The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1956

• l a~ 1\vo THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~-----------~~ - - Mav 11!5fi ----------- Editor ia l Comment I t ,,· ,1s i11 tl1r 1 0 11 g· <l g () . r I' l 1 i "' '\· r l t - p1· 11,l(l l"rr11 111- ,· i t rt l t <) <) < • l' l l l 1).. cl 1) 1 t l l) it < l 11 r i 11 g a 11 i 11 t <" r i 111. 1'l 1P 1111 i) 11 l) lie i I r d l) 11 r - }) ( )"<) i11 t l1r e,111 ,,·,1s tl1at l11ri11 ·!· t11i i11tt") 1•i111 . . 0111e i11ter11al 111c1ttrr~ 1111 ·l1t be clclj 11 . tecl . l , l Ill, 1, l 1 : \ 1 1 JiJ.. \ ~r II 1~: 1~ ~ I ei11!!. fa111i liar ,,·itl1 tl1 ri1· 1 11111 - . t,111ee a11d lea1·ni11g· of Ol11· a· - • ee1)ta11re of tl1 e l1alle1 ge, one f tl1e olde1· a11d ,,,.ell ex11erie11cecl 11a. tor. i11 tl1r a ,._..o ~iatio11 , a. l<e cl 11. to ,·i ;it l1i111. Tl1e pl1r1)0. 'e of the , ·i:it . a~ it l,1t r r cle,Teloped, "a. to Qi,Te thi. ~-01111g· a11d i11exp e1·ie11eed 1)reael1er "'0111 C' 111att1rp clcl,,.ire. 1.,11e acl,Tic<1 !!.'i,.. en liar l>ee11 s<> 11el1)f11l throt1u·}1 the ~"ears a11cl l1a~ bee11 . o oft e11 1)1--ought t o 111i111. that ,,·e ·a11 (111ote the ,,,01~d. of ,visc10111 . ,·erha ti 111, a .~ ,,·e l1elie, ·r. \ \Thilr t 11 P 111et a1)l101-- i. 11ot to ot1r lil, i11g. a: 1-- clate 1 to the t: h l1 r eh a11d it: 1)eo1)lc, tl1e pri11 iple invol,,ecl i. apro1>os. ller·e it i : · · )-.-Oll11g ma11 }rot1 are tal<ing 011 a l1arcl job a11d I have beeJ1 01ne,, 1 hat 011 ·er11ed abo11t }ro11. I clo 11ot 1ue. tion yol11· ability to l1a11clle the J)ulpit ,vork no1-- to g11 ic1e the bu. ine~ . affair~ of that ch111-- h l111t I m11 . t point t o yol11-- in11Jett10., ity. Y 011 lacl{ p a– ti 11ce a11cl ,,·or k too fa. t. ~ o,v a... I l11 d r .:ta11 l thi. . it11atio11, tl1e r eal p1·ol)le111. a1·e not t l1e i ~ t1e. that a1)pear 011 th . 111·– fa ·e. l 11t 1·ather a :ta~11atio11 ,,·l1icl1 }1a , le\"elopecl dt1e to ,1 lifele:.' l'OUti11e. rrhe l)eOple a1·e .' illl})l}· 1111happ.) 7 tl1rottgh lac.:k of a el1alle11~re. The .·an1e people ha,"P l)ee11 c1oi11g· t h ·a111 e tl1i11g i11 the . a111e ,, 1a)T fo r )"ear : . TJ1e i8811 e. ,,r}1i ·11 co11front then1 a1·e ·i1111)1)'" tl1e 11at111·al Ol1tg1--o,,·th of . tag11atio11 the,, ,, 1 a1 t ·0111e- . .. t]1i1 g to do a11d ,,Titl1 p oor leacl- er.· l1i1) the}' have ·i1111)ly t11r11 ecl to fight i11g aC' l1 oth r . · "\'\rhe11 yo11 go i11to that ,ror:( ,·ot1 ,,·i 11 f i11 cl :0111e · l1e11.. ,,Tho • ha,..e l)Pe11 011 the 11e. t fo1· , ..ea1\ .. a11cl }1a, ..e 11ever hatel1eel a11}T- thi11g. If I l1a, re a prope1 .. 1111- cler"ta 11cli11 g· of }·0111· 111etl1ol1~, )'Oll ,,,ill j1i1111) i11 ther<', }) i t]( 111) t hP · · 11 e11 · · a11cl 111ro,,· l1 er cl ~a i11st thr fr11<·c>. \ T<Jll c·a11 't <1<> tl1at i11 ~ll ·11 ta r . a~ t}1i . . "\T()ll ,,·ill br i 11 o· a l lo l l t t l 1 ~ ,l 111 r <' ~ 11 l t i f C'! ,·cJtl l o it thi.