The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1956

Pag(' 'l\venty - THE OHIO INDEPENDE=NT~_B=:..:AP=-=T~IS~T=-------------------------J_u_n_e_1_9_56 HERE WE ARE! 11 " lll rl r ll I II \RI_)I 2()2!) Ea .·t :30th Nt1·r t lJ01·ai11. Ohio 1 ~ , .. T\ l I{ H. I 1 l ( • 1 I~J 1 1 \ .. - , ' ...\ ~ ,Yt\ d1·0,·c i11to tl1 e I a11g11i ~ t c 1 t i t) 11 1 l 1 t\ e,· 011i11g· of •\ })r i l 11 it l1n1· tll)~ ~0r111etl l)O, Hil)l tl1,11 ,,·c ,,·e1·c, <ll 1 i 11,1 ll)· 1o l>rg·i 11 1 1·e1)a rel tio11s r()l' le(1,·i110· f l' tl1 .._' tate.. .r\. f1·iea ~ l1n <l l)pco111r 11 111e l)11t ,,·r ,rc1·e a11 - xio11~ t o. to 1·0tt11·11 t ... \ 111criea to . ee 0 111· £,1111 e. a 11 cl f rir 11 d . ... ,.() \\~, clff r 1· Rl) e11cli11~r llllle ,,reel(.: at I 1111~· L)11ildi11g· a 11e,,· l10111e £01· 1)1·. Ro11t l1 ,,~e l1acl 1· t111·11 d to l~a11g11i to I aclt 111) 011 1· belo11gi11g ,111cl p1·e1)a 1· a p1·oper· pla e to to1·e tl1e111 1111·i11g ot11· }'ear of f111·– lo11gl1 i11 tl1 11 n1 l a11 l. Tho. e day ~1)ed b3T , .. 1~~ .. 1·apidlJ· l)11t l :l the e, ·e11i11p: of ~Ja~r t all the I)Ot: J),111s , • l1eet a11cl tea poo11 were J)a<:l~c l i11 lrt1111. tl1e J)i ckl1p l1ad bee11 1)11t 111) 011 l)locl<:, and ,,·e ,,·e1·e attire l i11 0111· lJe: t and vvar·1n– r . ·t l)il) aucl tt1c:ke1· a11d 1·eacly to boc11· 1 111e ... \. ii-- F1--a11ce ~i11pe1· on– . tellatio11. .t\ fte1~ l)iddi11g farewell to 0111· 11ati,'e 1 h1·il t ia11 .· tl1rre on the . tatio11 " 'e ,,.. e1"e l1·i,,e11 to th ai 1·1101·t b,,. . 0111e of 0111' f e]lo,,r 111i - ."io11arie a11cl ,,·er e 0011 14 000 fe et i11 tl1c air ra1)idly overi11g the cli. ta11c: 1) t,,Teen Ba11g·11i a11cl Fort I.1a1n1r. Thi ,,·as Ollr fir· t top ._ i11 tl1e late e,,e11i11g· for dinner. ,Y 1ne1·g·e 1 f1·om the air con- litio11ed pla11e it almo t . emed tl1at ,ve " ·er e t eppi11g into a hot ove11 lJ11t ,,re 0011 becan1e 0111ewha aect1 to111ed to th cl e r·t-like cli- 111ate. .1. "" i11e-thi1 .. t}T the following morn– i11g- fo1111cl 11 at 1~Jy ir Field in Pa1·i aft er a non- top fliaht a– ero.· the de e1·t th 11 diterranean a11cl • Oll the1·11 li 1~an e. It was a 1·ral joy to vi. it ancl f llow hip ,,..ith the 1ni io11arie lal)ori11g ther in .B r·a11ce and tho ·e tudyi110· th la11!.rt1c1ge i11 1)1·epa1·atio11 for g·oi11g· 011 to } .E. . "\\ e 1)e11t a ver3' e11jo3-... able cla}T ther i11 Pa1·i · a11cl again boarded the 1la11e at 10:00 o clock tl1at eve11in o·. "\!\Te we1·e ,1frai11 er,Tecl a deli ·iou · di1mer a ,,,.e IJecl 011 ot11· ,,Tay to,va1--d Goo Bay Lal)1·ado1~. "\\Te ca1111ot 11 l1) 1)11 t 1)1·ai e the Lo1·cl £01~ lli8 ~:ooc111e to ll for Ile hacl g·i ven tre11gth a11d g11i 1- a11ce c1111·i11g tho. e clays of p1~ pa- 1·atio11 f 01· de1)a1·tt11·e, IIe hacl met ol11· e, .. er·}r neecl, a11cl then Ile gave tl too, a beautifttl, s111ootl1 plan tri 1). Lab1·aclo1" ,,Ta. c1t1ite a el1a11g'e in cli111ate l)llt a ,, 1 e ca111e 011 cl0\\"11 to Bo ·ton a11cl then Ne,\" Y 01·k, it Rev . and ... lJ,rs. 1T' ar~d Harris ,,..a: ·011:i l eralJl,,. ,,,a1·111e1·. It \, 1 a j • goocl to lJ })a tl{ i11 the ~ i tat e. a11cl l1ea 1· F.111gli:h . 