The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1957

THE OHIO ===================================-============================================ Volume XXIX OCTOBER 1957 Number 12 Builders of Cedarville College Women's Dormitory Front row: Allen Adle1·, Hublall Sookram, Richa1·d Coope1· Middle row: Cliff Miller, Harold Pyle, Randall Yage1·, Mai· hall Wat on Baclc row: Allen Oak , Cliff Boe el, John Entne1· upeI·intendent of g1·ot111d , G. C. Mai· hall. ' 'Fo1· we are laborer toget l1cr witl1 God: ~ are God hu ba11d1·y, . or. 3:9 a1· God' b11ildi11g." I