The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1956

Fag( T,\F rltl~ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST - ~~~~~~~~~--~~ CR A MMING I,· ~II~~. [{l( ' ll .. \l{l) l)l rl{ll .. \~J . ~l i~si<>llclt'.\' tt11clPr i \l {\\r li~ • 1;J(l l [>e11118,· l,·c111i<t .. \,·p., :\lcl11il,1, J>}1ili1) Ili 11e1~ • rr}1i~ f1 11r cll'11t'l0 \\' ri1 t<'l1 l)\' .\lrs. l) t11·}1a 111 \\'cl~ cl('('()lll})Htli rcl b)· a 1l 01P fl'f)lll ., l)iC'),''- a~ f<>}l()\\·s: • ··1""c>l1 sEP. <)11c 1101)10 r ffort 1>1·0,~ol~e: a11othe1·. \\Thr11 J{o-,r 1·ea 1 tl1 r articl b)" .JI1·s. \\Tillia111 1~,ti.·c·c> 111 tl1 .. Jc1 tl llc11· , .. iss11e of tl1e 111atrazi11 , ,l11d the exce1,pt fro111 ill , lett er ,,·hie11 yot1 i11 ·ll1clecl, I fi11all)·. l l~· a 111· c_) 1 e ·~ of ar 111 -f ll' ist in g. g-ot h e1~ t 1111 t f 01~th a 1 i t t lr rff 01 .. t of 11 er· 0,,, 11. I I e1·e i the r e. ·111 t. The-> 111,lg'clzi11c 1 g·i,res 11s a 111011 t 11 l~.. to11c 1 of 110111e. Tl1a11 l{. . o 11111ch . .\Ir"'. I~ 11seo i11 ltal}r ,,·ill 1l r a.·r 11 otr tl1 r 1·<1s t1lt of l1e1-. effort. (Editor ) ' '( 1 1·a111111i11g'' is a t r 1·11t ,,·}1ic·l1 11a~ tal~r11 011 . ig11ifita11 c·0 for :-;t11- cle11ts r ,·er,·,,·l1r 1·e cll1ri11g tl1at fi 11al • ,,·pp}, c>f ... el1o() l acti,·itirs. l~11t I thi11 l, th e tPr111 acle<1t1atrl)· clc>:-;eril)P · 111 <1 f111·o r <>f ac·ti·vitie: ,,·1 ic·l1 tliP fa c·111t~,. 111l1"t r 11gage i11 h0f<' rP tJ1e)· <·a 11 . et t l e bat It a 11 c1 r 11 j c>).. t hat s i ..! l 1 c>f relief. I t i · tl1e sa111r at J~aJ)- 1 i · t J~ i l 1 l r ~ e 1l l i J l H1·\ • a l l ( 1 f Il ~ t 1 t 11 t <' • i11 j[a11ila ... for l>otl1 :..;tt 1cl e11ts a11d f acl11t,,. . .. t)h tl1at la. t ,,·eel{! S11cl1 a h11 s- t l r a11d b11.~ t1e. ...\11cl I g·11e:.· tl1c1 t t11de11ts a1--e the a111e eve1·v·yr her e'. ' · · I' lca e 111a}" ,ve : ta3r 1111 late a11 fl ~t t1tl3'" , ', ,,.. as a l)lea oft r e1 ec1t ecl. ~fa11~.. ,,·e1·e tl1 e fa ·l1it}" 111eetillg.· t oo. ' ' To grac111ate 01-. 11ot to g1,a c1- 11ate ' ,,,.a the 111e. ·tio1 fo1· 011<1 of t l1e . ·e11ior . . ' hall ,, 1 e let so-a11 c1- o co111e back 11ext yea1· ,va · a11- othe1, c111e. tion diffict1lt to lecide. IIO\\" ,,re 11eecl the \, 1 i c10111 of ~ ·01- 0 111011 t o clete1 .. 1ni11e the rig·l1t thi11g' to clo. ... 1 11atche. of tucle11t co11ve1,- atio11 co111e to Ollr ear . : Ili. t e t~ a1--e . o hard . . . t11dy the ,,· l1ole lJoo1< ... ,,·e ha l 300 c1l1e:tio11 . 011 ou1" E11g·li ·h exa111 . . . oh n1e . · F,J11 oli:h . p elli11g· a11 cl r11le: of g rn111 - 111a1 .. co11f11se t h e111 .