
Page l'\ cnty THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST --=~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~ F eb1 uary 1956 ' 'HER IDOLS ARE BROKEN DOWN'' 11,· I~l~\ ·. \ \TJTJl; ] ,. \ ~l l~. l 1 ' l '~( 1 () • \ TiH \ rittoria. ( 1 olo11n,1 15 .. \ . Xa1)les, Ital.,· . \ 1111n ·"' t'aer ,vns a~ ,vhit0 as a ,l1t><1t a~ ~he ,,·Ht<: hc}cl tl1r little f irP ln1r11. ..\ -., . l1t> ~too(l thrrr tren1- lll i110· l1t\r fa(·r l1rtra,·<l<l thP 1110- ,....' . n1r11tar)· .. tark fc)ar tl1at rag·c <.l ,vitl1- i11 l1er. s,1rel,· <;o<.l ,va. 110,Y goi 11g ~ to tri kt> 11 er clrc1 cl rig-ht 011 the '"l •'li, ~!JP tho11ght. · i1 irrtti11g al1t>a<.l of n1)·sp l r. o • 11:.,,l lJl'ttPr , t,1rt at t11e he- . . !..! 111111) 1g·. ~\1111a·. i~tl'r i, .\ 111011ictta. a ,·c)1·. ~ })J' t 3 t t,\· clarl{l1aircd :ig11ori11a. I~, ~11~ 011P of t]1p 1nost clerpl,\· !-il)ir– it1Lal 111 1 111hp1·s of olL l' l~agnol i l1ap– ti"t ( 'hnrl'h, .... \11to11i(>t ta is a :,.,])len– clicl Pxa u11lle of ,Yl1at ( 1 hri"t <:an <lo , Y i t h a 11 1 t al i a 11 < • o 11 v l' rt . Nh c' ,\'a" :-.a,·ec 1 a 11 o11 t t, r o .'· c_l ar ~ ago , r h <' 11 , i11 111t1 111iclst of a })h,\·sic·al 11 t·<·<l. ~he rt1<'t 1 iYecl the lo,·i11g 1ni11istr,· of • our fp}lo,Y 111issio11aric 1 ~, l)ic·k and l ~c>,.t .. r l, · .:\ l n"h r r . ' ~ I o11 t 11 a ft Pr 111 o11 t h ..\ ll t o11 i P t t H t al k: <,,cl to b <1 r c ·at ho1 i c · s1. t <' r, .. \ n 11 H• al1011t tht> ];orcl ,ritl1ot1t i,.;<'<' ll l i 11g· to lllcl ke clll). 1111 p l'P~SlO)l \Y hH t~o– r,·er. ..\ t lra:t jt 1ookPcl that '"a-'·· 'l'hPn "'"\1111a ,va~ takt1n to the> hos- 1>i1al f'o· a1 01)r1·at ion. l~\·er)· c.lc1)· •\ 11 to 11 i ( l a 1· i" it P < 1 h <> i- 111 i n i. tr r i 11 g· to hc)1· p )'1,11.:Hl 11c 1 ecl.. \\l'hr11 Dil'k , \' P 11 t t o 1· t ·a, l t 11 c> Bill Ir a 11 <. l 1)r a ) 1 ,Yith her.... \1111c1 [earf'ull ,\· ,,·hii-;1 errcl to 11ll)H~P 11<,t lrt th r 1,ri<'sts or "ii~– t r r-, ~cf> tl1e l ~ihl c> a: tl1P\ 1 ,Youltl • Hll i>P :-,11rr])~ tl1ro,,·11 out if th r , · clicl. ..\ ft er her :-;istrr 's r<>l c' H!-if' f ro.111 tl1e l1o"'t)ital . ... \nto11i<1tta ,ye111t to llrr 11011,c for a ,v0elt 1>ra~·i11g· for an oppo rt1111it.,· 1o 111ect h<>r ·11iritt1al 11PC'tl as ,vf>ll as t}1p 11h,\ 1 ~i<·al . rJ,hen t,Yo cl ,,i:,·s ago ( .Ja11uar~· 1 th ) it l1a1)])enecl. ' ' "\ \-rh,· clo1 't , ·ou tal{e ( 1 hrist ns • • ,·o,1r Na,·iol1r !' ' .. \11to1 irtta saicl. • ··Bltt I l,al'C asl{rcl Il i111 to c·o111r i11 to 111)· l1rart.' · ...