The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1956

Pag 1\vo THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST______________ October _195~ ~:=:...-~~~---------------------------- Editorial Comment 'I I l 1 ·: l 1 '<)1' 111a11, ,.<'ell'"' • • ('l t'\l 1 llJ t l 11 ~ , Y r 1 t < \ r l 1 a ~ ,1 t t r 11 t l t\ < l c t) 1111 e i l 111 ect– i 11 g·"' l·Hlll'tl ttl t()11f\>1· ,,·it}1 )ro1111g 111('11 :st't'l~i11g· ortl i11,1tio11. lt 18 t•o111111011 ])r,1et i(·e ft) ~1)r11cl H llt)l11 tl\ll lllilllltc>~ tlPclli11g· \\'iil1 l1i~ <'Oil– \. 'r,1t)11 . c111cl e,111 to tl1r 111i11i. tr,... • ,, itl1 ,llHJtLt tl1rrr l1ol1r~ c1r,1'otrtl to clll exa111i11atio11 1111d 1· tl1eologicc1l ,11lJjeet. ,111cl l)cl , it: clo ·tri11Ps. It i._ olr,,j 011. , .·0011 ,1 f tr1· t 11 r C'Xc1111i11atio 11 beui11.:, tll<lt tl1e ra11cli- ~ clc1tr i,- 01· i. J1ot- <J11alifiecl for l1i · ealli11~·, a11cl 111l1c l1 of tl1e . e:– , io11 i. ~ pe11t i11 a. l(i11g· c1l1e tio11~ f cl r l)e,·011cl t 11 e li111 it of 1<11 o,,· leclge • to ,,hich tl1e ave1·ag·e . tt1cle11t 111igl1t 1) ex1 ectecl to go. 111 111a113T ca --e · tl1e 111a11 ,,Tl10 a. lz tl1r q1te. ·tio11 tloe 11ot lr110\,T t11e a11.·,,"e1·, a11cl i11 ~ 01ne ca e. there j tl, t i:11 't a11)" a11. ,, X o,,. it i. 011r c-011. ·iclere c1 oJ)i11io11 that ,, 1 l1ilr there i. a re1'– tai11 .. valt1e i11 lisc11 ·. i11g tl1e cleepe1· l)l'O l)le111 of Neriptl1re, 111t1ch of t lie J) roce l l11·e 111igh t l)e c la ·: ifiec1 a~-I~ ) )XI)OGClLI1 y(l. It i: a11 a(·l<110,,·lec1irrcl faet tl1at tPac:11r1., · a11cl })I'eael1e1-. · a111011g c·l111rel1e: of t11e (}e11e1·,1l .L\., ~oeia– t io11 of I,eg·11 lar Ba l)ti. ·t ( 1 l1 t t1·c l1e. ·, 1·-.111k 11 i 0·}1 a1110110· tl1 eoloo·iai 1. and (( r-, r-,. ~ ' t }10 ~·01111 g 111 e11 bei11~: 01·clai 11 rel f ro111 ret ou11izec1 13a J)t ist Re 11001.. .:ta11cl i11 tl1e fro11t li11e. Tic;)11ce, tl1e C0l111C' i] . Ja~ 1 :tre.. llp011 that ,\·}1itl1 i · the :tro11g· poi11t a1no11g i11 c-0111i11g· 111e11. ig1101'i11g· t l1ose tl1i110-. ,,.. l1e1·ei11 111a11y a1·e ,,.. eal\; • ,,·ec1l{11e.-. e. · "'"l1ic.:]1 J)fO\"ide st111n- bli11g 1Jloc·1t. · a11cl .·ometime.· wre ·1{ ·h 11 re 11 c1. . Tl1 C' " 1 1lggestio11 J t i: Olll' thol1gl1t tl1at COllllCil. · shoulcl 1)1·occecl a.