The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1957

THE 01-110 INDEPENDENT BAP)'IST__________ October 1957 THE B IST SEMINARY OF THE BIBLE, INC. } ;~-l-()7 l\ lll~lllcl ll J{ (l., ( 1 1()\'P l,lll Cl ~{) ()l1i t> .. \ ll l 11 ( l(\ l) (\ l l ( l pl l t 'l'll<' ()l)l tlillt! C)f vlct:--.~('~ i11 111(\ fall tP1·111 )ll ~t'])tl~111l1er 1()111 111,trl,"' tile ' l'(\lltll \ "t'Hl' of till' C) l)l"l'Htio11 C)f tltl' l~cl})t 1st ~t'111i11c1r.\ t)t' tllt' I{ibl<' f<.ll' tllt' ,t)lOl'l'tl ]) t't) })le of l)l1io. l)11ri11i,! tl1is ti111(' '"<' l1c1,Te !2.1',l<l– llcltPcl :{(1 • t11cle11ts t'r<.>111 t l1 e fo11r , .t,a r l) il)lt} l'<>111·sc'. .\ 11 t>f tl1ese are ;1~t i ,·e l.' e11~c1getl i11 .. pr,·i11g tl1e 1101· l: t>igl1t Hre 1)a~tori11g C'l111r ·he · ,111cl t,,.<.) are cllttl1orizecl 111i._:io11- c1rie~ ,,·itl1 tl1e I a1>tist 111i11a1·.'· of tl1Cl I~il)l . Tli r Clc of tl1e g1--c1dl1ate.· , l~ e,·. 'B'recl :\ Iil le1·. ·,-3, t)a to1· of tl1r ~e111i11a r~· Ba pti,"t (-.. l1 l11-- ·11, Re\·. ...\rtl1t1r "\"\T,11·re11. '33, pa tor of ~ e\,. ~a rcli8 I >1·i111iti, ..e 13aIJti -- t ihl11·cl1 , ,111cl R(.l,.. '\\T il l)111·11 -J ael\so11, 57, })a/to1-- of 1\ 11tio ·}1 13a1 ti. t }1Ul' 1 11 t)f ('1c111to11. ,,·ill be te,1el1i11g tl1i · f al1 i11 t lie ~e111i11a 1·,,. . • 'la .--. e i11 tl1e .1. Tigl1t School a1·e l1e I 1 ea(·11 :\Io11da ,r T11e tla·,{, a11 1 • • "\\T ed11e~ ]av 11i o·l1t~· £1·0111 7 ::3() to ' ~l : ;3( l , c111 (l i 11 t l 1 e l ) a ,, •• t l 1 oo l o11 ' T11 , .. . ,,.,. ec.111e laJ'", a11cl Tl1t11\ - < ~' °· 111or11i11g· · £1 ..0111 ~) ::3() to 11 ::30. < 'fl1ere i " 110 e1 1·oll111e11t fee or tll- ition cl1arg·e. ...~11 ela... e. · a1·e f1·ee. 'I lie 0111v· co. t to tl1e t11cl e1 t i the ' 11t11·el1a.·e of l1i. textl>oolt.· ,,·l1it l1 bee;o1ne hi o,,·11 per ·011a l p1·01)e1 ..ty. Tl1e fot11· yea1· Bil)le ·ot11· ·e 1 a 1- , i11g to a Diplo111a of Tr acll1at io11 i. le:ig·11ecJ f il'. t to gi\ 1 e th .'tllC1 11 t ,1 1{110,,~Ieclge of the C'o11te1it of t l1e I-iii le~, ..e ·011cl to c1ete1·111i11e 111 111ea11i11.r of tl1e ~e1·i1 tl11--e \ a11cl tl1irc.l, to trai11 tl1r :t11cle11 t i11 111etl1- otl of 111i11i. t1·y to a ·c1t1,1i11t other-. ,,·itl1 tl1e to11te11t a11cl 111ea11i11g· of tl1e ,, ... 