The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1956

Pa (' l\,,ei,t)' THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BA!:_TIST___________December 1956 :.:....:.::~___;~;;_::,..- ~------------ · · Beal1tift1l ' ,,-a, tl1e , ,.e1·dict of all ,,·110 e11te1·ed the 1~ece11tl·v· eo111- • I)let ed at1 lito1·i11n1 of T1·i11it} 1 Ba1)- ti ... t l1111·cl1, Lo1·ai11 C l1io 1111cla)~ af t 1·110011. Dece111ber 2, 1956. The 11e,,- l111ilcli11g ,Ya l dicatecl at a ,,-ell a1·1·a11g·ecl . er,"ice ,,·hicl1 C)l) 11 r 1 at :2 ::30 1> .:\I . 111 tl1e , ..ear 190- n1e11 of the ._ F i1· t J a1)ti t l1t1r 11 ElJ"1·ia, l)t11·cha eel lot i11 South Lo1·ai11 a 11 cl a t e ti1n o11·v· wa e tabli l1ecl. 'l"'l1e ,,-orl{ ,,-a 01·ga11izec.l i11to a Reg·t1la1-– Bapt i ·t ht11~ ·11 i11 1909 1 fo1·t}T l>e– lie,, 1-.. 1Jei11g· e111·ollecl a c:011. tit– l1e11 t 111embe1· ·. f thi. cl1a1--t c1· membe1·.·hi1J, l\Ir . Elizal)et11 1 1) 1·<1 a11cl :\f1·. F1·a11k (11·ee11,,roo 1 r e111a i11 a: 1nen1be1\ of tl1e c l1 t1r · 11. Tl1e capacit~Tof tl1 e hot1. e ,,·a · i11c1· a. e 1 i11 19....6 bv the co11.·trl1ctio11 of a11 ., l111der cr oft. In 19:- 4 the 11e d f 01· acldit io1 al facilitie. , ''"'a: . o ol)viol1: t l1at tl1 e c: l1t11·ch a1)1)oi11te l a eo111- 111ittee to eon ·· icl e1' tl1 ere ·tio11 of a n e,,.. ho11~e of ,,..or ·hiJ) . 111 t11e 1)ri11g of 1950 the c·h111· ·]1 pl1rcl1a ·ed a l1itat)le pa1·so11age lo– catecl a l101·t c1i ta11c £1·0111 tl1e cl1t1rcl1. a11cl all i11 ]ebted11e ' 8 \Ya8 clea1·ecl alJ011 t,,,.o , .. at'. later. ., Tl1 e Prog1·a JJl ~\ t the appoi11tecl ti111e Re, ·. El– to11 C 1 • II11l{ill i11t 1·oclt1 ·e l 1)1·. f Io"'.._ cl1·c1 +. Yot111g ,,.,110 l0c1 th co11- !?:1·eg·atio1 al 11111.·ic al ·o Re, r. L (l– la11d H o"·a1~c1 ,,·ho 1·ea l t l1e Ne1·j1J– tt11·e ancl Re,". E cl-n'"ar·cl >-- 1)e11ce1· ,,ho leacl i11 t he invocation. l\I1·. H tikill then r ecognized Rev. vr e1·ne L. Dunham who ext e11ded gr eet – i11g· a t he :\Iocl er at o1· of Ilel)ro11 ...\. ·ociation. .L\. lette1· of gr eeti11g " -a 1·eacl f 1·om Re,r. .1\llan E. Le,v– i 1 l1ai1·1na1 of t l1e co11ncil of t e1 . ( hio .... ociatio1 . F ollowing a t 1·io cont1·il)ut ecl by 1ii. e Lo1·et ta Koon. , ~ anclra tael1li and P eggy Getty t hi be– ing a familia1 .. hymn th e ,vo1·d of TRINITY DEDICATES BUILDING t 1 ft : Re Elto11 . Hukill. At r ight: Front view of build- • 1ng . ,,l1ich ,,"'e1·e ada1)te l to tl1e oec:a.