The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1956

Page 'l'\venty THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST J uly 1956 - -----'-----------------~·----- ---------------------------_.;a..--~ BOOK REVIEWS 'l'Illi~ 1~1 J1~~~l·~l) llt)l' I~, l/' 11 ... f the author: l)r. t: corg·e ]~. l .1,1 l<l ,r,1s C(lt1eatetl at <1orclo11 ) i– , ·i11it,- ,"cl1 001, I~os1011 l T11i,·01-. it,r, • • a11ti llar,·ar <.l l ~11i,·r rsit,·. Ila.· hr lcl • J)ro111i11()11t J)H~ torat e , a11(l ~rrYed a a 111e111l)er of l'a c.·t1lt,· at (..-orclo11 • I i,·init,· Hl'l1ool. a11cl i: 110,v a:- • sociatecl \Yitl1 tl1c Ji ttllrr rr h eolog- ical ~e111i11a 1'\''. els t>rofes8or of Xe,,. • Te tame11t l l i tor:\· a11cl l1il)lical • 'I h eolog)·. 'T'l1e 1)11r1)ose of tl1is l)ool{ is to refl1t the JJretribu/ation tl1eor)· J1elcl l>~· 111e 111a jorit)· of ])rr-111ille11- 11jal 1>eOJ)le. I r. T.1aelcl is J)re-1nill e1111ial a relatecl to t lir .._ 1 eeo11el .. \ el,·ent l>11t cleuie tl1a t tl1 Ra ptl1re is to J)r ececl e tl1 triblllatiO}}. ''T fl 1)8\'e r ead ,,·itl1 J)er . 011al i11terest tl1P lG() pages of tl1i: l)oolt, ,,·ith a 111i11cl ope11 t o reeei,·e i11. tr11et io11, l)11t ,,·e co11fe._ that ,Ye ·011ti11 ue to l1ol cl a , · pla e an10110' th f)re-tril)t1latio11i. t : . It i trt1e that the pre-tri l>11la tio11 t l1eor,~ i. dra,v11 . 0111e,Yhat fro111 j11- fer 11re ; 110,,· , 1 r, tl1e r efl1tation or t]1e theor1r as et for1}1 l,,. J)r. ~ . Lad cl i. al. o l)a . eel 011 ,Yi cl r j 1 - f ere11ce ·. I t ·ee1n.~ to tl · that IJr. Lallcl t ool< l1i J)o:itio11 tl1en at– te111r>tecl t o ~11rro1111cl l1i: 11latfor111 ,Yith 11pporti11g ~ 1 cript11re. To lt th all-i111porta11 t tloc:- tri11e, a-. r elatell to es ·l1atolog}· i~ tl1e 1 eco11(l ( 1 01ni11 g of ( 1 brist. a11cl far clo,,·11 the li110 i11 ()Oi11 t of i111- porta11 · i.· 011r opiuio11 a:-.i to ill<' Rapture i11 re la tio11 to tll{' ( i r c>a t Tribulatio11 . ,,Te belie, ·e tl1at Dr. IJaclcl hu .– clearl3r ·et f ortl1 th e. 1)ositio11 of the l)O~t-trib11latio11i: t . a11cl \Ye r r{·- 0111111encl tl1 r booJ( to tl1l' I)H~t or : for ·t 11cl}t. " ,,~JH. B . E crclJJlClll ,' J>uulishi11g ( 'o >Ji JJCL ll y ( t ra11cl I~al) icl:- . ·;i. () ~) \-y TTIIi PIR...\.'II .. T II 1-\:-:D– BO()K Xo. 3 Tl1c 110\Y boolr i. no,,T r eacl,, a11 c.l • tho e ,,,.ho l1a ·ve u ·eel the .. • o. 1 a11d t l1e Xo. 2 ,rill eagerl)' earcl1 th 1 1 ageh of t l1i: 11e,Y l)t1l)lic:atio11. 