·o at ti111es ( a11<l c.1011 't the)~ all of 1i.·) . }'4 1 or i11 - . ta11c·e the3" 1)ro1101111re the ,, 1 () r c.l · · :l1i11 ' ' like ,ve do · heep, ' ' a11d tl1e)~ J)1·011ou11tecl tl1e ,,·orL1 '· ~11e(.l 1) ' ' like ,,·e ,,,.011lcl 1 r o11 c)1111c·p '· ~hi r). ·' rr11 e11 there ,,·e1~e tl1e ear11est 1' ( 1 - ( { lle. t . fo1· p1·aye1.. l)y ot1r ·e11io1"s tl1at tl1e~,. n1ight 1{110,,· ,,·hel"r 111e Lo1·cl ,,·ol11 cl ha,,.e t]1 e111 . erve Il i111. Tl1e F1'icla1iT 11i 0 ht befor( 1 g rcl(ll1a - .. l'."" tit>11 ,Ya. a lJig· 11ight. lt ,,·as tl1 (' 11igl1t of tl1e ~c:11001 l)all(fllPt. 'l 1 l1i. i a11 a1111t1a l affai1· i11 11011or of tl1r se11io1· a11(l tal l~ £0 1~ 111t1t}1 1)re1)ar– a t i<)J 1. ,,Te 111a<.le 1 ittl0 l)laeP r artl~ i11 tl1 f or111 of a cli1)lo111a tietl c1 1·ecl 1·ibl1011 a1·01111cl ea el1 l>11 r1, c111cl ,,·r otP the 11a111e~ of ea~l1 g: 11 c>st 011 a · · cli1}l<>111a . ' ,,re ,,·er e 11a1)l))· to . ee 111a11J" 1Jeo1)le1 f1·0111 tl1e ,·ari<>ll~ ]~a1)ti. ·t <:h111·el1e~ of <)llr ..t \ :,..;– ~ociat io11 of J3a1>ti:-,,t ( 1 l1l1rcl1es j,1 ltev. a1icl Jlrs. l {ic l1 rt rcl D :t1·lif1,11 a11d faniily i1i a, r ece i1f . 11ap li ot taken i1i ,.1la1iila. Tl1e D1trl1a,1z zvill be a1norig tlz e fi1· ·t :lB llT E 11ii .. io1z– <1ric to e1zter· tl1 e 11 e 10 [1.clcl of JC a. t Pah · i ta ;1 1 z e 1 t. 1· all. I J t 1 1 C) 11 i 11 a ~ t P i 1 < l cl 11 l' e - , , ·, r :2 l, l ; 1 t - te11ding tl1i.· affair. 'l,11 0 Lir l ,,.\\1· v l) ll:~) · lllc~l< i11g· 11 e,,· cl l'P.'~ t' H { cl 111 1 :-it fo r t J1p111 ) , <l11 l t 11e J.,05T') ,Ye1,e 1 11t– t i11g· a 1101 ish 011 t l1eir .·hor ,vit l1 r ea] \Ti~or . i\ eo111111ittre 111atle llll of .·1t1cle11 t~ <.lPei<.lc . ,,·}1 :' r c\ a 11 (l ,, l1a ,,·e ,, 1 il l eat, a11cl tl1i · vear tl1e .. 111e11l1 ,,·a~ ~trietl.}" · · .. \111eri(·a11 0, ' ctnc.l ,,a8 ·e1·, ·ec.l at t l1 t> \\ral<.lo1·I Il otel li11i11g roo111. l-1,ol l o\vi11g tl1c 111 ea l ,,·,1s t lie J) 1,o– g·ra111 } llt OJ l l l}r bot}1 t}l(' fll<'ii} l ) . ,lllc.l :-;ttlcle11t ·. rl'hl' st: llO()l <.' l1ujr a11 c.l :,.; e 11 oo l 1 > a 11 cl t e "1 111 P l 11 i l f c) 1• ··:\I)'" l )esi1·p' a11cl tl1e l)o3r. '(jllartet ~,t l lL! a11 ar1·,111g·e111e11t l>f 'fJ 11~t . \ ( 1 lt). Pl' \\'" all, \\ it)1 rl' hPP aec·()lll– J>clllircl 1))" tl1e l)ctll(l. rrl1e };a11cl 1>la)' ecl a11 arra11ge111P11t of The ~'ig:11t I ~ ()11' ' ,,·1·itte 11 lJ)" lla1·oll 1 l1ilto11, ot1r tale11tecl s<.'11001 cli1·ee– tor. 'I'l1<111 ·a111p the i11e,ritable . •~l<its' ,,·hi ·h a1·e cll1110:t al,,ra3'".' 