The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1956
January 1956 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST WHO'S WHO! ; Gerald V. Sniels e1· A familiar figur e at tbe annual mee tings of Obio \ ssociation dur– ing the past fifteen years has been th e REV. OERALD S IELSER, . uperintendent of r he Clev lancl Hebrew Mis ion , 'leveland, Ohio . ·v{ e recently a. ked l\Ir. "- melse1· for personal data and find in the material furnished that h e ac– cepted his present position in 19-:1:J , sncceeclin g the l ate R ev. F . C. Im– hof. Ile was ordain ed by the Cal – -vary Baptist hurch , A l toona, P ennsylvania upon recommenda– tion of a co un cil made up of l el - gates from the R gnlar Baptist Church e. of \fv e. tern I ennsylvania. F oll owing his ordination h e ac– eeptecl call to the Calvary Baptist Church, l\ lannington, \Ve. t Vir– ginia, lead ing· that clrnrch into fel – lowsh ip with the General Associ – ation of Regu la1· B apt ist Ch1nches, ancl was inst rnmrntal in t he fo r – mation of t he Assoe iabon of: R eg– ular Baptist Churches of ,Vest Virginia. \Vhen fr. ~nwlser was <:all ecl to rl'h e 'leveland fT ehrew l\ f ission th e work spon so red the l lebrff,v ( 'hristian ~\ i,;semhly, a c lrnreh work– ing in conjundion wit h 1he mi s– sion. l nch 0 1· hi s leaderi.;hip th(' assern hly wai.; disba ncl(•d and ahont fifty of its rnember i.;, induding 11'. Nmelser and his fanii lY united with . ' tlw Bc•th lPlwrn Bapti st ( 'h111·c·h of whic·h Uw Ht'\'. Ult'llll ll . Davis is pasto r. 'rwo f ornw 1· lll<' m lwri,; of tlw assembly a1·<> now sc> 1·vi11g with Bapti st lid-Missions. 'J'Jw Cle>velancl I l t>brew ;\ lission \Hts fcntndPd in l!lO-t a11d t·<>l<,bratt>cl t he Gol den Jubil ee in · rn- -±. i\ liss L.iida Imbof, daughter of t he fo rm– er superintendent, continues t o serve as th e secretar y . Th e R ev. Smelser wa s one of the founder of t h e Baptist Bible Tn – stitn tc and ha continuolt. ly served on the faculty, n ow being Chair– man of the Aclviso1·y B oard of the . chool in leveland . H e is also a trustee of Cedar vill e Baptist Col– l ege. The superint end n t v isited t he Hol y Land on a p er. onall y f i– nanced tour in 195-:l: and hi . pic– t ure nnd lectures have been wide– ly u eel among R egular Bapti. t Churches. :\Ir. Sm l er al o carries a broadcast program ov r several st ation s as set fo r t h i11 advertise– ment canied in this magazine. Man y ehurch es and individualf.::; in Obi~ \.ssociation a r c inter ested in 1 1 he Clevela nd Hebrew "i\. li8siou , ma ilin g address, Box :355 G, Clew- 1 an cl l , Ohio . J\ l l S IC' TN r ng Cll l RCJL ( 'on ti nrn'd from page 7 ) lJo rcl first of a ll , ancl th en the moY– ing of the 8 pil'i t within the breasts of th e 1 isten e l's, rnak(' sm· c t ha1 Uw songs seketcd ai·c a pprop1·iak. \ personal frirml of min e who is a membp1· of' 011 1· l'J\'clll 8\' il ll' Ohio C'hurl'h , whl'r<' brothrr Don Loomis is P asto1·, to ld rnr 01wc t hat wh en lii s l'atlwr ( a good olcl -fashio11 cd Hapti st Preal' hcr of a 1rnrnbt' 1' ol' yeai·s ago ) had pourt>d out hi s so nl i 11 a Jl H]) pt 1 1:tl i Il g' lllC'SSH ge for ('OllSP– (•J'a t io11 a11cl to ltaY<' t lH' pt'oplc> takP a fonn1rd stand to pt·<>ss onw,tl'cl Page Fifteen ,111d upwa rd for (loci- he thr n h t rn ecl t o hi s so ng ]racl e r ancl told him to have t lie p eople sta nd ancl sin g. rrhe .·el ction ch osen by t lw so ng clirec-tor was '' [ sh all n ot hr moved " . . . rrhe past or , Rrv. Mor- ga n ... stopp c> c1 the s in g in g .. . a nd r rfus c1 to let t h em go on ... . l l ow th is vc>ry thing has ruin ed man y a sermon , ma ny a servi ce, ma ny a convi ·tion . 'l'hn s to summarize bridlv the purpose of t he .·on g leade r .. .' . it is !lil t t h is: Gd t he people t o sing . Yonr in te nt with ever y son g s hon lcl hr to so link togeth e r into one c·h a in or into one channel th e minds of all the p eo r le so that th ey togeth er think about the same thing at the same time. T o to uch t h e l1earts of the peopl e l).v the word .· a nd melodies, so t hat t hey a re soft ened , so t hey become t he " broken -up grorn1cl " for the Reed of the \ Vorel to be p lan te l in ... so God can sp ak to t h eir h earts . . . His voice through the Spirit h ard and obeyed. Your job is al o to prepare the pastor . . . Diel the Scriptnr not ay, '' \.nd it came to pa. s wh en the min. trel played , Elisha began to prophesy.'' How many :ermon h ave been ble. sed, and '' effectiYe '' becan e the preach– er 1Yas already prepared b fore the deliYer y of the message God hacl p lac c1 upon hi heart , becau e a g-ood con se rated conscientiou ong lead er was " O:N IIIS TOES " ... doing his job well, incer ely a n d with these purpo e in mind . Children's Gospel Hour, Inc. Living ton, Tennes ee A work of faith broadcasting the Gospel to the millions of children not in Sunday school. AIRED WEEKLY OVER 100 STATIONS Heard in Ohio over thes stations WWST- 960 Kc. Woost r- 3:00 p.m. Sun . WWST-FM-104.5 Mc. Woost r- 3:00 p.m. Sun. WTOD- 1560 Kc . Toledo-7:30 a.m . Sun. WFR0- 900 Kc. Fr mont- 3:45 p.m. Sun. WFRO- FM - 99.3 Mc. Fr mont - 3:45 p.m. Sun. WFOB - 1430 K . Fostoria - 7:45 p.m. Sun. WFOB-FM- 96.7 Mc. Fostoria- 7:45 p.m. Sun. WPI - 790 K . Sharon, Pa.- 9:15 a .m. Sun WPI -FM- 102.9 M . Sharon, Pa.- 9:15 a .m. Sun. LISTEN- T 11 our Friends- PRAY v. H nry ig r, Dire tor
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