP fr<>Jll 1i ,tl )– i1:-; 1,1·,, vc.l< l h,tr111ft1l t,, tl,cJ l>ocl.v . , ' P <• < > I l <( I' c-• <• < > g' 11 j t i < > 11 j S Jl) H ( l P (J f' t h, 1 1'1111cl;i111<.\11tal 11 ·t11 Iii-; t}1c1t ' ' tl1e 1'P,1i- <>1' 111<~ IJ<Jl'<l is 1ht· l,,· g i1111i11g c,f ,,,i. <lc,111 ' ' a11<l that 111,111 :-i i11 - THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Seven ------------~~~----~~------------------------------------~--------~ THE TRUE STORY CORNER "THE MARBLE CLOCK' ' \~Te ar r. 1101 ig 11 or ct111 o f l1i8 ( fi,l - t H 11 H) cle- ' ·i < •(' s. ' ' 2 ( ~ () r . 2: 11 I J l ct< l cl l 1 1111cile ,vlio l1,1cl cl 111a11i ,1 for eol lrc·ti11g· eloc·l<s. Il is }101 l8C 1 , vets f11 l l of t}1rn1 a11<l the1 11c>isc,I t l1e,· ' 111acl t.1 ,,,as g·11,t1·,l 11t c-1pc_l to 111c1lcr H 111 11tal c·}1sc of atl) 7 t>11 e ,,,t1c> : 1cl)"rc1 tl1erc l c>11g· 11 c>l1g·h . l T11 - c- lc ,va.· a 1)0,,·e1·f11l 111a11 , six- f oot-f 01 t1·, ct11 c.l st r o 11g· as au ox . 011e (la v J1 v\1e11t to a11 at1etio11 Hale t o g· t 111or e e loel{. a11 l ,vc1s fa . cj11atecl b,,. a l)eat1tift1l 111arl)lc • ci loelc v\ 1 l1i ·h t,vo of the assistant: of t he a tl ·tion ee1· rarriecl i11 g·1·oa11- i11g· a11cl lalJol'i11g· 1t11cl r its ·vveight . rrhr all ·tj o11eer start cl ta l<i11g· lJitls c>11 the elo ·l< a11 tl 111,, 1111 ·le) ,., y,·a · clrter111i11ecl to g·et it. B 1 i11all.,· at 1·athe1· a Ht iff l)l'i ('e, it ,,,as l1is. T11e t,,,o a::i~· ta11 t. · <.'a1np f orvvarc l to ·arr,, it 011t for hi111 lJ11t ]1p ' ,,·,1,·e<l t l1c-.1111 cts icl e a 11 cl l>P 11cli11g ht1r( 11t s i11fttl 11 c1t11 r e 11111st l1P tl e,1lt \,·itl1 i11 t l1(.1 li~:l1t of (lotl s "\Vor el. ' '['l1irtl t}1p J)r e r ec11tis itPs of }1,11>1>.\' 11<J 111e life, 1>a r (' 11 t,t l rP.'}}(.ltt cl11cl 11111- t11,tl lo, 1 P f<Jr (lc>cl are 11t cti 11t,-ii11Pcl . B ot1rtl1, e1111>hctsis 111>011 tl1r k11(>,,· lrc1g·e of 8tthjPc-t 111atter ct 11cl 111a'~t<)r·,~ of sl<i]ls is fc>1·11 111la te1cl i11 • 111e l igl1t c)f ( 1 c>l<)~si,111s :J :17 . li"' ift l1 , tl1e i11111c> rta11tt1 c)f t]1c 1 ( 1 l11'istia11 tcll<i110· rtll clc-t i,rp i11tertst ... i11 t l1 e l <>(·a l , state cl 11cl feclPral p:o,·- r 1·11111P11 t of cl ('Oll l lt r,r ,,rl1it ll O'llcll'- • l'"" a11t0r~ rcJig·i<>ll s frceclo111 is :tres~ccl. ' Sixtl1 01>por11 111itiPH Hl'P 1 ro- , · icl<.1cl fc> r J1,tl'1ic·i1>atio11 i11 up11 efi – c•ic1l ac·ti, 1 ities ,,·l1iel1 pr<)111ote })PJ'– s<) 11 ,t l g· r <)," t } 1. H<1,rt 1 11th, s,t l, ·atic>11 1i11·ot1g·l1 l>(l– Ji ef <lll tt1c 1 l JOl'(l .J ps11s ()l1ir~t a~ 1 ilP f<>llll(l,11 i<>ll f<>I' I >l'()l)(•l' l i,·i11g· I S J>1'<>c· lH1ll lPCl. l\' /1r1/ . l l'< '/ 'l1t f (<sltlls.> \\"J1c11, .'