The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1957

I I ag ~1 t t11 TI.fE OHIO INDEP~NDEN1~ BAPTIS1 1 August 1957 ~~~-~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~- lllAWA1'HA-TAAND'S ASSISTANT DIRECTOR REPORTS ''WHO IS SUFFICIENT FOR THESE THINGS ?' ' (.)\11 ,, l)1·k. i11 t)llr })l' t\~t'11t l)t)sit 1<)11 111 tilt' lli c1,,<1tl1n IJ,llltl l11 <lt'l)C11- tlt'11t l H})11"'1 i\li"~itlll i" ,r t' ll 8l1t r <) r t 11 i 11 1 I 1 t, t ,, <-) t i t 1 (' ~ t 11, 1 t , ,· <, 11<1,·t, ,,·I1iel1 cll',i~11at' <-)l lr l' <'S l) <>11~i– l ilitit'~. ,· iz.. A\ ~~ista11t -t<>-tl1e-1) il'Pt· - 1t>r a11<l ~li ssi<-)11n1·,·-nt-IJHl'i?.<-'. 'l 1 l1c • f<)l'tllt'l' tit l ) i~ 11ot i11t c11 l e 1 to i111- 11J~~ tl1at ,,~e clr ...\ .. si~t,111t l)i1·eetol's ,lq eo11tl')1·11i11g· tl1c1t 1·p 1)011. il1le of– fic•l'\. l t r ,1tl1Pr de. t·1~illr' Olll' I'C- 1 cl t i <-) 11 t <.) t I 1a t l) o._ it i o 11 a. ,,•e a1 •r . e11t ()llt i11 a11. ,,·er to ec1 ll ._ a11<.1 1·e– <i11e. t ,,·l1iel1 to111e to tl1e ££ice fo1· 0111· . er,·ie e.. a. jfi.. ionar·,..-at- .. IJc11·g:e. r her e a1·e 111a11~... e111er·gr11- tie~ to ,,·11 ic 11 Ollr Dir rto1· ea1111ot r e,;;})011(1 l)el' "011a l 1 ~ T • ..L~ctt1all.)]" ' we c11· e al "O a • i .. ta11t to a11,,. of ot11"' • .JI i.. io11arie · ltpou t he field~ to ,,,.l1iel1 ,·re l1a,..e l)ee11 . e11t. Thi. 111ini. t1·, .. . on1e tin1e. i11·,{ol, 1 e ·ot1n- .. . eli11g· ,,,.itl1 tl1e l)eople at the \"'a1'- iot1 statio11 a 1--eg·arcl · thei1~ 1·e– la tio11 to tl1e i\ f i · ion tl1e local t e ti111011,.. a11d thei1' :\ Ii iona1·, ,. .. .. Pa tor . Ot11-- 1ni io11arie. fa ·e 111t1lti t11di11011. p1'0l)le111. a11cl g1--ea t <liffie11ltie._ a. the},. 1a1)01· 011 the. e fie lds. irc1t111:ta11ce l111cler w hicl1 tl1e~ .. lalJor at' P ofte11 c- 1· 1. l1i11~: l1a11- tlieap: . I.1i1 1itecl ,·1)ac-e ,,,ill 11ot J)er111it 11. to illll, t1·ate. ()11r 1111. - . io11al'irs a1·e ton.·ta11t l}" at g1·i1). ,,,.itl1 t l1e ...\ cl,"et\ a1·v ,,,ho hc1 lJe- .. c·o111r. :o ,re 11 e 11 tre11 c l1ecl 011 the firlcl lo1 1g· before t l1l' ir ar1· i,.. al. rJ'l1i.· l>ei11u· II01nr .:\ Ii . : io11ar,.. ,, 1 01--l< • t l1e1· arr 110 f111·l r>t tii:h.· . 'l 1 l1i.· 111al<rs t l1e 11eecl f 01.. : l1ort ,Taec1tic>11 ... i111- J) e1~ati ,Tr. l f 110 J)1·0,·i.