01~c.1 of ({o 1. Tl1e 111i11i ·tr~· of t he BaJ)ti:t •;e111- i11ar~· of tl1e l-3 il)le is 11ot tc)111plete 1>~~ t lie 111e1·e trai11i11g: <)f leacl e1·sl1 iJ) to p1·,·e i11 e. ·tabli:l1ecl c·l1l1r ·l1e. · ,·ital a that 111i11i.·t i·)T 111ay l)e to tl1e ,,·01·1{ of tl1:) }c>spel. 111 tl1e.·e cla)y~ of . t1·ife . ·tril<e. ·e~:r e~:atio11, i1·1·itatio11. a11cl 1·es1 le · ·11e-. tl~e1·e i a tre111e11clot1s ·hifti11g of the ])Ol>- 11lation. II011. i11Q c.le, ·elo1)n1e11t.· a11cl lJetter· e111plo)·1ue11t opportu1i– itie. a1·e c.·011ti11t1all,r 1·e- Joeati110· ' t""' 1>eOf)lc->. ...\lo11g· ,,·ith tl1i~ 111 0\'PlllP}lt of J)eo1)le eo111e.· t lie 11eecl f 01· e~– ta lJli hi110· 11e\\" ·l1urche.·. ~ ot all exi. ti11g orga11iza ti 011.· tl1at lJea 1· tl1e 1ia111e · cl1t11· ·11 a r e • 1 eri1)tt11·al1~~ ,,-01--thJ'" of t l1e title. Jla11,,.. are little 11101·e tl1ar1 a . oeial • ,~lt1b in the co111111t111it·v·. ~0111e arP • i11,·aclecl ,,.. itl1 })Olitic·al t-Ot l' llJ)tio11. • 1 0111e are gi,Te11 o, to a1 e1111 t~T )111 otio11ali "111. 1 on11)a rat i ,·pl)" f <',,- l{a1>t i~t :\I is~io11 ,111cl NC'l1ool of 1 11 ri.·t i,111 .BJ c.1 tl l' <l tio 11 () llt ()r lll <' tot,ll 1111111\)pr <>f ' ' t l1t1rel1 <) r na 11iza ti c> 11s ' , a r c ( }o 'J) l-1)r ect<·l1 - t""' • • • i11g, 13il>lc-te,1t·l1111g 1111H: 1011a1·)'"- 111 i11tlPcl t e... t i111 011ies to t l1r 1)0,,Te1· of (} o,1 1111to :al,Tatio11 . 'l'l1e1·efo1·e, t l1e a l)ti. t ~e111i11a1·)'" of tl1e J~il)le, 111 ·. i.· ·l1c11·te1· cl to ft111etio11 11ot 011ly a a . ·hool of t1 .. ai11i11g· lJ11t al o a a l\li io11 to . e1·, ..e iii the ca1)acit}... of a ·i ting t1·ai11ecl a1icl (}ocl- ·alled 1 h1·i ·tia11 ,,·01·lte1-.. t e tal)li h 11e,,~ ·hu1· l1e, j 11 11eec.l~y.. area . -4 11 ed)· a1 ..ea i. a11,, localit,, \\'he1·e tl1 er e a1 ..e I eople . ' ,,·ithot1t a . Ol1ncl .,-o p el te timo113T. 'f o l>e a n1i.· io11ar),. of tl1e BaI)ti. t ~e111i11a1 ..,T of t he Bible Inc. the ' ·a11didate n1t1 t 1)e of com111en lable 1 h1·i.-tia 11 ·l1ara ·te1.. ,,,ith J)O,·iti,Te a.._ l1ra11<'e of hi: 0,,,. 11 . al,·ati011, a11 l a })a.-.·io11 f 01· ,,·i1111i11g· the lo ·t to h1·i.· t. Il e 111t1 ·t l1a,"e atlec1t1ate t1·ai11i11g· in l3il)le l\ 11o"·leclge a11 l cl1111· ·11 affair.· to lJe a .·u; ·e ., ·fuJ leacl e1· . Ile 11111.·t be . eparat cl £1·0111 ,,·orl 11}' a11cl e11tcl 11gli11g· allia11ce.