The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 56

THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ----- April 1956 Editorial Comment 'I' 11 l( rl'hl' :'\at iona 1 ... \ si,.,ol'iH- l{ \ l ~ ]·~ ~ t \ 0 ll f' () l' t l l t' ..\ l l Y cl 11 l: r– l \\ 'nt of the ("olore<l l> ro- 1)l l' } 1H, l CPt l l l l ll t' 11 ill t } 1 l 1 11 \ Y ~ l) l' i l l t <lllt' to HU'U' l'l.}~~i,·l' cl( 1 tio11 111 clP– f<' ll"l' of 1 he 1·ncc. 111 tlllr 011i11io11 tl1r ,rt' ll -111ca11t ('l't'orl ol' tht' Ol't!cllli/at1011 1~ }1a,·inu n11 t 1 l't'et·t ,,·hi ·h i. 1hc e~att 01)- 1)0. it <' nf that intl'n<led. l{a et' 11rcj– ltlltt'(' nn<l 0Yc 1 rt aet: c:ousta11tl)" inc·rt'H"-l' a11<l th<? ,,ork: of .'·c,ar~ is ht' i11g· ])lo,, t'cl 1111tlt 1 l'. 'rhrOtl!!hOllt lllltl'h of llle llctfiOJl tht' <:olorecl 1>eo1)1 are treatecl \Yitl1 vo1 1rl c'".'- ancl e11jO.'" all ei,·ic he11e– l'it . 111 th e 011th tl1erP 11,t. · al,,,.a.,·s l)el) 11 rat:<' 1)rPj11cli ·e httt i11 fct<·c of tl1i, th e lot of tl1c c:olorecl l)COl)l<' l1a o·rcatl,· i1111)ro,·e l, a11(l t1,·t'11 u11 - t"' • <lel' C'!.!. l't>~atio11, 1na1l)'" of the a(l- , ·antHQ.' l)') c11jo)·c(l 1)~" thr \Y111t c' ra<·c> J1a,~< 1 l1ee11 ext t.111cle(l 1 o th l' t·o l orP<l pPOl)le . i11l' ll1<li11g ecl11eational in ti– t u t io11!-I. \\" r l1a,·c~ 111 a11,· tl1oic·l' frien<l. · a- 1no11~ the l'Olore~l 1)eo1)l0 ,t11cl J1olcl onr t 1 hri:-.t ia11 l>rethre11 i11 hig·l1 rc– g·a rtl: ho,,·e,·er, ,Ye are 1111fayoral>l c to the t).. l) , of i11tcgratio11 for ,,·I1ic·l1 tl1e .:'\..l ...\ 1 1> is rPachi11g· ,,·l1ic.: h i an1alp:a111atio11 of t hr rat·e~. rrhe c.livi~io11 ,va: rreate 1 h:v (} ocl an(l tJ1r I)i ,·i11 1 J)la11 a: ~<'t fortl1 i11 ~vri1lt11re. l1ol11cl bP tl1e t·o111r),1. ·..., to tJ1ar1 tl1e tott r c of clr)l11 c1. tic· rr– lc1tio11 . a11d th ( 1 sotia1 or(l cr . ( :e11 e1 i ~) :~.1-27 rc•c·orcl~ th e> di- ,·i iOl l, i11 \\' ilieh lhP ~011 ' of l 1 allclclll l 11Pg-ro ) \Yl'l'P . ·et a l(le H~ S(' )'\"Hllt!--. to 1J1r 011. of ~hc)n1 ( .Jp,,·. ) . a11(l •J a J)l1 etl1 l (; e111t ile ) . 'rhe 11lti111at l1 goal of S\l<.' }l g'l'UllJ)~ a .... thr .:'\ ,..\. ..\( 1 1> is i11ter-111arriap:c anll a final l)real<illg clO\\'ll o[ tlll' c·olor lint'. I lo,vc,·er, tl1is 1!--. 