The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1956

January 1956 DR. J. IDLOW B X'rER (Continued from page 6 ) laughiuo- eye , and an attractive and sympathetic voice. Ile uses a rich vocabulary, and i. dir ct and convincing in hi. style of speech. At no time does h in– dulge in anything pertaining to ch ap oratory, but, when occa ion d mand , hold forth with th au– thority of a prophet, with rin ging voice and dramatic inten ity . At uch time his power s of oratory are unmi takable. l\I r. Baxter i not only a preach– er of outstandino· ability; first and foremost he is a Bibl t each r , an engao·ing and convin cing Bible t eacher with hi own approach and method. Ilis weekly Bible School ha attracted Bible lovers from places other than the hapel, who li ten with rapt attention to his exposition of the Scripture. . As is well known by the Chris– tian public, 1\Ir. Baxter has b en in incr ea ing demand at large con– ferences and conventions, youth rallie , Bible and Advent Testimony m etings, and gatherings for the deepening of sp iritual life . H e has preach d in many of the famous pulpit. of the land, and addressed gatherings in mo t of the important hall ·, in cluding the Royal Albert llall. Ilis large t audiences have b en at the Cry tal Palace, Lon– don, and at the Ocean Gr ove Aud– itorium, U.S .A., with crowd , re– spectively, of just ove1· and just under 12,000. His public ministri s have x– tended beyond these shores . H has visited America and anada 1x times for Bible lecture tours. On hi s r ecent " ronnd the world " tour he was greatly u ·ed of God in ministerin g to vast throngs who gather ed to hear him in Ameri ca, Am;tralia , and New Z aland. Ile ah;o visit d man y of the mission fields, i"Jigeria, Belgian Uongo, E gypt, Syria , India, Pakistan , BACKGROUNDS ur stock includ s a wid vari ·y of attractive back– grounds: basi indoor, out– door , nigbt scenes, an d vi l– lage sc nes. $2.75 each BELIEVER 'S BIBLE AND BOOK CO. 120 Park Ave. Elyria, Ohio THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Pale. tine, Rom e. Ili. all -colour fi lm of this tour , which tak s two evening. to show, i f fa cin ating inter st, and has drawn crowd d auclienees in Edinburgh. ln thr r ealm of literatur , l\ lr . Baxt r i. a 1 rolifi and 5 if t d writ r, both in pro ·e and poetry. llis Bible S ·hool u es a hymn– book, c rnprising a hundr d or mor hymn , mostly hi own compo ition , overin o· a ar at rano·e of Evan-0·el- .,.., b · ·<:) i al truths and hri tian xperi- ence. As a writer of pro e, hi: work are chara t rized by scliolar– . hip , simplicity, originality, lucid– ity, san thinking, and exactn es . Hi various works, u h as '' Ilis Part an l Our. ,'' '' tu dies in Prob– lem Text , '' '' rrhe Best Word Ever " '' Mark These Mn " " En- ' ' t er Ye l n ," " P ent o t anl To- day,'' are becoming· in r a ·ingly well knovvn and highly prized by an ever-growing .ircle of Cbristian r eader s. And now appear: his rnagn1tni opus-" Exp 1ore the Book," publish ed in ·. ix large at– tractive volumes, designed to take the reader righ t through the Bi– ble from Gene is to Revelation, and , although packed v;,ith solid matter, written in a most r eadable style, al– most a deliver e l in lecture form to hi Bibl School. vVe fe 1 a l– mo t certain that a these volum s become known they will be adopt d in many p laces as a standar l course of broadly interpretative Bible study. vVIlEN THE BROOK DRIED Uod kn w when the widov,,' •ru e was lo,v And the meal was almo t gon e, And lle dried the brook where Elijah drank And Ile sen t Ilis ser vant on, rrhat the handful of meal ,'houlc1 not b sp nt Or th e li ttle oil gr ow le ·s And that, whC'n th widow 's son la y dead 'rhe proph t 's prayer s hould bl ess. I l ast ! l e dri ed t he brook wh er e thou hast dwelt ? 'anst thou find no solae, t he1·e "? 7Jareph ath is r ea dy if Chcrith fai l, '\ it Ii oil and meal to share . Oh tarry not, should I le bid t hee go, Hi s rn 's8e nger thou ·halt b ; 'J'h ou shalt ·a 1Ty a bless i11 g to those who wait, And a bl Pssing wait th t ht>C' . - .. l 1111ie J ul111so11 J!1li11l Page Nineteen , 'EVEN R lJE F R PREA 'I [– I NG TJIE W RD y Rev. '. Maple Root Road, Elyria, Ohio 2 'l' IMO'rJIY 2 :15 1. P1 · ach It A s An I n.pi?- cl B oo le 2 Tim. 3 :16. ontrast with oth r books. Ref. 1 Pct. 4 :11 . 2 P t. 1 :21. 2. Pr ach It A Pinal knthority. Act.· 17 :11. Not what som church t eache . Ref. Luke 10 :26. l sa. :20. 3. Preach I t Ri ghtly Divid d . 2 rrim. 2 :15. A a key to proper under tancl– ing. R f. Neh. : . Luke 24 :44. 4. Preach I t W ithoiit AU 1·ation. Rev. 22 :1 , 19. 'ome o called " K ys" do not un lock. Ref. P a . 119 :105. 2 r im. 3 :16, 17. 5. P1 ·each I t A s .. A L iving Power. Ileb. 4 :12. 1 nder it · preaching inner fell. Ref. Act 2 :37. Act 6 :10. 6. P1 · ach I t D ispassionately . Acts 15 :14-17. The Book become n ew to you. Ref. Col. 2 :14. Gal. 4 :9-11. 7. P1·each I t l s A Guicle To Goel . 2 Tim. 3 :14-17. Revealing od' way of alva– tion. Ref . Rom. 5 :12-21. Rom. 10 :9, 10. NO THRILL LIKE IT! Like What?? GIVING TO MISSIONS ! Why not try it out by making a g n rous gift through th treasury of your horn chur h to th neral Fund of th FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS and thus a sist in re-churching Am rica with N w T stam nt typ Baptist bur h s. Addr ss all ommunicat10n to P. 0 . Box 455 Elyria, Ohio