The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1955

IJ p I Ir r • • November 1955 cle,·otional . 't' r Yic.·) ,,·a. lc.~c.l h)' ;\Lr:. (~er 11011, ,,·ho i . <>rYi11g i11 .J e,Ni.1h E,·ang:elis111 1u1clc r i i icl -1' l i::io11 · al ~ r a1)le,roocl, 1\Ii.·sot1ri. ::\ [r. . Earl Fra1 t z, the t r easl1rer r e1)ortecl $329 .00 i11 the cli111e ba11l< . . a11cl thi · ,vas a11g1ue11 tecl l)y a n of– fering of $ 5.00 I)r csrnt r( l c1 t th e· . 8(> ·1011. Jlrs. L1l lan .E. L ei< is 274:3 .B""'or - e. tvie,v A ·ve11ue Et1cl icl , l1io vvas elect ed to tl1 offic of Pre ·icle11t ; l\ lr . . Ilenr,· A. r1r,er, 1400 He11- • eca io11r t, ile \'elancl 11 ()hio, '\ ice Pre: icl ent; ) l isi· ~J]i. abet l1 !la,v8011, 3027 ('res ·e11t Drive ( ~ol11n1b11s 4, hio ecr etar.}r, an cl .1\ Ir s. 1. Boyd 15 Ora11g·e ~ itreet Galio11 ()hio, Trea ·11r r . FollovYing t l1r electio11 of offi ·er . J\1r. . Verl1 L. D1111han1, Lorain off er ed ,l cledi ra– tory p r a)·er . The principal aclclress of the es– . io1 wa · delivered by 1'Ir . . i lly Ki11g ,~;ife of the l)r e ide11t Ili– a,\·atha La11d I11depe11de1 t Bapti. i Mi ·ion , headc111arter · E. canal)a, )lichiga11. Tl1e 1ne age ,vas ,vell r ecei,..ed and will ·er, 1 e to cr eat e clo er r elatio11.-l1ip l)et,vee1 l1t1 r ch– e. of t h e fello,v. l1ip a11d thi, ,vorth)p ,vork:. Th fol lo,vi11g r epre. e1 t– a ti ves ,ver e al. ·o pre. e11t d: Rutl1 .l\I . 1 arl:on ~l id-Mis ion · "i\1 r• . Ed– ,vard chlegel , iiid-l\Ii . io1 i\ [rs. Ted Lo11g "\Vi liffe r ra11. lator s aud l\Ir:. J . Irvi1 g Ree. e F ellov,·– ship of Bapti:t. For IIon1e lVIis– sion ' . l\Irs. Geor g;e 1.. . i\ I il11er ex– I)r es. eel th aJ)J)r e ·iat io11 of !eel ar – , ,ille 'ollege fo r ai(l r r ·e11tl)' f,1r- 11isl1ecl a11d l\ f r s. }:ar l ,r. Willett. })rese11ted t}1e stat tt. ' of ()l1io Reg- t1lar Baptist II0111e a11 cl 1 a 1111J. (J}J~ER1\L Bl f I INE1 ~ ~ 'f he 1 ouncil Of 'l'en in for111al session r ec:0111n1 r 11 cl ecl to th as- soc·iation that the 1 onHtituti o1 be) cha11gecl , hj• clrleti 11g f ron1 Artiele \ r. 8( 1 <·t io11 :~ , th , \\'Orcl s, · ' f r on1 its O\\' ll n1 c• n1bp1·i-;hip.'' 