1101 tht• })ttl'J)O P of a 111ajorit)· g1·olll) cllllOllt! c.:olOl'P(l ]) POJ>l r Hll<l t l1 r f Hll – r a l'(' (. l' (lat (-' ( l Ii). t h (' a g i 1 c:l t O l'..., i..., "ithl·r t]1r• outg-ro,rtl1 of <·011111tll- 11i,111, or 1>0,re r h1111g·r)· 111rll1licrs of the• c·olorPcl r,l c·c•. \\Tl1a1 ( :ocl ~<'pa– ratt·.... ]P1 110 °·c• nc• rat i(ln an1al~a- b 111a1r. J,, l . I, I-' 'I'I ~JI~ s 1~: T? \. l t · 1~ 'I' It i.... <'c l i t or l i,· r..., oll t 11(' 11 i o·}i \\'a , . () \ 1 e l' ... . ,,hil'li 111an,· ,·ouno • • t- 111 (' ll tra, t 1 I ,vl1l'11 "'-<.)Pl<- in~· a11 <> J>P11 cloor for ( 'l1ri~tia11 ,t•r,·i<·t'. \\'ithout q11r .... tio11 thP ltigl1- ,r a \' i"' (· r o,v( 1 ecl a11, 1 i 11 I a r o r • J r-, lll('cl')lll"(l l >,\' :'Ollllg lllCll \Yho l1a\' (_) {lrn,·i<IPcl for 1hrtll~PI,·c,~ a l1a11cli – c• H l). 1 11 ,· i<'\\' of th r ntHll,\' vaucli<lalC's an(l the fp,y \ ' Hta11t 11ulpit!--.. ,Yr 111a11,· li1ues r rto111n1c11(l tJ1at tl1<1 , ·0111~0· 111an set aholtt tn estn hl i~b . ~ a 11e,v ,vor1{: 110,,Te,.. er ,,e are 11 . 11al- 1,· i11for1llPll that t11r JJor<l js 1101 l~'a<li11g· tl1at ,,·a.,·. ( 1 n111f' I< I Ifs ,. ca. o II I of J( I h r r : rr Ji l' \ · o t l 11 o· 1 HaI l t le(l i l' at l' ~ lJ LS l i [ C' to £11l]:tin1c~ ( 'l1ri-.,ti,l11 . er,· il'e antl l'llter s t]1p ~tliool of hi. l·l1oi<·e for t ra111u1g . l 11 111a11,\'" c;a. ~~ ]1e brgi11i-. hi~ l)l'('l)aratio11 ll.\. !.!etti11g· 111arl'ie<l a 11 < l \\ it h a ,rife to ~l l l >1)ort, l1r tl~ r - 111i11a tc: :t 11001 i 11~ an cl lleeo111 es · · 1111clPclic·atPcl' · or ~eek f11ll-ti111<> ·p1·,·ic·p ,rhC'11 0111.'· 11artjall .,· l)l'P- 1) a l' c~ ( l. rr J1 (:1 a ( l y i (. (l () f (. h() 0) cl ) l ( l 1>aren1 .... :,.,cen1~ to n 1ca11 little to ct lnYP-. ic·l~ , .. outl1. lll ot l1Pr c·as(\ tl1c· l > fi,~cli-i r111plo,\·111e 11t ,u1cl thl' uroo111 Ii l'c ., [; .If t IL e s ll' l ,, I nf hi.· f ra ll. ()11 e ) . Ollllg lacl)r . ai(1 to ll, rere11tJ,~ ' ' I a1n ,Yorkin!.! to <1<l11<·atc . ' 111 , .. h11~l ,a11cl. ·' , \Tit 11 tl1P ,Yif e ,,·orl,- • i11rr a11cl tl1e hrea(l,,i1111cr tl1 c l)i- r• , ·i11e 01·cler of tJ1cl ...,C'Xt\' i~ r>lal'ec1 i11 jeo1)arcl~·. the ) ·ot111Q 111a11 bci11g l111 - al>le to a::11111r l1is rigl1tf11l J)l aec a l1<1a<l of' tl1<' 11011 . r. li e 111c111~· ti 111 c 1 i-i eo11ti11tt('~ throtl!.!11 lif() 111 thi" "f>to11cl J>lac· e. l ~ncl