The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 56

Anril J956 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ----.....------- Page Ninetce 12 REFLECTIONS OF GOD'S FAITHF SS J OO kl 11 ()' l H-l <' k: () \' <' I' t Ji P I lH ~ t \' r' <l l' .,, r ' thl'o11g)1 thP kalPiclosvo1)<' ol' ( :ocl 's faithf11 l11Pss. all c•\'P11t s fc-1 11 into a hra 11 ti fl1 l p c-1 t t r r 11 - <',• <' 11 1 h <' r x- j)Pl'iP11{'( , ,vhi c·h ,'{)()lllPC l so tlHl'k· ,lll<l j)l1zr.linp: ,rhilP 1,assi ng th r ough tl1P111, tlO\'Ptai ] })Cl' f' ()('t l ,v into 1 hP ,,·l10JP an<.1 a r (\ a n rc·ps:a r )' l)Hl't of' tl1c-> ])i('t ure. 1 1 or thP fr,r 1hi11g·s ,,· J1i c· h clo 11ot )'Pt H])pra1· qt1itv c·l ea r, ,,·l1 e:> l' <:1 tl1e patic>r11 i8 H JittlP hlltl'recl l)c<·a11sc' of fa1 tl t :Y ,·is ion of • sc~ri11g· ' 't l1ro11gh H ~.r lass clark:1)',' \\'P ran safe )) ' trn:-;1 ll i111 to J) ('r l' rc.:t t l1r ,rl1ol<1 fol' · ' tl1 e1 J)rHisr of l l is g)OJ')'. ' ' In 111\' last Jptt c· r [ tolcl :\'Oll or Ill\' - . . ~11<.lclrn a 11cl rathc'r 1111t1XJ)PttPcl ho111e<:0111i11g· i11 ~ t1gl1st. for ,1 1 i 111 r of r 0st. I11 it all thr l1orcl ga,·r t)c•ac·r Hncl a:-;,·11 r a11('<' of II is l(lctcl– i11g\ 11ot onl)· to 111 e but to c1Jl of' thr n1i s~io11Hrit->s 011 t 1l< 3 f ir lcl . ;\O\\' I sta11cl in \\'011clPr at t}1p L1orc1 1., ])c> l' fPtt tin1jug· a 11cl . 11llsc 1 que111t cli – rPc·tio11. 1\ fr,v cla y·i,.; after 111 ,- a I' - . ' ri,·al at ho111r I attc11c.1Pcl a Jf icl - i i issio11s ( 1 011fPrP11r~ in 8 J)l'i11µ:– fielcl, <>hio . \\TJ1i lr th el'r 1 IPa r11 c>c l t}1at J)art of tl1e 13a)·,tka 'I11·illr in thr J~ p}gia11 ( 1 0 ll g'O l1ac.l 80111<1 lll 0111hs l)l'e\' iOll Sl,\r he<:Ol llP t l1C' 1'<-1- ." J)Oll'!Jhj}jt~, of l\Iic.1-:\ l is. io11 s. l t ,vas a111011g· the:> I~a)·ak:as 111at I JahorP<l cl11l'i11g· 111)' fir.