'tal{e-oif. · ' 011 eithr 1· tl1c fa 'lllt)T <)1' :--t11c1e11t ·. ~eeclle.· · to .·a~'", cl hi lario11 s ti111e "'"a. l1acl 1:Jr all. Tl1 e c·hoir c· c) 11c·l11c1r cl th e e,Teni11g b~r t l1 <' :--i11p.i11g of ' ' Tl1e J;orcl l{le. ~ )"c) i t a11c.l I{ PeJ) 'l,.<>11. ' ~t111<la)", 1'Iarch Jltl1. ,,·a · Bae– (·ala11reate, a11Ll Diel, " 1'a. the. I)ealt– c' r. :\l c.>11 lay ~! a1'ch 12th, \'ra. ·0111- 111e11 ·e111 e'.1 t a11cl a la1' Q.0 cr on·cl a11c.l J)a1· e11 t · a11d frie11cl.· gatherecl i11 1 1 ir. t l3apti. ·t hl11· ,}1 fo1.. the o ·– ea ·io11. \fte1· tl1e c:01111ue11ce111e11t ct c1clrr. · t}1e acacle111ic a,,ra1·d · a ,,·r 11 a · tl1e cliplo111a a1·e g·ive11 Ol1t. ..\\T 1 10 ,,·ill be the "'aledieto1·ia11? ~\ 1111 ·11 j'a11 o,Te 1~ the e11 ti1'e a 11 di to1--– i 11111. 1 To 011e i.· ·ur1)1·i.. ed 110,,-e·\·e1· ,,-J1e11 tl1e 11a1ne of :i.\Ir. l)e111et rio jl}1 t a ·a i ·allecl 011t. Il e " -,1 · a11 Ollt. t a 11cli112, st11cle11t . Th e 1·ecei, 1 i11g· of the li1)lo111a.· i. 1t1ite a ·e1'e111011 J·· £\fte1~ eael1 . tt1 cle11t r eeei,.. e.-- hi.: ·o,·– c.'te l ~ ·h eep , ki11 hi 11ictttre is 11:ually tal~e11 a11 l ever) ... 011e ·la1 .· . ~.,rie11d · a11cl 1·ela ti,T . heap gar– Ja11cl.· of flo,v l',' a1·ot111c.l l1i · 11eclt ,t11d 111a11)'" lJ1·i11g gift ,,.. l1ie 11 a1"e gi,·e11 at tl1at tin1 ( a · tl1e 2:racl– t1,1te ~ te1) · off th platforu1 ) . 'rl1i · ,111 tal{ .· ti111e, a11cl i 1~e1)eate] for c,l t l1 g·ra(111ate. \11 cl belic, ,.e 111r , cl1,,T P\'"<:>~ a1·e ra1· at a ti111 e li .,r .. .. t11is fo r l,otl1 the ~rra c. lt !at 1 a11cl lo\·ell o 11e.·. ...\ fte1· t}1p c:ixe1·e i " i.· o, ·e 1· 111c'r.' a 1· c, t lie li11g·e1~i 11g· fa1· e,,·<'1 l l"' l>e– t ,r<>c.} u fellc),r -. tucle11t:,., a11(l t e a ·l1er:--.. .L\.11<.l a~· ,,·c :ee eac·l1 011 e g<> tl1Pr<' i~ <l 11raJ 7 el' i11 ot1r l1eart.· t11at the)· 111i~l1t ' · r e111ai11 t1·11e to (Joel a11<l lli.· ,Yor cl. ' ' '\\Te l)() lie,·e i11 a11c.l t eath t11t1 i11clig·e11ot1:,.; 111<:>tl1oll i11 t)11r t,Yt> 11 i hIr .·cJ1ool. . 'rhis 111ea11 . · t ll at as t>11r grac.l11c1te. · go Ollt to ~e1·,·e tl1e l1or(l tl1 j . 111t1.·t l)P ,,·illi11g to fa( '< r eal l1ar(l.· hi1): a · tll e)" t1·11~t tl1e 11<.>rcl to s11p1 13.. e, ·<:>1 .. 3 .. 11e c.l. l)nc < > f <) l l r 1 l i o· g ~ t 11 e cl rta · l 1 '): ha be 11 to ·ce ,l fe\,. of 011r 0·1~c1clt1ate: (of l)ct~t ) '"ea1· ') lUl' cl a\Ycl)r frOlll tl1e ·e sc:1·iptt1ral p1,i11ei11le.· ,,·l1icl1 the~y· J1<l,·c lJ ee11 tat1g~J1t i11 I3B .. 1 TI 11) · <>tl1er f1111(la111p11tal 111i~sio11 0·1·ot111 ( ( 1 011('lt1clcc.l 011 l)a~t> 13 )