\ 1111a rr1)liecl . · · 1~,1t I clon 't ha,·c: 1 tl1e .io:· tl1at :·ou ha,·r . '· ..\ 11tonictta ,ras t·o1111)lt1tc·I)· takP11 l))' ~t1r1)ri:-;P. I I rr sistPr 11po11 ,\· ho111 "hP thougl1t 110 i1n1)rrs ion ,\·a" l>r– j11~ 111a<lr ha<l .it1. t c·onfrs rc.l to ha\'111~ <lC'{'(,)l)tecl ( 1 hrist. r~:\'(>ll thottgl1 ~h<' \,·a · O\'(,)rjo)~P<J at hc>ctr– in~ thi · c·o11frs~io11 .. he> <.li,l 11ot 1nis" 111<' rp111ark: al out ha,·i11cr 110 t:"'" .Jo)· . ,.\ 111 on i rt t ,1 cl< 1 <• i c 1 Pc l it ,"a~ ti1ne 1o take> t l1r bl11 1 11,~ t l1c l1or11~. • ' '\\' 'ell thc,,n.' ' ~l1P :--aicl , ··,yh,· • <lo11 1 t ,·ot1 take all ,·our iclols <lo,,·n • • Hll<l J{l' l{~ '1' 111~~1 !' ' .. \11ua·~ 111incl l'Hl'P<l. 1~111·11 tltP"'<' :-,tHt\tc>S Hll(l 1hl' ]ll(·turp:-, \Yhi<·h th<' pric>~t hacl hlc,,s."c>cl. 1'hc>~P ,rl1ic·h \\Pl'<' 1hl' t raclc' 111ark of h<'r l'<'- 1 ig-ion for .Yra r~ ~ , .. Pt hP kn<''' that ,rhHt . \ 11toni< 1 tta ~aicl ,ra~ trnc'. ll altingl)· ...,hP ~aicl, ·• \ "on a r e right. h11t I j11:-,t <·an 't 111al{P 111~·s<1l f clo it. )roll h11rll the111, ~\ntonirt ta... ·· ~o, ,.\1111a. it i" ,tp to .''011. ' ' 4\ 11toni<1tta ,,·atc-hP<l a~ hc>r ~i,– t < 1 r scit c1 l~o l Lt to ga tllt'l' t h< 1 i<lo I. for hu r 11i 11g. \\Thfn Pa('h 011<> hacl l)c>l' Jl 1)lac·C1tl i11 the fi 1·<1 an c.1 \Vets l >1tt·11i11g·. shr ,ratl' ll<)<.l l1rr ~i~trr c· losel,·. '"l'J1c' b]oocl l1acl (l r ajupcl • fro111 ... \ 1111a 'l:-i fa<'r. a11<l ~hP ,vas ,?i'-i- il il.'T 1u1<lc>r a trr111r11do11s st r ai11 . Sh(l ,ras e1xpcet ing ( :( ) f) 1'() srl, RI KE 111~1{ l)E.1\l) ... \ ~ Y ~l< >– ~l l~~T ~() \\r. l'i rarfu]l.' ' sllC' \\'aitecl. I I I • • I \\Te are Sll l)-a ~ en t.- for 1 l1r THOMPSON CHAIN REFERENCE BIBLE , "'' iclel~· acl,·erti. eel anc.l ,,,iclrl)~ ll.'ecl, 1 l'i~ecl-, 9.:35 to 4i2+.3:'>. 11i11e 111ocltll.. 111 onr . totl<. ,vill l>c' l'ou11cl a se1r<.'tio1 of l ~il)lPs i11tl llll i11~. SCOF IELDS, HOLMAN, WORLD, OXFORD and UNIVERSAL J)l'lcecl to Sllit the })lll'S(.-1 or all ,vl10 Hl' (' i11 llC'ecl or a I~ibl e. \\-r~ ctl<.;o ~11})!)1)· ' l't1:,.,ta1ne11t al ,·arioltS })l'iC'e.. BELIEVER'S BIBLE AND BOOK COMPANY 120 Park Avenue Elyria, Ohio Lorene < :ocl J1acl 11ot :-;trlt(·k a11cl l1<. 