'l' hr <: hang·r ta11not lH•,·on1 c> rffr<'ti,'<' ttnti l \'Otc>(l i11to the• <·ons tittttion by th e\ t'l s– "iO<' iati on onP , ·c,ar h cl lll' C • • ("11 tle r the• arti<· lr and ser lio11 <·itP<l it has liP<>n n<1c•es8'\ l' Y t11at al l • offic·p1·~ of th P f Pl10,vsl1ip l><' sr- lt-c·t c1d fro1n th <' c~oun<·i l of 'l' r n , <•x– <'t.. J,t tha1 of ~:clitor . 'rhiH j>l'O\' i 8 iOJl hit~ n1acl<· it in11>oss ihlP to t' lc•t• t qualifi<'cl pPrso11s, un lPss that qt1a l– il'i<'<l J) Pl'~oll shou]cl fit·:.; t bP Pl<•<·tPd U.\· tht 1 ,· hu1·c· ht 1 S 1o t h P ( 1 0 llll('il or ' l'Pt l. ' l'h i:-i J>ro\·is ion has l'or ntall\' • ~rf•at'S hPf'll l 'P<'OgllJZPC} HS cl ltall<lj . t·ap . ~ot all n1 c• 11 a1·P. qualit'i t>t l 1o fi ll a 11 offi,·,~~ <'"i lH '<·iall~ st t<·h offic•c•s as that of I>i1·t>etor ( >t' ) r(l ltllg l' t")o p) P's \\.,,01·k, ,vh1Ph t·o11 - 111·<·ts \\'ith t}1t~ J)l'Ogl'HUI at ( ia111p THE OHIO INDEPtNDENT BAPTIST t >atll lO~. rrh r ('01lll •il l l l P ll lh(} l'8 (.'11 - ..r is iOll C(l a t in1r ,rhr n th c 1 ro u11 c· il 1nig l1t 11ot ha,·r ,vithin its 1nr n1hrr– ship qualified n1e11 fo r <'rrtain of – f ice. ancl tl1 ir nctio11 in clraft in g t his 11e\Y l0g:isla ti o11 is ti111e l1r and • se11: ible. Th e ·crti f ic:ation <.:0111111 itt c>t\ c•o11- sisting of .,. J~. ... 1)anlcli11g, Leonar c1 'rra,,i. (}le1111 l )av is [l cnrv ruv r • a11cl I lar, 1 1 ) r 1 l1ristia11 , af t r ex- arn i11i ng· th<' l)a l] otH clrclare<l elect ecl to tl1e l 1 0llll ·il of rr ll , t hr follo,vi11g: 1\ ll a11 ~ _J. J;e ,ris, "'\\ illia n1 ]To,var(l Orce11 , Elton 1 • l [1tkill J{obert .J . Re.)"nhout, an l ( 1 • ( 1 • ( 1 la ,~.rson. \ ' l list hrlo,v t he elet tor a l Htatns of a ll •o\1nc il 111en1ber R: Term Expiring in 1956 }jarl V. Willetts Hall Dautel .J an1e, 'I' . . J ere111iah \ ' e r11e L . Dt111 h an1 .J oh11 (}. 13alvo • Term Expiring· in 1957 Alla11 E. L ,vi. \'\ illia111 I Io,Yar<l ( }rE1e n E lt o11 1 • IIul<ill Rol)ert .J. R cynl1ou t 1 1 • ,la,vso1 Drop out in 1956 \ er11e L . D1l11ha111 l l all Dat1t l J ame. 'I' . J-e re111 iah F.Ja rl \ T. ,,, i lletts Drop out in 1957 \lla11 E . Le\vi.... \-Villia111 II . Ur ee1 F.J lto11 . H 11l< ill At t l1e 111 )et ing· hcl l i11 ] .i ri t ,,,o n1cn1 bc.~r s of t he tot111eil of trn ,ver <.1 fo l'c:ec1 t o cll'Ol) ou t, th C'S(l ha, riug ser, 1 ed t l1 <? lin1 it of t,,·o s11rc·c'ssi\'e t e r111s in off ier. 