· i11 ti1nes pa. t 1·ecl uci11g· tl1c exa111i11at io11 011 (loe– tri11e to a l)Oi11t of rea. 011 the11 i11troclt1ec a - f..1EC1 l ,.RFJR ,,,.ho ,,,.ill ha,?e lJee11 1)1 .. evio11sly al)– JJoi11tecl a11c.1 ,,·110 ,,·ill aclclre.. · th cauc1iclate fo1· a11proxi111atel3r c1 l1alf l1011r. 'l 1 l1i~ ,,.. 0111c1 11ot 1Je 0011 ic1e1· cl a11 'pxa11Ji11atio11 · lJ11t a . te1) i11 f11rtl1er })re1Ja1·atio11 for tl1e ca11clicl,1te' 1>ul)lic . er, 1 ic . ])i - t1·e s a111011µ: Reg:11la1· 13a11ti~t ( 1 l111re}1ps i. .·r lclo111 or 11e,·er ea11~ecl b.)t ,,·ra1(11e. . i11 theolog·:y', but be– ea11. ·r tl1e <·c:111(liclate i · 11cJt 1>r - J)arecl to cleal ,,·itl1 tl1e p1·attical sic.le of l1i.· ealli11g·. '\\.,.e fi11cl tl1at . 111e11 a11(1 ,,·c)111e11 a re ])r j 11g ~rra cl11- at ecl f1~0111 ,,·01't]1}" el1ool , c1t1alifiecl 01113.. to ·e1·,re a: Bil)le expo ·itor.. "\\T'e l)elie,.. P tl1c1t tl1 ·01111eil. 1t1ig·l1t 111eet a JJ1·r i11g· 11eecl ll)" i11c.·01·1)0- i • H 1 i 11 t!. i 11 t I 1 e J l r l> g· r ,t 111 s ,l 1 P < • t 11 r <' cl t \ c1 I i 11 p: ," i 111 J 1 t 1 l 1) i t <\ t l 1 i <•~, l 111- 111 i 1 i t \• (• l 111 r l' It . ( I 1 i (· l\ s S ' g {) () ( 1 • • l 1() 11 el(r r 1) i 11 g-, . i g 11 i 11 g· ' ' RP\". o 11 1 rt t r1·~ a11 < 1 1Ja11 l< <' J 1 r<' l{ .·, lJo r1·0 ,,1' i 11rr 111011r,,. f ro111 1ne111 l)e1-. of t 11 r ro11- ~ rrg·,{t i 011. lL i11g 8trrr.t ,·er11aC'11]ar. p111 p l1asizi11p: l111111a 11 rg·o. exert i11u ~c>]f eo11tro]. l10111e ,·i ·itatio11, ,111r1 111 c111,,. otl1e r ~11 <· 11 ~ 11 l) j ret:. ....\ 11 • )"01111g· 11rrachrr-. 11eed . 11eh eo111- 111e11tar," a11cl Home ol(le1-- 111e11 . ' 111ig·]1t liste11 ,,rit}1 J)l"Ofit. "\\rr lJrli r,·e tl1at tl1e a(lclitio11 c>f a • T1eC't11rer · to the ,lfter110011 11rog'l'a111 ,,,.011lcl ser,,.e a 11111el1 l)et– ter pl1rpo. e tha11 the p1·01011<2·ec1. 1111r110.·eles. 111·oclcli11g· l111cle1· tl1r– olog·ic al }1eacli11g·.. J. o,,T1x t a11cl RFj .._\ l)JX(: ~\ ) ~Ol111~· lac1 al)o11t fivp vear. of agr • ~ to J) l)P(l l)PC1a 1 i11µ: 11 i~ tric·)rc-]e i11 fJ·o11t of tl1i. eclitor s l10111e, reael1ec1 i11to 111~ hiJ)-11ock<1t <11lcl J)1111ec1 011t ,,·hat a 11 pearcc l to l) r a 1)ael{ age of e i ~ a - J·rttf' ·. Ile ext1,,1c·tec1 011e, ,,,.P11t tl1ro11~·l1 the 111otio11. of ligl1ti11g· i t , a 11 c 1 . at f o 1· cl ,,·11 i l r a. t l 1o 11 }.!: 11 r11 jo~"i11g- a s111oke. .B 1 i11al]~ 1 • lie atr tl1e ea11cl).,. ei~arrttP c111cl }Jec1- ,1le1cl 011. \\Tr 11otiee ,l cli. triC't xalPs111a11 fc)r eigarrttr 11lal'i11g· 8a1111)1es l1e1·e a11cl tJ1e1·r a11cl l1ancli11g sa1nr)le J)ac·l(: tc> c·11. t<J11101·s i11 1·r.