·io11 i8 111aclc CLEVELAND HEBREWMISSION · (F ounded 1904) Gi·ving the "GOOD NEWS' ' to the Jews by personal ,vitness in Cleve– land, Youngstown, and East Live r– pool, Ohio, also Charleston, West Virginia and Sao Paulo, Brazil. RADIO MINISTRY ,-vsRS-Cle"Veland, Sunday, 1: 00 P.:M. WBBW-Youngsto,vn, :15 A.11. unday , w, r A:\1- Altoona, Pa., Saturday, :15 A.M. "\\"A"\.TL-Apollo, Pa., Sunday, 1 :15 P .11. W PD- Toledo, Ohio, u11day, :45 A.11. (E\"e ry fourth unday Only ) RE"\.r . GERALD V. 11ELSER, up't P. 0. Box 3556 Cleveland 18, Ohio for t l1e111 to co111e apa1't a11cl 1 .. e. t c1,, .. 11 il e, the).. are apt to con1e a- part ' 1111cl01· the co11:ta1 t (111cl p1'0- l 11g·e 1 . t1~e. : a11 cl .· t1 ..ai11 . Tl111. t 1 er r 111ll, t l e 01ne xpe1 .. ie11 ·eel J)e r .. 11 ,,,.ith . } 1 111patl1etic lll1(1e1"– .·tct11cli11g· of t l1 i1· ,,..01·1( a11cl prob– le: 111. to st e1) i11 a11 l car1·3.. 011 wl1ile t l1e},. ,11· ab e11t. Tl1i. 11ot onl},. i1r,·ol ,,.e: · . 11 1))1 r cli11g· the flo clc l)ttt Ho11 eti111e. i11,Tolv l the care <)f t ]1 r 1101ne a11cl ·hilc11·e11 of t l1ei1· f'c1 111ili e. ,,·110 ar r i11 . C' l1ool 01· £01· ot 11 Pl' r eel , 011. ca 11 11ot acro111pa11)r tl1 ei1· J)arr11t: 011 ..·0111e 11ece . a1·~T t1·i J). ~o tl1i: i11 tt11·11 put.· ext1·a ,ror l< c1 11 cl 1· c1. • l >011 "i bi] i ty l111011 111~,. ,vif P, ,,·11<) alsc> Hl1a r e.· 1·es1)011.· il1i1- iti Ps i11 t l1c-i 111ppti110".· cl11cl ·c1l l i110· t"" ~ 111j11istr,· i11,·ol\'rtl. • \\Tp 11111:t rp111i11cl ot11· 1·c,1cle1·: tl1at <J11 r ~lis8i<>11cl r iPs cl1·e ofte11 ca llecl a,,·a3~ fr<>111 t l1Pi r fi elcl: ic> 1·e1 r e– sP11t t l1e l\ l i.-.· io11 i11 c.le1)t1tatio11 ,vo1·lr a11cl :\ Ii.·. io11ar,.. ( (011£e1--e11ce~· . I11 .. cl a~r~ g·o11e })3 7 , ,,·l1e11 t he hel1) of a l\Ii .. io11c11·3"-at-I a1·g· ,,.,a 11 ot c1- ,,,til,1l)l0, t l1e 111i ·io11 arie · ofte11 1·e– tt1r11ecl to f i11cl t l1a t i11 tl1eir alJ– :e11 c· e ,,·01,,e ,,,1 0 ~ pa1·ecl 11ot t l1e flo ·lr l1,1d a ttacl{e l a11cl ofte11 cat– te1·ecl t l1e111. Y ot1 ,,rill l111cl e1· ·tancl 110,,· thi.· ro111 l ha I pe11 \\ 1 l1e11 ,,,e 111e11tio11 th e fa('t that 111a11Jr of t l1e 1)re,·c1 l 11t ·t1l t. a11cl ~ j m ' ar"e J' ()})l'e8r11trcl a11 l acti,r 011 t he e f ir l<l .~ . r 11'.) 11ee l for t he n1i11i. t1·y of :\Ii · 1011 ,l1·ie.·-at -Lc11·g·e l1a lJ come s<> g ·r eclt 111 011 r 0·1·0,:vi11g· Ii io11 tl1at a11 ot l1 r of 0111· ol l e1· a11 l ex– l)P1·ie11c:e l C'Oll})le ha · been ap- 1)oi111 e 1 to tl1i t }rl)e of '\VOl'l{. Ralpl1 a11c1 :\ l fllJ ]le l l ill l1a·,{e al o been act i,.. r i11 tl1i. 111i11i tr·y fo1' 01ne 111011th8 110,,r. Be ide ,vhat i 11g·– g·c._·t cd i11 the above, ,,,e are ofte11 c·a llr cl 111 011 to eo11 tl11et a . r 1~i r . of s1)eC' ial P\'a11 !rllli:tic- 01 .. l~ib] r .