'I'l1f> art co,,erecl bool<:let eo11ta ins 11i11etJ~-five 1)ag·e. of 111eeti11g· l)la11 · fo r the )'"Oll ng people- t l1e t ee11- ager . There are thirtee11 c·o1111)lete 111reti11g- 1Jla 11 , e,·er~· cl etail ,Yorkecl ot tt 1ua11J'" cl efinitely t1 r a1natit, a11d all ,Yorth-,,;-rl1il . }eor~r • 1 a11ta i. '-' t lie a 11thor. Zo1tcler1·a11 PulJl ishing Ilou ·e– . ·1.00 ~ 1 n y boo 7-r fa i • orabl y re l' i cu I ccl on I his JJO ge 111 a lJ bc ec ured f ro111 'l'h c JJcl ir1· cr : B ible ,. JJ OO lr ( r (). ' 1.... () JJ a r 7-c .. l t 1 (' n ll e E 1.11r1{1 , ()h io . '1 1 EEX t _B] 1, -4\ l\II> l Ji~ 111 t l1i · fi11r bookl et .J l l\I , r_,_\l r.· (leal. ,ritl1 J l1,·e11 ile De li11(t l1e11ey. inc: l 11cli11g deli11c111e11 t :ocj et:v·, a11 cl cleli11c111 e11t parent: . Ile ha · gath– ereel a11 a.·to11i. l1i11g a11101111t of clata 011 tl1e :11l)ject a11cl l1i. pl1ilo:01)l1:v· is :ol111cl :e11.·ible a11(l ~ 1 cri1)tt1ral. Zoncler van J 1 ubli ·hing H ou ·e– . ·1.00 f..1LI.J I I, Tll E PR< I~IIE'f ()F F lRI~ 'I'}1ere i: 110 111ore t·l1alleu~i11 '.:! fig·ttre i11 all ~ 1 tripture, a111011 Q th r prophet:, tha11 f:IJ l.J .L\I I . Tl1 i: i a clra111ati · boolt ,rith a 1>rat tit<1l 111e8sa~1:e. E,·<) rv· 8te11r rec·or{l rcl of • thi.· c·c)lorf11l . err i. ·lt,arl,· :Pt • for th i11 a 111a1111rr t l1at \rill tl1al- lr 11ge the rPacler. 'J'l1e lJool{ is 011c 1 of th<> 11ak:< 1 r I r1J r i11t T Jibrar)r, a11el is a rP-isstl<> of tl1e J)t1hlic·atio11 ,Yhi t ]1 ,,·a~ r P– lectsecl l)~· tl1e 11rc.1:s i11 I.Jo11(lo11 i11 1 64. It i a11 ol(l boolc l)l tt its lllfl.' 'age i: as 11<1\Y a11cl a fr<'. 11 as th e ~ 1 (·l'iI)tnrrs ,Yl1itl1 it P lll – l)hasizes. ,Jol111 f~. :\l ae l )1tff. tl1P ,Yri1 cr of i\I c>11 orir: of :r1111 r . are1t. T l1e ~Ior11i11u· a11cl Xio·ht \ \~att·l1( 1 ~ ~ c, ' '1,he .b,a it hf 111 J>ro111i:rr . a 11el ot h <.11' !)llhlieation is th e at1t]1or. 1'J1e ,,·or}~ co, ·er: :3.">0 J)ag('S, at1 ra<·ti,,.e– J \ ' l>Otlll tl. • Ba.h·cr l Jool,· JI oust ~ ira11cl Ra1>- i (l · 6 :\ lic}1io·a11- .·:3,()() A HOME MISSION OUR CHARACTERISTICS Extensive Evangelism Intensive Visitation Bible Preaching Effective Teaching 0l'ganizing Baptist Chul'ches OUR SUPPORT Dependent upon the power of the Holy Spil'it Needi11g your prayer and financial contribu– tions OUR PUBLICATION Write for the Broadcaster, our quarterly magazine IIlAWATHA LAND INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MISSIONS Rev. Guy E. King, Director 1109 Ludington St. Escanaba, Micl1. ~ E \ .. I~~~.. I) EAI) J; Y ~ 1 I ~ 8 II r r r is th latest J)l1blitat io1 of 11 I IJLJ ) ,. 1Rr\Il ,\ ~I srrn1011s ~flt fortJ1 c1: tlrli,·er c•cl 011 thr l) roacl– ea~t. •' 'I'hr Ji ot1 r ()f l)etisio11. 