The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1956

Pag T\vo THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPrIST September 1956 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~- -~--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~ Editorial Comment 1~ ..\ l r1II "\\T11t.'11 l l1io .,(\ RSOl' l cl - t i<)Il of l{<'g·11 l c1 r I~c111tist 1 l111rel1 " ,,·n~ ft)1·111cd, ,ll)Oltt tl1i1·t\" ._ ) t'clrs <lg't), c111<.l t l10 c ,,·110 11011- ~t1rct l t lit\ 1110,·c111c 11 t 11,1 ll 1 i tt le icl c'a of ,,·l1at tl1e f11t11re l1eld fo1· tl1e i11f,111t fella,,· l1i1) . Tl1e3 .. l1ad bl1t t)11r tl1i11g·-l 1 ... \.11 II. l Io,,·e,·c1\ cy,·e11 t l1i. fai t l1 11e,·e1"' e11,·isio11ec.l the f 11t111· :·cope of t l1 e ,,·orl(. ,,...e l1acl b11t little expe1·i– e11c:e i11 01·ga11ized ,,,orl< f e,, )l111rcl1e.. , a11cl the e £01· t11e 1110. t 1)a1·t , ..el'}" . 111all 110 fl111cl a11 ] 1111t c 71 c ,·it ic i. ,,z. 11 the 011e ha11 3 tl1e or g·a11izer l1ad a p01'"erf11l e11e111).. Tl1e hio Ba p ti. t 01 , 1 e11- tio11 a11cl 011 the othe1"' ha11d cl 1)0,,·e1·fl1l }o<l. Tl1rol1gl1011t t he col111t1--y the i11de1)e11de11t - 111i11decl Bapti. t. 1"at heel the 1110,Teme11t ,,., ith i11- te1·e t anc1 ,,Then tl1e e ol). er, 1 er .~ a,,,. the e, 1 ic1e11ce of the Lorcl . ble ing i1n ila1-- . tate or ga11iza– tion. ,,er e . et t1p u i11g the pat– te1·11 de. ig·11ed in hio. Thi ,,ride– . pread n10,Teme11t laicl a fo1111 c1a– tio11 for tl1e e11eral A . ocia tio11 of Regular Bapti t ht11--che. 1 0,\r 1111ml)e1,i11g n1ore t l1a11 . eve11 hlt11- clred Regular Bapti t hl1rcl1e . l1io ociation carrie a r o te1" of 1 i11ety-fi, 1 e ch11rche pl1bli. hes Tli e Oliio I ndepe11dent Bapti t ow11 ancl co11t1--ol amp Patino l1a. n1a11y g·1,011p a11d r egio11al 111eeti11g each vear . hare\ in p1--o- 1noti11g five edu catio11al i11 titl1- tio11 cooperate. ,,,ith . everal ,vell or g·a11ized mi io11 l)oar" l. a11cl holc1 the r e. pect of Bible lJe– lie,,.e1·. tl1ro11 ()'11011t t he 011ntry. Tl1e fe llo,v. hi1J ,vill l1 olcl it. T,,·e11t ~Y'"- .1. Ti11tl1 .r\.1111t1a l :\Iecting i11 the :.\Iemorial Bapti ·t 11111,ch ( 1 olt1n1bl1. hio, ) Io11cla3 1 tlll"'Ollgh Tl111r cla}r, Octol)er 15-1 195 to " '"l1ich , ,i itor. will l)e ,,·e 1 01n r. DI~ i I PLI~ E D i . c i p 1 in e, or ratl1e1· the la 1{ of it, i.· tl1e t eache1" '. 11ig·h tmare a11cl it ha. dri,·en 111a11y 011 t of the 1)1·ofe 1. ion. Tl1i i 011e fa ·to1· in 'rea ti11p: tl1e pre:e11t of teaclier.. The c·o11cl itio11.· exi ·ti11g i11 tl1r a,·eraµ:e .·chool 1·00111 ste111 f1"'0111 tl1e ~a111e ~0111 .. te a. j11,Te11ile 1e- 1i11< 1t1e11r~·- Th r 11 0111e. 'fl1e pare11t.