The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1955

I • l . TllE 01110 INDEPENDEN1' BAPTIST ::t~ , 1 ,, t' n t) - F 0\ll' ~-- Bart •~t l'\ 1,d- i\l1~~ ion~ 11 ~o ht'~tl't \, l" • ClL'\ eland 14, 01110 ...ewlru1d Pfaff '/' h ct II k ) • 0 ll for 1)ra~· i11p: lts t o ,)HI)Hll aQ.ai11 ~ "\\"e ctl'l' ha1)J)~· to r f' 11ort that ot1r }i"o rl1 ~tatio11 ,\ ...agon rain () through clt1t~· frf'0 . "\\,.e ,,·e re l p:. tl1an a cl,r,,. • J)l'O<:l' . :-.i11g it- 1)ra<·tita11~· l1nl1t 1 arcl of i11 ,Ja1)Hll. ~\ s111all an101111t of (l11t)· 011 a f e,r J)iel·es of e< 111i p111 e11t ,Ya:· all tl1at ,ra. r ec111irecl. J.Jan .</ ll u ,<Jc (..;:tu rl .tJ ,, ... e are 110,Y f11ll),. into :--tucl~·- a 11l 1 \' f' r t111cli11g ta:1( i11 .J a[)a11. I ho1)e to ~ri,,.e £1111 ti1ue tl1i:-. ,s·i11ter to la11g11age . t11(l)·. D11e to tl1e re~J)o11. ·ihilitie. of OJ)e11i11g· c1 11e,Y tiel<l c111ri11g the la:t tern1, c111(1 to t,Yo 111ajor illnP::-.:e: T ,Ya: nuahl e to !.!i,·<' 111\H·h tinH 1 to lH11 gllHg'<' tucl,·. \\"1tl1 tl1r ,York ncr,v ,YPll • l\:-.tallli~}lt-1(1 f ('Xpe('t to giYt' thi. .'·Par Jlri111ari},\~ to clig:~ in~· at tl1P langnage hpforP t111clertal,i11g an.'· n1ajor re. po11 ihi] itiPs. \ .. c' r(la i cloi11~ a li1nit t>cl a111on11t of l ~ i l) l l' t <' a c- h i 11 g, i n acl d it ion to la11~1ta~ f' ~tu<l.'T, a11<I e1x1,ects lo l)e l:Hl'l'\ritt<Y cl Ill} ] f~ibJ p t('HC'}litlll' • r- r -.,.(·h <--tlt11,· l),· tl1P firs t of tl1r , ,.car . • • Th t Lorcl 's Ha 1l cl l1a - l)ee11 con i te11tl}· e,·icle11t . incr the 01)e11ing of tl1e \\"Orl{ in Fl1l{tl– hi111a . :\fl1ltit t1cle l1a,·e 11ot r e– p o11clecl . to lJe . llre. bl1t ca e. of tl1e al,·atio11 of incli,·icl11al r.01 - ti1111r. T,,·o of 011r .J a1)a11ese 1an– u11agr tPa c· 11 P r . ~ I r. :\I a:-,a l'O Ya. 11 i a11cl ~[ i ~ 'fo biko ~onoc1a. ,rho l1a,·r ht'Pll i11 our e1n1>lo.'· for o,·er ·> .' Par-... hn,·e j11-.,t r c>1 ·riYPc1 t l1e I;orcl. ·\\.. e l1a,·( 1 lo11g hee11 11ra)·ing- for this to hcl]ll)t-•11 and it i it1cl <1t\c1 a l'C'a l thrill a11cl c· a11-.,e1 of l)rai. P to < :ocl. . \11cl nf'itl1er i th l' rou1cl11tir tou t·l1 111i ....,jn g f or their ,Yf'clcl i11g ,lat,· j.,_ e1 for ~C1\'Pn1l >e 1· 2:5. 1 ~1:5~. , .. ,J'~l1i ~a11 , a g-1·a<luatc· of \\Ta~Pc1,t 1 ·11i, pr-.,it,·. i .... a 11at11ral hor11 tea<:}1- • t·r a111l 011<· of 1 he fi11P ..... t .J aJ><lll<''-)f' BAPTIST MID-MISSIONS Japan Calling THE LORD'S HAND 111P11 I l1a,·e eYcl' rnrt . "\\re, Hl'(' p1·a~·i11µ: for the l;or(l to tall l1in1 to f11ll ti111c 1 hri8tia11 se1·,·irr– \Yl1at a })rf'a(·hr r. l{ilJl r tea<: l1cr a11cl ( 'heist ia11 lt1a(ler 11<1 \Yo11lcl 111al<e ! l)o joi1 11: i11 1>ra~"e r 1111til tl1e ];orcl <·al 1 s hi 111 as a 1 al >orer. rl h c r e is 11 o q11estio11 that l1i · fia neee ,Yo11ld br a11 a1)})l'Ol)riate l1el1>1110et i11 a (}os– I)C 1 111i11istry', bt1 t J)ra)· t }1at :he. too. " ·i l l re ·ei,·e a eal l to C'l1ri. tia11 ~er,·iee c1ireet fro111 the IJor l. P erhaJ)S ) ·ott r e111e111bt'r , ... ercla ,,·riti11J!.' i11 011e article abo11t thP little ol c1 lac1,r £1·0111 th<> JUOlllltaill.' ~ - : h e l1a: 11ot 011ls· co11ti11necl faitl1- ,, f11l l)11t ,,Te had tbP jo)T of . eeu1g: he1· g·o i11to the ha11ti:111al ,Yater . si nte 01tr ret11rn. A tota 1 of 20 l1a,·e l>c<111 haJJtir.ecl si 11c:e last s11ri11!.t ancl a11othPr (·la:s of l'Hllclitlatr. is 1,11cl, 1 r i11 ~· tr11<·tion i11('l11cling' tl1ci ne\\' 1.