The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1955

~ I ·p t T IS f E ;; November 1955 Page Twenty-Three WINGING THE WORD OF LIFE \ _,. e. , )~ot1 Ye g11e•. ed it ! '\V' r r i11 the n1i(lst of J)a ·port a11(l Vi:a J)a1)er , ·hot a11cl sore ar111:. J>a11l rfin1otby, OllI' litt l t e11 ll10Iltl1 old sou ha. tak·e11 it in his ·tricle. Ile doe 1 t e,ye11 botl1er to fli11 ch ar1y 111ore ,,-rhe11 he get. a . bot. Gt1e s h ': t oo elatecl o·ver the fa ct that he ha: jt1 t lear11rcl to ,vall{ an(l ea11 t l)e bother ed o,,er Ron1ethi11g so small a. a I)in-priek:- 11 ot at hi a~-e. ' .. T o,v thesr ,Yere l)tl t J)a.-si11g i11 ·i- llent. to }1i111 in his yo1111g· life, hovve, 1 er l co11ld 11ot help but . top a 11cl c:011. ider the rea. on. behincl all the r ec111ired 111ec1ical 1)recat1- tions a11d the o-callec1 11 e ·e . ary r ecl -ta1)e.... Lik:e a st1clcle11 r ev– elatio11 it <.la,vnecl 011111e that God : rec1t1irf)n1e11t: ,vere j11st a: exacti11g , if 11ot 111ore so, ancl that I I e too ,va. i11je ·ti11g: lli: ' spiritt1al shots i11 the a1·1n aloug ,vith tho e ''" ,ver e gett ing: f or otLr I)h y. i ·al prote ·ti 011. Ilac111 't thought of i t i11 ql1ite that light before l)llt t he con1 - pariso11 ,vas easil:r . ee11 : Fir ·t, the 11eed 1nu. t be cleter- 111i11ecl by the proper a11thority·, a11cl the type of r e111ecl y· and fr q1Le1 c)· of treatrHe11t e. tabl isl1ed. , c on 1- 1~'. it 11eedE'cl a skillecl adn1i11i.strator to inj ec· t it , or 11othing ,volll(l lH~ ac- c:on11 )1ishec1. Do<'. 11 t it rr1nin<l ~·011 of th f' , ·e1·8e f o1111cl i.11 J)hiliJ)- 1>ia11s 2: 1 :3. ·'FOL' it i. : (}oc1 ,vhi.c·h \Yorketh in :vo11, hotli t o ,Yill ancl to <lo of I i i~ good pl(laHUl'(I ? ()f < 1 ottl'He, the 1·c•aso1t (l ocl RO gra– <·io1u;]~v iuj eet A. littl :i bit 0£ t e. ti11g J1ere, a11cl a11 enco11nter ,Yitl1 ~ atan t l1ere i. to gi ,·e u. a litt le . ample of thi11gs ,ve \Yill be encou11tering i11 a greater mea. ure in days to come. T}1e. e thi11g. . erve a tl1e piritl1al antibotlies that ,Yill · ' ,,·ithHta11d th ~\\' ile. of the Devi l. ' 'rhPl'P l lla \' },p cl i ' ('{)lllf Ol't l ll0lllC'11- • taril)', but th P 11 (•()l) lP~ thP J>PH('(' of 1<no,, i 11 g that ,vc• ha \'C' bP<•11 f >l'<Jtf•c· t P( l, a11cl that it ha~ b<•<1 11 ..tcl1nini'-;tPrPd l,v JI i~ sk ill f'u1 and • Jovi 11 g ha11<l. Jiu1 ,vltat of 1 h(• hl(l&'-ii11g-s 1'1·0111 tJi(• (,(>l '<l 1ba1 HJ'f' ~hO\\(' l'C'd ll}>Oll tls \\ 1 ith Sll(·h 1·a1,iclit.v 1hat \\'(' c·a11 - not c·<,11111 tlH•t11 a ll ! . \\rliy 1 li c·1..i,• • ilJ'(• 1IH• ' ' 1011 i<• ' ' "' }1ot ~ g I\ <' tl 1() \IS t O t'!l( '(Jl ll'Hgt• , l111tld lip Htl<l l'llf'l'l-!.1/.l' its 011 1 o g 1·1~at<' I' tl1i11gs 1'01· l [ in t. \\'<· 'vc• ltHd ~() IJIHII ,\' tliis JJH !-;1 Jll<Jltih tli,!t ,,,,,,," 1·0H1pl t>tl'l.v foJ'gott1111 to g 1·u111l>IP al,ottt Olli' ·':-;or,· ar111s' ' itll<I othc·1· Jit tl <' dis1·0111forts. A SHOT IN THE ARM ! 1l f r. ari<l J,Jr ·. T ed Long anil 1 > au l Tin lot h 1/ 1\ rea l ' 'booster <·a111 (-' to us fron1 ( 1 l111to11, 1 ille St1ncla)r ~ t hool , <Jltr ho111e ·l1l1rch , in t h r fo r111 of $-10.00 . tlJ>l)Or t that 11aH bee11 a<.lclec1 t o t he 1)aetic1l : U[)J)Ort ,ve a rc al– r ad}· r ef·e ivi11 p; f r o1n thr el11lt·c-h . (That one r f>allyl1ac111 · ,valking 0 11 H ir . ) ,, ...or cl ·a111e too that 111,· l)rotl1 er . .. 