The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1956

l ;,g-. S1 .- tl'\e1_1___________ T_H_E_i OHIO _ INDE~ENDENT_ BAPTIST __________ _ Augus t 1956 THE CHRISTIAN LIFE SERIES SUNDAY SCHOOL LITERATURE (I11t. l Tnifo1·111 . . I1e. 011s ) I ,,.. 011ld lil<:e FREE i11for111atio1 c 11 ec 1{ed bel o,,.. : --Beo·i11ner Dept. --P1·i1l1a1--JT Dept. --.J t111ior Dep t. --I 11te1--mediate D ep t. e11io1 .. D ep t. -- T" oung P eopl e's Dept. dt1l t Dep t. t1p t. and P astor --Flannelgraph --Go p el H e1 .. ald W eekly UNION GOSPEL PRESS Box 6059, Cleveland 1, Ohio Children's Gospel Hour, Inc. 3012 F ox Dr ive, CHATTANOOGA 11, TENNESSEE A work of faith giving the Gospel to boys and girls by r adio and television . HEARD I T omo OVER THESE STATIONS WF'OB- 1430 K c. F ost oria- 5:45 p.m. Sun. WFOB-FM- 96.7 Mc. F ostoria- 5:45 p.m. Sun. WWST- 960 Kc. Woost er- 7:45 a.m. Sun. WWST-FM- 104.5 Mc. Woost er- 7:45 a.m. Sun. WTOD-1560 Kc. Toledo- 7:30 a.m. Sun. LISTEN-Tell Your F r iends-PRAY Rev. Henry C. Geiger, Director -- BOOK REVIEWS ( E rfrrt-1. "1Jecic1! ) '1'11e ft1ll tit le of thi.· bool{let ,,·rit te1 a1 tl 11l1l>l i:l1rcl lJ>" DR. R. 1,. K Err t I I A \ :\I , i. : . JJet Ro111e ~ 'i J)r,11< :B 01-- IIe1\ elf. 1 11 t 11e l)ool<lrt of al)o11t ;30 J>ag·e. , t l1e a i1 t h()l' cl ea l. ,,,.i tl1 T he :\Ia .· . :\ f a 1· iola t r ," 1 >111·ua tor,... :\I a1·ria~rr, . ~ J 11 toler a11C'e, a11 l l)r ot e. ta11 t at - ti tt1 le. Tl1e faet · 1·elatecl to tl1e. e e1 trie.· a1 ..e plai11l~T . ·et £01·th i11 t e1-. e 1)arag·1·apJ1s. a11cl i11 la11g·11ag·e ea. i l 'r 1111cl e1·:toocl. ~ IIe poi11t.· 011t tl1e • 1 c1·ipt111 .. al , tate111e11t: c:011t1·a. ti11g the. e ,, 1 ith the offi ·icil p1·011ot111 ·e111e11t. of the Ro111a11 , at hol ic 1 h 11 r·c 11. E,ye1·,y ~ 13aI)ti. t . ·110 t1lcl ha, ..e it . C1·cle1· cli1·eet f r o111 : Dr. R . T . Kete ha 111, 60 ~ .. 011th Dearl)o1·11. ~11ite 4 ""l , 1 hieago 5, Illi11oi. . T l1e 111·ite i. t,ve11t>'"_fi,· e c·r11t. 1)r1· <'Ol)~". l)r. Ro l1ert (}. I ;ee has l)rod 11eecl < 11otl1e1· g1·eat l)ool<, tl1i:- J)t1bliea– tio11 .· 11r1·ot111cl j t1g eigl1t I3il)le eha1·– aC'te1·s. I 11 ,lll of t l1e eigl1t 111e. - .·ag·e.· t l1e a11tl1<)1' '~ pt1r110:e i. to (l e,,.e 1 o 1) t 110 t r 11 t l 1 < > f 8 <• r i l) t 11 re. l1t1t , , r}11}p ~<> clc>i110· t]1r <•}1a1·acte11· r-- j 11 1) o i 11 t i. 1 t 1 a cl r l) r < > 111 i 11 r 11 t . \\... itl1ot1t <tt1e.· tic>11 tl10. P c1re great :t11clies · 11<>,Ye,·ri-, it i., t 11e fi1·111 eo11,·ietio 11 of t 11 i ~ 1·r,·i c,,·e1· t 11 at l ll<lll ) . ti111ps l)r. IJrr 11a1·tial ly· })111·je.· t l1c tr11t]1 1111cler l1is a,·a– lc111c·}1p of or ator,·. F e,,ye r ,,·or 1.- • 111ig·ht ui,·e1 1>lH<'<' for cle( 1 J1er t l1011g l1t. Z rJ 11r/(1·1· r111 f 'ttbli .