· \,·ay : . ~ <l , ,T 11 i 1 r a 11 < 1 t c:> 11 l 1P r 11 <), v i 11 - t (' r ('. t r CT ) r O 11 cl r P i 11 \\'hat 8}1 i '°' • 1 r., T i 11 g t <} t l . '1 1 l 1 e 1 . I) i e k: h r r 111 ). .·1rc)1\e ]1er 11 eac1 a littl0. the11 1 lace her ge11tl~.. 011 tl1r 11 e:t . TJ1 r 11 ext 1,1)", c1o t h e sa111e thi11g l>llt ,,·all, ,,,itl1 l1 er a fe,,T : t ep. , . trolz– i11g· 11er h ad, t l1e11 ,vall< . l 0,, 1 l)" bac l{ a11cl plare her agai11 011 tl1e 11e t. Re1)eat tl1is pe1~for1na11ce every day fo1-- al1011t 011e ,,Teel<, ,,,.alki11g a little farthe1· eael1 day, tbe11 finallJ,.. . et her do,vi1 011 the t op of the fe11ce, ,,rith her hea c1 poi11 t ed to,,Ta1--cl the 11eigh– l101-- '. l)ael< yard . Xo,,· if yo,1 ,,·011lcl follo,,· • vo t1 r 11 a tl1 ral i11 e li 11a ti 011.· a11 1 • tl1ro\,. l1er 011t :11clde11] ~,. . }""0 11 ,ro11] d ha,re e,,er--,r l1e11' in t l1 C • yard yelli11g and yo11 ,,·ol1lcl ha,,.e ehicl(e1 feather--. all over tl1e place. Yot1 111t1:t handle the e thi11g. ,,·itl1 g·e11tle11e.. a11cl ,vitl1 t he lea t po . il)le eonfu . io11. ... "o,,,, take it ea J'" and do1 t forget to l{eep roiling·.' ' '\Ve e11t 1~e l t he ,, 1 ork lfith tl1i.. · ·age ad\'ice l)ef01·e u: at1 cl t he ve11- tu1~e pro,, d to be a lJig ·11 ·ce.. . Tl1e illl1.·tratio11 J1a. helpecl ll: i11 1na11)· trying· ci1·ct1m. ta11re. do,v11 tl1r ou gl1 th year.· . ] t i · J)rove1--bial tl1at 1110.: t eve1·~~ el1ur ·h rt111 i11to cliffi ·11ltie. 110,,T a11d the11, 1)11 t it .·re111s that of r c– ·e11t date a1 l111t1:11a] 11t1111he1~ of eh11r ·]1 c }1a, 1 e fOllll l the111:el, · : i11 th }}}i(l8t of tJ'QlllJle. \\Te ha '\rp l' - ·eive 1 . e, ·eral , .. rl')T tli8t1·p.. i11g let– t e1--: a11 l a fe,,, clelegatic)11.· of 1er11lexecl pa.· to1·. ,111 l ehl1rc·h of– f i ·er:. 111 a11 atte1111 t to a11al}"Ze the e 'a e , ,,·e l1 a, Te ·01ne t o t l1 r con cll1: io11 t l1at t l1e n1ajo1-- portio11 of ch11rch liff i ·ult ies li es i11 a la l< of h11ma11 1111der ta11(li11g 011 the i1art of tl10. e et al)art for 1 eacl cr – : hi J). I11 1110:t sitl1atio11 tl1 e i. ~ tle .·te111 .· fro111 11oth i11g· 1no1·e 11or le. ~ tha11 cla.·hing pe1\ 011aliti ._ a11cl t h r hao~ cle, ,elop f 1·on1 ha.·ty 01· c1·l1cle 111 tl10 1. of ha11dli11g by cht1r 1 111a11age111ent. It i di.~ tre · ·i11g to 1·ealize tl1at the eye of 111a11y people a1·e fix c1 11po11 ea h other rather tha11 upo11 ot1r l)le. ·ed Lo1·cl. It i.· di.·tre.\·ing· to rea lize tl1at i11 a <·l1111·r ]1 l1t1:i11c\ ' 8 111eeti11g the flesl1 ta 1{ .· l'011t1·cJl a11cl tl1 .. 