The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1956
ag ty ____ _ _ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST January 1956 • BOOK REVIEWS • E.-P)811lRY l'Il.Jl ~E 0~ 'I 11E "\Vll LE BIBLE Thi.s "et of b k. br II RLE SDl E ) .l T will b found very help– ful to the pa tor and teacher earch– ing- for ex o·e i . The t "hen complete will arr.,· · 1 Y lume , numbering from 1 to 10, ld Te tament, and 11 to 21, Xew Te tament. Th e New Te ta– m nt i being publi hed fir t and ); o. 1 and No. 19 Philippian I Tim thy, II Timothy, and II brev; 1 haYe ju t been rel a ed. Th author ha gathered all cripture in th cope of hi tudi and pre ent -for all practical pnr– po e -a , er e by ver e expo ition. which e m to be in many r e pect uperior. ,, e would be plea ed to conclude our comment with tho e remark ; boweYer, we mu t add that pre-millennial tudent will find on iderable fault with some of the theology. The tudie are r eprint . the author having erved about the year 1 00. A i often the ca e, "hen quotinO' from work of ·writer s of previou centurie. , their e cha– tology eem to be definitely faulty. The et doe merit careful tudy but we do not r ecommend the vol- nm a theological text. Zondervan Publi hinO' H ouse. U-rand Rapid , "i\Iichio·an, . ·3_9 - p er Yolum . '~\L\T \.TIOX I~ A CIENTIFl ' AGE H ere i a book by Leon ::.\l ae;on, editor of Th rllabama Baptist which ·we recommend a sirnplr .tudie in e;riptural 'l1ruth regard– inO' alYation. The author holds do ely to hi theme and . ets fo rth the plan of ·alvation, the prereq– ui ·ite · of ah ation, and the prob– lem of alvation. H e clearly how · the place of bapti m, indicatino· def– initely that bapti m is not alva– tion, nor doe it open the door to it. The author al o deal with pre– de ination in a imple and un– der tandable way. The book carrie 120 page and i. priced at ·1.75 by The Zondervan Publi hinO' Hou e, Grand Rapid 6, ::.\Ii higan. BAPTI i Bapti t people have long felt the need of ju t uch a booklet a ha now been produced by DR. WIL– LIA::.\I H. PARDEE, prof or of ,. y tematic Theolo~y, Grand Rapid · l apti t Th eoloO'ical mrnar. . 1rand Rapid , 1lichio·an. 1 n th e booklet of more than 60 page Dr . Pardee set forth bap– ti m in it. importan •e, it. ub– ject , and it. mode . Ur an. wer · many of the argum nt brought to bear again t the beliefs of Bible beli ving Bapti t and the page will provide mu ch valuable crip– tur al data for the t eacher or eek– er after truth. Order from Dr. William H . Par– dee, 14 1\Iy r t le A venue, N. ,, ., Grand Rapid , lVJichigan . THIRTY CENT. 'l1ALKS ON LUKE ' S GOSPEL Thi book of about 300 page will be a contribution of value to the library of preacher and teacher . It i a full coverage of t he Go pel named. Reader will find it to be devotional, inspirational and ex– pository. The author i Eugene Stock an influential fi gure in the Church of .England, division. Ili ,\Titing · have been a feature of the American S unday Schoo l Journal and bi. previous book-lengt h ex– I o ·ition. have indudecl ' ·Le.son · On The I ife Of Our l.Jorcl," " Le.·– sons On 'l1he A ·ts Of 'rh e \ 1 os– tles,'' and '' Lesson tudie · ln Uen– e i . " Baker Book ll 011se , G r and Rap– ids 6, Michigan-. ·3. 00 E \ \~GEL l S 'l' f ' ll..J 1.J ll "l'JL \ – T10~ ' Ii' RO::.\ I THE D lBLB 'rl1is book by Fari D. '\Yhi.tcsrll . is not a book of stories designed to illustrate cripture truth , but rather a compilation of ~cripture. · de.,igned to ·on late Bible fact . ::.\ lr. ·white ell ha taken 120 theme , then gathers around the theme r elated 'cripture, provi ling a progr es ive outline for u e in the illu tration of the point intended. 'l 1 he book will be of special value to teacher preacher and tho e who are called upon for brief me - sag·e . Excellent for Prayer Serv– ice! Zondervan Publi hing Hou e, Grand Rapid 6, Michigan-$1.75 Any book favorably r eviewed on this page may be secured from The B liever B i ble & B ook Co., 120 Park A veniie, Elyria, Ohio. IIO IJLYv\ OOD 'E , ', 'POOL 'l1he value of this gr eat hook by Evangelist Rob .rt L . , nrnner do . not r t in it. r ad r int r st only, but in th startlin g· r evelation of its page·. No hook coming from t he pr ., in r ecent y ars will have had a more frustrating effect upon the source of juvenile delinqu n cy and a sociated evil. It is factual, being well docu– mented throughout. It names names, indicates dates, id entifies person– alities by cla · ification and expose the gr o s immorality and lawless– ne of per on who carry highly pul-1licized po ition in the cinema. It deal ·with the movie-makers b hind the cesspool, r evealin o· by name the r ed and pinks, expo ·es the divorce program and the ex.– change of hu bands, the '' r elio'ion '' of the tar , the blasphemou por– trayal of our Lord on the cr een. and ends with a Bible exposition r elat ive to " Bible Chri tianity vs Hollywood 1\Iovie . '' Thi i a great book of 275 pages. pt bli hed and distributed by word of the Lord Publi her , 214 '\Ve t "\Y c.-:;ley treet, v\ heaton , Illinois, and prie;ecl at .' 2.50 per copy. 'l1IIE GLORl 0(1 ' REVIV \I .J NDER K lNG IIEZEKLAH Dr . "\YllJBCR :\f. , MITH ha · proc.111 ·ed a bookl0t which will he wi. drly u ·ed by Chri. peo pl e in 011t li11i11 µ: a r evival. 'l'he author bi.I. c his st udy on the oTeat r cYiYal trncler 11 ezekiah , ho"·cver. tluorn:!'11 - out the fifty page.- ·will br fou 1H.l abundan t application to the pre.-r11t hour . The book · written hy this emi– nent teacher-preacher are always in demand. Zondervan Grand Rapid cent . Publishing Hou e, 6, l\lichigan, fifty '\"\ HEN BILLY GRAH l\I FOUND CHRIST This booklet i a brief hi torical sketch of B illy Graham and covers t he tor) of an all day prayer meeting· and a r evival. The empha i i placed upon a r evival of marked influence held in the outh which eem to have b en th beginning of the evange– li t ' mighty work for God. The booklet arrie 45 paO'e . Sword of the Lord Publi her 'Wheaton Illinoi - 50 cent .
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