'I1hr srr111011 :ttl)jrC'ts fo l lo,v: J)ritl 1 - ... \ 11gr r - }~11,,..\. - I 111 J)tl r– it)· - ( :lt1tto113· - •'lotl1ft1l11es. . a11(l -\ \'eri<'e. Th r 111essag·e. are 1)oi11te(l, J)itl1~· a11cl (lefi11ite11.\· eharaeteristie of thi pOJ)lllar o, .. a11geli. t. The . e,Te11 me ·– . a Q.'(l. • co,er a total of 113 pao-e, . The l)oOl{ i. attracti,·eJ)r l1ot1ncl, col– O!~f,1 l jael{et, a11cl p r ieeel at .·2.00 b)· Zo11cler,·n11 Pt1bli.-bi11g 11011:e. (: ra11c.l Ra1)icl G, :\I ic l1iga11. S.r:R:\l ~. · 13l r ({ R~~4\ 1 1 I~ \ T ~ \ x (:ELI . t T) I f t ,,·011lcl J,e rxt r e111el,· cliffit·11lt • to ac.;\..,C'll1hlP t,,.<~l ,·e 111or e forc.-efttl ~<' r111011s , or t o J)re:e11t t l1r ,vork of t , ,·p}yp 111or<1 i11trre ,ti110- 111 r11 tha1 r-- t }1 osr a1>1 eari t1~· i11 thi: i! rfat l"' ook: . l ~il ' ). c;ral1an1, J>a11 l Rres, i\l Pr YP I{O\..j (l ]l . . Jaek· Sltl tl c> r , ,J i111 \ ral l.', a11cl Ilarr.,· J\ p11rl111a11 111alcc 1t p part of t ]1 ( 1 ] il')t. 1 1 l1e1 111rs. agr: se<1111 to 1111l~ate ,, itl1 Jiff'. as thong-11 cl i r ert fro111 the-> 1 latfoi-111 of a l> ig· e,·a11g·eJi. tic· ~<1r,·i<·r 1111<l r r t hr i11.'J)ir atio11 of thr ho,1r. 'f' br 111t\-.·ages ,,·rr as– :c1n1h lC'cl l>)· l)r. R1tssel l "\T. Delo11g. % o II r 1 < J' l 'a II I> It bl is I, i JI g I I ou:c , < ~ra11cl I a1>icls- . ·~.. '5() \ \ '" Il r:x IR()\' <:4\ 'l, I~~~' ) "" I E lJI) 1 1 lli. hook· is th P t r tle stOr \ r of (}pof fl' ('_\" rl' . 1~11 ll, a 111i ·sio11a1:,. to Ti l' et . ,,·ho ,Ya: tak:c->11 J)riso11 e;· l),. ( 'lti11<1 ( '01111111111ists a11(l l1eltl fo'r 111orc' tl1a11 thrrr , ·cell's. Il i · fi 11al • 1' <'1r a .., p i" H<'l·rr(lit ccl to 1 ra,·flr of ({ ocl ' :-i 1>r o1)1 P. · 'l']1<' fir~t c.livisio11 c>f tl1e1 hook <·ovPr~ l1i~ ea ll the i11l'icle11t · of tra,·rl, a11cl earrie. · 11111c b of i11ten "e i11tcr r . 1. 'I l1e . eeo11el c1i,·isio11 deal · ':·it.11 affair -. i11 r elatio1 to l1i. ca1)– t1,·1t)·. Ilere is 011e o.f t l1e n10 ·t i11t e 11,• c l)r i11t er )stino- book a11,T ('l1 r istia11 111io·}1t \Yi:11 to r eacl. ft is ,rcll ,,·rittr11, apart fro111 poor J1a11clli11 u.· of c111otatio11 1nar k i11 rP 1 atio11 to 1 1111ctt1a ti 011 , ancl t l1rol1gl1ot1t t l1e tor J' carrie · tl1e t o ll ·11 of J)rofes ·io1 al jo11r11ali ·n1. 'I' J1r l1ook i'i 11ot onl}· tl1rill i11g·, a"1 r r la t t1 < 1 1 o t l l {:\ ( 1 hr i~ t ia 11 l) o it i o 11 . Ultt t hP . 1or)· 1>ro,·itles a frontal vi0,,· of eo111n1lt11il-l111 i11 op ratio11. 1 1 hl Ji oorly P re · ~. l1ica0'0 . ·3.00