The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1956

Pa~c 'l'\, e11ty THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ____________ M_a_r_ch_ 1_9_56 ~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~ BEIDND THE LINES • WHAT ARE THE POSSIBILITIES FOR WORLD PEACE? • ' :'\o llli-l!.!H Z lllP c1rtil·lr of r ere11t dn 1(' 11c1:-. ig·11 it<,<l ' ll(' h \YillPSl)l'CH <1 <·011 tro,·< 1 rs,· as • tht~ 110,,· fa111oi1s ' ' l{ ri11k· of \\Tar' ' ~tatr1lll 1 11t of t, etr (ltar,· of Stc1tr • ,J 011 11 1~ oster l)l1 ll r. . 'rhe state- Jllf'llt for111t'<l 11art of an i11ter, ·ie,v tl1at tl1 c Se<·rctar~· ga,·0 to a staff \Yr iter of thr L ife 111ag·azi11 e a11d 1 l1llli~hrcl i11 its .J a11uar~· l G js. 11e. :\lr. D1tll r . \YH~ q11otP<..l as a~:r r t– i11!.! tl1at the l ~nit<)cl ~tat () : toocl '· 011 tl1r llri11l< of \Ya r ' · t]1ree t i111eR ll11 ri11g- the ~:ise11ho,,·er J.-\ c1mi11is– t ratio11- a11cl eael1 tin10 a,·ertrcl \Yar l)~~ '· stro11g aetio11. ·' The 0<·– c·c1sio11, citecl: i11 Kor ea i11 193:-3, i11 l11clo- 1 l1i11a a11cl F or1110. a i11 19."5-!. Tl1f ' ' . tro11g action : war11- i11g; thclt l T11ite(l States ,,.. 011lcl · · figl1t to ,,·in' if Reel 1 hi11a ;-lt– tacl,ecl, e,·e11 if it 111eaut 11si11g ato111i(· \Yeapo11:. ( )l1 t I i11 i11~ tl1i. l ) l1iloso1 h)~ of cl i1)lo111a e~... a<.:c-orc1i11g to !Jif e. ) 11· . l)l1ll t 1 • n1aclf' th e follo,,·i 11 ~r :,,tatr- 1ue11t: ·' 'tr ot1 ha,·e to ta lee cl1a11cPs for 1)eace . . . . Th<' al)ilit,· to • g·et t o tl1t> , ·c,· rg·e \Yit hout !!'rtt i11g i11to t l1 <l \Yal' i.· th e 11Pc·rssa r,· a r t. lf )·01t eannot 111c1~t er it, ~ .. ~t l i11- tlY itahl.'.. c·et into ,Yar. r f ,·011 tr,· • • a11cl r1111 a,,·a.,· fro111 it, if .'·on a1·p (•arecl to g·o t o t11e bri11lt. )"OU are lot.' ' "\Tie,Yi11c· t l1i~ staten1c11t i11 th e ]igl1t of ]1ibtOl')r. it \\'Oll lc.1 St'Plll that , ·er:· fr,Y ')tate:n1e11 ]1a,·p <''' <' r 1na~– tertlcl the a rt of lPacling the ir 11a– tio11 to th<1 l)ri11k of ,var \Yitho111 11l1111gi11g tl1e111 i11to i t. I n fa c·t. th(l t,Yo \\Torl (l \\Tar"' <111(1 t h<' 11101' <' 1·r cr 11t l(orra11 clPbatlc>, \Yrrc' Jll'PC'i J) itatrcl l>,\' thr n1i~c·alc·t1l<1 - tio11s of hl1i11clc>ri1tg· cliJ)lo111ats. ~·int) tl1e tlO~(l of "\\ro rlcl "\\Ta r I , t \Yo i11te1t·11atio11al or ga11izatio11s Ii a \ ' P her 11 f or 1n 0c1- rrh (l I ;('cl U' \ I{' ()f Xatio11~ ( 191D ) a11cl th l' fr11itPcl Xatio118 ( l D-l- '.