24th YEAR 400 Students Check Your Stewardship of that Which Belongs to God V Are you giving the Lord His share of your income? V Arc your gifts directed to Bibli– cal, Christ- honoring objectives? y Have you drawn a will that as– sures the wisest use of your assets when you are gone? V Are you providing for the train– ing of future Baptist preachers and missionaries? PAUL R . JACKSON, DD., President JOHN R . DUNKIN, Th.D ., Dean \Vrlt e \Ill tor Jufo1m11llo11 Free <'0111111t1I nu TAX 1<:xttu1ptlon1 Ac:rredlred by N.- ,u York IJunrd nf I<esent, BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY,JOHNSON CITY, N.Y. J;arr)· ..:\ Io11tgo111e1·)' s t1p r rinte11cl e11t of \\ )'"<.: Jiffe s a v iatio11 {)rog ra,111 i11 l>r r tt, \\'as al)l c to sto1) off at 1>ra)'<'r 111reting r pc·c11il3r cl11 ri11g a brirf trip ho1nc fro111 the fi elcl tor a staff ('Onfer<-'Jlt<' 111 • 1 11l1)ht1r ~ t)ri11gs .A rl(a11 sas. 11 e bro11gh t. t h <\ 111 11p 1o clatr r ep orts 011 , vhat the IJ0 1·cl l1a8 l)CPJ1 cloi11g· through the 111 can H of .J l NG LE A \ rl .t\ - 1' l () :-,T A ~ I ) R AD [ () 8ER v I (. 1 B~. 'I'hotLg· h ,vr ,Yc1·r11 't al)le to g0t haC' k t o ( 1 o ]llll l bt18 lo SCP hi111, \Vf' l'C' rpa ll~· loo]{i11g fo r,vard t o a joyouH r r u11ion , 11irn in f> crn, after 11ine )'ea rs of sc1)aration . '\\Te ll 1) 1·obabl~· l)e :ta.tio11 ecl at the . arne base it1 l )t1c11llpa, l)rr11 . 1.,..ol1']l J) r obnl)l)'" hr h rari11g 1nore aho1Lt f ;arrv in 111011ths to toine. 1Ie ~ • J)io11 rv r<'<l i11 tJ1111g lP aviatio11 i11 t hr .1\ 111,1io11 \ ctll r .\' a11tl ha s 111a11,· L o 1 hrilli11g· ex p~rie11ce~ i11 ' ,vi11gi11g th r '\\Torcl of fj ife.' ,Just this lcist yrar , tl1c ,J11l1glr 1\ viatio11 A11d Raclio ~er,' ite }1n. rx1)Pri<)nc- ecl its lH1sie ·t year. rr11er r ar :) translators i11 o,·r r 20 tribes i11 }>pru a11<.1 cl l1ri. 11g tl1c lr\1sic•st 111011th 1!)1,000 J)assengc•r 1111le · , v e r <) f I o,r 11. 'I h c 1)1 a n c: t a k ho t }1 11·a11slators a 11d ~llJ)l)l1<. 1 s ( a11cl oftc11 [1 c1iau i11 fo r111a 11t: a· ,rPll ) to j un ~rlP outJ)Ost: ,rl1Pt'(' i11 1nost {: asPs, t l1 r tra11slator <·011l cl not otl1er,vi:P go a11cl \York: p[ f iei<1 nt l.,·. 1,,hc\ 111issiona1·)' })ilot s1 a11<.l s in i-l u11iq11<1 t·<1trgor~T· .. \ s l1011r othf•r l1r has th r 1 rivil rgc 1 of H('C' h1 ~· tlt r t l'll)al ,,·01·k: fro111 t l1r 11111(' or tl1r i11 itia 1 . 11r,·e·r t l1ro11gl1 t l1e pio11eer- • i11g :vea r .. to tl1e ti111e of the fi r .. t tra11 lation . fir t co11,Tert a11d fir. t national cht1rch. T-Ie ha . the joy·o11. tA. lt of being grocer. mail- 111a11, and e,·e11 n1edieal ma11 to the tra11 . 1ator a11 cl t l1eir fa111ili e . To thC' T111inn 11<' is t l1e '· . k,·111a11' tl1e • linl{ ,Yith tl1 r 011t. iol"' ,Yol'l<l. H l' is ulso 118rd in srr,·i<·<' to nt'fil'ia l~. 111 issiOllH l' ll'S Of \'H rio11s Ol'!.!H ll l i'cl - 11011~ n 11 cl o1 hrrs ,vl10 lH'<'clPd l1Pl p . ( ;oc l hHs giYl'll l)c•rl\•<'t prntrl·t io11 l'1·0111 in.i111·) <lu1·i11g t 11t>sP ln...,t .... i, \ PHl's t hnt ,1 .. \ .\ I{ ~ hn~ lH'('ll r1, 111~ i11 ( >p1·,1. ' l'hi..., is all <>lt1:-.tancli11g- 1·<·<·01·d ~illC'P Ol\l 1 l>i!.!· ]H'l l'Olt'\llll c·o1npu11., nl o1u· lost st·,1 1 11 pln11t''– i11 H ft•\\ \ t'Hl'"', fl\ inn U\ t 1 l' cl "iitnilar • • t"' St'(' {lO II or {hP \ lllHZll ll \ 'alll 1 \ }1u- • .. ill. \\'t> l'O\' t•I \ our t'Hl' IH 1 St prl:l\ t'l's • I lint ( lod \\ ill -._11ppl,, l' ' t't') llt'l'tl 1'01· I his lal'gt• fl,\ lllt! p1·ogl',llll Hll(l l'Oll – l llllll' to gl\l' pt•rl't•t•l snl't•t, fo1· t'Yl'l'\ Ill il(• flu\\ ll, •