-t trr111 011 tl1c\ forPign fic•Jcl so111r 1,\'e11t,\· yr~<l 1'8 ago. P 1 r o111 1lli~sio11arie: \Yho hacl br<1 11 thp1·c 1 rP– c•c-l11t J}~ I ill<111irccl about tl1t 1 hr– liP\'P t's a11cl t l1P \\'Ork thrre, ancl fo1111cl tli,tt thc 1 llf>(->cl for laborer~ i 11 1h c.1 t tri l>e of :,,c:>\ 1 P ral }11111 cl r eels of tl1uo:c.111cls of ])PO t)le \Yas grrat, a11tl t l1<it tJ1e,· ,Yel'e st ill ,ritJ1out tl1e • ;\P\\' '1'<1sta111c\11t in tl1Pir to11µ:t1P. In- Yolnntaril)· the> q1tc-1stion ea111e ' ' J-' OJ'C{, cliclst rrho11 bl'illg' JllC holll<' 110,v j11:-;t to tal(P n1e l)atk to the ( •onµ.<>, Ill)' ·' l'i rst lo \'e' ' ! 'J'houg·h tli<' djrpc·tiou l-iPPlHP<l c·leal' 1o lll<' <,\'<'11 t}lC>ll, f clic[ 1101 \\'<lll1 to lH 1 Jll'l'– Sllllll)tllOll"'>, so ,,·ajtc•d to clP<·larc• it <Jj)PJII,\', as~Ll}'(•(l tha1 ii' i1 \VHS or th(l IJ<Jt ·cl Jf p ,,011lcl c·o11fir111 it a11<l 111a k,, it c·l<'a1· to o(ltc>r" ns ,,·p ]J ai,., Ill \''-;(•] I' ')(J 1 )1a1 1 liPI'(• \\'o\lJcl IJ(• \llli1 \' • • a1nu11g t lio~t 1 <:Oll(·<·1·11c•cl. I J is pl'Olll i~c' \\els·· J ,,11) ill "it1·11,•t th,·, · c111,l tC'a<·h 111<~<.. i11 thP \\' H\ \\'hil'h 1ltou ~lialt • gc, : r ,vi i i g11itl1· tJt,,p ,,·it 11 111i11< 1 Pvri' ' LJll<l I k1H·,,· 1hat II <• ,,011ltl • 1101 lc·t ltl<' clisl1onol' J ii111 liv l'ol - • lo,viHg 111,v ,,,v11 i11<·li11H l 1011 i11sl<·atl or Jl i:s I,·a,liug. ~\..., lli s 0\\1JI shPPJ' J as lc,~tl lo l1t• 111a<I<' <lc~;11' to a11, voic·,l h11t that ol' 1111 · (:uocl • NJ11.. pliPrd. l) tt1·i11g 1h<· 111u11lhs of I )) . I 11~ <-., I;~ , · >• > ~) ' l L • t t ,... ,. ...,}.... ., ,1 µ;,, · a 1· .~ 1·pci , ,vai1i11u· hP t,a,·c· 111a11,· c·o11J'i r111H - r- r • t io11s 111 \'<' I'\ ' \\'0 11 <lPrl'11] Hlltl 1111 - • ( 1 '(J)Pt'1C'({ \\.ct\·s. rJ1 Ji 011 111 ~O\' PlllbPt' • ,vhr11 J <'HlllP IH,forp :\ I icl-:\ l iHsio11s ( •o1u1 <• i I a 11 cl n 1H c 1 r 111 .,• 1• <1q 11 <>:,.; 1 kllO\\' IJ [ \\' HS Hj)l)l'O\'PCl 1'01· SC'l'\' l<' (' in tile• l{c\lp;ian ( 1 011p:o . l' rl' l1c11 )s ) 'O u Ht' <' ,1 . l<itq.r, ' ' [ lo,,· abott1 \ T(\ ll (l%11(llcl ! ) rrh (' }le(' (l ill (' )'(' i~ as g·r r>a1 as <'''<' I' bn1 at l ) l'<'S<'ll1 th<' 111081 ttl'g<'nl 11r<'<l i:-; f'or c·o11sr– c· r atc'cl ,Yo1111~ 111r11 to c•o t)P ,vitlt 111<' g· 1·0,,·i11p: 11atio11alistil' !