The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1957

THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST__________ September 1957 Th Liquor Business is My Busines1 J',· l '11 .. \ l~ljl·"~ }1' . • J() . "Ji:~. l)1·p~itlt'11t , "Jo11es :\lotor o., l11e. · l 11 • • ( i1 ·ic l , ague l1>ec<JJ rl ' · \\ n,t 't, 1lle. i\l,1i11e- ,.\ t·it., (ll'– l' i<·inl re1•1<trkt'<I. nt't<'r a ~l'<lll]) <>f' i l l t (\ l (, , 1(' ( l (. it 1/; p 11, 1l l (\ t \\ i t I 1 t l 1(' t•11, e<llltll'il tt) Jl1'<)1 <\,1 a l i<111<>r li - l '<'l·t,t' clll ])l1<'clf i<lll. •' / . ll'i:J, f /, (JS~ J>t ,11J/l ll'f>lt/f/ }Jlillf/ f/1( II' fJll'll /Jl{SI- •• 11 ( • 'r'l1i~ i, ,l v<>11t·i"t) .-t,lt(~111p11t of tl1e <1ttit11<lf' (lf a ~rre,tt 111a11)· J)eo11le i11 tl1() 111c1ttt 1· of ~t'lli110· c111 l c1rinlci11g· i11ft)Xi<'ctti11g· l)r,·e1·age.~. It i: ,rith tl1i ' grc)llJ) i11 111i11d ,,·110 elai111, , . It i" 11c)bo<l,-'~ l)11.-- i11e;;;;" if I d1·i11l,, t hctt tl1e~(' rP111,11·l,~ are 111aclr. Tl1 c I i( I I( () I h I( s i II ( ..., i. . : 0 J , l c O j' J 1 }. J:, . 'I .\ f.J.\ ~ '. "\\... l1e11 clri11l, tost.".i 111e ",() lllllcll i11 • 0 111a1lJ'" ,,Ta) 1 .', it i. i 11 t lee t l .J ll ... 11 l ,. "' 1X1~: , . I <tnz <1 11zc111 a11cl a ... 11tl1 , a 111e 111- ll r of oeiet, ... "\\"l1,1te,·er Lle- • g·ra le~ thP ·ociet~", of wl1ich I ct111 cl 111e111lle1\ iu ,1 , 1 el..)" real " ,.a3· af f el't. · 111e. It i. mJ,. l)l11·po. ·e i11 lifr to i1111)1' ,,.e tl1at :oeiet3". I l1a, 1 joi11rcl tl1,1t g1·eat ho ·t ,,Tl10 ,,·a11t to 111c:ll{e tl1e ,,·01·lcl 1Jette1·, if fo1· 110 ot 11e1· 1·ea:011 l)e · a t18e ,,e ,,·a11 t to li,·e i11 tl1,1t l ett => 1• ,,To1·lcl. I33r cl1·i11l{– i11u· 3·ol1 are tea1·i11g lo,,·11 that , t r11rt111·e ,,·e a1·e tl')"in ...: to l)t1il 1. It i ~I Y B lT .. " I;{E ~ i if .Y'Oll cl1·i11l{. I a1ll <t c1t:fo,1ler for tl1e pro– cll1et ) "Otl p1 .. odt1<.:e 01 .. tl1e e1·vice~ ,·ot1 re11cler. Do ):ou \\TOl"lc i11 t he ~ e1·,·ire :tatio11 ,,•h e1•e 1 b11Jr lll)T ga ~c.1li11e ? ()1.. a1·e ) "Ol L tl1e 111a11 ,\·ho <:llt 111s· 111eat at the b11tche1· " hop ! Per·ha1): )"Oll l1a\"· e a :e111blecl 111,,. a11to111olJile or ... , 0 111e of tho e • c:,11 \\'0 a1·e · lling to our £1· ie11 l . '1- 011 111c:1}· I)O: ·ibl)- fit 1t1}r clat1g11- te1· · 11ext JJai1 .. of :ho~·. \\Tl1at ,·er )"Oll clo. I l1a,Te a 1·igl1t to xJJect ,·ot1 to be at ,·ol1r l;e:t fo1· I ~ . J ,a~- for ~·ol11· :e1··\'· ic:e. I jic11101· i111- l)air. ~-011 r eff i<.:ie11c.y· a11cl a.: )"OUr pf fi ·ie11 C:J" i · i1111)airecl I I a)" for it throt1gh l1i1.l1e1· to:t.~ a11cl poor ·e1·\ 1 - ,·i ·e. lt I ~ 1 :\IY BlT ~1... TF.J~ 1 ~ • if , ot1 cl1·inlr. • I c1111 fl1c cl riv er of' a 11 r11cfo1,1obile. \\ hc11 )"<Jll ~teer .. yottr t,,·o ton. of steel clll(l !!