· a11d £1·0111 01·ga11izatio11 t l1at cle11J· the fai h. \\Te t l1a11l{ {ocl £01· e,"et')T ·11111· ·11 i11 tl1r C 'le, ·ela11cl a1·ea t l1a t i: 111ai11- tai11i11 u· a ( t l11·i .·t-c 11 t 1· cl eva11 o·e- r- 1 i:tic: a11cl I~ ible-t a<' l1i11g· 111i11i. ·t 1')'". ,,T" e l,:110,,· that t l1e1·e a1· .· t1 ·h l' h llrt h e8 ,, 1 it l1 a l., llrcl e11 f 01-- ]ost .'Ol1l: 11ot 0111,.. i11 J"Ollr 0,, 1 11 eon1- • • 111lllli t :y'. l )ll t all o, ·r1· tJ1 e ,, 1 01·] 1. .. \ .· a .J l is.·io11, t l1 e ]~aptist He111i11 - a1\\T of tl1 P Bil)le~ l11 t., .·t c111 l.· 1· (.l acl,· to c·o111111e11 tl to .·u t 11 <: 11urche: c.111al– ifie(l ·a11clic.late.· for th 111i · ·io1i fie lcl: of tl1r ,vo1·lcl. 'rl1 .·e 111i... io11 - c.trie · ,,·ill oo i1ito th lotalit, .. to ,-, ·' ,rl1ic·J1 thr {;or cl call · a11cl 1·epr o- clt1c: e fo1· < :otl a ,,·orl{ .'lt t h ,1x ) "O ll ~e 'l< to lo i11 }"Olll' 0\\'11 <.'Olllllllllli tJr· '1 1 l1is is 13il)le l\Iissio11 · · a11)rthi11g s l101·t of that cloe. 11ot <.le er,re be <'allecl 111i. sio1 . . E,,,e1" T t 1·ue • 1 h lll't 11 of ,J e:·t1.' ( i l11'i ·t . eeki11 u· to f11lfill t he (Jreat 1 0111111i ·io11, n1t1 t g·o i11t o ,1] 1 the ,,To1·l l' ,"\·itli the .· ,1111c> <}o.·1)el proo·r a111 it 111ai11tain. clt ho111c. 'l l1i. i J)O ·il>le th1~oug·h tl1e t·l1a1111el of . e11di11g Ollt n1i - • • .·1011 ar1e. . 'l 1 he t1·ag·e tly of 111a11j 1 s - ·a1le 1 :\Ii 1. ·io11a1·)· 01,~:a11izatio11 · i · tl1a t ·o 111lll' h Of t l1e lllOlle ) r i " COll lllllecl l))T ·ec1·eta1·ie. · a11d 1·e1)r e. 11tative a11cl office expe11 e that ve1·y few ·e1 t · ot1t of a l olla1· e, "er r ach .~ tl1e 111i !->io11a1·3". A11othe1-- t1·ag-ed)'" i: t l1a t ·o 111a111· of tl1 :\ [ i.- io11a1·,T ' . 01·ga11izat i011s are e11g·age(l i11 al1 l{i11 ls of oeial f1111etio11:, l)tlt a1· l 11C)t ])l'e,tC'l1i11g· t l1e (}O,' J)e l. 'l'llP l{ctI)tis1 ._ 'p111i11ar)" of tl1P 11ilJl<\ l11 e., as a :\ l issio11 lloc\ · 11ot clrclt1c·t <)11 e .·i11g·le (•e11 t f 1 .. 0111 111011 r )~ .-e11 t i11 a11c.l l e ig:11ated to a ~Ii.-..~ io11ar.'Tfor offic:e ex1)e11. e. \\ 1 e , ·er,·e 0111:'" a"' a ~1 i,. ·io11 · 11 a1111e 1 throl1gl1 \\' h 0111 tl1e '1h t1rche. ma,· di1"'e ·t 111i.