1Jol{e11 011 all . ·itl : of 11:. \"\ arcl .· l)1~othe1· ,111cl l1i. ,,,if 111et 11.· at t l1p ai1~1) 1·t a11cl ,,·c \\' 1·e .'0011 Oll 011 the J>e1111. ' ) rl 1 .7a11icl tl1r11pil{e e11jO)'"i 11g tl1 e brat1tie · a11(l ·0111parati,,p 1 ttXlll')r ,tll c1 l)o11t 11:. ft e1· a eo111fo1·ta l)le a11 l r11jo:vr– al)lc trip, (cxc:e1)t £01· fo11r flat ti1·e.·) ,ve fi11all)' ,11·1·i,·r 1 in Lo1·ai11 \\r}1 l' () it "\\'clH .'0 g·oocl to . 111) 7 fa111i l, r ao·ai11. ''r licl ·o lllll 1h .._ l:""i appre ·iate th l<i11 l11e 1. a111 g 11r1·- o ·it)~ of 0111· f 1·ie11c18 i11 the Tri11it)T l~apti:t ( 'h11rc·}1 ,, 1 l10 1a l a , .. e l')' lo,· 1 T • ·}10,r r for lt · a11(l (le111011- • .·trat cl .·t1·}1 a fc li11g· of ,,·a1·111tl1 a11cl f1·ie11 tlli11 e . Tl1ose f ,~" clav8 ~ ~I n t th 1· \\.. e1· a ti111e of 1· al bl e . i11g· a11 l i11 l)i1·ation. ..t\.. t p1· n t ,,. a1·e locate l h 1· i11 l1ell ocl< I o,,Ta ,, 1 he1·e the :B""' i1· t a1 ti ·t '1ht11-- ·11 ha: giv 11 11· a , ,er.)' ,,,. a1--n1 ,, 1 1 ·on1e a11d al.·o 111a11y lo, 1 el3r g•ift \\'it 11 ' 'Thi 'h to l)e– g i11 11011 ·el(ee1)i11g·. \\T ] oolc f 01·,, 1 a1" 1 to ·eei11 o· ma11 ?:"" of yot1 f1·i e11 l the1·e i11 hio du1"- i110· the 1nonth of J t1ly \ 11o·l1 t, a11cl 1 epte111ber when ' '"e plan to be in that a1·ea 11 l11i11g Ol1t at ( 1 a111p Pcit1110 ' a11cl , ·i ~iti11°· i11 OlTI of yo111· ht11· h e a tl1 oppo1·- tl111it}" a1--i. e. . \\ e ,,·i h to exp1·e 0111.. :i11ce1·e t l1a11lt. a11 1 ap1)1"e ·ia– tio11 to ach of YOll ,, ... 110 ha·\'e " 11ael{ cl 11: ,rith yot11 .. I 1~aJ" 1· a111 t l1 e 111a11~,. ,,·h l1a,re l1el1 ed tl fi11a11eia ll,, cl.' ,,,ell. • 'I'l1r Rr,T. 1 ha1"l . .X off:inge1· fo1·111 1· pa:to1· f Faitl1 1 a1)ti t 1 h111·eh 1 1 , , la11cl a11 l promin nt a1110110· tl1 I ,1 ·to1-..: £ hio oci– atio11 i. li:t cl 1),.. {1~aee Theoloo·ical '- ~ 111i11a l'\" cl. 11 a, ri11 o· 1·ec ei\"eel t 11 .._ I ael1 101-- of Di,ri11it1'" Deo·1· l1a,.r- .. i110· (•01111)1 t ecl tl1 11e e · ·a1·,.. 1~ i- ~ . cl 11 ·e ,, 1 orl(. :\11... ~.,.off i11ge1· ,,·a · 11·e,·io11.·]3.. g1·aclt1ate 1 f1~om Ball– ,,1i11- \"\ralla ·e 1 011 ~: a11c1 a1 ti t ible I 11:titt1 te . \ · ·01· li11p: to Olll' 1111cle 1· ta11di11g 11 ,,·ill te,1 ·11 i11 Da,,to11 a11 l at th .. :a111 ti111 ·tt1 1,T £ 1· hi Ia te1-- · .. D 0 ·1·ee i11 Ed11cat io11. "\\..,.hil ·i li11p: i11 that ·it)' l1i · a Illre. b : .I. TO . 64 11 ,, 1 00 l ' 'ell11 tou l1io. 1-- - ,vill Da) 7 - Pl ea e 1nention THE OHIO l}t– DEPE1\7DE1\ rT BAPTI T ivhen zo1·iting 0 1t1~ di 1 erti e1·. I t zcill be afJ·prec iat eel .