·la i11to tl1e l1ig·l1,,·aJr a11cl l)l'O])el it to,, 1 a1·cl 111e at the rat J1ighe1· that 011e l1u11d1--ecl feet pe1· "Pl'OllCl. [ a111 1--ea Olla l)}e ill ex– J>P<·ti11~ tl1,1t ~·ol11· fal'llltie l)e t111- i111J)airell. Dri11l(i11g· 111ake , yo11 a cla11ge1·ou. OJ)erator. 'rhi , fact l1a , lJee11 1)1·0,·ecl th1·ot1g·h botl1 cli11ical a 11cl l1ig·h '"·a~" te t . . 011 a lo11el~.. ·tretc· 11 of hi!.!.h ,,·a'" a f a111il \" of ix ,\·ere 111aki11g: tl1ei1· ~ ,,·a,· to the <·it}". Tocla~· . ix 111all • ,, 1111 p erc)ssr~ 111a1·]~ th Hf)<) t ,vJ1 r 1·e 1 l1 p,· ,,·c'rt• i11,·c>l,.. flc l i11 a ht>acl -011 l'<>l li l'-liC>ll ,,·it ll H <lr111l{i11µ: cl1·1,re1·. .\ ~ i 11 g· 11 l ,.1 1 · a <• < • i < 1 r 11 t ? ~ o l > l l 1 r e- J) <'Ht rcl t111clrr cli ffere11 t :etti11t?,'8 lllHll\" t ll <)l t~a 11< l~ <>f t1111PS 0 \ 1 er. ~[) 1 l'ric> 1i cl, 111)· fa111il)". or J 111igh t be i11 111at ear tl1at 111 eet: ) "Oll ~0111r <la,·. I 'r I~ :.\IY BlTRT~E .. ~ if • ,·011 c11~i11l,. • I bzt.lJ a1ffo it1:1tra1z ce. l\Iy i11- :t1ra11te 1·,1te.- ,1r e ·et at a . ch ecl11le to 111c1 ltc i11. 111·a11r e pr~ofitable for t ]1 e eo111pa11)·. 1 lc1 i111: p aicl, ,,·11 etl1- r r fo r ~111a. l1ecl tail lig·]1t. ~ e1·iol1.· I)11J": iea l i11jl1rie/ . or the tragic lo:' of life a 1·e 1·eflerted i11 the pre1111- 1l111 T 1 a~· . 1,..ol1, ~Ii--. D1·i11l<i11g D1~i,,.er, a1·e re:1)011._ i1Jle £01· a l1igh l)P1·ee11t ag·e c)f aeei l e11t.·, a11 l th11.· al:o fo1· t l1e c·laim. paicl . I an1 l1 el1)i11g· to pa)'" fo1· 3ro t11 .. a~c:icle11t.· th1 ..ol1ih i11 cr ea:e l i11:11ra11 ·e I 1· - 111jl1111. . It I~ jIY Bl"kil~E. 1 .' if ,·ol1 clri11l,. ' I a 111 a tc1 .rpc1 .lJC r. I a1n 110 all– t 1 ori t ,. 0 11 , , · l1a t clri11l( i : ·o:ting· tl1 ") t~~l)a)·er:. I ha,·e l1ea1·cl tl1at f ro111 e, 1 e 1·,· cloll ar ,, 1 e tal<e i11 £1--0111 ~ Sermon Outlines 1-3,r Rc 1 , '. 1 • 1 • :\IaJ)le Root Roacl. El~.. 1·ia, < >l1io '1' IIE i 1 I II.1 l) () 1~ ( } D I ... T rr II '11: , \ 1 I I ) I_J () F :} 1) l)al1l sl1gg·e. ts tl11--ee thi11g.· to tl1e beli0,·er: 1. TITER}~ H 11 () l ... I"D I~E .1.\ I->RI~– NJ~~T .r\ '1 1 I l)X Ro111. 12 : 1 l )ecliec1te ,111cl ( 1 <>1 .·r ·I·ate ot1r– :el,·p~ ll11tc) l1i111 .1.\ c-t:-; · :-!, I 1 h1·011. 20 :3 2. Tl l ER}~ SII l TLD Bl~ ...\ .. El)– AR .L \ T I (J \' Ro111. 12 ::2 X o ·011:ecr ,1tio11 ,Yitl1ol1t . ep – ara tio11 < 1 0 1. :3 ::S , < 1e11. :- :24 3. rl' ll ER~J ~ 1 110 LD 8~~ 'rR. \ XS] )R:\l .r\ 'rI ?\ 1-{ 0111. 12 : 2 ~ 1 epa1·atio11 lead · to 'I 1-.a11 ·fo1-- - 111a tion (Jol. 1 :21, 23 3 :10 II or. 5 :17 Rr f e1·e11 ·e · a11(l 11111 t1·ation : •-\ ct 9 :19-_2 I I 1 o 1~. 6 : 14:, 17 •01. 