C'r tl1r 111ocler11 cco110111v. 11eithr r the ,·01111g 1nr1111or • • , ·011110· ,ro111<' 11 a r r al,,a,.., ,rilli11!.!. J ~ ~ to 111al<r th e \Hl'rifieP tl1at arr 11 rec.. c1r1· to clo tltP ,rork 111110 • \YhiC'h t}J p \ · ha\'r l,c•<•11 t·,tllr<f. rfhp,· • • clrn1c111cl thHl the JJOl'<l jll'o,·icll' a l11c·rati,·P, clig·11ificcl JlO~ition :-;11i1ecl to thPir tr1111)<'ra111P11ta l 11erc 1~. J I is. · i o II {I J' J / ,.'...; c J' I' i cl l1P. ~ a11cl le1:,. al'(' t l1c-1 )·ot111g· 111< 1 11 ,villi11u to 1>io11 Pr 1· for ( :ocl . \\Tith t 11 ) I> r i cl <1 o 11 h i ~ ar 111 11 P i 11 ~ i :-.. t "" 111 > o 11 Joeati11~r in ,l ,,·e ll P:-..tahl i"li rcl 1111...,– : i O 11 ~ t cl ti () ll ' (.it·'. p l' e r (l r r (' ( 1. 'r h(' I'(' hi..., 1i111<' i~ cli,·iclPcl au1011~· la11 - ~·1tag·p :-,1 tld.,·. t'a111 i I)·, ancl or(liua r)· (•h11 rth ro11ti11 . ()f eu11rsL·i, h I i~ ,,·illi11g· to ll':;l' bi~ a11lo111ollilc· to ll l C' C' 1 th C' 111 j SiO11 H l' i C ~ \ \ ' 1J O < • 0 l ll c• 1o l1i" c·it,· for a l' l'~l a11cl 111eclieal • c·hcc-k-111), a11tl li e ,rill <·011,· p.\' tl1e1n l)at·k: to tl1c' j1111g·le' · ctlg·r ,,· hci11 tllP.'. \Yl ~h to )' t'ttll'll. 'I1hPt'C is11'1 llllll'h 1hat the> ~c·hool. th e 1111ssio11 l)oarcl. 1hr l'1111rc·lt, or f1·ip11cli-; va11 sa,· H- • l>ont it . Tl1P ·0 11111!--.t j11~t a1>1)c~H 1· to l>C-\YPll 1>l c)a. re l. \\'h<'re a1·c' the' , ot11111· 111 c• 11 ,,·110 . .- H l' ' ,villing lo .. aerifi<'l' l10111 c (·0111- fol't..., a11c.l c·o111J)H11io118hi1> to gi,·' thPil' li\Ps to th<' l1orcl for 1t1c1,i - 111u111 ~er \'it•P ! \\"r r11jo,,· rt>aclin!.! hicH!l'clJ)hic·c1] ",kP{c•hc'~ o{' "llC'(•PS ftt} 111i .... sio11a1·1 r :-... f t n1ig·}1t !)p llOtP<l that 111a11~· of tho...,<' ,vho"r 11a111<1:-, . ta11cl 011t 011 tl1r })ag·r, of J1istor)· 11 i o 11 perec 1 for ( l o c] . 1111 i 11 c · 1t 111 l) Pr l' c1 1>,· fan1il\'· earr , a 1>ortio11 of thr111 • • tal~i11g 11uto the111.,PI,·c ,Yi,·r~ 0111:· aftrr Pstalili l1i11g tl1r \YOrl<. "\\'p ~1>eal~ of ' ' I>ra)·i11g· l f.'· le, ' Il t1clso11 Ta,·lor. , 1 a11111el Z,,·0111er. Da,·icl • I ! r a i n P rt l . . J. () . 1, razer . a uc 1 other: . .\ '"<' ~<3<.. thr ,-ou11g· 111e11 lea,·e • for tl1P 111i~sion fiPlll ,Yitl1 a ,-o,t11~ • ,Yif P, 0a<·h ~llJ)l)ortrcl h~- . 