The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1956

Pag - i · THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAP:.:.......:;:.T...:...:IS._T____________A_u~g==-u-s_t _1_95_6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • CHATS WITH YOUNG PEOPLE GENERAL THEME : ''A BUCK PRIVATE IN CHRIST'S ARMY'' 1I erP i~ t 11 e fi rst i 11 cl srs ri r8 of art it le8 a(lcl 1·es:c•cl to }TOlt11g· peo1>le ,,rr·itt 11 c->Xt l 11 . ·i \· el}T f 01· th i: n1aga– z i11t\ i11 l!l..J::... l),. ::\ I 1's. ( '1 . F". .:\I a. 011 ,,·if e of Dr. ,lai-·e11 ·e 1'Ia ·on, th 11 " ·ith t 11 e Phil a cle Iphi a "' 1 chool r Tl1e I il)l e. '110,, 1 ·er,·i11g· a. Dea11 of Tl1 Pl1ilacl lphia BilJl In titt1te. Ec1ito1· }:a1·l,.. 011e 11101·11i11u· abol1t a . ...., ,,..e 1~ ago I ,toocl 011 the oa1 ,,·all, i11 ....\ tlc111tic it,T. I felt .. e11t1 ..a11cecl, a.. 011 alwa·v... doe. • ,,·itl1 t l1 r 1) l111di11g of the . 11rf, a11<l tl1{) l)ea11t}" of tl1e 11101·11i11g· 110111\ lJ·y .. tl1e . ea. Tl1e1 ..e ,,a a .. la11 l l)1·eeze. a11cl a.· the ,,.. arm ai1· })a. eel o, ·er tl1e ·ool o ·ea11 a il– ' '"e1 .. 3,.. 1ni t l<ept r,i i11g· like a . oft bl,1nket o, ..e1.. tl1e clistant l1orizo11. . \11 ,, ... a. . o J)ea 'Pf11l . o c1t1iet it .·ee111ecl al1110. t i1upo.. ible that ,,,e ,,~e1·e i11 the o-1·eate. ·t ,,·a1· of all 11 isto1·,,. a11 1 t l1at T ,,~as at t hat ~ ,. 1·~T 11101nent-:ta11cli11g i11 011e of t l1e larµ:e ·t Ba ·ic Trai11i11g· .r\ir ( 1 01·p. Re1 lac·e1ne11 t 1 ent er .' i11 the Ollll t1·,r. Bt1t . 11dde11ly n1y a1·. ,,:·e1·e a 1·– r e. t cl ,,·i th t hat 1111111i. ta l{a l)le . ot111cl, 011ce 011e l1a. · hear 1 it, the hl1ffle of ma1·cl1i11g· f eet- h1111- cl1 ..ecl . 0£ them too·ethe1·. The11, ,,·it}1 a ·la1·jo11 elrar11e.. <ll)o, 1 c tl1e po1111cli11g . 111·£, I l1eal' 1 the c·on1111a11cli11g· offic-er l)a1·l{i11g· hi.· 01·cle1 ..:, a11 ] the 111e11 fi lecl ot1t 011 tl1e bJ·oacl l)eac·h a11cl ~:r o11pPcl i11 for1natio11. The1 , tl1e final 0111- 111a11cl: ,. 1 011111a11Jr 1Ia1t. 1 r. T,,·o ! .... .\tte11-. h1111. .... ·-\.11 o,"e1· Olll' la11cl tocla,... . te1 .· • of thol1. a11c1 of }'"01111 g· 111 e1 a1·e l ea1·11i11g· the tr11 e : ig·1 ifi ·a11 ee of ol)eclie11ee. ~ 0111e ar e fi 11cli11g jt 111t1rh ea:j er tl1a11 othe1-.. be(·a11. e for the J)a. ·t 1 01· 20 yC1a1·. the)T l1a,,.e l)ee1 a(·<·11.