'T'h PsP ,vill he. ('li gi– blr fo r r P-el P<.' t io11 aft r l' ' ' re: ti11g' fo r onr ) rc>a t· . Tl1 ( 1 R<),·. Regi11,tld IJ. l\ l a.ttht1,v8, t l1p s111iling lJastor of l~1111na11 11 c) l ]~a pt iRt ih11rcih , 'l'o- 1Pc1o, ,luring his trr111s i11 offi('e, sr r, 1 Pcl as 8e<' r <'lHl') ' , a11cl a goocl sc•c.·1·rtar)' \YHH hr. 'l'h rn, th r RrY. 'I'. 1~' r rd lltt sSP)' , ' ilt>s, ()hio, J1as hc•r n frtith l'ul at al l n1t'Pti11g·s of tll(' assot•iati on and eonnc•i l , ta king· H<' – ti \'c\ in t t' l'l'St 11\ l)USill <'SS ))l'O{'l\( l tll' l' . J{ <'\'. I{o l>Pt'l .J. l~<·,yu hou t a 11P \ Y . ' ll\Hll , \\'HS S('H f<' d on th P t'Olllll 1 il , an<l l{ <'v. l '. ( i. ( ' ht,v~o11, H 1'01·111 P r 111p n1 - lit•1·, \\' HS J'l'tll l'llP<I. 'J' 1I I·~ <) F' I•' I l ' Ji~ 1 {N ln1n1Pdiat Pl r aft Pr t hP anno,1n<·t'- • Jll C' llt of [> l' l' l'>O ll :-; l' ll'<' l l'd to H('\l'Vl\ Page Throe - THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Published M onthly by 'J'JLJij 0 1I10 A, ' ' 0 ' JATION 0 1!' JlE;01 I.JA J{ J3APTT, T '111 R ' I[l~8 J>u b) ic at ion Off i <' e l 10 · l l ~. a k , 't., I~ u t le r, Tn d. 11 . J{. JI' I KL };j Y , .Jlj di tor 120 J>a rk A venue }ij }yria, Ohio ('irculation J\lanag r MR, '. Al{L \V. . N[AR'l'TN 316 T enth " trect 1': Jyria, Ohio Subscr iption Rate: }'er singl e copy ........... . .. $ .15 l'er yc:1 r ........ . ........... $1.50 Advertising Rate: P er eolu1n n inch ............ $ 1.50 P e r ha lf pag ............. . $~1.00 Per fu 11 page . .... . .... .... $40.00 En tcrcd as sc ·ond c lass n1attcl' at th P ost Office at Butl er , I ndiana under th e Ac t of ) [ arch 3, 1 79. - T JIE 'OUX ' lL Ohio A ssocia ti o n Of R egul ar Jlnptist C1hu r c hcs Chairman RE \ 1 • 1"\.LL1\. T B. LE \\' I ' 1 901 La kc ~ hore Bl Yd . Eu c lid 19, Ohio Secretary RE\". HALL J) A l TEI.J (;all i a ~ · \ \ ' n ll e 1· , t . J>or ts1nouth, Ohio Treasurer 1{ ~1\ r. \ ' l~l{X1'J L . ))(TX ll .\ 1 [ ~~7 [{ansn s .\ YOlllll' l Jorni n , Ohio Missionary Hl·~ \ T. ,J()l l N .-. 1~.\I.1 't.() 1\ (). B ox l~)li4 ('lt>Yt-land (1, C)hi o Young People r{t,; \ ". ,,·. 11 . lt l{ ~~J<~i\ Ila pt ist 1 1 :t 1·sonagt' t}nllipoli~ . ()h to Men1bers HI~\' . E. \ '. \\ ll JI.,E 'I" l'~ l?l•~ \ . .J .\ ~ll1~~ 'r . ,Jl•~ Hl~~ll \ll 1{1•~ \ ·. E l /I' ()~ l' . lll ' l~ILL ]{ li~ \ . ( '. l ' ( ' L \ \\ 8 <) .i\ Hr~\ ·. Ht> l l l~B'l' J . HI<: \ ~ ll )l " l'