-io11 b}T :\f 1-. . Ho,,Tarcl .l y 01·tha 111- :\I r. 11 tll{ill i11t1·0 1l1cecl :\I1·. Eclwa1· 1 Koe1·l)er tl1e ar ·hitect a11cl :\f 1·. T. ..:\.. K1· ezn1an the co11t1·acto1-- who , l Ol{e l)1·ief] ~ r . Tl1e l)11ilcli11g· co111111ittee eo11. i. t – i11g· of 1 • El111er tett)r .J c1111e. 8 ch,\.. a1·t i , F ra11l<l,r11 C:1-1~ee11,,-ooc1 .. Tl1Y "\\ ell , Bali11t I I01·,..atl1, "\ i1· - g·il Reecl, Eel,,..arcl ,,T 1·ig·l1t a11 1 "\"\ralt e1' 1.1taehli ,,·a. 1) 1' .·e11te 1, c1ft– er \·rhic:h :\ I 1·. (}ett,,. i11 a f e,,.. ,,~ell • ·ho:e11 ''"·orcl.· 11·e. e11te 1 tl1e l)t1ilcl - i11g· to tl1 e chair111a11 of tl10 l1oa1· l of trt1stre. , i\Ir·. "\rir·g·il R eel, ,,..)10, i11 tl1r11, r·ec111e: t ec1 1~<lst or Ifl1l<ill to J)l'Oeeec1 ,, .. itl1 th cl ecliectto1·},.. 'rl1i.-, :\ Ir. II11l{jll c1icl, ,vitl1 all 1)e1'.·011: J)l'e ·e11 t 1 artic i l)a ti11g . Tl1e e, ,. . RolJ rt ,J. I e,T11lJ 01tt lr l 111 t l1r tlecli- • cato1·}r l)l'cl~'"e1· . Re,·. II. K. 1 1 i11lc}'" , ,rl1c) l1aHbe011 C'lo j· r l\· a:so<'iaiccl ,,·itl1 tl1r c·l1111·c·l1 • fol' 11a11)'" )'"earH, c1Pli,·e1·rcl tl1r cl r (li - ·c1tor\T : 1·111011. ' 'I lie bp11eclittic>11 ,,·,ls })1·011c>t111 te 1 lJ,T Re, ". 1Io1110 r (ircl"\ 1 e11 of tl1 r • .-c\ , ,, 011 I~a11ti -t C 1 J111rc·l1. Tl11·ot1p:l1 - 011t tl10 :rr,·iee ,111 c1 cl111·i11g tl1r 11·el11clr c111 cl 110Htlt1cle 11e1·icJc1s , ~Irs . II0,,ra1· cl ~01·tl1a111 a11cl ~Ir. . Ra,T- , 111011 l SC'l1alJ1Ji11 g ,,·er 0 at tl10 l)ic111 0. '1 1 l1 c B uilcl i11 g Tl1e 11e,,· l)11il<li11g· i , -1:-1- x !)8 f cle t. a11cl ·ta11tl · a~·,1i11 ·t tl1 e fo1·111er l1ol1se of ,,·or.1l1iJ). 'l 1 l1 e: 11 ,,. :-;tr1 t ·– tt1re ·011.-ist: of tl1r cc 11 ie ) 1 ,. a1·- • 1·a11o·e 1 1·00111 · j11.1t ,,·itl1i11 tl1e ele- vat 1 f1·011 t e11t1·a11ce tl1e11 011 tl1e lo,ve1" 1 , rel i the la1·ge auc1ito1·it1111 ,,,ith . eating· . pace f Ol' · 00 per – . 