} )-,Yit l1 111< 1 g·rancli– osc> :-,c: J1e111c, of c·rra ti 11g a ' to,,·11 111 r c 1 ti11g of tl1r ,, ... orltl' ' ,vherr j11- ter11atio11al J)roll]c>111 co11lcl be, arhitratPcl a11,l a 111or<;) an1ital)lr 1111cler',t a11cl i 11g a111011g· 11ation. be est a hl i ·h Pel. "\\Tith a 11 of th r ,·a. ·t orga11izatio11al 111ac·hi11rr)', a11(l tl1r crrat <-i111ns of 111011c>,· c·ontrib11trcl b~ n1 e111brr 1 atio11. · for it. oper– atio11 J)la<'rcl at its clis1)0. al, the ( "11itrd Xatio11. ha . llren c·riJl]>l rcl lJe<·a tl. ·e ~ll. Ilic·io11 a11cl 111i. tr11st a1110110· 1l1e111l>er ~tat<'s l1as , ·itiat<'cl I""' th e ai111s for1n11lat<1cl i11 thP lT11itP(l ~atio11s ( 1 l1artrr . In thr fa<'t' of e,·c\r,.. effort to · ' 1nal<e thr ,,·o r1c1 • safe for cle111oerac· ,.., ' ' '"e are st ill • J)recariot1. 1).. 11 ear t]1(l lJri11l{ of \\rorl(l ,,rar TTI a11cl the cle,·a. ta– t io11 that an ato111ie ,var Y\'ot1lcl 11ro– cluer. Tl1<1 1110:t a r clent a11cl icleal– istil' acl,·oeatr. of i11ternatio11al too11eratio11 a r 0 f or c·ecl to 111al'\r t 1 is a cl111i tta11<' e. I11 the Bil1le < }ocl l1a · gi,·e11 11s t]1e 011l)T a(leq11ate 1)l1i loso11l1)'" of l1istor)r tl1at . l1ecl . lig·ht 1111011 thi. l111111a11 clil r n1111a. .J erE'111ial1 ri~ht– l)T a11 rai. eel the i11ter11at io11a l c}i111atfl Of his cla1r ,Yl1e11 }1 e r e- • l)tl l{ecl tl1 e l)Ti11g- prophet a11cl 1 rir:ts ,,·110 ,vere trlli11~r thr n (l">- 1>le: r>eace, J)eace: ,Yl1e11 there is 110 i1eac·r." rl'hr \11oi-;t]e ~>at1l ga·ve ,var11i11 g· to the ,Yorlc.1 i11 its q110. t to,varcl 1na11-111ac.le peacE' i 11 th c:r forel)ocli11p: ,Yo r el: : '· ]ai or \\'l1e11 thr,· shall sa,\ I) rac:c:> R11c.l . . . . afet~T; tl1c11 :11clclc11 clec..; tr11c:tio11 c·o111etl1 ttT)011 t]1 e111. a~ travail 111)011 a ,,~0111a11 ,, itl1 C'hilcl: ancl t}1p, · ~hall 110{ e:c·aJ) C' ' ' ( I Thrss. ~ ::3 ). ,f r~tts likP,Yi :,,<1 f or( 1 ,,·a t'll (>cl 11 i"> (lisc·iplr: of 1na11 's 11or>rle.. str11g– gl<-> to,Yar c.l })C'ct<'r ,,· h<111 Il r :-ia icl : ' ' ,.\u cl ) 'tel shall h<1ar of ,,·ar. ;111 cl r11u1 011rs of ,Yars: :rr that ,·r. 1><' • 1101 t1·ot1lil r cl . . . . }~or 11c1tio11 :-;hall ri~<' a~ainst 11ation , a11cl l,in~·– <lo111 ag:ai11. 't J,i11gclo111 ...... \11cl therr -.;hall he) cli~trrs of 11atio11s, \Yith l)P l'l )](•Xit)· . ... ' ( ~latt . 24 :fi, 7 : );1tkr 21 :25 ) . .i-\ ft<11· c1<1li,·rri11g (40,1 ·~ \'Prclirt agai11st the c'111i1·c, h11111a11 J'H('<' ,,·ith t}tc 1 i1 ,lic·tn1e11t that ' there i : 11 on <' r i g 11 t r o l 1:,., • 11 o, no t o 11 (_) ; . . . . therc 1 is 11ot1(' that clo<"til ~no<l, 110, 11 ot o 11 r ' ' CRo 1 n . :3 :1(), 12 ) . J > a 11 l forc·rfnll~~ bo]st< 1 l'~ thr sP 11 tPt1c·p 1),. t· l1arc1c·t eri zi11~· 111nn 's (lPllasP(l eo1~– <litio11 l>rl'ol'e (;ocl . Inc-l11clPcl i11 this c·atal og· uc 1 of c·on1111p11t -.;, Pa11l 1·rn1a rl,s •.. l nrl llz e ll'ay of JJeacc h a ,, e t I, (' .If 11 o t lt· 11 ou, n ' . ( Ro 1 n. 3 :17 ) . 