1 r lo11Q– el1rrisl1rtl iclols ,,<~rP 1 0,,· a. l1e:-;. \ \Tl1at ,,·a, thi~ ferli11g· ~1)rracli11<2: thron~rh ]1rr. lt ,,·a;.; ,Yo11(lerf11l ! I ler ,Yl1olc bei11g· sP<~111ccl to l1c-> (·l1a11~<><l. Trilt1111>l1autl.v l1r t11r11e<.l to lier ~i,tr1·. ·' ()h. _\ 11to11irtta, 110,,· l l1aYP the> jo>·· Xo,,· I ha,·e tl1r .io)·!' ' }·ou 'l/ [Jr;.·c :z ·(Jur [t1aiih ~o,Y 1 ·111 !.!Oi11g to tPll ,·011 a . hort • tor,· al 011t \ .. i11c·P11 , o. It'._, <111otl1er • ~to r ,· tltat ,,-ill ill11~trate thP tre- • llll' t1<lot1-..., 11ePcl for 11i~ ,io11arirs i11 Ital,·. • \'"i11<·en 1.o li,·<'~ in the> ('it,· of • . ..: a u t ' ...\ 11 t i 111o ''" 11 err 1) i ck: a 11 < 1 I ha ,·p go11c' ca c· h ~ 1111<la \. a f ter110011 • i 11 a 11 <>ff o rt to ~<.'t a ,, orl< . ta rtecl th c> t'P. Ile~ ha" he1<1n 111al(i11g- real :-.trid<'!-. i11 !.!ra~1)i11!!· tl1e elc,111e11tar.'· truth of t l1P < }0~1Jt~ 1. f ~ P (' <' ll t } ,'. \\ }1 i} c~ l' i l 1 j 11 '..!. th(> i I 1 t e 1'- 111" l a11 to ,rol'k, \ .. inc·c>11zo ,va-., r(,,a(l– i11~ tit<' ~<·,,· 'l'e ·ta1nc 1 11t l1c 1 }1acl <'cll'll('d I.,· <·nn1pl<1t i11!.!' fo11r I3ihlt> le1-..so11". In 'f)·1>il'nl l talia 11 fa . 11ion t ht> pa . <!ll!!Pl' 11c,xt to hi111 look.Pll <>V<'r h ic; . houlclt1r c111cl b<1ga11 to r catl too. ...\ fter a ft,,Y ,·rr.... e: hr lookc,,cl n1> a11cl a kc 1 .. l. · · \\l' l1at i~ that ) ·0,1 art 1 rPacl111g· ! · • ' ' \ 11)· it i H ;\('\\' 1 1 P~lcllll('llt . 'l'he l~ibl<>, ' · \Ti11<·<1nzo rPpliPcl. · · ( )l 1, 11 n. · ' t 11 l' 111 a 11 (, xc · it e( 11 , · P x- • c·lain1c>d. ''clo11't ,·ot1 1(110,,· that • ) '< >l ... J; l.i l;()~ l~ \ .. ( l '!{ F, ... \ l'f'l [ I ~' \ <}1" J{ }~""\ i) rrI I E J~ll~IJ~~ ! ' ' ):<>rl l I ~a)· 111 o l' L', tll'H r () 11~ l'('H(ler ! l lo,y \Y(l ('0\'Pt \ 'Ol ll' ('Oil- • ti11,1al ] )l'H)'C't's fol' Ttal)· th, lc111cl of l tlolatr,· . • FOR ALIBERAL ARTS EDUCATION, having a fundamental Baptist fou dation ••• • Featur ing A . B. Degrees in Bible, Engl ish and Social Science. Beautiful 15 acre campus with 9 buildings. Intercollegiate Athletics Write for free cop ies of "Testimony". No Obligation c EDA RV I LL"E,.,,: co:a.·LEGE A BAPTIST COLLEGE ·4'/' Le'"BERA.L ARTS CEDARVILLE, OHIO J. T Jeremiah, Pre$.