011 thi. pac l1p1>le111e11t d b~.. . eve1·al 111a ll 1·001ll · f 01" t1."' e of Lapti ·1ual cancliclat '- Tl1e ~l111- clay > cl1ool fa ·ilitie of t lie ol l chl1rch ,, 1 ill 1·emai11 i11 1·,·i ' . .L\pproximate co t of po1'tio11 cle l– icatecl , $57.000.00. n cl e1-- p1·e - ent plan the t1ppe1-- to1·y, ,, 1 hicl1 ,,·ill e, ..e11t11all··v· lJr tl1c 111ai11 all- ._ clito1·i\1111 , ,,·ill be lJ11ilt i11 app1·oxi- 111at el~.. fi,..e ~·ea1-. . Tl1e 1101·tion of tl1e lJ11ilcli11g· c1 rc1 ica t ecl i lJeall– t if l1 l ,,·itl1 it. ·olo1·fl1l ,,,all. , :t1~il~– i11g· ,,·i11 l o,,- l e. i0'11 , att1·a ti,,e floo1' o,,.e1·ing a11cl g·o1"g eo11 l)ap– ti. t1·,-. ..c\. le, ·rla11cl arti:t be- • ~ra11 '"'01--lc . 0011 afte1' tl1e clecli- atio11, 1 ai11ti11 o· a :11ital)le ceni · 1 el1i11cl tl1e lJa I)ti.·n1al alco,·e. The l)ea1lt:)" of tl1e 11e,,-1,,. fi11i l1ecl a11- ~ ._ clito1 · i l1111 ,,·a. c1111)]1a.-izecl 011 the lav of c1eclicat io11 1),.. tl1e n1a11:v· . ' . flor,11 l)iece: 11re: 11tecl b}T l1l1, i11e:. au 1 J)1·ofe . io11al 11eo1)le of Lo1·c1iJ1 a11 l l ) ) '" 111e1111)e1·. a11cl org·a11izat io11 ,,·itl1i11 the loeal tl11trcl1 . 'J'lz c J.>astor.' '1 1 r 11 1)a:to1·: l1a,·e . r,"e 1 ,,·ith the Tri11i t)" 13 aI)ti:t (il1l11·c11. Pa or-. .Joh11 "\, ,111g·a111a11 110,,· i11 ...'1 l1a1·p - , .ille, I e1111~ ~ T 1,,a11ia ,111d Ilar1--y Nl1e1 c11· l, of 1 olt1111l1l1:, l1io, 11t lette1· of 0·1·eeti110· the lette1· read ~ r t"" cl l11·i11g tl1e cletlic' at io11 .. e1' , 1 ire. 'I lie I ,,. }]l t o11 1 • II 11l(ill l1a O<.'t·111 >icc1 t 11 e lot ell 11l1l})it f 01· abo11t t ,,·e l,rp .)'"<? cl l' ' ,·r }1 it11 i.. the lo11Q:e.. t, ,llltl i11 so111e 1·e:1)eC'ts tl1e 111ost Ol1t– ~ta11cli11g· 1 cl ·to1·ate i11 tl1e l1i.·to1--)– of t lie t' l1l1rc11 . l)111·i11g: tl1i pa - t or,1 te tl1e eh111· c: l1 r11jO)"ecl it grea.t– est i11cr0c:1. e i11 111e111l) 1·:l1i1J, tl1e S1111clc1,.. Re 11001 a11(l se1·,'iees of ,,Tor·- .. .. ~1i1) r <-1cl(• l1ecl tl1e l1igl1e ·t 11oi11t i11 , l tte11 cla 11t c"} ,-1 })a1·so11ag·e ,va 1)111·– <' l1a.-ecl, c111 c.l t 11 J)1--e:·c11 t edifice erectecl <111 l clecli~,1tecl. Pa tor· a11 l 1'11· . I I llltill g·i,Tc clo e attentio11 to .... letc1il a11 l i11 tl1e pc:1 to1·al wo1·lr tl1e bl1 i11e .: a11 l t 11 111a11, ... n1i11i t e1·ial • e1·vi l : lec1,,.e 11otl1i11g· to be cle- i1·ecl. The)~ c11·e t l1e pa1·e11 t · of ) I 1· . "\'\r a1·cl J lar1·i... (L11cile H lllc– ill ) ,rl10 ,,.. itl1 l1e1-- l1l1sband 1· ~ 11t– l}T 1·etl11 ..11 cl f1·011l n1i io11a I')T e1·v- i i11 f1·ica, al. o Ila1·olcl ,,~ho i 111c.11·1·iecl a11d a ·tt1cle11t at edar- , .. ille 1 ollege.