0111e <·h11r<· l1 , thP11 rPt11r11 to tl1c.1 l10111e– ]a 11 cl t i 111 e Hf t Pr t in1 <' , '"it h a 11 r ,.PI' i1lc·rPa. in!! 1111 111lH>1· of c·hil(1re11, ,,·p ,,·011clf'1· ,Yh r tl1rr or 11ot tl1e fl111<.l arc) ,rt1ll i11,·P...,tt-1 (1, an(l ,,·J1rtl1er or 11ot th< 1 .... er,·it·e i i11 PXa(' t li11e \Yitl1 tl1 c:> l .Jorcl ', J)lau for tl1e li,·e~ in– ,·ol,·c,cl. ()11e ,Yo11lcl ha,·p cliffiet1lt~· <·011 Yi11C'illg: 11.., tl1at a11~· ~Iothrr ,,·itl1 t l1rPe or fo11r , ·011110· ·ter.... (·Ottl<l clo . ..., 1n tll' 11 111 is:,.,1011 a r,· ,,·orh:. • \\T Ill '1 1 llEI 13() l ' ~D ? .\s lt 1 ave~ (liffpr 011t> fro111 tl1f otl1el', eve11 ~o tlo 11r r 011- a J eharatll 1 l'i til's a111011g· lllC'll. r:atli of tL 11,l~ 1,i..., l)l' c f er e11c:e- tJ1e t.'·1>e lie> l)rPfer~ -hut f e,,· ,rot1l<l l)rrf Pr the clo11lJlt 1 111i11llecl 111a11. } 1 ro111 .Ja111< .. 1 :"-1 ,, e l e,1r11 tl1at, ·· ...\ llott– hl) 1ni11clell 111a 11 i', 1111stahl 1 i11 all 11 i..., \Ycl, • . ' ' • ... \.111uug Otl r ar<111ai11ta11ve~ \\"E' l'illtl ~OlllP \\ ho H!.!l'l'P \\"holl~· \Yitl1 ( 1 \'l'l'\'t hiuo· t}1at i !--.ctitl clll(l \\"(> al'P . ~ pl('H...,l'tl. t111til ,,e l c..1at·11 at a later clat P tl1at hr al. o a!.!r t'eb ,rit}1 tl10~< 1 ,, 11 0 hoJ(l th(.. 01>po'iitP Yir,Y1Joi11t. ~0111 e l)l'<'a<·hp1·..., c·a rr} tl1is eh,l1·ac– t P r i ~ t i c · a 11 cl ..., o o 11 f i 11 cl t l 1 c~ 111 l\ 1,· e: ;,1t th<' ht>a<l of t,Yo fac·tio11 ..... eaC'll OJ)– J>o...,i11u tll<' othPr. ~tl(·h pao..,tor ll!-1- 11c1ll.,· la11cl-., hl 1 t,rc'l'lt tl1e ll})lll'r a11cl the ll l' th< 1 l' .... 1011l'"' c111d <·al l~ !'or the\ . 111ov111g ,·a 11. rf'h l' ' ' cl j })lOlllclt ll'" clotth lc 111i11 <l Ll 111c111 i..., likt· ,,at<)r i11 a T a11: ru. l1i11g· 1'1'0111 Olll ' ~i<IC' to th' Other cl"- t}l(.\ pa11 i..., tit)J) l'tl . llc 1 r1111s ,,ith tl1r hot111cls, tlll'll l'llll ~ ,,·itl1 tl1P hc1re. rl,hr 111ulti tt1<lP~ l' <'~l) l'tt ,l 1na11 of <·011\" ic·t ion "' a11cl t he1 ('Ojle nl' Otlr tl1011g·ht gol' .... f'ar hr.,~011tl tll c' lin1it"' ol' l ~il>I<' <ln<.:11·111<1. J><'<>}ll r clo not pl'el'rr ont1 ,, ho i .... <·011 .... tant 1)· ar– !.! tllll<'ll tat i,·<'. lnt l L 1 "' l>t1viall)· a 1uo11~ lea<lPr~ i11 Hll) 111c1v<1111c'lll th<))· 11rf'– fL'l' a 111c111 ,,·ho 111ak(\s 1111 hi-.; 111i11cl a11(l l'clll Le) clc 1 1le11clc<l 111lo11 to giYl'