· clecla1 ..e tl1at t l1e trat11er ca11 t to11 ·h '\\ 7 illie, a11cl ,,·J1e11 th teaC'her i11 (le. ·1Je1·atio1i c1oe. a(1111i11i.·ter corpo1·eal 111111 i. l1- 111e11 t. he i l1ailec1 bef01·e the . chool boa1 .. cl a11cl . on1et i111e bef01·e the co111 .. t. ...\.u11t a11d ll11cle · a1"'e al- \\"cl\".' 0 11 l1clll(.1 to tf'Stif\r tllclt \'Ti] - • . lie 11,1~· ,1 cli. 1)0:itio11 alcin to i\ Ia1"'y .· JJittl La1111). a11cl 11. 11ally \Villic <:0111c. 11 t a11eacl. '1 1 l1e :e 11001 acl111i11 i. t1·atio11 a11 1 tl1e teac11i11g taff are made up of i11tellio·e11t peo11le 11ot b1-.a1' 1 le1\ a11d a1·e l)etter t1·ai11ed to deal " "ith Willie tha11 tl1e a,rer ag·e ho1ne foll{. In a tl1dy of di cipli11e at an1 JJ Pat11z o ,,Te fo11ncl that the vou110'- • t e1"' ,vho jl11np llp and dov{11 on the bed p1·ing· pu11ch hole i11 c1·ee11. nitch articl e from the bool{table de t roy tenni 1 .. acl{et .. and break chai1· are ll i1allJ 7 i11 tl1e ha11d. of col111. ellor . who are af1,aid to admini t er pu11i hment 01"' r eport t he actio11 to the director for fea1· of home 1·eaction. It i 011r ·01 icler ed opinion that la,,rle \ ne. ,,Till COll tantl1,- i11C1""ea. e " amo11g yol111g people l1ntil hon1e folk a1"e r eady to ac ·ept oopera– tion from on titl1ted a11tl101"'it:y" j11 clema11ding· cli cipline. Ilavi11g lJee11 the fat l1er of three cl1il dre11 a11c1 110,,· the g-1"'anc1- father of three lJO)''"- ,,..e f ee 1 om– J)etent to ad,:i e 01 anJ 1 tecl111ical problem. i11,rolvi11()' di. cipli11e 1:ia padcll e. II 1 KI~ x Rece11t n e,,· pap l"' a1·ticle. l1a, 1 e in c1i– cated that 111a113r ch ool at1tl1oritie .. are i ·ui11g· order. to lligh chool young· p eople that t o e11te1· th chool r oo111 they 1nt1. t be proper- 131 elotl1ecl. Thi a tio11 i 11ot 0111) 7 e11col11·aging' l1l1t al o r v ali11g. I t i11dicate .. t hat 111e11 a11c1 ,, 1 omen 1--e pon ible for the pt1l)lic i11 ·titt1- t io11. 1 .. ecog·11ize t he c1eg·1'a 1i11g f– f ect. hrot1g·ht ,1 lJot1t l)3? 11alf- lothec1 g·ir--1. . a11d j ea11 clotl1ec1 boy . If tl1e r e. po11. il)le ·itize11r3-? 1na11y of ,,,.l1om are 111ember of ,,..01·l clly c11111· h or n1alte 110 I ro– f e-. io1 at all ol)ject to a1)proval of l101~t · a11cl . t1ch, ,vhat ha1)pe11 to the te. t i111ony of hr'i tian' ' ,,,.omen ,vh o 111a1,e i111ila1, cli play. F r o111 the Regl1lar Ba11ti t pt1l– pit tl1e p1·each e1· l11--g· fo1" epa– ratio11 but mo t ·e1"tai11ly tl1i doe · 1 ot i11 ll1d ·epa1 ..atio11 f1"' 0111 011e cloth e . \\T 111"'ge Regt1la1 .. Bapti t wo1ne11 a11d g·irl to dre i11 lrPepi11g· ,vitl1 thei1' p1'of io11. IT DID II... 1 PE... It j11 t 011lc111 t l1a11)e11 ,, 7 itl1 t,vo n10 l– r r11 : l1ip · 1)11t it lid. Tl1e 11drea Do1'ia a11cl t l1e ,, 1 ecli ·h l1ip Stocl{l1ol1n lid ·ollicle at sea. 1 t ,,~as i11t're liblr ev 11 thot1gh tl1 r . ea ,\·a: .