·ta11ra11t . a11cl ,,·11err,'rr proJ)l r. arr <1'1- .·r111 l)] eel. To ,1, . llrc> cl l1,1r,.. r~t of . 111ol{ers tl1e1·r 111 t1~t llr ,1 c·o11:ta11t J) 1 ,t 11 ti 11 g· of . rec 1, a 11 <l 11 o c 1 e,,. i c e. are o,'e11·lool<ed. ..\ rh11rc·l1 ,vo111<111 r·cc·r11tl,· 1·r- • 111arl<rc1 that ~h<' hacl a l1ard time . 111ol{i11u· i11 t]10 J)l'(\ ' (>11c·r> of c)tl1rr 1>eOJ)lc, 'a11cl e\TP11 110,,,. I c·c111 t fo1·c·r 111,..,·clf to .. 111olcr 011 tl1r .. strc(>t. · It 111ig·l1t l)r spi1·itt1nll;· J)1·ofital)le if hrr el1l11·t]1 ,,·011]cl .·111ol<e 11<~r <>llt of tl1r 111c111l1er:l1iJ). X ... \:\J ~:!--, ,111 cl F .1\. EN Tl1 i11abilit,· tc) 1·p- • 111 e111 l)e11· 11a111e a11 d f ac.:es J)r<18e 11i~ 011c_) of tl10 })1·ol)le111.· of clc.l- ' •;-111 c.· i 11 !.!.' H g· r . ( 1 o 1111 e C' t i 11 g <l l 1 c1111 \ ,,·itl1 thr 11roper fa('e a(lcl · to tl1e J>rohlr111, a1Jcl 111a11)" ti111es 011p is l1arcl 1)ressrcl fc)l' a ,,·,1>· ot1t. "\\-rl1ilc~ l'P\rie,,·i110· C)lll' C'OlltHc:t \\ 1 1t}1 t}10 ~ lJC<) J1l e of ()J1io ... \ .·:oc·iatiot1 ,,·p 1·e- tall 0111e of tl1e r111lJa1·1·,1~."i11!..?, lllOlllPll t:. 1. It ,,·a~ i11 <l s111c1l] t111trel1 llC1cll' f:l, ,. ricl \\'llC'J'C \\' (.\ \\ 1 () 1'(' f,lirl\T . . ~ ,,rll cl<'<Jll<1i11trcl, a11cl ,,.. c>rr ctt tl1<1 cl<l<Jr g1·<1t1ti11~· tl1<1 J>P<JJ>lr ,1ftrr "Pr,"ic·e. ~\ frir11cl ,,·hc)111 ,,,.r. l1c1ll e,111 ~fr. ~111itl1. 1>a.·:rcl alcJ11g· ,111cl ~aicl: ·' '>"" 011 ,,·011 t srr 111e fo1~ fJll itP c1 ,,·J1ilr 110,Y, a~ l a111 g·oi11g <>11t tcJ "])Pll(} .'C)llle ti111e '\\ 1 it}1 l11J"" 8011 i11 \\T,\'t,111i11g·. ' ... \ fter 111c1l<i11µ: :--it1it– able1 co111111r11t, ,,·e 1--ec1c·hecl for the l1a11cl of tl1r lacl,T 11ext i11 li11e a11cl ... . cl i cl : · ... 1 re .11 o It {Joi, 1 g to 1V .lJ o 1, 1- i no witli ~l / r. >. 11iitl1? ' The lac1~,. e11t :l1ort tl1r l1a11(l.1l1al{e a11cl ,,·itl1 e,..c1.· flc1. ·l1i11tr, .·aicl: ' 'I a111 ... T • <roino· to \\TVQ})lill~f \\·ith :\f 1•. ........, ........_ '- ' S111itl1. ' ' ( ~ 11e ,,·a.· 11ot l1i. · ,,,if e. ) :2. I 11 011r eh llrc 11 a lac1, .. ,, .. a8 • i11t1·ocll1cecl a. ;\Ir.