·sio11- .. al')' of£e1·ing·: ,,Titl1 tl1 e g·uara11tee t l1at 1()0 cent. out of ever,r clollar < ,,..ill 1·ea ·h the mi.. ionarv f 01.. tl1e • ,,·orl{ of p1·ea hi11g the Uo.·pel. A a ~Ii ., io11, it i 0111· 1 .. e. 1)011. ibilit~· to the lo ;al cht1rche · to ee tl1at the 1n i io11a1·ie: are \\ 1 0rtl1)" of tl1e c-011fide11ce a11d t1ppo1--t of the lo- ·al h11r ·he . It OUO'ht to be tl1e i111111ecliate goal of eve1·y t1·l1e (iht11·ch of .Jr ·t1.· .. ( 1 h1·ist to .·1)e11cl a.. n111cl1 111011e)" i11 I 1 .. ea ·hi11g· the <Jo. l)el on the mi ·– :·io11 field .· a.· ,,·e a1·e :1)e11di11g in ot11· lo ·al cl1111 ..cl1 p1·og1·a111. \\Tl1y 11ot beg·in l)y . ·etti11g a ·itle a 1 er– c·e11tag·e of ea ·h St111cla}r s offeri11g· fo1· )li.·:io11.--? \'\ 7 ith tlJe Lo1·cl' · l)le .. ·inµ: . 0011 tl1at p e1·ee11tag·e ea11 be i11 ·rea:ed l111til y·ot1 1·ea ·11 th o·oal 0 • 'rh e clearo11.· of a c.:e1·t ai11 e b t11·cl1 ,,·e1·r afte1~ the })a.·to1· be ·a 11 e 11 e \\' ct: al \\'a~'"·' talking a l)Ollt gi,ri11g– to 111i ·.·io11., . ()11e of then1 .·aicl ' bt1t 1 a.. ·to1·, yot1 ·11 l(ill the 1 h111· · 11 . '1,]1 l >a.·to1-- 1 ..e})liecl~ .. ( 1 l1urcl1e. clo11 t clie that ,, 1 c1,· L11 l if tl1i · 011e • c.loe.· , l '11 ·li111 l> 1tJ) 011 tl1 e 1·oof a11cl . it ,1. t racldle of the o·al)le a11cl .'hot1t to l10a, ,.e11. ~ Ble.. ·etl a1·e the dead t l1at di i11 tl1e I.101"d '. ', I ER:\I ;\ l.JD IF.JR .. 1 ( j E'l' I 'fl; 'l'EST ... 1\IE~TH ( l 'o1zti,ztt ecl fro,n JJaye 19 ) \\T 01 .. l 1-,,·icle ·1·i1 tt11·e cli.·t1·ibt1- tio11 a11cl e, ranO'elizatio11 i.: i111po1--– ta11t to tl1e t ht11· lie· · 111i · ·iona1--·v· .. J)1·ogram. .....\ (}o:J)el 01· a Te ta- 111e11t i a · 'Pe1·111a11e11t ~Ii ion- a1')' . .. It i : 11eve1· a fo1·eig11 111i · ion– ar,,. · 11ot li1uite l b'-T la11o·t1a o·e cla ., .. • .J O C" })al"t)T or l e110111i11atiou: 1 .. e<.1t1i1 ..e. 11 0 J)a , po1·t, 110 , ·i a ; ·a11 b p1·e– l a1·e 1 a: tl1ol1 o·l1 01·i 0 ·i11ati11g· i11 tl1e c:t1ltt11·e it i cle i o·11 d to 1·ea h: l)O -- itive a11cl ·011 ta11t a 1\"ell a r e1)eti ti ve i11 it , 111e age · f1--ee £1°'0111 J)h)". i·al li1nitation · ~ 11e, · 1· 0·1·0,, .. ti1·ec1 or i~l< ; 11 d · 110 , ·a ·atio11 01· ft11·lot1g:l1: able to peal{ its 111 ·– ~age at the ti111e a11cl t111 l e1· tl1 eirc:l1111:ta11 ·rs c:110.· 1 11 b,p tl1 e 1· ad- • P l'· .'llit ecl to a \\ 7 01'11 i11 fe1·1ne11t.