\· co11 ,·c 1 rt ec1 1 a 11 ~ 11ag·t) t ec1 <· l 1P t'. . Bibll ,.f...!.chool 11r Fielcl ol111cil ha. ,·otec1 to t1nclertak:e the la1111cb jn'i of a IJav· 4 • 111e 11 Bible 111 titnte a: :0011 a ])reparatio11 can be 1nac1e. Pre. e11t l)lan. are to tart 11ight . chool <·la.-. e. . 0111etin1e after the fir. t of 11ext )·ear. It i .- 0111· 1>ra~·er a11cl clrsir<:> that these uigl1t s<·hooJ t-lass– e. · s11all 11ltj111atel.',. g·ro,r i11lo a f11ll :c:ale 13ible • 1 el1ool. l t ,yo11lcl . <1r1n t l1at ,Ye ar r alreacl ,· oyrrloac1P<1 • ,,·ith ,rorl,, ln1t ,Ye hrli0vr it i : hig-111)· i111portant t o the f11t,1rc of our ,,·ork t o llegin trainin~ on1· 11atio11al. i11 a .-,·. t c1natic· ,Ya,· 1111- • • cler ot11· ow11 t11t (,>1age. "\\..- ~ arr gra t pf 11 l for t hr libra r.v bool,s l'<' – <·c-- iYrtl fol' tl1is l)lll'J)Osc· a11tl ,Yisl1 to tha11k Pac:h parti(·i1)a11t agai11. \\..P. ho,Ye,,cr. are , ,·oef1111,~ sl1ort of • November 195r> F IELD ADDRESS: Jap<tn Baplisl Mid-Missions P. 0. Box 49 Fukushima Shi, Fukushima Ken, J apan Verda Pfaff tl1P 11Pecled Sll})])l~· i11 ortlc'r to J)l'OJ)– r rl,· :to<'k a :(•hool ]ibrarv. Pl<)a~l' ' ' 1,<?P}) th is o n ~·011r 1> t·a.vrl' 1 i:t. F urlo1ts1h i11u .11i. \·ionary I r e 111in<1 y·ou agaiu that onr 1nis– "'io11ar,,. , :.\ l iss Nne iiora110, i: i1 ' the Htat e:-; a11 cl a,·ailal)lr for 11re- sen ting t hr ,,·orlt of 13apti:t i 1 icl– :\I i :io11s in ,T a1)a11. She 111c1)· be c·on tattecl th rot1g:h tt1e llon1e 0£– f ic:E\ ('le,·ela11cl. <>hio. 1-J eau t if u I () h io "\'t e 8l1all 11e,·e r forget t l1P \Yo11- (l erf11l ti1110 \\'l 1 l1ac1 i11 ,·011r cl11trel1- • Ps. nor tl1r 11Pa11tifu1 ~tate of )l1io ,,·l1ich \Ye :·rcl . o 1nnc:h i 11 01tr lJti r f , ·isit. Tl1anl< : ·on agaiit. \\~t)~ I r~:_\' '!-i ,~1 i.~\\TI><)lX,-r ( ( 1 onti1111e(1 f1·0111 })agP 10 ) ·' .F'o r 11011P of ll. li,·rth t o l1in1. p]f, ancl 110 111a11 clieth to lti111:<)lf. .B,or \YllPthPl' '''<' li,·(•. \\'(' Jjyp lllltO tbt> l_Jor<l; aHcl ,yl1PthPr ,,·e cli r, ,Yr cliP n11to thl-> l;ortl . ' ' 'J'hi 11k abo11t all this. c111<l 1na,· ,ve \\'Olll()ll, h,· ( foll'~ • • l1PI J) , hl 1 ,rl1at llr \Ya11t , 11: to l)e. ~\ 1,1 EXTIO~ Y()lTX + PE PLE o~ TC) I'ORT, \:\r lTTH E,·er}Tt l1i11g i. 1Je i11g- 111acle reac1}· at P ort IDOl1tl1, Ol1io, to pro,ricle a top-flight l1a11c1l1et a11cl proQ'ran1 011 the cla}" after Tl1a11lc gi,·i11g, X o– ,·r111 ber 2,5, 10.°):5 . 1)r. .Jolin R . l )1t11k: i11 ,,·ill b r 011 th<-' p1atforn1 an cl lurkc]J ,,·ill b t1 011 t l1r pl atP. rr l1P Re,·. \\rilli,l tll IT 0,Yc1rc1 (1reen, Dirflctor of ,·01111g • 1>eo111e ·.- ,York i11 ()hio .. \ :. ·o ·iatio11 sa:·s tl1at it ,Yill bP tl1r greatrst f'YPllt (lY(> l' . \\Ti11t e1 r ,ril l soon elo~e tl1e cloor. a11cl long· triJ).' '"ill l1r o,rfl r for a11- othc>r , ·par. ~o\\' is the ti111<1 for • all : ' Ollllg' JH'Ot)ll' of' t}l (' l't-tllO\Y.'}li}l to p11jo:v 011c\ last SJ)iritnnl -Noeial e, ·en t .