-i J)irit in 0111· (·h11rc·h rs a11cl to acl,·r111er into 11<''' trl' ri 1ot·)'. princ·iJ)all:y· in th P l 11<lia11 \\'01·1<. \\'011 't )' Ou join ll lP in pra)~e r for a )·ol111g· c·otq)]c, 1n 1akr n1.,· 1>la<'t' 011t 111c· 1·p ! ()f' t·ottrs<', it is 110/ PclS) ' to 1hink: of' not 1·pt11r11i11g· to 1 liosP I lia,·p eo111p to lo\'r !-.O 111uth i11 \ Te1 11Pz11 r la, a11tl 0111:r· ( loc.l 's • c· IPa r lPacl i11 g ,·a11 111ak<1 111<1 (lo i1. I thitll< ~rat t1ft1ll,· of fe ll o,y 111is- • • ~io11arj ps aJltl spirit11al C'h ilclr011 Ollt th( 3 l'(l, "\\Triting f'or th<' grOll]) or 111i si-; ional'i rs 011 iltP fiPlc.1, 0 11 P sai<l ''..c\ fri<·a ,,·n~ a~ 11t 1 C'<l1· a: e,·t->r <l11r- • i11p; tl10:c )' (lars but ,,·p a 1·p t!.' la cl that thr I1ol' cl ~ent 1'"011 l1crr for • 1 liat lo11g i11tcri111 ... L\o,,· a.· t}1e LJorc.1 gi,·rs )'Oll l)aek to thr ( 1 011go– a11tl tl1e ( 1 011g;o to ) 'Oll - \\'C' are \Yith ) 'O lt in pra~·0 r s a11cl i11 tl1e PX I ><~<:– tation tl1at Ile Ji a~ 111uth ,,·orl< ) TP1 1 o l)P cl o11 <'. ' ' I an1 t l1a11l{f t1l for thri t' n11clc-1rs ta11clinu· a11cl c11c;ourao·r'- ..... I"" 111cnt, a ncl 1>1·ai.-c t11e IJorcl fo r tl1P 111a11.,·. 111a1l)' J)rec.·io11.- lesso11s ]c\a1·110cl cl11ri1lg tho8P eig·l11ee11 ~·pars, a 11 (l £01· ll is c1111azi11~: µ:rac.:p a11cl lo,rc\ an<.l l)clt1r11e(• i11 teat·hi11y_· a11cl leac. li11g 111 e tl1r least of l l i!-> .·erva111!-). ~\1111· • ( •a l'll Ii(' h PH] ex j) )'(.iS8( 3 S j1 ~() \\'P 11 \\'hr11 ~hr S<l)'":,.,, ' ' Th() r J0l'(l ':,, clrH 1- • ()hio i11 g · HI'< ' ol't,• 11 :-;I rt111 .gc• in 0111· l'\ <' ...... fJ p thinks 110 111orr ol' "i<'11c li11tJ. 11~ r l' ron1 c·o1111tr,· to t·ou11( 1·v th<'ll ,,·c· . . ' s ho11l<l ol' ~<'1tcl i11 p: a ,·<·1·,·a111 f'ro1n J ;c)l1(IOJJ to J.1i \'<' l'J )OO]. J1 llla)' itl\rOl\'C' ]<1avi11g ,rork that \\'<' hacl 1nc•a11{ to fi11i:,.,h, h11t ll1at clOC'S 11ot lllHltPt' if I le i~ ~P11c.li11µ: 11~. l.1Pt 11 :-i ui,·<' ll in, th(' sc1lisf'a<'tio11 or l'i11 clillg' 1hat LI P lta :-i ~0111c> vhilclr<• 11 \\'ho c·a11 t r, 1:-i t 1 hPir J'\,a th(• r. ' ' .i\ 11otbPr <.l<'SlJ'<' 01' 111HllY \'('ell'~ i..... • • 110,v hPing· 1·palir.Ptl . ( ,,·a~ ac·c· c· ptrd at ~food}· 11iblP l 11 stit1 11P !'or thi:,., :,.;r– llH's1rr c111cl an1 tnl(i11 g ~on1ti :,.,J>P<·ial ('Olll'S(' :,., i11 l)l' PJ)H l'H1io11 J'or 111 ) ' l'(' – {lll'll to tlH) ( '011go. l r11til .J 1111<· Ill\' cltlclrc:,.,s ,r i 11 l> l' : • J 111111c:111nC' l \\ro 111a11 's Ilo1np l .'