· . J;1"011:. 111 a • l ool( titlecl, · IIo,,· To Re111en1l)e1· ~ a111e~ a11cl F aee. , ' ' ,,·e 1·eacl tl1at a 11a111e 111ight be relatecl 111e11tal– l)· to a '· 1)e1· 011, l)laee 01· tl1i11g. · · ~o ,,·e relate l tl1i~ .~ i. te1 .. to a lio11 clr11. \ri. iti11g thr C'hlll' ·11 a fe,r ,rrek:s Jatr1·. a11cl l{110,,·i11g· that I eo {)le lil{e to be 1· :.111e111lJe1·ecl b)· 11 c1111 e ,,·e l)olcll~" a J) IJ1·oae 11 rel t 11 e lclc1,~ a11c1 . aitl: ·' IIo,,· a1·e "\'"Oll to- • '1 cla )'" ~ ::\ I 1--. . Da11ie 1 ! )Ia11J· ti111e. latrr ,,·r 111 et t 11 e :i:te1· ,vho ,,·a~ al,,·a,... · cc>lcl a11c1 fo1 .. mal. .. ;~. It ,,·,t~ i 11 tl1 e 1 ><J. ·tof fic.:e at • 1 t. ~>rt e1·. l)tlrg· tl1at ,,·e . cl\\~ a c·<>ll J) le I ool\'.i11g- at tts i11 te11 tl~,., a11 c.1 cl <>111· c,·r: 111et tl1e1" 1·t1:l1ecl cle1·0. s ~ . tl1r <·01·rit1or, ~11001< ha11c1.· a11cl j11111J)Pcl a1·<)t111cl e.x1)rr,.si11g tl1e 111c-1xi11111111 i11 jo}.,.. I tarted to jt11111> tcJo.. o r,"er~'"l)CJtl).. ,,·a. · j1111111- i11g·, altl1011o·l1 I hac1 110 iclra ,,rl10 tl1r }) l)<J J lP ,rere. \\ 7 e c·hc:1ttec1 fl1ri- Oll~l,·, ,111cl I a.·l<ecl 111a11,· leacl • • c111estio11~, reael1i11g £01-- a elt1e. F i11a11)", i11 (lc\·11erc1tio11 I 8aicl: • 4 '1 1 I 1 i. i s 1111 c I c> 11 l l t r c 11 , .. a (• cl · r o f • 111il'-ltal,e11 iclP11tit,... as I 1~eall,.. • • clt>11 't 1(110,r ~~ot i 1)eo11le. · Tl1e to111)lt1 lool(ecl asto1111cle(l a11d saicl: ' 4 '\,T0 }ll't 1 J 'Ollr 11eiu·l1l)o1·8 i11 ~~l}"- 1·ia. \\~ e 1 i \"r 011 , .. 0111· . t1·eet. do\,~11 • cl little ,,Tel)"·· (They 'do11't J,· 11011· its 111 El,·ria, c-111c.l ,,·e c1id11 't • 1~ 11c),,· t l 1 '111 i 11 l~, l t) r i c.1 cl . ) 4. :\11'.· . 1~ i11lp,· i. three 111011tl1s .. , ..01111~·e1· tl1,l11 tl1i8 eclitor a11c1 i: • cl g·l'eat l1rl1) i11 re111e111be1'i11g 11a111es c111tl fates. ~ !-411e 1·t'111e111l)el\' e,,.erJ"– tl1i11g·- i11 fa<·t, tO() lllllC'll. ) l t \\"<ls i11 011e of tl1e (_ ']p1·el,111cl c.: l1 t1 rt 11es c111cl ,,·e ,Ye re a tt e11<..li11g a sol'ial f1t11ttio11 l>et,,.,ee11 ~t111cla," ... a ftt1r11<><)11 "111cl e,·r11i11g se1·,·ite.... 011 a \ "e l')" s1)eeial otc.:c1sio11. .r-\. ,·e1·~.. 11ite lac.l,.. . ·at be. i le 111e a11tl ]1e1· • ,111j111atPtl el1atter <·lea1·l\" i11clie,ltetl .. tl1c1t 1 sl1c)11lcl }(110,,· l1er. I tlitl