1 1)irit C)f ( }ocl is ig:- 11orecl. \Vh n tl1e c·l1t11· ·h 11s 8 tl1 P l}l{.)t}1 o(l · of t l1e ,, 1 orlcl ,,rhe1 ..ei11 i · tl1e chl11· ·h differ e11t f1·om tl1 ,vo1·lcl f "\Ve r ece11 tly lea1--n d of a •• c•c111 cliclat e ,vl1c) s,1t i11 t}1e l)ct<· k xPa t c>f thr c· l111r<·l1 clt1ri11g· a b11si11c>~~ ~ P ~~ i o 11 a 1 1 < l H t t h P r 11 cl th r 1• eo f h P ,,·a ll<r<l tc> tl1r fro11t a11 cl acl\' isr,1 tl1e 1)eo1 le tc) li111i11atr h i.. 11a111 c, fro111 f111--the1· c·o11sicl r1·atio11. Tl1P 1>astor or c·o11grega ti<>11al t l1 c1i r111~ 11 ,,·1 0 ea1111ot c:011t1--ol hi111.·elf , :hol1lcl 11 ot l'e J)lac·ecl at tl1e J)Oi11t of c·o11- t1·ol i11 a11y Reg11lar I~anti:t ( ' h11rtl1. The t ea l1i 11p: of • e1"i 1)tt1 r e is 11 ot la l{i11.g a1110 11,<1.· R.egl1lar I1apti. ·t "h11rche.· , 1 11t thr p1--ac:ti 'e of that t ea ·l1i11g j · . adl:v· 11egleet ecl an1011 ~ 111a11, r lea lel", . ~ From the leacler · the people ex– pect lo,Te, j o}.. peace, lonO', 11ffe1·– i11g·, v; 11 t le11e:. good11e \ ' , faith. n1eek11e .. a11d t en1pe1·a11 ·e. If the leac1e1.. loe 11ot 111a11ife. t tl1e:e , ,ir– tue 1111cl e1· all ·irc11111. ta11ce. e - 1)ecially 1111cle1" t1'J"in~r <'i1·cu111- .·ta11 ,e.· , t l1e p eopl l1a,r e, •e1•JTr ea– ,'01} to c111e ·tio11 a Di,ri11e eall t o hi office. B t ~1TET~ · a11d BRI 1 KB.r\..TS Thi editor 1·e ei,,e. a c1uantit}.. of 111ail each 111011th eo1111)li111e11ta1')? a11d eo11cle11111a tor·v. 011 lett er at .. l1and :a)r:, 'I ll c111 cl JJrJ1t 011e bou- r11'- e t a 11 cl t l l' O b rich· ba f:. Th e 1 0111111e11t eac:h 111011tl1 see111. to l)e li111it e 1 to t l1 eclito1·ial pag . Tl1e ...\111·il i .. :11e tar1·ie i t,,·o c1it<)- 1·ial. ,,. 11 i · h (l r e,,· f i1 ..e : 011e ·011cer11- i11g· th e · · 1--a ·e · a11 l tl1e otl1er r e– latecl to )'Ou11~r 111 i. ·io11a1·ie . "\\Tr cll' e ,11,,·a}'",· glc1d to r ~e i,·e to111111e11t. 'f 11e t l1i11~: that cli:tl11·l1: ll.' i: a lae 1~ of ·0111111 11t . "\\.,.. l1 e11 ,,·e 1--ec i,·e 110 l1ot t<111et.- or b1'itl{lJat:, ,,·c 1{110,,· t l1at tl1e 1 aire clicl 11ot 1·egi ·te1· . • 1Jr . a11cl ~11· ·. Il o,,·a1~c1 tf. \ ,..ou11~· .. of ,,T elli11gto11 ,,·e1--e ,,·ith t11 J)eo- 1)1 of tl1 e Fir. t I3a1Jti ,t 1 hl11· 1 11, l 1 ' i11clla3r ( l1io, i11 \"'a11o·el i:ti. ·e1--,·– ic· e: f r o111 1\.1)ril to ..:\ 1 1·il 2:... ,,.. he11 e, , 1·al 111acle 1>1·of ), \ ·io11 of f ait11 a11cl the 111e1nbe1--.-l1ip "\\"a , ·t1·e11g·t l1- 11ed i11 t l1e f aitl1. :!.\11'. ·. Y Ol111c: cl alt ,,·it l1 )"01111g foll{ a11 1 ,,·c1. the .'}) al\'.– cr at t h e ~Iotl1 1---Dat1o·l1 t e1· 13a11- <1 U<: t. () tt1· ·or1·espo11de11t, ~11· ·. R ttbe11 .... 1 1 eff l 1~epor t .. the t h111'cl1 to be i11 fi11 · 11diti011. t ' < > ~ x Ii .t\.. 'I l r l; TI O ~ 'l ,,·i11.· .J a111 ..: a11 1 J 01111, ,,.. 1·e bo1--11 to R ,... a11 1 111·: . J.; la11 1 IIo,,·– ar 1. Faith 13aptist ( '1 1111rcl1, -4\ 111- he1--:t l1io, l,. 1·icla}T .c\ 11·il 27 1!).-Li.