1 1 h e for Ill u la J or J>eace– J>C'rsonal, nationa l, ·inlcrnational- 1·s an eni,r;nta that th e natural 1na11 can net er rl isco z ·fr apa rt fro »t (l oll. The "\\.,. orcl of locl 1 ro111ises a c:0111111g ' (lolclr11 ,i\.. g·e ,vl1e11 ,J es11. ('1hri. t retur11s to ea r th to estal)– lis11 Il i. i rill en11i ,1l h:ino·clo111. I sai<1l1 c.lesc·ril)es tl1 e ·11le111clo~1r of that J,ill!.!."tlo111 ,,·l1t' 11 the I)ri11er of J>eaeP shall r11le fron1 I l i: th1·011r in .Jc' l'\l:al e1 1n. S1)eal{i11g of ·ll1at glorio11s re1i~11, Isaiah l rt larrs thctt .:\Irssial1- L{i11 i!: ' '~l1all jtt<lu:r a111011g· th<> 11atio11s . . . . a11cl the;y :hall l)0at tl1 r ir :,Yorcls i11to plo,,·sl1ares, a 11c1 t l1eir sJ)ears i11to pr1111i11g– l1oolcs: 11c1tio11 sl1all 11ot lift 1111 ~"~orcl agai11:t 11atio11, 11rither . hall t h P~~ l r ar11 ,Yar a11):· 111ore 11 ( I~a. 2 :4 ) . ,,.,.e c·a11 (·011ti11l1e to rxpett ~Ir. D t1lle · ' ' ' Bri11k of \\Tar' ' cle:l' rip– t io11 of ,,·orlcl co11cli tio11s to pre,·ail 1111til .J r . 11 L·o111e ·. Jlaranatha ! ~ TE,\ j ( ~OTE Tl1e Re,'. J o:cr)h rl. Tro111) , for- 111rrl~· of tl1e Ca111c1e11 Ba1)tist ( 1 htirch, I(i J)ton , ()}1io, ,Yrite. f r o111 :\Ieclforcl, "\\Ti!')c:011si11 to sa,.. : ~ ' ' l~r otl1er, i. it colcl 111) here! The a,·e rage t E'1111)era tl1re i, a l)o11t zrro, l)llt at 11ight it goe. plt111l\i11g clo,v11 to al~o11t 20 cl flgrce. l)elo,,·. '.Ve . til l ha,·p 011r fir:t :no,,· ancl abot1t t e 11 ot l1er . ·110,, ..8 pilecl 011 to11 of it , a 11 <l t}1ere ,Yill be 110 1uelti11g ltnti l so1neti111e i11 ec1rl)· st1Ji1111er. ()ne 1 la<·f\ a ~t <.>al~ ontsic1e to free i<, a11 cl it . ta~·. froze11, ,,·itl1ol1t tl1e h<1l1> of a11.,· c.lre1 -freeze. Thi. area \YH"' c·r<1atrcl. a" ,,·r belie,·e. for pPll~llillS <>111)'. ' ' . \11)· pc•rsons hc1,·i11~· olcl fur– l i 11 r< l l · a px. Pclr-11111f f: or l1ot ,vater hottl(l"' for : ale> or l' () llt, sl10111cl a< lc.ll' P"' Re .. ,·. ,Jo. epl1 IT. Tro111), :J I):~ r~~c1st Ta)·lor StreC't. :\ I rclfor cl, \\" i"t'O ll . i11 . Children's Gospel Hour, Inc. 3012 Fox Drive, CHATTANOOGA 11, TENNESSEE A work of faith giving the Gospel to boys and girls by radio and television. HEARD IN omo OVER THESE STATIO S WFOB- 1430 Kc. Fostoria- 5:45 p.m. Sun. WFOB-FM- 96.7 Mc . Fostoria-5:45 p.m. Sun. WWST- 960 Kc. Wooster- 7:45 a.m. Sun. WWST-FM- 104.5 Mc. Wooster- 7:45 a.m. Sun. WTOD- 1560 Kc . Toledo- 7:30 a.m. Sun. LISTEN- Tell Your Friends- PRAY Rev . Henry C. Geiger, Director