2 :6 I tT 0J1n 2 :o ]l<!ll()l' J'P\"f'lll l P ,,·c, cll'P SJ>P,11<li11g· l'rc>111 f<>ttl' 1<> < ip;l1t cl<>llHl':-.. t<> c·a1·p rc>t' t }l (l J>l'C)l >lPlllS <tle<>h<>l llH~ (•l'(> – cl1 l' cl . J \ .' H t ,l X 1) cl ) ,. r r , f a 11l h P 1 p – i 11 g t c) J1c1,\' f 01· h<JSJ)i1 a 1: 11ri:011. , }) 0] i c' P l l l P 11 , H 11 cl 1 ' P 1 i e f f O 1' fa l l l i } i PS ,tll l)c->c·alt sr , ,0 ,1 cl1·i11l{. I t J. 4 IY • J~{ rS l ~ l1]~N if , rc>11 cl1·i11l,. • I a111 r1 fc1l/1r1·. 111 P\'Pr)· ,rc1J· .,·c>tlr clri11l,i11g· affpc·t : 111.,~ c· l1i)clr<111. rf 1 Jic, ll fl \\" , ' ]>Hf)Pr:,., c\l'P f11]l <Jf H<' – <·Ollll1 . of clri11l<i11g 111 p 11 111<>lPsti11g· c·l1ildre111 a11cl , .. ol1tl1. Y 0 11 111a,.. 11 \ 'P r • • i)P g11ilt~ 1 of , 11el1 a c·1·i111e, bt1t cl1·i11l<i11g· 111akP8 tl1e practiee 111ore co 111111011 , a11 cl 111,· C.' hilc11·e11 are 11101·e • a1)t to tal{e 111) the com1no11 habit~. Fl11·tl1e 1· \TQlll' • hilcl1·e1 ,,rill i11 - . ._ 11oce11tl~,. e11011gh, lJelie, 'e ,,,.ith ~'"Oll that it i all rig'11t to dri11l~. Th1·oug·b ,1 OC' iatio11 ,,~itl1 ·v·ol1r cl1ilclre11 ,vill • lll}T £a111il3-r 11ot be ,1ffectecl b)" )"Olll' i11flt1e11e e? It I :i\IY B (TRI ... ,.E i if 1ro11 cl ri11l~. • - The "'\\Te ·te1--11 "\ 7 oice .4\rt tl1011 : l111l{ i11 clepth: of ·orro,,· "'\\ 7 he1·e 110 c11·111 Cc1n 1·each ·o lo,,·? Tl1 e1·e i. () 11e ,, .. l108e a1·J11. al111igl1 t~.. Re,1<.· }1 l1e3·011c1 tll}"" cleepe t ,,oe. {oc1 tl1 , E te1·11al i tl1)'" 1·eft1ge Let it . till th,.. ,,·il(l alar1n ; ( '"11cl e1·11ea th th:v· cleepe ·t :01--1·0,, ,. .. \ 1· e tl1e e,"e1·la:ti11g· a1·111 . ( ) tl1er. ,11·111: 0·1·0,, 1 faint a11cl , ,·eary, rr11e ·e l'cl ll 11e,· l' fai11t 1101' fail: t l 1e1-. · 1·ea tl1 ot11.. 1nol111 t of l)l e · ·- . 111g·, 'l"l1es 01tr ]olre. t, lo11 elie. t , Tale. ()11, tl1at all 111ig·l1t lcno,Y ll i. f 1· i e 11 ( l : 11 i J ! ( 11 that all 111ig·l1t ~ee I1 i: ·l1a1 .. 111: ! ()11 tl1at clll 111ig·l1t l1a,ye be11eatl1 tl1 e 111 ,J e~t1s ' r ,Te rla:ti11g· a1·111. ! l ' 11cJer11eatl1 11:, ol1, ho,r ea.')'. \\Te l1a,·p 11 cJt to 111ot111t 011 l1i~h, l~11t to .· i11l, i11to I Ii f11l11e.·s, .. \11 (1 i11 t1·t1 ·tfl1l ,,,.eal(11e: · lie· ... \11 l ,,·e fi11c.l 0111· l1t11111Jli11g· failure ~a , re l18 f 1·0111 t l1e -,t1 ..e11!?:tl1 that l1a 1·111 · ; "\\re 111a, .. fail, bl1t l111(ler11ea tl1 u • 1\ 1·e t l1e e,Ter la ·ti11~· a1--111 •. •\ r111s of ~J e.: tt : .fold 111e <-' lo ·er 'r o t l11T :t1•011 O ' and lovi11g• 111--ea.'t : • '1-,ill ill~'" ·pi1--i t 011 TllJ" l)O "0111 .r 1 i11cl • it , eve1·la tino· 1~e t. .4 \.11cl ,rl1en time' la t ·and , are inl(i11 o·, 'hield 111y hea1·t £1·0111 all alarm Noftl)r ,vl1i pe1 ' ' 1T11de1·neatl1 t l1 e ....\. r cl tl1e e, · 1~1a ti11 o· a1·n1 .. . · .L\ . B. '1imp on