>11 Xorih l 1c1 Sall t> Nt. ( 1 hic·ap;o, J]linoi~ )\1 J·~X'N J.1 1~~ \<; l TJ~ ' I1h c> .:\Ic•11's IJPH~lle of Jlc)lll'Oll ~\ ssoc·iatio11 hPl cl a l'P<·<111t Jll<'C' ting in ti) <' J-i'irst l~a 1>ti. t ( 1 h1tr c· h. J>ar– n1a, ,vi lli a g·oocl l'PJ)t'C' Pntation of I h P t· h1 ll'(' h P'i 1>1·e\P11t . l{Pv. ..._\ l J a 11 F.1. IJe,,·i~ of 1~:11c·litl-;\ottiug·h,1111 1 cl J)tist ( 1 h1trtl1 prrsr ntrd a forc•( 1 - fn ll 1nc•ssa~<-', Rr,·. lJ)' 1111 l{ogrr.· of Xorthficl(l \ Ti lla~t· li aJ>tist ( 1 h11rc·h ('Oll (lll<·1i11~ {}1<1 lllllSil' . ' ' l'l1e ll (l, t lll L'L 1 1 i110· of t lH• It>l lo,r- l"" s hjJ) ,,·ill bl' l1e lcl in 1 he Xort 11 I{ o.,· ,l l to J 1 l 1 c1 l > t i , 1 ( 'h 111 · v h, !--i at 11 r- cla.,·, :\Ia)· 1:2, at H:0() J>. :.\J. 'l'ltc• 1\\'0 ('htll'l'll L)S \\'hi('}i lJH\'P 1h<• J1i !2.Ji – (18t attp11cla11<·p at tlll' 111c•L.1ting· \\'ill lH• able to -.;c11cl a ho.,· 01· !.!irl to (1....,\ :\J I> t>..._\'J'2\ l (), 1 Hl t llt' c.•xpt·11~c 1 ol' th<· :\ !<111·~ l.1 ('HUl1e of l{ pg·ular l~aJ>– tis1 ( 1 l111rc·h<'s. ( ~<·ott ~\11cl1·p''"· I> 1·p~itl cnt ) WE FURNISH • • • • • B_\ l:>'l'IS TAT1 (L,\Rl\IEN'r"• 1~ 1 or I~apti ,1 l>ustors l ~lfltl . 1 'l'l r\ N 1\ r l ) l T1TI 'r'I~D ~ ' l' ... \ 'l' I~S Ji'l1.1 \ 1~ for (Jl1t1r e]1 I>ln1 - f Ol'lll .. \J; l 1 1\J l N J f 1 ()l\T1llT r r ()~ \\ 1 "'\Rl•j , ancl g·las·c. 1 I~ f{ 'l 1 I Ji' I ( \ \ 'r I •j H : l) 1• cl i 11 a t i o 11- l { e e o g· 11 i t i o11 ] ~ n t) t i, 1na 1 H~\l1 l 1l\ l _.\.N l>J( "l'l TJ{l~R Ji,Ol' ( ~h11r c: l1 01· t 1 lu ss 1{ 00111 l ~ A. I > 1\ I e N.\ T 1 I J ) • B I 13 I 1 1~~ ..\ 'l' l.1 .i \ ~ \\ 1 1\ JJl 1 l\ l ,\l>H o[ tl1e lloly f1a11ll • J)JSJ> J~XH~\ 'l' l (JN~\ 11 '1 1 1{,l l 'l' ll ( l .1al'l\.111's b ook.s of l'l1nrts ) BELIEVER'S BIBLE AND BOOK COMPANY 120 P ark Avenue Elyria, Ohio