<>II lllct_\ aslc, clt><'S ctll tJ1i s lllt'Hll 1<) Ill<• ! J~:c ftt<•Ht<>l' :-i l'< 1 <'<) g tlLZ< 1 tl1c11 asi< IP fl'<>lll th<· ftl'~t f'i\<' \PHl' s ' . t,I' cl f> <~l'S(JI) ,s liJ'P , the• fc,11r ·' ('HI'S ~ ) )P 11 t i 11 (' () 11 ( ct }..t' (' t. cl I ) ( I() l ) l () l' ( l t () l'<>1·n1t11H1<· " 11p1·~c> 11 's I 11'( 1 lictl>it s t Ii a 11 a 11 ., , , t It <' 1• I > e 1•1 < >< l . \ I a ,\r 1, H s < > 11 e ,v Ii<> h" i,, <, x 11 <' r i P 11 <• <' < I t li P t, f - c low 11 1 r a <' P l h i 111 sr 1 f t 1 P 11 1 i ft P cl t li e eloel{ . l l 1> it c·a111 r i11 a l1t1rry– it \\ 7 H811 t lt rcl\'1', it \Vcl81l t PVC) l • 111arbl0 - it \V,ts ,vo<>< l J) ,t i11t e1cl to lc)<Jk lil< 111,lrl )l r. (T11<'l<1 ~Jol111 l>rga11 to 1· r 111011Ht 1·:1tP ,vit}1 thP at 1~t ion r(ll' c,ve1· the c1ir1\r clPctl t1 <1 l1acl 1·e- • t(\ i,,ecl l>t1t tl10 <tt1 <:t io11ee r 1·c 1 1n i11cl rcl l1i111 tl1at i11 <lPsci ril) i11 g tl1e cloC'l< <1t 110 t i111 p l1 c1cl It st,t1Pcl it v\' aH 111,1rl>l0. rI'h <> Httl >ie1 rf1tg-e of l1is ai-;– s ist<111ts cli cl 11<)1 111e1,t 11 ,t11ythinµ:-– t }1 cy ('(>11 lcl l'rttr jr it ill cl ll JWa)" thP)' v\r,t11trcl tc) a11cl 111\" 1t11el : l1a111r - , faeP<ll}", t11r11Pcl ,t,vct)'. ~<) ! t }1e <' loc l{ 1 11ot g·c-1t a11 l1011 01·ecl J)lc1c i 11 hiH ho11sr- i11 fac·t it ,¥asn t ,vi.·e to a~· l{ abo11t it: ,vl1 r eabot1ts. l l ow t l1 cl e, ,il lil{es to paint the faHu i11atio1 s a11cl allt11·e111 11t. of the ,vorlcl. v\ hy tl1ey oft 11 lool< a: t hot1g·}1 the}" 1· ally sat i:fy. B11t ,,1 h r 11 yoll tPst t heir ,veig·ht, yo11 f i 11 I the1·p is 11ot hi11g· t o it . Y Oll }1a,re ljre11 fc)o]e(l ! f) t)ll t l c->t a.p- 11ea1·,1nce8 fool ) ' 0 11- t,1l{e t he "\\T or c.1 of Goel for )"011r 8t<111clarcl a11cl look to t}1p {;or cl f<>r t r11 r :ati. - fc1tt jc> 11 . fe<·t s of tl1ese , ,a1·i<Jll8 t)rl es of (l(l - 1Lec1tic>11 l>P8PPl'll VOll t() C01l8i(ler • ('cll'efttl})r a11 (l l>l' ,l}'Pl'fll)])' the t l1oitl~ of tl1e 1>l,1<.:e ,, 1 l1ere ) "t)ll or ,\'O llJ' t l1il (l ,vi]] S})Pll(l tl1r:P f<>l'll1 - cl 1 i \" ) "Pel l'.' ! • \\Th,,. ,1 l~a1)tist c·c>l leg 1 of lil )C l'<tl ~ ,trt s? 13e<'at1sc 1 \\Te b<\licl\'C there is a 11PP<l fc>r ,l 8el1 c)ol \\"hf 1 l'P ( ' l1ris– t ia11 111e11 ,111cl \\'0111t 1 11 ea11 obt,1i11 ,t sc>t 111 cl a11tl t l101·ol1g:}1 eclt1e,1tio11 t li at is l>a: cl 011 ({()Cl'. · \\r ore{ ,111cl ,,·l1ere tl1e t1<> ·tri11e1s of t l1e f,1itl1 }1}· \Yl1ich , , •P l i,· c.1 c1 r e 111,l i 11 t a i 11 e c 1. ( 1 c111 111H11 of 11i111srlf ,ttt,ti11 ttl a life t>f l>Pac·e a11c.l 1 r<>s1>erit)" a1>,trt [1·0111 llis ( 1 1'(\cltor ? •• 'I' l1r f<\Hl' ()r 111 t' I J () l'( l i s t h p l ) l' g· i l l l l i 11 g: () f \\' i S – c lo 111 . ' ' l 11 t li e• \V<>t·cis (>f tl1P {)sHl111- i s1, ·· Il it (>t>,\' is that t> <.\t> l>l e, t l1 ,tt l 8 i ll "\ I (' l 1 (l (. cl s l' ; ) (\cl , l 1H I) I) 3.. 1 s t l1Ht })P(>J>ll', ,vl1<>S<' ( ~<>ll is tl1' IJ<> r<l . ' ' PHOTO ENGRAVING- SERVICE ZINC KALIYOH NU> UNl tTCtfl~ - All WOU WJUTE FOR PRICE USl I\ N O O.TALOG Of G cO. owsnm s,ocK ,.....,."~ ·~::,:,.... :a:O~.... a ~ CHUlCHIS AHO CHlJSl\AH PUILtCA'10HI