· l1i11fJ ![011sc. (lra11cl J>cll)icls ·. ,:\ Ii ·l1ig:c111 . ·:2.;jO. GIFTS TO OHIO ASSOCIATION REV. VERNE L. DUNHAM, Treasurer, 227 Kansas Ave ., Lorain, Ohio I e1111 , · e1111c> Baptir.;t ( 1 l1111·C' l1. ~ 1 ]1a r o11 ····--·--·- ------ -------- -- --- ---------·-······· · · 5.()0 B et }1 lel 1 e 11 t I~apt is t ( '111 t 11 ·el 1 , ( 1 1 e,· e 1 a 11 cl ____ ___________ _____________ __ _____ ._. _ ...._____ 3.0() J ~ er ea I~ a 1) t i . t ( 1 J 1 t 1 r (' l 1, J ~ ere a ._ .. _ ._ ....___ ..... ____________ ._ .___ __ .____ .. ___ ...._ ._ .. ___ .. l () .() 0 Et1C.'li<l-Xc>tti11gl1a111 B,1ptist ( 1 l1t11·t·l1. ~~l1c· l icl ····-- -· ··-------------- ------ ---- 10.()() F i1-. t I1a1)ti~t ( '1 11,11· ('11, c:all i1)<Jlis ------------- --- -- ----------------·-·------------------- 10.00 1 al , ·ar~,. 11a 11tist 'll tll'(']l . .l T Or \i\ral k --------- -· ---------·--- ----- ----·------- ---------···· 5.()0 Fi1 .. .-t Ba1>ti:t (.1 l1l11· cJ1. Bo\vli11g· (~ r ee11 ---------·------------ --------------- --- ---------- , .00 1 al,rar)'" B,11)ti. t 1 l1l11·el1. C 1 le,.. ela11 l ------·--- -- -- -------------------- ------------------ ~.()0 • "orth Ro~·alto11 13a1)tj . t C 1 l1l11·<·l1 -----····------·--·--·---------------·····-----·---------· 2.00 X()TE: T)t1e to , ·,1catio11 1)e1·io(l i11 t l1e office of ot1r pri11te1'.· ~ n1a11t1:c1 .. iJ)t for this i '.'llr i bei11g :e11t i11 011 ,,·eek ea1·ly, a11cl tl1e pag-e a1·e bei11 g· 1·ed t1cecl i11 11 t1r1t bc1·. (4ift. tnail cl cl t11·i11g ,J lily a 11 l not 1·epo1·tec1 al)O\"e, \,rill ap1)ea1· 11ext 111011t l1. (F.Jclitor ) HEBREW CHRISTIAN SOCIETY (Incorporated ) 2524 Euclid Heig·hts Blvd. Cleveland 6, Ohio REV. ALAN C. METCALF Director REV. HOWARD A . KRAMER Founder ''TO THE JEW FIRST'' (Romans 1:16) Write for "Star of David" Dept. B CLEVELAND HEBREWMISSION (Foun ded 1904) Gi,,.ing the "GOOD NEW " to the J e,,. by personal ,vi t1 e s in Cleve– la11cl Young to"y·11, and East L ive r– pool, Ol1io, al o harle ton, ,vest "\.,.irgi11ia a11d ao Paulo B r azil. RADIO MINISTRY "\\·r. R ~ - Cle, .. eland, unday, 1 : 00 P.1[. \\ 7 BB\'f{- You11g town ( :1s .ir. unday, ,,.. ,~A:\I- Al toona Pa., : 15 A.:\I. aturcla, .. .. '\\'" 1\ \TL- pollo, Pa., 1:15 P .~f. ltn cla:r' ,,.,. PD- Toleclo 0 1 io t1nda~·, :45 ..t\ .)[ . ( 8,.. ery fourtl1 ~ 11nda)· OnlJ.,.) RE\T. ERALD . ~)IEL~ER, up't ]). . Box 3556 'lc,·ela11cl 1 , Ol1io • NO THRILL LIKE IT! Like What? ? GIVING TO MISSIONS! Why n ot try it out by making a generous gift t1u~ough the treasury of you r home church to the General Fund of the FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS and thus assist in r e-churching America w ith New Testament type Baptist Church es. Address a ll communications to P. 0. Box 455 Elyria, Ohio