·ton1 ecl to ta]{i11 g· orc101-. fron1 motl1er ancl clacl. a11cl obe}"i11g· tho. e <:om1na11cl. 111cj11e. - tionabl~.... Other ar e fi11cli11g l ... ncle an1 order \"erJ.,. galli11g becall e the,.,. ha,"e ll llall,r bee11 • the 011e to gi,,.e rathrr tha11 to r e- rei,..e the111 . .i\_ J"01111g· c·aclet vi. it– i11g· i11 0111· ho1110 1·eC'e1 tl.,... , i11 a11- . ,,,.e1· to 111~r c111e. tio11 as to 1 0,, .. h~ lil<ed l)ei11fr i11 t l1e . Pl'\' ic- e 1·r– JJliecl : 011, 1 /er~T ,,.. ell 011 tl1r ,rl1ol e, tha11l< }"Oll. Th r fr1 lo""~ \\y ho ,1rr ha, .. i 11g a to11gl1 ti111e a1·e t11e 011es ,,rho a1·e ll. '(l {1 tc) bri11g· lJcJ. . . I ,va: 11 't at l101ne . o it's 11 ot . o lJad be1·e. ' ' Obedie1ice .-\ 11cl o, yo1111g p eople I wonder if ,ve ca1111ot 1'ealize i11 Olll' hat t hi. 111011th ho,v trl1l,,. .·en ible it .. i. to ha,T 1· rL pect for, a11c1 a ~ e11. r of ob c1ienc.:e to, 011r 1nother . a11c1 fa ther . . I lr11 ,,.. jt .· ha1 .. d to fa · thi.· fa ·t e JJeeially in Olll' tee11. , for 11111e.. yol1 ~Y"o tt11g people feel cljffere11 l\T fro111 the ,\·a,,. 1110:t ~ . f el at 16 ,ro11 a1 ..e ·on~{i11(·p l that, ' thOll~t}1 )"Oll lo,re :VOlll .. paI·e11t: )tOll c1o fee l tl1at thC1,,. are far l)ehi11 c1 • tl1e +i111e. ancl ]{110,,r . o 1itt 1e. :\Ia1·l< rr,,~ai11 PX1)1'P.' ,'Pfl the clttitt1cle of tl1r a l ole:(·e11t to,, 1 ar(l }1i.· 1)a1·e11t.· \\ 1 h :> ll he :aicl that \Vhe11 he ,, 1 a. 17 lie ,·va. r111l)a1·ra. 1. ·rel lJJ.. hi. .. fatl1C11 .. : ig1101·a11ee, bl1t ,,·he11 h e l)ccan1e 21 he ,,·a: a111azecl at ho,'"' 111l1 ·h the olcl n1a11 l1acl lea1·11 ecl i11 foti1· , ,ear . ! 1. o Robe1·t ,J. B11r- l ette ,, 1 r ot e : \\ he11 T ,,~a. 16 I ,, 1 c->11t a1)011t shrclcli11g· g·1·eat . lal). · of ]{110,,·leclg·r for the be11e fit of t11 e ot l1er n1e111he1·: of tl1e fa111il,,. ' "" 1-\]tho11g·h ,,·e ]11a}r 11ot .·re it 110,,· yo1111g- ))C1op1r, CJlll' I o.· iti 11 is 111lttl1 lil<0 tl1at of a :oltlirr f1·0111 thP ~·011t h ,,·11 <> ,,·ct~ ,,·a lki11!!· t 11 r o1tg·h t l1 r eo1111)a 11 ) " ~ trr t a11 1 clelil)r1·ate l>.. 1 a::e(l a C'o lo1·ec1 of– fie er ,,·ith 11t .·alt1ti11g· 111111 . 'I'l1e offic·e1· c·allec1 for tl1 e ~olclie1· to J 1 a 1 t a 11 ( 1 or ] r 1· e cl l 1 i 111 to . al 11 t e . Tl1 P. ,'Ol1tJ1p1·11 l)o ,· . 11 ll r11l,· r eft1. e 1. • • Th r11 tl1e ·olor rc1 off iee1· clicl "' ,TC1 rJ· ,:ri. ·c thi11g·. IT r tool{ off }1i.