·tt1cl),. 11reti11g-. 011 \'ar iot1: fi e l cl :, a · ,v.,e 11 lt. · 111al\ i11g' t1·iJ).· to other state. · to re1>1·e:<.)1 t Ollr i\ Ii::io11 i11 lept1t ,1- ticJ11 ,,,.01·1{ a11tl :\Ii.\ io11<1r,T '1011fer - • 0 11 c- e: . 111 C' lo:i11g, ,,·e ,va11t to 1"e1ni11l 011r· l"eadeJ·: tl1at tl1e ti1ne i. :ho1't t l1e 11ee l t1r·ge11t a11cl the ·it11ation de pe1'ate i11 ot11· la11 ] tocla3.. , e\.,e11 c1.~ it i: in t l1e ,,·orlcl. Therefo1·e ,,·e 11111 ·t lJe l e ·p erate. Ot1r· :\Ii - .·io11 1·e1 1·e ·e11t . a mi11orit3.. i11 tl1e g'r ea t ... T 01·thla11d b11t ,ve eek to l)e a 111ilita11t and ag·gr e . i,re mi- 1101·i t~", ,,. ho ,, ...ith 3"0111-- 1) anc1 lll)po1--t. ·a11 become a majority 1111 lei· -}ocl. 111-- co11 tant cry i ' \\ ho i: 11fficient for the e thi11g-.... ·' ? \\Then 1nig·h t3r ,vr ong are tall{i11g' the earth ancl our' g·1--ea t , ... et ,,ickec1 , nation i. rip e11- i11g· for .j11cl ~.?,'111e11t, ,, 1 e a1'e mo1--e and 11101·e a 111·ecl tl1at h1·i t i the 0111}'" ancl all -. 11fficie11t an wer. B 1·et l11 ..e11 IJI"aJ"" f 01-- tl. a ,ve a i t 0111· Dir·ec to1-- aud the :\Ii iona1~ie 011 t l1 e , ,a1·iol1 field. i11 r e pon e to t l1ei1· ·all. £01-- the ervi ·e of a ,j i i.'. io11a1·1r-at-La1·0 1 e. '\Ve want .. '\"OlL to 1{110,, tl1at ,,,.e tha11lc i-od for .. ea ·h 011e of }"Oll a11cl that the wo1 ..l{ 111 O'\" . 011 ,,·i tl1 o l l)le ing·. Ilo,,· , ·e1· it i. till 11rge11t that ) '"<>11 ' p1·a)~ t l1e Loi· 1 of the 1-Iai·– , ·r:t t <> t l1 r11:t f 01·tl1 la lJ01·e1-- . ' ,"\re a1·e1 st ill sl101·t l1a11tlecl i11 tl1e Ila1--– , ,.rst. B ~~. :\I~ 'i FR :\I THE J_; J IITII l ._ 1 E (Continued from page 13) t h e 1)eo1 le a11cl place that toolc a1 ..e of 111e ,rl1e1 I 11ee 1 cl 0111eo11e. I 111 11ot 1)rot1cl of ,,,hat I licl. b11t I am 1)1·011cl of the peo1)le -nrho toolr t i1ue 011t to .·1 0,,,. n1e I ,,,.a. ,,,.1~ono·. I lc110,,· II ,11·olcl ,,,. ill lo,"e \"Ot1 a 1n11cl1 .. cl ,' I clo. · I 111 .. e11 :li11g· 3~011 a pict111"e of tl1e little bo3.. I had in 3rol11 1 Door of Fiope . -roc1 ble :y·ol1, Lo,.,e '' . l;ette1--... ·11 ·h a the a1--e u1'el~y· a 1)1 i11g t t1 . It 1"eally make tis f ee 1 t l1a t e,TeI"),,. effo1 .. t ,,.,e p11t fo1·t l1 to l1elp tl10 e ,,110 co1ne to 11 to fi11cl tl1e Lo1·d J e ll a t hei1· Ra, 1 io111· i... ce1·tai11l3.. ,vo1~th " ,.l1ile a11 1 I lea ·i11 o· to ot11-- a,Tiol11--. Kee1) Ren1e111be1--i110· l to I Ii 111. '