·l11·ot1c1ec1 i11 fog:. F_Ja<·]1 sh i1 ,, 1 a, c1l1ip1)ecl "'Tith r adar a11cl all 111or1e1"'11 ec111ip111e11t a11cl eac11 11ad a cocl c of th :ea. \\rithot1t clot1bt it ,va a hl1ma11 failt11 ..e– g1--o . 11eg·lect of 1t1ty; a total 1·e– lia11ce l1po11 eq1iipme11 t " ·ithol1t r e orting to u ual pr·ecautio11. .r\ it ,,·a. 011 the hip :o i: it i11 the .1ta11darcl routine of life. 11 the higl1wa:r,. 011e mu. t r e- memlJer that goocl eql1ip1ne11t doe 11 t al"?;Tay pell afety i11 travel a the driver till run the (• 81"'. I an} 1 in the ch11rch pt1t 1·eliance i11 111e111ber hip and ordinance. with a 111i11imt1m of attention g~i,"en to per 011al ,, ..orl{. In the lono· la t i t ha l)een determiJ.1ed that r e– ga1"'clle. . of h 11rch mecha11ic and r ot1ti11e er, 1 ice , the va t majo1"– it)7 of tho. e ,vho pro, 1 ide for afet3,. of Oll l b}r PI"Ofe ion of faith a1"e led to the cl eci ion by per onal ,,.,or Jr.• hi I), n1ay be ,,~ell eql1ippecl, al1tomobil e mav be of the late t ._ a11 l 1110 ·t 1·eliable t}rpe a11d ·ht1rche, n1a,.. be pr o,rided with the l)e. t i11cll1di11g 01111d doctri11e, b11t if the hu1nan element fai l i11 it.. 1t1t,r other adva11tao·e mea11 .. b11t litt le. l Tl1e co1 ,rentio11 ora- L .1:\.ll\I to1'}'" ha. . pe11t it elf the o,, .. Palace l1a bee11 1·et11r11ecl to tl1e co,v , and the l)attle f 01' ,Tote. i 011. 1 -r at111~aJl)r l1t1r hn1e11 i11q11ire a. t O the 1,elig·io1 of the , 1 a1--io11. 110111i11ee a11d ca1didate . It i · a 1·ecog11izecl fa t that a 1 atholic ,,To11lcl ha,~e ·011 ide1 cliffict1lt,... ._ i11 aaini11g a eat in the \\Thite 11011 ·e. \\re ,,,.e1'e 1·ece11tl,,. a. l(ed ._ - "'\\Tlr, .. ? I t i. not becat1.. ·e of tl1e • i11 li ,,i cl 11,11 f aitl1 a 11011e ,,_,.011l<l C(ll e. tioJ1 hi. 1"ig·ht to that faitl1 . 11or is it l)ecat1:e l1i chur ·11 i a 111i1101--it)r ~fl"Ollp, a11d 1110 t certai11- l,r it i.. 11ot be all, e he ' '"Olllcl be • c1e11ied a citize1 · 1·i g: l1t to holcl the office. It i · l)e at1 e t11e .I\ 111e1"'i a 11 l eo1le l{tl01'" that i11 'r 11t a atholic hot1lcl b electec1. the eat of a11tl101"it,.. ' '"Ot1ld in1- ._ 111e liatelv l)c tra11 fe1"'recl f1,0111 ._ '\'\ a l1i11o·to11, D. . to r atica11 1 it3T. Tl1e 111erica11 people l1a,~e lea1·11ed a f ,,T thin o· b:v· ,,Tatchi11 O' ._ 1.he n10,..i11g· 1)a1101·a111a i11 010111- l)ia ..'i11ai11 and otl1er 01111t1"ie l111cl r atholi don1i11ati011. The1·e ,,Tot1ld eem to be 110 c.la11<Y 1-- of 1-.elie-·io11 pe1.. 11tion b)r l"e ·b~y 1 't eria11 l1Ild l"' Ei e11-