· c·c)at a11cl l11111g· it 011 a J)Olr a11cl or cl e1 ..cc1: "'".,.o,,· ~'1 alt1te 'rl1at. Yol1 are ·all1ti11g· 111Jr office, not n1~.,. p er o11. ' It i e11ti 1~ e 1 Jr po - ~ ible that . ometi1ne. mothe1· a11cl father are not all tl1ev . hol1ld be, "' or th1 ..ot1g·h a . elfi:h de. ire to ha,Te 0111~ o,v11 \\Ta~r \\Te n1ay l)r l)l'e.i11- ' f'(1 ag·ai11. t t 11 111. l)11 t 1 t 11s al– ,,.. ,1,·s l' 111 111be1·. t}1 e,r cl ·er,·e to l)e ~' ':all1t ed t o l)e '1101101·ecl a11cl ol)r) 1 rcl l)ef'a11se of tl1Pir office .. <fllit r ,tJ)Fll't fro111 ,,,11at tl1r)" 111a)" l)e tl1elll8<1},rp,• , \tl<l lll08t <>f ll. ' t}1j11), i11 0· })ct f·k: Oll ,111 tilt•\" ]1a,' C' ~ . (10 11 r fo1· 11. · a11 l 111<->a11t to 11s, .·l1011lc1 fi11cl it i11 ol11· l1eart.· to lo "}1at they a. l{ u . to clo 1)ecat1 e \,·e lo,"e them, a well a. becau. e the).. ha,·e a rig·ht to expect it of 11, . I hc1 ,·e 11otitecl that the folk who 111ake J)rogre.1. · an 1 l1a,"e a happ}", ,, 1 e ll-l)ala11 · c1 life are tho ·e who ha\"P di.~c·o,·p1 ..ed that obeclience i · t l1e : 11. ible ,,·a, ... of life. I once • 1t11e,,· a ho,,,. ,, ..ho ,,"'a. 011. ta11tl,~ • • lo ·i11g· hi. job. Ile explai11ed that l1 e al,,a,... hac1 tol1o·h lt1ck bl1t • hi bo:: tol l a liffe1·e11t tor,... . '\'\Titl1 011e a eo1·d tl1e:y.. 1 .. eported that the boy" ,,Ta. 11e ,vho :i111ply c·ot1l cl 11ot take 01,cler. a11 l wa. 'f1·e.·h ''"'ith t}10. e ,,·ho ,, 1 e1·e in c:harg·e of l1i1n. .. •0111el1ow " The11 it .· all . 11n11necl llp, it eem. 111ore .. n il le from e, Te1·,,.. a11~le .. to lear11 a11 l p1 .. acti e obedien e. >- er iJJt ll ra l Tl1e11 , of ro11r. , thi. 111atte1-- of ol1eclie11 ·e i .-- al o " cri[Jf ll r·a l. If )'"O ll a. a ~'"Ot111 o· pe1·. 011- a. a ~,..011ng :olclie1-. i11 h1·i. ·t ·. 1 .. 111)"' , ,va11t t 1~ all\" k110,,· ,,·hat the of- '" fi ·j al JI a1111a1 . a)., , ~"Oll ba,Te 011}3... to t111·11 to E J)l1 .·ia11: · :1-3 a11 1 •c) l o~~ia11: ;3 :20, a11cl , .. 011 ' '"'ill fi11cl • it : .. .. 1 h il lre11 o l) ~ ... 3·ot11· 1)a1· 11 t . i11 tl1e I.Joi· 1 for thi. i right. II 011or th,... fatl1e1· a11cl tl1,,.. '" '" 111otl1 e1~' ,,·hi(' ]1 i: the fi1-. t ·0111- 111a11cl111 fl11t ,,·itl1 1)1~0111i:e ; 'that it 111,1,· l>P ,,·pl l ,Yit11 tl1eP, a11c1 • 111a~"e. t li,·c, lc>11g> llf)011 t]1 r earth.' ' ' ' 1 hilclre11 obe}· )"'0111.. pa1'e11 t. i11 all thino' : for thi i ,,ell fJl ea ing· llnto the Lord.' 'I he: , ·c->r. e. · . tat e f ra11kl,.. that .., ther e i 110 c111e "' tio11 01~ eonf11sio11 or do111)t : j11.. t ol)e~... . . . 111 all t l1i11g·s. 1101101· th)" fathe1· a11cl t l1,,. 111ot l1 r1· ... £01 .. thi. i." 1·ig:l1t. .. Xoti<·P thclt it (l<>r s11 't ~cl\" tl1c1t • tl1is is ctl,r,t)"'.' J 1P,l.'}l11t. I11 fa<·t. i 11 tl1< \ "f t''\T \V<>r<.ls (>f tllt' liibl <-1 i1- • :rlf it is oftc-111 ' ' g·1·i e,·ol1.· - IIe- lJre,,,, · 1:2 :10-11. I tl1i11lc it i