The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1956

Fag F ur THE Hl INDEPENDENT APTIST January 1956 MANLY TEARS B)· \\'~I. II. I) \ \ r lES, Col11111lJtts, Ohio ~\ s most ( ' hris– ti..i1rn know, or sh O lll ll knO\\', the shortc>st ,·prsc> i11 tlw Bi– ble> i ' fonncl in .John 11 ::t) Hnd eo11. ists of thp two words : · · ,J PSI 1s ,,·ept . ·' ,Just t\\'O word,\ but h ho\\' pre.~nant \Yith nwani11p: they arc>, ho"· revelatorr of tlw Divine nature as being one of tenderne. s ancl rompa .. io11. \\'hat if it were o.thenYi. e and Oocl \\·a,' a cruel. nnmerciful, malignant Creator? \ \ hat wonld be the lot of 1 oor. fallen hnmanity ? 'l'hat :m·h i: not the ca . e, hut that our hocl in 11 i. Yery e.. em·e is love ancl mer er and can be toneh ecl ,rith the feeling of onr infirmities and l'an . ympathize \\'ith n. in the . ame. .'honlcl cau~e our praise. to a. - ·encl perpetnall~· to the throne of C:race . .·ever al rea . on have been given a. to ,Yh~- J e u. wept on thi. oc– c: a, ion. but we he lieve the true one i. the olwiou. one, and that Iii. tears flo\\·ecl not on ]~- because of the deep . ympathy of Ih great h eart to,rnrcl the t,Yo devoted, grief– . tricken . isters, but His omnis– c:ience looked clo\\·n through th e c:enturie. and . a\\' the million . of llll'l'cl inµ:, hroke11 hc>Hl'is hN·ausc> of till' fp]l C' IH'lllY of mankincl, an 1 If e lo1wed to ,.., 0 · th e <Toss that He rs ' 111 iirht cl es troy him who had thr power of death , and hri ng hf e an cl immortalit)· to lig·ht throug·h the Uospel. \Yhat a pietllre is present ecl to us in thi. s ·ene , ancl what a re– buke it i. to our own lack of ten– der feeling. Here we have the iu– canrnte Son of God, the manlie. t :\ Ian that eve r trod thi. earth,. hed– din g tear of . orro,v and . ympath)' at the grave. icl e of H i. fri end. Surel)' thi. expre:sion of love and l'Ompa ·ion did not derogate from the . plendid manhoocl of the Mas– t er ; yet there . ee1m; to he a pre– valent idea among a lot of men to– clay that weeping denote. weakness , that tear: and t enderness are with– in the province of women, that to be manly mean to be hard-boiled, nn. ~·mpathetic and un entimental. ,\. ~Teater lie was n ever . pread a– l road hv the devil. It is true tear . of ;elf-pity are unmanly, but su ch t ear . as our ~aviour shed eleYate and glorify manhood, and we are certain thi: old world would he a much bett er place to Jive in if th er e wer a few more tender– hearted men in it. Bi-Lingual Testaments - a Mighty Tool !I 5ANlO E\.'ANCELlf' SEr.Oi,. ·~ .. , .. , ll'ucl • i.. ,~. ....... A JUA"' TH.E C0SP£L ACC01U>CSG TO S JOH 1' ·';, '11:>\( :"!'11;:::., ji/:11? , wic ., . 1:1:., The International Board of J ewi sh Missions has been asked to r epresent the Society for Distributing the Holy Scriptures to the J ews, of London England, to promote the distribut_ion of Bi-Lingual New Testaments in North and South America. These Testaments are now availabl e in Hebrew-En glish and Hebrew-Spanish, with Hebrew,French and Hebrew-Dutch edi– tions in preparation. Because of the J ew's reverence for Hebrew " the holy language". the Bi,Lingual Testaments are Dr. Jacob accepted and read by J ews who woul d not touch an English or Gartenhaus h 1 · '' Spanish Testament. They are proving "mi g ty unto sa vat1on . We need your prayers and encouragement as v:e. und~rtake thi s chal · lenging responsibility. Continue to pray for our m1ss10nanes as they seek to win "the lost sheep of the House of Israel'' in many parts of the worl d. Gift to thr Board arr income tax rl ed ur tab le. Dr. Jocob Ga rte nhaus, Presiden t Rev. Robert G . Lee , Ph.D., Ch-,irma n, AtJ. :;or> C _.. • ii INTERN ATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, Inc. Dept. O Box 1256 Atlanta 1, Georg i a Nam ,J ones, th(' eva ngC'l ist , in paying· his respects to some of thC'sr c:allolls, unsentimental fe llows, used to say: ''1 hey ought to get somr hair ancl tai ls and be sure-enough clogs. '' Ancl we think he wa. a– hont right in the rnattC'r, for it is t lH' ('hri:t-like qnalitie: of p ity and tenderness that lift men ahove thr h·nte level. \\ e r emember reading dm·ing the Second ·world \\ ar of an incident in the life of General George Pat– ton, a man who had the reputation of being one of the mo. t hard– boiled general: in our Armed .B"orces. After a . evere engagement during the African campaign, a friend came to ee him in hi t ent and found him crying lik a baby. A:ked what the matter wa , he r eplied: '' Oh, I ju. t r eceived word that one of my deare. t friend. ha. been killed in action, and I'm all bro1,en np about it. I kno-n· I'm acting like an old fool, but I thought the world of that fellow." "'i,Vhen \\ e r ead it, we could not help but think of the lines of Bay– ard Taylor in hi '' Song in Camp: · ' '' The braYe t are the t endere. t. The loYing are the daring." Old two-gun Patton wa not o hard-boiled a many thought him to be, and thi expr ·sion of feeling on hi. part did not detract from the quality of hi manbood in the . lighte t, but rather elevated it ev– eral degree. in the e. tirnation of the \\Titer. Every real man, we are per- naded , ,Yonld be th e better for the ~hedding of a few t ear . over ome thing. . rrhere is great n eed of mol'e tear of CO~DOLE2'J E or sympathy. The Bible tell. u WC' are to '' ,veep with them that weep.'' That mean there i a re- . pon 1ve fellow-feeling m our hearts toward tho e in orrow or , trouble, and in a mea. tne, we fee l their woe a they do. God know · there are enough object upon which to exerci e uch compa ion, PHOTO-ENGRAVING-SE:RVICE ZINC HAU'IONts ANO UNt ETCHINGS - Al.I WOU WO ITf FOO POICf LIST ANO CAT>.1.0G OF 0, CHRISTIAN STOCK ""' - ENGRAV~ ,~" --'-'~ ... 460, Wl.e.ton, .. l'Oa CHV~CHU ANO Qi~ PUILICATIONS